COMP 2406 – F19 – A5 Due Friday, December 6th at 11:59 PM
Assignment 5
Sessions and User Profiles
Submit a single zip file called Your submission MUST contain a
package.json file that allows your assignment to be built using npm install. You should
not include the node_modules folder or database files in your submission. You may
assume that the TA will have the MongoDB daemon running and that the TA will have run
database-initializer.js before running your server.
This assignment has 100 marks. Read the marking scheme posted on cuLearn for details.
Assignment Background
In this assignment, you will add sessions and user profiles to an existing trivia quiz server. Your
assignment should use the express-sessions module for session data and the connectmongodb-session
module as a session store.
To get started, download the file from cuLearn. This zip file includes a
working Express-based trivia quiz server. You can install the dependencies by running npm
install in the directory with the package.json file. The zip file also includes a databaseinitializer.js
file that, when executed, will reset the quiztracker database in the running
Mongo instance and re-build the questions and users collection to their default state. The
database uses the two Mongoose schemas that are also included – QuestionModel.js and
UserModel.js. The users collection will have 10 users. You can find the user names by
querying the database or looking in the database-initializer.js file. Each user's password
is also the same as their username. Read through the provided code to familiarize yourself with
how the server works. A basic outline of the server's current functionality is described below.
GET requests for the /quiz route return an HTML page containing 10 randomly selected
questions. The answers for the questions are not shuffled, so the first option shown for each
question will always be the correct answer. To speed your testing, the client-side Javascript
loaded on this quiz page automatically selects random answers when the page loads.
When the user selects "Submit" at the bottom of the quiz page, the answers are sent to the
server using a POST XMLHttpRequest to the /quiz route. The server calculates the number of
correct answers and sends a JSON response back to the client indicating:
1. url: the URL the browser should be redirected to
2. correct: the number of correct answers
COMP 2406 – F19 – A5 Due Friday, December 6th at 11:59 PM
The client-side Javascript then displays an alert with the number of correct answers and
redirects the browser to the URL supplied by the server.
The remainder of the assignment will involve adding additional functionality into this code base.
You should not need to modify the client-side Javascript or the GET /quiz route, but are free to
do so if you want to.
Assignment Requirements
Each page on the quiz tracker site should have a header that contains the following:
1. A link to the home page (/)
2. A like to start a new quiz (/quiz)
3. A link to lists all users (/users)
4. If the user is currently logged in, a link to their profile (/users/that_user's_id)
5. If the user is not currently logged in, a log in form where they can enter a
username/password combination before clicking a Login button
When a user tries to log in, the server should validate their username and password by
searching for matching entries in the database. You can assume that usernames will be unique
within the database. If the credentials are correct, that user should be logged in to the system
and should continue to be classified as logged in until they choose to log out or until the cookie
associated with their session expires (you can decide on the expiry method). Additionally, once
logged in, the user should be redirected to their profile page. If the credentials are incorrect, the
user should be redirected to the homepage.
A GET request for the /users route should return an HTML page containing a list of all users in
the server's database that have their privacy value set to "Off" or "false". The entry for each user
in this list should contain a link to that user's profile with the link text showing their username.
Users who have set their privacy value to "On" or "true" should not show up in the search.
A GET request to the parameterized route /users/:userID should behave as described below:
1. If the requesting user is logged in and requesting their own profile, then the page will:
a. Provide a method for the user to toggle their privacy setting (e.g., two radio
buttons or a drop-down list).
b. Provide a method for the user to 'save' the changes to their privacy setting,
which should send the selected privacy value to the server and update the
database. The user should remain on their profile after this is completed.
c. List the user's total quizzes completed and average quiz score
d. Provide a "Log Out" button that, when clicked, logs the user out of the system
and redirects them to the home page.
2. If the requesting user is not logged in or is requesting some other user's profile, then:
a. If the profile being requested is set to be private, you should respond with an
HTTP status code of 403, indicating that the profile cannot be accessed.
COMP 2406 – F19 – A5 Due Friday, December 6th at 11:59 PM
b. If the profile being requested is not set to be private, then the page should
show the total quizzes and average quiz score of the requested user.
When a POST request is made by a logged in user to the /quiz route to complete a quiz, that
user's profile should be updated and saved. The user should then be redirected to their own
profile. If a user who is not logged in to the system makes a POST request to /quiz, no
changes need to be made to any users and the user should be redirected to the home page.
Code Quality and Documentation
Your code should be well-written and easy to understand. This includes providing clear
documentation explaining the purpose and function of pieces of your code. You should use
good variable/function names that make your code easier to read. You should do your best to
avoid unnecessary computation/communication and ensure that your code runs smoothly
throughout operation. You must also include a README.txt file that explains any design
decisions that you made and precise instructions for how to run/use your system.
Your zip file should contain all the resources required for your assignment to run. Your
submission MUST contain a package.json file that allows your assignment to be built using npm
install. You should not include the node_modules folder or MongoDB database files in your
submission. The TA must be able to run your server and use the system by following the
instructions in your README.txt file. You may assume that the TA will have the MongoDB
daemon running and will have run database-initializer.js before running your server.
Submit your file to cuLearn.
Make sure you download the zip after submitting, verify the file contents, and verify that your
instructions are sufficient for installing/running your system.
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