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日期:2019-07-27 11:24

MIT 403– Network Administration I

2012 Domain Controller Build & Client Configuration

Revision Date: 2017-09-17

Lab 2

In this project you will:

Promote your server to a Domain controller (DC) and install, configure and connect a preconfigured Windows10 client to your new domain.

Step 1:  Windows 10 - Virtual Machines (should have completed in Lab 1)

1.Login to your computer with the following user name and password. Username: images, Password: images.

2.Before beginning the next step you will need a copy of Windows 10. A copy is available on the desktop in a folder named Images Fall 2018; Open the folder and copy the folder Win10 from your desktop to your USB removable drive.

3.Click Start then Log off and log back in with Username: mit403, Password: mit403

4.Using VMWare Find and open the Win10 folder on your external drive, next double click the windows10 x64.vmx file.

5.Find and open your Windows Server 2012.vmx file on your external drive. You are now ready to begin Step2.

Step 2:  Configuring NIC/VMWare Bridge. (Server & Workstation)

Login to MIT403 account on host machine. This step will allow your virtual machines to access the lab network and the Internet using the NIC that resides in the lab PC.  When a frame is sent or received by the virtual machine, VMWare will use NAT (Network Address Translation) to change the address you have assigned to the virtual machine to the address assigned on the lab PC.

1.On the lower right system tray of VMWare, you will see several icons.

2.Locate the one identified as Network Adapter.

3.Right click on the icon and select Settings.

4.Under network connections option change the NAT selection to Bridged.  This will allow your IP address to access the internet over the existing NIC on the host machine.

Step 2.1: Adjusting Server2012 VMware CPU and Memory settings.

1.Selecting Windows Server 2012 virtual machine, Select Edit virtual machine settings on the left panel.

2.Under Memory, allocate 16GB of memory from host computer by entering 16384MB in the text box (or using the slider).

3.Under Processors, configure, Number of processors: 3, number of cores per processor, 2.

4.Click OK to confirm adjustments.

Step 2.2: Adjusting Win10 VMware CPU and Memory settings.

1.Selecting Windows 10 virtual machine, Select Edit virtual machine settings on the left panel.

2.Under Memory, allocate 4GB of memory from host computer by entering 4096MB in the text box (or using the slider).

3.Under Processors, configure, Number of processors: 2, number of cores per processor, 2.

4.Click OK to confirm adjustments.

Step 3: Server Promotion to a Domain Controller.

1.Log into the Server as the Administrator using the 80A$tudent password. If the Administrator account does not have a password click ok and set the password to 80A$tudent to login.

2.In Server Manager Dashboard select Add roles and features then click Next.

3.In the Select destination server from the server pool select the default your server then click Next.

4.In the Roles window select Active Directory Domain Services, and DHCP Server selecting Add Features each time the window appears then click Next until the confirmation then Install on the Confirmation window.

5.Once the installation is complete continue by selecting Promote this server to a domain controller in the results window.

6.The Active Directory Wizard appears. Continue by select Add a new forest and typing the Root domain name given to you in Lab 1 followed by .com then select Next.

7.Set the Forest Functional Level and Domain functional level using the drop down menu as Windows Server 2012 R2.  Use Admin$1 for the Directory Restore Mode password. Press NEXT several times to bypass the information windows DNS options, Additional Options and Paths.

8.Review the Options then select Next allow the Prerequisite check to validate the install then select Install.

9.The server will install the configuration and then restart.

Note that since the role of the server has changed, it will take additional time for the server to finish the boot process.  Please be patient.

Step 4: Change the server IP Configuration:

The process of promoting a server to a Domain Controller and the addition of DNS, changes the previous IP configuration so that your server considers itself as the Preferred DNS server.  The Preferred DNS in the TCP/IP configuration has been changed to the loopback address of  This must be changed back to

1.Access the IP configuration for IP Version 4 and change the Preferred DNS server to

2.Before you close the Network Configuration on the server make sure that IPv6 is deselected.

Step 5: Adding the Workstation to the Domain (Workstation – Windows10) (Make sure the Server is ready before continuing)

Workstation Name

1.Click Start select Settings->System->About then select Rename PC.

2.Enter the name to be used this is the same set of numbers used to name the server.  Use a W prefix instead of the S. Current PC name, and then select Next.

3.Restart the system, click Restart now.

4.Ensure that your IP properties are properly set. (Start->SETTINGS->Network & Internet->Ethernet ->Change adaptor settings then right click the Ethernet connection select Properties). Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then select Properties.

a.IP address = 192.168.81.NN

where NN = the second of the two numbers provided on the label on your monitor.

b.Subnet mask:

c.Default Gateway:

d.Preferred DNS Server : 192.168.81.NN

where NN = the first of the two numbers provided on the label on your monitor.  i.e. the IP Address that you assigned to your server.

e.For example if the sticker on your monitor reads VM 40-41 your TCP/IP settings for the workstation and server would be the following.

      Workstation (Second NN)Server (First NN)


5.After entering the IP address click OK then Close.

6.Go to the Search window next to the start button then type domain then select Rename your PC or join a domain. Select Join a domain.

7.Enter the name of the domain set up on your Server, only the name is required without the .com.

8.Supply the administrative account name and password (administrator, 80A$tudent), when asked to supply an account with sufficient rights to add this computer to the domain. Press Ok. Wait for the Add and Account window then change the Account type to Administrator.

9.Click Next, then Click Restart Now.

Step 7: Using Disk Administrator on the Server virtual machine to create drive E:.

1.From the Server Manager window select Tools->Computer Management->Disk Management.  

2.Right click on (C:) in the top window of the display and select Shrink Volume on Disk 0.  When the parameters appear, change the following:

Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB: 10000

3.Right click on the Unallocated area on Disk 0 that was just created.  Select New Simple Volume and the New Simple Volume Wizard will appear. Click Next.

4.The Specify Volume Size window appears, select the default and click Next.

5.Assign Drive Letter or Path window appears, select the default E, click Next.

6.The Format Partition window appears.  Select the default settings for the following:

File system: NTFS

Allocation unit size: Default

Volume Label: assign a volume label of E_Drive

7.Perform a quick format, and Enable file and folder compression, click Next.

8.A summary window appears showing all of your settings.  Verify them before you click Finish.

Step 8 - Creating a Corporate Style File System on 2012 Server

Create the following folders on your DC Server E_Drive.  Be careful to create the folders with the exact name    (no spaces between any characters).

Step 9 – Sharing Folders on the Server

1.In this step we will share the newly created folders for use in subsequent labs.

2.Sharing the Apps folder:

a.Right click the Apps folder.

b.Select the Properties option.

c.Select the Sharing tab.

d.Press the Advanced Sharing button.

e.Check the box for Share this folder.

f.DO NOT change the Share Name or the limit for number of simultaneous users.

g.Press the Permissions button.  The Share permissions should show Everyone with Read permission.

h.Press the Add button.  Type ‘administrator’ in the object name area and press Check Names.  Press OK to select the Administrator ID.  Press OK to add the Administrator account to the list.  With the Administrator account highlighted, allow Full Control.

i.Press the Add button.  Type ‘users’ in the object name area and press Check Names. Press OK to add the Users group to the list.  Do not change the default permission of Read.

j.Press OK, OK and Close to exit the folder properties.

k.Right click the Apps folder again and select the Share with then Specific people… option.

l.Type the following names and click Add then verify that the following ownerships are in effect:

Administrator       -   Read/Write

Administrators     -   Owner

Everyone             -   Read

m.Click the Share button and then Done

n.If the above ownerships are not shown, review the assignments of permissions and correct as necessary.

3.Using the same procedure and names as you used in step 2, share out Images, Public and Users folder on Drive E:

4.Once you have finished sharing out all of the folders, add Modify file permissions to the Public folder only for Everyone:

a.Right Click the Public folder and select Properties.

b.Select the Security tab.

c.In the Public Properties window, press the Edit button.

d.In the Permissions for Public window, press Add.

e.In the Select Users, Computers or Groups window, enter the object name Everyone and press Check Names.  If successful, Everyone should be underlined.  If not, take the appropriate action according to the error message.

f.Press OK to return to the Permissions for Public window.

g.Allow Modify permission and press Apply, then OK and OK to exit Public Properties.

Step 10 – Verify DNS Configuration

1.On your Domain Controller Server:

a.In Server Manager->Tools, open the DNS Administrative console. This was installed as an Administrative Tool when Active Directory was installed.

b.What first appears under the DNS root is your server name, (SXXXXXXX if named properly)

c.Right click on your server name and select Properties. Select the Forwarders tab.  Allow the DNS server to resolve the IP Address shown In the information window.  Exit the DNS console.

2.Log on to your workstation as Administrator.  

a.To test that DNS is working correctly, click Start, Search. Type cmd and click OK.

b.Type nslookup and after pressing Enter, type settype=any and press Enter.

c.Type stclaircollege.ca.  You should see stclaircollege.ca’s information.

Make sure I check your work and your mark sheet is completed and handed in.

St Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

MIT 403 – Network Administration I

2012 Domain Controller Build & Client Configuration

Lab 2 Completion Form

Name: ______________________________ Student #: _____________________      

Mark out of 10 _________________Instructor Initials: ___________________

Date of Completion: September_________ 2018

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