ITP4513 (Internet & Multimedia Applications Development) - Group Project Requirements Page 1 of 6
Department of Information and Technology
(Lee Wai Lee)
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (IT114105)
Module Name : Internet & Multimedia Applications Development
Module Code : ITP4513
Submission Deadline : Phase 1: Week 42, before 11:55 pm, 21 Jun 2019, Friday
Phase 2: Week 45, before 11:55 pm, 8 Jul 2019, Monday
Hand in Methods : Refer to the instructions at Moodle
This Group Project : 30% of total module marks (also it is part of EA components)
The result of EA will not be counted if you do not meet the
minimum 70% attendance requirement (if any) governed by the
general academic regulations of your programme/course unless
approval of the campus principal has been granted.
1. Objectives
In this project, student are asked to:
build a web application which provide different functions for the dealer and administrator.
apply software development skills to develop a website which is user-friendly, interactive, robust
and easy to maintain.
apply the knowledge that you learned in this module to solve the tasks. (e.g. HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, PHP and simple SQL commands)
2. A simplified procedure to show how the web application will be used
There are two user roles for the Spares Order System:
a. Dealer can make orders and manage their orders.
b. Administrator can manage the parts and the orders of dealer.
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3. Design for Dealer (Interface Design: 15 marks; Function: 35 marks)
Done By
a. Register account into system
Managed to create a new dealer account into the system with all necessary information.
Required information during registration as below:
1. Dealer’s ID
2. Dealer’s Name
3. Phone Number
4. Address
5. Password
* dealerID should be created by dealer as Primary Key
b. Update dealer’s profile
Managed to view and update dealer’s information
Dealer’s information including:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number
4. Password
*dealerID cannot be changed by the dealer
c. Make the orders
Managed to make orders into the system with all necessary information
View product information
- List of parts shown on site for dealer to choose (show the parts when
status is “Available” and the stock quantity should be greater than zero)
The parts should include 2 stock status:
1. “Available”: Show only the available parts.
2. “Unavailable”: The parts are unavailable.
Required information for creating an order
1. Delivery Address:
- The address default as it registered.
2. Part Name & Quantity:
- Being able to order more than one parts in the same order.
- Order quantity cannot be greater than the stock quantity in Part table
*orderID should be generate automatically by the system as Primary Key
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d. View & update order records
Managed to view the orders with necessary information
Required information for viewing the orders
1. Order ID
2. Address
- Dealer address (Default) /New delivery address
3. Order Date
4. Part Number
5. Part name
6. Quantity
7. Status
8. Total Price
The site should include 4 statuses:
1. “In processing”: The order was made
2. “Delivery”: The parts are delivering to the dealer
3. “Completed”: The dealer received the parts ordered
4. “Canceled”: The order is canceled by administrator
Required functions:
1. Being able to cancel the order even if the status is “In processing” stage
- Records should be able to delete from the database
2. Being able to make Confirmation when all parts are received by dealer
- e.g. Click buttons to confirm completed orders
- Order status should be able to change from “Delivery” to “Completed”
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4. Design for Administrator (Interface Design: 15 marks; Function: 35 marks)
Done By
a. Login to system
Managed to login into the system with all necessary information.
Required information during login
1. Email
2. Password
b. View and edit parts’ information
Managed to create a page contain the list of parts
Required part information:
1. Part Number
2. Part Name
3. Stock Quantity
4. Stock Price
5. Display the email of the administrator who did the latest editing
*partNumber should be generate automatically by the system as Primary Key.
Required functions:
- Create an “edit” button to make change of stock quantity and stock price
- Administrator can add in new parts /remove the parts (change
the stock status from “Available” to “Unavailable”)
- The latest modified email will be stored in Part table when the related administrator
add/update the part record
c. Manage order
Managed to view the order with necessary information.
Required information for order page
1. Order ID
2. Dealer ID
3. Dealer Name
4. Order Date
5. Address
6. Part Number
7. Quantity
8. Total Price
Required Functions:
- Deliver the parts when they are ready to deliver.
Change the order status from “In Processing” to “Delivery”
- Deduct the quantity of delivered part from Part table
- Only dealer can change the “Delivery” stage to “Completed” stage, after they receive the
Required functions:
- Being able to cancel order if the dealer wish to
Change the order status to “Canceled”
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5. Form your project group
Each student needs to form a project group, the maximum number of students in each group is 2.
I strongly recommend you to form a group to complete this project as you can benefit from sharing
skills/codes amongst your members, and you can learn to plan, coordinate, and integrate work done
by each member.
Study carefully the given ERD and table structures before you start the implementation.
6. Additional requirements of your project
a. Your web site should only use PHP as the server-side programming language (i.e. not ASP, ASP.NET,
JSP, servlet etc.), however, you may use JavaScript and CSS for specific purposes. The database server
used must be mySQL (version 5.0 or above).
b. In your PHP code, you must ensure to use the following parameter values for the following mySQL
database functions :
$conn = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
set to the values below in a PHP script which is shared by the web pages :
$hostname = "";
$database = "projectDB";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
7. Items to submit (Phase 1)(30% of total project marks)
Submit all UI design using CSS and HTML. Submit to Moodle on/before 11:55 pm, 21 Jun 2019,
8. Items to submit (Phase 2)(70% of total project marks)
a. A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM or USB which stores a softcopy of all files for the whole web site. All files
must be stored in non-compressed format (no .zip or .rar files please !)
b. provide a SQL script file CreateProjectDB.sql to let the lecturer to re-create the database and test
c. for the SQL script file CreateProjectDB.sql, it must contain CREATE TABLE commands to setup the
database tables in projectDB database. Include necessary INSERT statements to add additional
sample records you want to provide. The following is a sample SQL script :
drop database IF EXISTS projectDB;
create database projectDB character set utf8;
use projectDB;
drop table IF EXISTS Users;
Create table Users (
userName Varchar(30) NOT NULL,
userPswd Varchar(10),
Primary Key (userName)) ENGINE = InnoDB;
INSERT INTO Users (userName, userPswd) VALUES
('admin1', 'secret1'),
('admin2', 'secret2');
d. a demonstration of your completed web site should be recorded by
a 30-day free-trial software Camtasia Studio 8
You should save different parts of your demonstration into different .mp4 files. In a Word document
named video_list.docx, briefly describe the main content of each demo video file you have created.
The video files will facilitate the lecturer to have in-depth evaluation of your web application. Here
are some online tutorials for Camtasia Studio 8
Getting Started: 1 - Record Full Screen :
Produce and Share an MP4 Video :
9. Assessment criteria of your project
You must specify the InnoDB engine for a database table :
Full explanation of different mySQL database engines :
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a. The functions implemented can perform correctly in general and special situations
b. Enough detail of database records and extensive data validation
c. Techniques used to promote code reusability (e.g. share common PHP/JavaScript/CSS files amongst
different web pages) and standardize the user-interface of the web pages
d. Coding style (e.g. indentation, meaningful variable names, modularity by user-defined functions etc.)
and meaningful comment is added to program codes
e. Creativity to enhance implemented functions so that they become easy to use, more interactive to the
users or can handle some problems in real life situation
f. Screen design and overall quality of the integration of different functions in the web site
10. A guideline for web development
It is a step-by-step approach I suggested for inexperienced web developers to develop the web site
easily :
decide what information to be displayed and design a number of web pages in HTML code (not
PHP code at this stage) to display the information
think about the site structure by creating different sub-folders to store files of different purposes
(e.g. images folder to store image files, style folder to store CSS files, Connections folder to store
files which define the settings for database connection) and design the linkages between the
pages. You can easily view the site structure using DW8's site map view
create HTML web pages (don't add JavaScript so soon) and design the layout with HTML codes
and CSS rules. It is a good practice to check your .html files can pass the XHTML validation after
you complete a .html file
when using CSS, it is preferred to create external CSS files (stylesheets) which can be reused in
other web pages, so that other pages can have consistent formatting
use DW CS6's template features which can help you to create a new page with a standard layout
and also it provides common editable regions for web pages created from the same template.
define frameset(s) and navigation bar or menu to link up different pages
add JavaScript code to produce more interactive behaviors (such as validate data in the form,
highlight a table row with different background color when the mouse move over a table row). It
is preferred to use external JavaScript file which will be reused in other web pages
replace hyperlink text with image / button to beautify the links. Dreamweaver can help you to
create nice Flash buttons easily
finally, it comes to the hardest work, that is to convert some of the HTML codes into PHP codes in
order to generate dynamic contents from data extracted from database, cookie and PHP predefined
arrays ($_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_FILES, $_SERVER etc.)
11. Penalty for plagiarism
Each student has to submit his/her own work. Plagiarism (抄襲) will be treated seriously.
All group projects that have been found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism (no matter these
projects are from the original authors or from the plagiarists) will score ZERO marks.
Furthermore, disciplinary action will be followed.
Late submission will receive ZERO marks
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