COMPSCI 230 Assignment 2 (2019 S1)
Network Packet Transmission Visualizer
Learning outcomes of this assignment
In completing this assignment, you will gain experience in:
Designing the class structure for a Java GUI application with Swing
components (a menu, radio buttons, a combo box and a JPanel) and AWT
graphics (a diagram visualising data)
Using a JFileChooser
Handling various events associated with Swing components
Data input from a text file
Depending on your design, you may also be using:
Regular expressions
Polymorphism with an abstract class and other OO features
Exposure to Set collections (not taught in lectures)
This maps to the following learning outcomes of COMPSCI 230:
OO Programming: describe and use the features typically offered by an
object-oriented programming language, including support for classes,
visibility, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism and dynamic binding
OO Design: explain and apply key design principles of object-oriented
software development, including separation of concerns, abstraction,
information hiding, programming to interfaces, coupling and cohesion,
resilience to change, and reuse
create simple OO design models
Frameworks: describe important concepts of programming frameworks,
including APIs, inversion of control and event-driven programming
use a framework to develop a multithreaded GUI application
Concurrent Programming: explain and apply the principles of applicationlevel
multithreading: threading, condition synchronization, mutual
exclusion, and primitives associated with these
This assignment will be worth 5% of your final mark.
Note: You can attempt up to 120 marks in this assignment, but you will only
require any 100 of these to obtain full marks (i.e., there are 20 bonus marks that
allow you to make up for marks lost in other parts of the assignment).
Due date and submission
Due: 11:59 pm on June 02, 2019
Submission: via the assignment dropbox
What to submit: all .java files that make up your application. Do not
submit as a ZIP file.
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In this assignment, you will work on a real life research problem. Our network lab
hosts the Auckland Satellite Simulator ( We use
it to simulate Internet traffic to small Pacific islands that are connected to the rest
of the world via a satellite link.
To do this, the simulator has a number of machines (“source hosts”) on the “world
side” of the simulated satellite link that transmit data in the form of small chunks
of up to 1500 bytes called packets. These packets travel via a simulated satellite
link to the “island side”. Once on the island side, each packet ends up at a machine
there. These machines are called “destination hosts”.
The simulated satellite link delays packets and occasionally throws some away
when there are more packets arriving that it can deal with at the moment. When
the link throws packets away, the source hosts respond by sending less data for
a while before attempting to send more again.
On the island side of the satellite link, our simulator eavesdrops on the incoming
packets. It stores summary information about each packet in a trace file. The trace
file is plain text and each line contains the record for exactly one packet (more on
the file format in the next section).
What we would like to be able to do is get a graphical display of how much data
comes from a particular source host over time, or how much data goes to a
particular destination host over the course of an experiment. Experiments typically
take between 90 seconds and about 11 minutes.
This is where your assignment comes in: You are to build an application that
displays this data.
In the next section, we’ll look at the structure of our trace files, before we take
you through the steps for building the application.
Trace files
The total size of a trace file can vary substantially depending on the number of
hosts involved in an experiment and the length of the experiment. On Canvas,
there are two trace files for you to experiment with: a small one with 148315
lines, and a large one with 651274 lines. You can open them in text editors such
as Notepad++. And yes you can edit them, too!
To get a good idea of your “typical” line, scroll down a good bit – the lines/packets
at the start and at the end are a bit unusual. The following shows a bunch of
typical lines from the large trace file:
108860 128.879102000 47928 5201 1514 1500 1448 …
108861 128.879885000 47928 5201 1514 1500 1448 …
108862 128.880603000 47928 5201 1514 1500 1448 …
108863 128.881481000 8000 59590 66 52 0 …
108864 128.881481000 8000 42081 66 52 0 …
108865 128.881481000 47928 5201 1514 1500 1448 …
108866 128.881495000 8000 59590 66 52 0 …
108867 128.882148000 8000 55442 1514 1500 1448 …
108868 128.882905000 8000 55442 1514 1500 1448 …
108869 128.883800000 8000 55442 1514 1500 1448 …
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The lines here have been truncated to be able to accommodate them on the page,
but they show all the data you will need. Each line consists of a number of fields
separated by a single tab character. Note that fields may be empty, in which case
you get two successive tab characters.
The first field on the left is just a sequential number for each packet that is added
by the eavesdropping program. The second field is a time stamp that is also
added by the eavesdropping program. Each trace file starts with a time stamp of
0.000000000 for the first packet in the file. You will need to use the time stamp
column in order to find out what maximum value to scale the x-axis in your
application to.
The third field in each line is the IP address of the source host. IP addresses
identify machines on the network and help routers forward packets between
source and destination. Each IP address consists of four decimal numbers between
0 and 255 separated by dots (full stops).
The trace files here only show packets heading towards destination hosts on the
island side, so all source host IP addresses start with “192.168.0.”, indicating that
they are “world side” addresses.
The fifth field is the IP address of the destination host from the island network.
All of the island addresses start with “10.0.”. You will need the third or the fifth
field to populate the combo box depending on the status of the radio buttons.
The fourth and the sixth field are the TCP ports on the hosts that the respective
packets travel between. They identify the applications that have sent or would
have received the packets, but are not relevant for your assignment.
Fields seven, eight and nine are packet sizes in bytes. The size we’re interested
in here is that in field eight, it’s the IP packet size. The size in field seven is that
of the whole Ethernet frame that contains the IP packet, and field nine is the TCP
payload size (the size of the content of the IP packet).
There are also a number of additional fields: various flags, packet sequence and
acknowledgment numbers, which are all irrelevant for your task. You only need to
look at four fields: time stamp, source and destination IP addresses, and IP packet
size. Note that some packets are not IP packets, meaning that the IP packet size
field can be empty.
Step 1: Getting started
You are expected to do your own class design for this assignment, but there
are some fairly obvious parts to the design: Firstly, it’s a GUI application with one
window, so you’ll need a JFrame. In all our GUI applications in the lectures, we
have extended that JFrame by a dedicated subclass for the application. So you’ll
probably want to do the same here.
The Swing components are all associated with the JFrame, so you’ll need to import
the associated packages, configure the components and add them to the JFrame
either directly or via their respective parent. The ListOWords and Album
applications from the lectures/supporting material are good examples for how to
do this. Don’t forget to configure the ButtonGroup to link your radio buttons!
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One exception is the JPanel that shows the coordinate system with the graph. As
you’ll want to use this with the AWT graphics, it’s best to extend JPanel, so a more
specialised subclass can take care of the drawing.
Start by placing all components visibly within the JFrame – you may wish to set
the JPanel background colours to something a bit different so you can see where
in the JFrame they end up being positioned. Remember that a larger vertical
position value puts the component further down in the frame. Suggested values
that work for me (but aren’t compulsory):
The JFrame has size 1000 by 500.
I’ve put the JPanel with the radio buttons at position 0,0 (upper left corner
of the JFrame’s content pane) and made it 200 wide and 100 tall.
The JPanel subclass with the graph is at 0,100 and is 1000 wide by 325 tall.
The coordinate system is 900 wide and 250 tall, and the ticks have length 5.
Labels are positioned based on their lower left corner. The labels on the xaxis
in my sample application have a horizontal position 10 less than the
tick and a vertical position 20 larger than the axis. On the y-axis, the labels
sit 40 to the left of the axis and 5 below the ticks.
You can earn a total of 41 marks in this step:
JFrame subclass correctly started via a class implementing Runnable &
using invokeLater(): 3 marks
Menu bar present, showing a File menu with the two required items: 4
Menu item “Quit” quits the application and Menu item “Open trace file”
opens a JFileChooser: 4 marks
The two radio buttons are visible: 4 marks
The radio buttons are mutually exclusive and one is selected by default:
4 marks
The JPanel (subclass) for the graph is visible and shows a default coordinate
system: 8 marks
The coordinate system has between 8 and 24 ticks on the x-axis: 8 marks
The ticks are labelled in intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100: 4 marks
The axes are labelled with “Volume [bytes]” and ”Time [s]” respectively:
2 marks
In order to get the marks for positioning, no components or labels must touch
each other or overlap with other components or parts the coordinate system (i.e.,
the JFrame and its contents must look neat and tidy).
Step 2: Design your classes
Beyond the JFrame subclass and the JPanel subclass, this is really up to you. You
could use classes for the trace file, the hosts (even source or destination hosts),
lines, packets, graph elements – you decide where you want to have your data
and where you want to accommodate your functionality. You need to design and
use at least two extra classes, but you will probably want more than that.
There are no marks in this step, but it is a precursor to Step 5, which you should
complete at the end once your design is final and you have implemented as much
of it as you could.
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Step 3: Extract the source and destination hosts from the trace file
First ensure that the combo box is invisible before you open the first trace file.
Using the trace file selected by the JFileChooser, parse the file to extract the
source and destination hosts. Check which radio button is active and show the
respective set of hosts selected in the combo box.
Hint: There are a few little catches here:
1) Splitting lines can be done with the split() method of the String class,
which takes a regular expression as its parameter.
2) The lists must not contain duplicates, so you can’t simply add each line’s
host entry to an ArrayList and then load that ArrayList into the JComboBox.
Instead, Java has a data structure quite similar to an ArrayList that doesn’t
allow duplicates: the HashSet class. It implements the Set interface, and
for Strings, you can use it as follows:
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
Set<String> myUniqueStrings = new HashSet<String>();
If aStringWeMayOrMayNotHaveSeenBefore is not yet in the hash set
myUniqueStrings, it will be added. If the string is already in the set, the
add() method does nothing.
3) The lists must only contain IP addresses of IP version 4 (IPv4). Some
packets in the trace file are not IP packets and the entries for source and
destination in the respective lines will be empty. You must skip these
packets. Think regular expressions, perhaps.
4) The lists in the combo box must be sorted. To do this, you need to figure
out how to sort IP addresses in Java. This can be done in a number of ways.
I use Collections.sort() and store the IP addresses in a class that has an
appropriate compareTo() method. Google is your friend!
Once you have accomplished this, ensure that the combo box updates every time
you click the other radio button and every time you open a new trace file. For this,
you need to:
Implement and add the necessary event handlers for the radio button.
Implement the code required to (where applicable) fetch the list of hosts
(should you generate these lists once when you load the file, or each time
the radio buttons change?).
Implement the code required to wipe and re-populate the combo box. Look
to the Album example from the lectures/supporting material for a guide
Ensure that you get the correct list of hosts in the combo box each time.
You can earn a total of 36 marks in this step:
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The combo box is invisible before the trace file is selected and opened:
2 marks
The application shows some evidence of a trace file being opened and its
contents being processed after one selects a file with the JFileChooser (e.g.,
plot appearing, combo box getting populated with sensible data): 8 marks
The combo box becomes visible at this point in time: 3 marks
The combo box contains a list of IP addresses: 5 marks
The list contains the selected type of host addresses (192.168.0.x if source
hosts are selected, 10.0.x.x for destination hosts): 4 marks
The list does not contain duplicates: 5 marks
The list is sorted correctly: 4 marks
The list updates correctly when the selected radio button is chosen:
2 marks
The list updates correctly when we open a new trace file: 3 marks
Step 4: Compute and plot the data
Implement the necessary code to:
Compute the total number of bytes that the selected source/destination
host sent/received for each 2 second interval (or 1 second interval if you
Compute the maximum number of bytes across all of these intervals.
Re-draw the coordinate system with appropriate ticks and labels for the
whole duration of the experiment. “Appropriate” means that the horizontal
axis must be scaled to cover the time period of the experiment within at
least one tick, that the vertical axis must be scaled so its maximum must
be at most one tick above the maximum number of bytes, and that the
number and format of the ticks on each axis must conform to the
requirements of Step 1. The vertical axis should have between about 4 and
10 ticks – again the appropriate maximum number here depends on the
requirement that the labels should not touch or overlap.
Plot the bytes data from the first bullet point in a different colour, either as
a bar plot (as in the video), as a curve with lines, or as a series of markers.
Ensure that the plot updates each time you select a new host, change
between source and destination hosts, and open a new trace file.
You can earn a total of 38 marks in this step:
The application shows a data plot of sorts: 8 marks
The data plot is actually correct (shape-wise) and corresponds to the host
selected: 8 marks
The x-axis scales correctly: 3 marks
The x-axis has an acceptable number of ticks (8 – 24): 4 marks
The x-axis is labelled correctly: 4 marks
The y-axis scales correctly: 3 marks
The y-axis has an acceptable number of ticks (4 – 10): 4 marks
The y-axis is labelled correctly: 4 marks
Step 5: Document your classes
Document your design. The documentation must consist of:
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1) “Javadoc” style comments for each public non-inherited method in your
code (except for event handlers in anonymous classes). See “Writing Doc
Comments” under:
You can earn a total of 5 marks in this step:
Javadoc comments: 5 marks (minus one mark for each un-/incorrectly
documented method)
I strongly recommend that you use Eclipse for this project. One particular
challenge is the parsing of the trace file in Step 3 and (depending on your design)
Step 4, as well as the scaling and plotting operations in Step 4. Much of the
intermediate operations here happen behind the scenes – there is no visible output
till the very end of a lot of these operations and many things that can potentially
go wrong. One nice feature in Eclipse is that you can still use
System.out.println() etc. to write to the console, so you can add such
statements to check that your code behaves as expected. You’ll also get to see
any stack traces when exceptions are thrown. And of course, you can add
breakpoints and debug using Eclipse’s debugging features!
This really shouldn’t be necessary, but note the comments at the bottom of
Assignment 1 on originality of work that you submit & preventing others from
using your code.
Not everything that you will need to complete this assignment has or will
be taught in lectures of the course. You are expected to use the Oracle Java
API documentation and tutorials as part of this assignment.
Post any questions to Piazza or take them along to the COMPSCI 230 labs/lectures
– this way, the largest number of people get the benefit of insight!
I may comment along the lines on Piazza to deal with any widespread issues that
may crop up.
As an additional challenge: As long as the functionality / specifications above
are preserved, you are welcome to add any additional features that may be useful,
The ability to look at flows between a particular source and destination host
The ability to look at flows from/to/between particular ports
The ability to save or print the graph / data in the graph, etc.
Any such additional features do not attract marks but would certainly count
in your favour should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of needing an
exam aegrotat, or the fortunate position of needing a recommendation letter from
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