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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2019-05-24 11:11


Welcome to Object-Oriented-Games (OOG)! As the new programmer here, you will be tasked with creating a

demo for the game called Atomination. You will write a game called Atomination. You will be tasked with

writing this game using the Java programming, utilising everything you have learned over the semester.

This game revolves around placing atoms on a grid-based game board. Each grid space has a limit of how

many atoms it can contain. Once the limit is reached, the atoms will expand to the adjacent grid spaces. This

simple rule exhibits an interesting property where chains can be triggered by a single placement. This acts as

a mechanism to capture other grid spaces from your opponents.

The game will be accompanied by a number of utility functions for players to utilise such as saving the game,

game statistics and loading games. You will also need to implement a set of commands that will allow the

players to interact with the game.

Implementation Details

Write a program in Java that implements the game atoms. The sample test cases on ed will only contain valid

input command, it is up to you to handle any invalid input. Commands are case sensitive.

Game rules and features:

There is a game board that is n x m grid spaces

There are k players and each player takes a turn starting from player 1. there is a minimum of 2 players

and a maximum of 4 players per a game

Initially a grid space is unoccupied until a player places an atom in that grid space

A player can place an atom on a grid space that they already own or is unoccupied

If the grid space is a corner, then the limit is 2

If the grid space is on a side then the limit is 3

If the grid space is neither a corner or a side space then the limit is 4 (The pattern is the adjacent

grid spaces)

Once a grid space has reached it's limit ( number of atoms >= limit ), a single atom will expand out to

the adjacent grid spaces, capturing them if they are owned by an opponent

After the first k moves (k being the number of players in the game), players can be removed from the

game if they no longer own any grid spaces

Players can undo moves that they have performed

The maximum width of the board is 255, the minimum width is 2

The maximum height of the board is 255, the minimum height is 2

You may assume the maximum line length is 255

There is an option to save the game and load it when the program has been reloaded

The player colour order is RGPB (Red, Green, Purple, Blue)

The user interacts with a set of commands that are specified later in this document

Save file specification

The file header contains: 1 byte for width 1 byte for height 1 byte for player After the header, the move data

will fill the rest of the file until the end of the file.

Each move is encoded into 4 bytes, the first 2 bytes are used for coordinates, storing x and y respectively

while the remaining 2 bytes is empty padding, simply containing a value of 0.

You have been provided a scaffold to help you get started with your application.



Part 1 - Game Logic


Provides a list of commands, elaborating on each functionality.

public class Player {

private int gridsOwned;


public class Grid {

private Player owner;

private int atomCount;


HELP displays this help message

QUIT quits the current game

DISPLAY draws the game board in terminal

START <number of players> <width> <height> starts the game

PLACE <x> <y> places an atom in a grid space

UNDO undoes the last move made

STAT displays game statistics

SAVE <filename> saves the state of the game

LOAD <filename> loads a save file

START <number_of_players> <width> <height>

The start command will accept 3 arguments, the first argument is the number of players and the last two

arguments outline the dimensions <width> and <height> of the game board.

If any of the input is invalid (width or height or n) are negative digits or character values, the application must

respond with:

If the argument length is less than the required number (3) the program should respond with:

The number of arguments is greater than the required number the program should respond with:

The START command cannot be used after the START command has been successfully executed. If this case is

presented the program should respond with:

When START command is successfully executed the program should respond with, the colours are assumed

to be in this order: RGPB (Red, Green, Purple, Blue).


Displays the current state of the game

STAT cannot be executed unless a game has been started, if it is executed in this state the program should

respond with

When executed successfully the STAT command should display the current statistics related to the players.

Invalid command arguments

Missing Argument

Too Many Arguments

Invalid Command

Game Ready

Red’s Turn

Game Not In Progress

Player Red:

Grid Count: 5

Player Green:

Grid Count: 2

In the account where a player has given up or has been removed from the game the STAT command should

show. (In this example Player P gave up).

When printing out the the players, it will be from first index to last. The player colours are in the order: RGPB

(Red, Green, Purple, Blue).


Places an atom at an x, y position on the game board that is associated with the player‘s turn

If the argument length does not equal two then the program should output Invalid Coordinates

If the x value is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the width and/or If the y value is less than 0 or greater

than or equal to the height then the program should output:

If the grid space selected is not owned by the player or is not unoccupied:

In the case that PLACE command has not be executed successfully, the program should be ready for another


On success, the program should respond with whose move is next:

In relation to expansion (when the grid space has reached its limit), the expansions move clockwise starting

with the grid space that is y-1.

After a PLACE command is entered and only one player is remaining after it successfully executes, the

program should respond with and quit:

Player Red

Grid Count: 5

Player Green:

Grid Count: 3

Player Purple:


Invalid Coordinates

Cannot Place Atom Here

PLACE -1 -1

Invalid Coordinates


Red’s Turn


Red’s Turn


Displays the gameboard using + to denote the corner and two – to denote the colour and the number of

atoms located.

Example Output

Empty spaces denote unknown grid spaces while (R1) denote the owner and the number of atoms in that grid


PLACE examples


Red Wins

Once a player has made a move, it is up to the will of the next player to let the other player undo it. We are to

pretend that this game involves hotseating and therefore it is agreed upon the players if they are to allow an


In the case that we perform UNDO at start of the game, the program should output:


Quits the game, if the game has started it will quit the game early and not declare a winner.

Save the current state of the game with a filename.

You will need to adhere to the save file structure previous outliend. The file is saved as a binary file, which

contains game information stored in header of the file and player moves afterwards.

After the header has been read, the rest of the file can be assumed to contain only player move data, each

move is encoded as a 32bit unsigned integer (4 bytes). Each 32bit integer can be extracted as x (1 byte), y (1

byte) coordinates with the additional 2 bytes acting as 0 padding afterwards.

When creating a save file, your program does not need to include any move that has been undone, only the

moves that have result in the current state of the board.

This command creates a file and saves the current game details and move set, if a file already exists with this

name the method should not attempt to save the file and output:

On success, the program must output


Load command takes a filename as an argument, if that file does not exist the program should remain in its

original state and output.

If a game has already started or load has been executed successfully, subsequently load commands should

not attempt to load a new game and instead the program should respond with:

If the command is executed successfully the program should respond with:

File Already Exists

Game Saved

Cannot Load Save

Restart Application To Load Save

Game Loaded

Part 2 - Test

You will need to write your own test cases to ensure that your program covers as many cases as possible. For

this assessment, you will need to create JUnit test cases for your application.

Test cases must be written in a JUnit test case file named AtominationTest.java . You will need to have a

series of test cases that check each method and the game state. Try to develop test cases while working on

Part 1. This will help with speeding up your development by maintaining a test suite of the requirements.

Part 3 - GUI

Your task is to prepare a demo for all the backers of the game Atomination. This part requires the following:

Create a window of 640 by 384 (width, height)

Render 10 x 6 grid with each grid being 64 x 64 (width, height)

Detect a mouse click on a grid space and call the place method.

Change the sprites of each grid to be based on the number of atoms exist in each grid

You have been provided a scaffold, library, documentation link and assets for constructing the GUI. Update

the build.sh file to allow you to quickly build and test your program.

The library Processing contains documentation that will help with implementing each segment.

Create Window and Render Tiles (0.5 marks)

Use tile.png for each tile to make a grid that players can select. The grid created must also reflect the

number of grid spaces that exist in the game. The demo is just a singular configuration (10x6).

Implement the following in the setup , settings and draw methods. Use the following methods associated

with the AtominationGUI scaffold class.

size(int width, int height), This will need to be used in the settings method.

loadImage(String path)

image(PImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height)

User Interaction and play (1.5 marks)

Mouse event

You want people to play your game, this will require you implement the mouseClicked event in the

AtominationGUI . Once a user has clicked on a tile, your program must respond by showing an atom placed in

that tile. Use the MouseEvent object to retrieve the current mouse coordinates on the screen.

Since there are many tiles, your program must deduce what grid space it clicked.


The draw method within the AtominationGUI class is called 60 times a second (as specified by the

framerate method, use this method to continue to render the sprites on screen. You may want to clear

everything before you paint the grid spaces and atoms on screen.

Each grid space maintains information in relation to how many atoms and the owner of the grid, use this

information to select which sprite to draw. Use the following methods associated with the AtominationGUI

scaffold class.

loadImage(String path)

image(PImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height)

background(int rgba)

Deviation from CLI Program (1 mark)

We will be checking to see if program has deviated significantly from your command line version. Your

program should attempt to utilise majority of your existing code without modification.

How this game works and examples

The graphic designers have created a mock-up video, showing how the game will be played. You can access

this video from the online discussion board (Ed).

Included are a couple more GUI images of how a game will play out.

Algorithms and Functions

Expansion and place

When a grid space has reached capacity, it will expand to the adjacent grid spaces. This may create a chain

reaction for other grid spaces that have reached their limit. The expand function is invoked once the number

of atoms has reached the limit a grid space can contain from the place function.

2D AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box)

A simple collision/box intersection detection function allows your for program to detect when two rectangular

shapes have intersected. This is a general algorithm that checks for an overlap between two shapes, returning

true if an overlap has occurred. You will need to utilise this function for Part 3.

Submission Details

You are required submit your assessment by Sunday Week 13 (11:59pm).

Your code and tests must be submitted using Ed. You can upload your files in the assessment page of the

appropriate assessment. You are encouraged to submit multiple time, but only your last submission will be


The submission for PART 3 must uploaded and submitted with the rest of your code on ed. Update the

build.sh file to assist with building your GUI program.

expand(grid, x, y):

if (y - 1) >= 0 && (y - 1) < height:

place(grid, x, y-1)

if (x + 1) >= 0 && (x + 1) < width:

place(grid, x+1, y)

if (y + 1) >= 0 && (y + 1) < height:

place(grid, x, y+1)

if (x - 1) >= 0 && (x - 1) < width:

place(grid, x-1, y)

aabbintersect(box1, box2):

return (box1.x < (box2.x + box2.width)) and

((box1.x + box1.width) > box2.x) and

(box1.y < (box2.y + box2.height)) and

((box1.y + box1.height) > box2.y)


Your program will be marked automatically by Ed, Please ensure that you carefully follow the assignment

specification. Your program must match the exact output in the examples and the test cases on Ed. Your

assessment is worth a total of 12 marks.

6 marks for automatic marking, these test cases will be available on Ed and will test the correctness of

the CLI program.

3 marks for testing and manual marking, Your program will need to test the internal structure of your

code and replicate some simple user input. Examples include, checking the grid array if certain grid

spaces are occupied, checking grid space owners once an expansion has occurred.

3 marks for graphical user interface, as part of manual marking, your application will be assessed in

regards to how accurately you have represented the game in a visual form and how much you have

modified from the CLI variant.

Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for the

entire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the assignment specification,

or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.

Academic Declaration

By submitting this assignment you declare the following:

I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and

Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own

work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.

I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe

penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may

be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without proper

acknowledgement from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of other

students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.

I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate

my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either

written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.

I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may

provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism

checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by the

service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.

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