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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2019-03-27 10:18

COMP108 Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment 2

Deadline: Fridday 3rd May 2019, 4:00pm

Important: Please read all instructions carefully before starting the assignment.

Basic information

Assignment: 2 (of 2)

Deadline: Friday 3rd May 2019 (Week 11), 4:00pm

Weighting: 15% of the whole module

Electronic Submission:


What to submit: three java files named A2Node.java, A2List.java and A2Graph.java

Learning outcomes assessed:

– Be able to apply the data structures linked lists and their associated algorithms

– Be able to apply a given pseudo code algorithm in order to solve a given problem

– Be able to apply the iterative algorithm design principle

Marking criteria:

– Correctness: 75%

– Time Complexity Anslysi: 15%

– Programming style: 10%

There are two parts of the assignment (Part 1: 45% & Part 2: 30%). You are expected to

complete both.

1 Part 1: The List Accessing Problem (45%)

Suppose we have a filing cabinet containing some files with (unsorted) IDs. We then receive a

sequence of requests for certain files, given in the IDs of the files. Upon receiving a request of ID,

say key, we have to locate the file by flipping through the files in the cabinet one by one. If we

find key, it is called a hit and we remove the file from the cabinet. Suppose key is the i-th file

in the cabinet, then we pay a cost of i, which is the number of comparisons required. If key is

not in the cabinet, the cost is the number of files in the cabinet and we then go to a storage to

locate the file. After using the file, we have to return the file back to the cabinet at the original

location or we may take this chance to reorganise the file cabinet, e.g., by inserting the requested

file to the front. As the file can only be accessed one after another, it is sensible to use the data

structure linked list to represent the file cabinet.


1.1 The algorithms

We consider three accessing/reorganising algorithms. To illustrate, we assume the file cabinet

initially contains 3 files with IDs 20 30 10 and the sequence of requests is 20 30 5 30 5 20.

Append if miss: This algorithm does not reorganise the file cabinet and only appends a

file at the end if it was not originally in the cabinet. Therefore, there will be 5 hits, the file

cabinet will become 20 30 10 5 at the end, and the number of comparisons (cost) for the

6 requests is respectively 1 2 3 2 4 1. The following table illustrates every step.

request list beforehand hit? # comparisons list afterward

20 20 30 10 yes 1 no change

30 20 30 10 yes 2 no change

5 20 30 10 no 3 20 30 10 5

30 20 30 10 5 yes 2 no change

5 20 30 10 5 yes 4 no change

20 20 30 10 5 yes 1 no change

Move to front: This algorithm moves the file just requested (including newly inserted one)

to the front of the list. In this case, there will be 5 hits. The file cabinet will become 20 5

30 10 at the end. The number of comparisons (cost) for the 6 requests is respectively 1 2

3 2 2 3. The following table illustrates every step.

request list beforehand hit? # comparisons list afterward

20 20 30 10 yes 1 no change

30 20 30 10 yes 2 30 20 10

5 30 20 10 no 3 5 30 20 10

30 5 30 20 10 yes 2 30 5 20 10

5 30 5 20 10 yes 2 5 30 20 10

20 5 30 20 10 yes 3 20 5 30 10

Frequency count: This algorithm rearranges the files in non-increasing order of frequency

of access. This means that the algorithm keeps a count of how many times a file has been

requested. When a file is requested, its counter get increased by one and it needs to be

moved to the correct position. If there are other files with the same frequency, the newly

requested file should be put behind those with the same frequency. We assume that the

files initially in the cabinet has frequency of 1 to start with. A newly inserted file also has

a frequency of 1.

In this case, there will be 5 hits. The file cabinet will become 30 20 5 10 at the end. The

number of comparisons (cost) for the 6 requests is respectively 1 2 3 2 4 2. The following

table illustrates every step.

request list beforehand hit? # comparisons list afterward frequency count afterward

20 20 30 10 yes 1 no change 2 1 1

30 20 30 10 yes 2 no change 2 2 1

5 20 30 10 no 3 20 30 10 5 2 2 1 1

30 20 30 10 5 yes 2 30 20 10 5 3 2 1 1

5 30 20 10 5 yes 4 30 20 5 10 3 2 2 1

20 30 20 5 10 yes 2 no change 3 3 2 1


1.2 The programs A2Node.java and A2List.java

Two programs A2Node.java and A2List.java can be downloaded from VITAL. The program

A2Node.java contains a class called A2Node with the following attributes

public int data;

public A2Node next;

public int freq;

The program A2List.java has declared two global variables head and tail which point to the

head (first node) and the tail (last node), respectively, of the list representing the file cabinet. The

program contains a number of methods already written which you must NOT change, including

public static void main(String[] args)

static void insertNodeHead(A2Node newNode) which inserts the node called newNode

to the head of the list

static A2Node deleteHead() which deletes the node at the head

static void printList() which prints the list from head to tail

static void emptyList() which empties the whole list

The main method takes care of the input, reading (i) number of files in the initial cabinet, (ii)

the file IDs in the initial cabinet, (iii) number of file requests, and (iv) IDs of the file requests.

(Notice that the input part has suppressed printing text asking for input.) It then creates a list of

the initial cabinet and calls each algorithm in turn. The order of calling the algorithm has been

pre-determined and you should not change the order, otherwise, you may lose all your marks. The

header of each algorithm has been provided. They can all access global variables head and tail,

as well as the array reqData[] that stores the requests.

1.3 Your tasks

There are three tasks you need to do. Each task is associated with each of the algorithms, and

each should print and only print the following. See Test Cases below for examples.

(i) The number of comparisons for each request separated by a space , e.g., 1 2 3

(Note: one single space at the end is allowed.)

(ii) x h where x is the number of hits

(iii) The content of the final list in the form List: a b c d

where a b c d are the IDs of file in the final list. (Again one single space at the end is

allowed.) If your list is maintained properly the method printList() will do the job.

Task 1.1 (15%) Implement the appendIfMiss() method that appends a missed file to the

end of the list and does not reorganise the list.

Task 1.2 (15%) Implement the moveToFront() method that moves a requested file or

inserts a missed file to the front of the list. When moving a node in the list, you have to

make sure that the next field of affected nodes, head, and tail are updated properly.

Task 1.3 (15%) Implement the freqCount() method that moves a requested file or inserts a

missed file in a position such that the files in the list are in non-increasing order. Importantly

when the requested file has the same frequency count as other files, the request file should

be placed at the end among them. Again make sure you update next, head, tail properly.


1.4 Test cases

Below are some sample test cases and the expected output. These test cases can be downloaded

as listSample01.txt, listSample02.txt, listSample03.txt on VITAL. You can run the program easier

by typing java A2List < listSample01.txt in which case you don’t have to type the input over

and over again.

Make sure you remove or comment print statements that you use for debugging before submission.

The order of output should be appendIfMiss, moveToFront, freqCount. Your program

will be tested in this order, therefore, do NOT change the order (you should not change the main

method anyway)! Your program will be marked by five other test cases that have not be revealed.

Test case Input Output (‘ ’ represents a space)




20 30 10


20 30 5 30 5 20


1 2 3 2 4 1

5 h

List: 20 30 10 5


1 2 3 2 2 3

5 h

List: 20 5 30 10


1 2 3 2 4 2

5 h

List: 30 20 5 10




20 30 10 40


50 10 10 20 50 50 50 40 70


4 3 3 1 5 5 5 4 5

7 h

List: 20 30 10 40 50 70


4 4 1 3 3 1 1 5 5

7 h

List: 70 40 50 20 10 30


4 3 1 2 5 3 2 5 5

7 h

List: 50 10 20 40 30 70




20 10 30


10 20 30 10 60

20 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 50

50 50 50 20 50


2 1 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 6

17 h

List: 20 10 30 60 40 50


2 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 2

17 h

List: 50 20 40 30 60 10


2 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 4 5 4 4 5 6 5 5 5 3

17 h

List: 30 50 40 20 10 60


2 Part 2: Distance Neighbourhood on Graphs (30%)

Suppose we have an undirected graph to model facebook connection (or some other similar social

network). There are n users, each represented by a vertex. If two users are friends of each other,

then there is an edge between the two corresponding vertices. This forms a simple graph (at

most one edge between any two vertices) with no self-loop (a vertex has no edge to itself). This

friend-relationship can be represented by an adjacency matrix of size n × n. The entry (i, j) is 1

if vertex i and j have an edge between them, and 0 otherwise.

For any two vertices that are not immediate neighbour (i.e., no edge between them), we want

to know if they are “connected” via the same neighbour. In other words, they are distance-2 apart.

We can generalise this concept to distance-d for d ≥ 1. For example, in the following graph, v0 is

a distance-2 neighbour of v3 and v4 but not v5 while v0 is a distance-3 neighbour of v5.

We can represent this distance-d neighbourhood relationship using a d-neighbourhood matrix.

An entry between vertex i and j is d(i, j) if the closest distance between them is d(i, j) and

d(i, j) is at most d. If the distance d(i, j) > d or there is no path between i and j, then the entry

(i, j) is 0. With the above graph, the distance-1, distance-2 and distance-3 neighbourhood matrix

are shown below in the left, middle, right, respectively.

In addition, we are interested to know the degree of separation which is the minimum

distance deg such that the deg-neighbourhood of every vertex covers every other vertices. In other

words, we want to find the minimum deg such that the deg-neighbourhood matrix contains 0

entries only along the diagonal. In the above example, the degree of separation is 3.

In some cases, the given graph may not be connected, meaning that there is at least a pair of

vertices that is not connected by any path. For example, the following graph is not connected.

The distance-1, distance-2, distance-3 neighbourhood matrix are also shown below (left, middle,

right, respectively).

2.1 The program A2Graph.java

The program A2Graph.java can be downloaded from VITAL. A global 2-dimensional array variable

adjMatrix[][] has been declared, which stores the adjacency matrix. A number of methods

already written which you must NOT change, including

public static void main(String[] args)

static void input() which reads input.

static void printSquareArray(int array[][], int size) which prints the content of

a 2-D size-by-size array

The main method first calls the method input() to get (i) the size of the graph, (ii) the adjacency

matrix, and then asks for (iii) a distance. (Notice that the input part has suppressed printing

text asking for input.) Then it calls the method neighbourhood to calculate the neighbourhood

matrix, followed by the method degreeSeparation to find the degree of separation.

2.2 Your tasks

Task 2.1 (15%) Implement the method neighbourhood with the following header:

static void neighbourhood(int distance, int result[][], int size)

The method should calculate the distance-neighbourhood matrix and store the matrix in

the result[][] array which is of size-by-size. The main method will call the printSquareArray

method so this method does not need to print anything.

Task 2.2 (15%) Implement the method degreeSeparation to determine the degree of

separation of the graph. The output should be: “Degree of separation is XX”, where

XX is the answer. If the graph is not connected, i.e., there is at least one pair of vertices

which cannot be connected by a path, then the output should be: “The graph is not

connected”. You are expected to use the distance-neighbourhood matrix to achieve this


2.3 Test cases

Below are some sample test cases and the expected output. These test cases can be downloaded as

graphSample01.txt, graphSample02.txt, graphSample03.txt on VITAL. You can run the program

easier by typing java A2Graph < graphSample01.txt in which case you don’t have to type the

input over and over again.

Make sure you remove or comment all other print statements that you use for debugging before

submission. The order of output should be neighbourhood, degSeparation. Your program will

be tested in this order, therefore, do NOT change the order (you should not change the main

method anyway)! Your program will be marked by five other test cases that have not be revealed.


Test case Input Output




0 1 1 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 1 0

0 1 1 0 0 1

0 0 1 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 1 0


0 1 1 2 2 0

1 0 2 1 0 2

1 2 0 1 1 2

2 1 1 0 2 1

2 0 1 2 0 1

0 2 2 1 1 0

Degree of separation is 3




0 1 1 0 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 1 0


0 1 1 2 0 0

1 0 2 1 0 0

1 2 0 3 0 0

2 1 3 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 1 0

The graph is not connected




0 1 0 0 0

1 0 1 0 0

0 1 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 1 0


0 1 2 3 4

1 0 1 2 3

2 1 0 1 2

3 2 1 0 1

4 3 2 1 0

Degree of separation is 4

3 Additional information

3.1 Time complexity analysis (15%)

The time complexity has to match your implementation. Marks will NOT be awarded if the corresponding

algorithm has not been implemented.

You are expected to write the time complexity and short justification in the comment section at the beginning

of the two java files.

For each algorithm, 2% is awarded to the time complexity and 1% to the justification.

3.2 Programming Style (10%)

? You should keep a good programming style. Marks will be awarded based on

(i) 2% consistent and appropriate use of brackets

(ii) 2% consistent and appropriate use of indentation

(iii) 2% meaningful variable names

(iv) 2% comments to explain the working of your programs

(v) 2% your personal information at the beginning of the java files

3.3 Penalties

UoL standard penalty applies: Work submitted after 4:00pm on the deadline day is considered late. 5 marks

shall be deducted for each 24 hour period after the deadline. Submissions submitted after 5 days past the

deadline will no longer be accepted. Any submission past the deadline will be considered at least one day

late. Penalty days include weekends. This penalty will not deduct the marks below the passing mark.


If your code does not compile successfully, 5 marks will be deducted. If your code compile to classes of

different names from A2List, A2Node, A2Graph, 5 marks will be deducted. If your output does not follow

the same format as expected, 5 marks will be deducted. If your output does not follow the order of the

algorithms as expected, 5 marks will be deducted. These penalties will not deduct the marks below the

passing mark.

You are required to implement the list and adjacency matrix yourself. It is NOT allowed to use built-in

classes or functions. Doing so would get all marks deducted (possibly below the passing mark).

3.4 Plagiarism/Collusion

This assignment is an individual work and any work you submitted must be your own. You should not collude

with another student, or copy other’s work. Any plagiarism/collusion case will be handled following the University

guidelines. Penalties range from mark deduction to suspension/termination of studies. Refer to University Code

of Practice on Assessment Appendix L — Academic Integrity Policy for more details.


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