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日期:2019-03-15 10:33

Programming Project #2


Discrete Event-Driven Simulation

An Application of Priority Queues

Due Date: Monday March 18, 2019

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 2

Discrete Event-Driven Simulation

One of the most common applications of priority queues is in the

creation of simulations.

A discrete event-driven simulation is one popular simulation technique.

Objects in the simulation model represent objects in the real

world and are programmed to react as much as possible as the

real objects would react.

A priority queue is used to store a representation of “events” waiting

to happen.

This queue is ordered based on the time the event should occur,

so the smallest element will be the next event to be modeled

(Min Heap).

As an event occurs, it can spawn other events.

These subsequent events are placed into the queue as well.

Execution continues until all events have occurred or until a

preset time for simulation is exceeded.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 3

Programming Project: Discrete Event-Driven Simulation

This project introduces Object-Oriented Frameworks

and features Inheritance and Polymorphism

A framework is like the skeleton of an application

It provides the structure for a solution, but none of the applicationspecific


Our framework for simulations describes the features common to all

discrete event-driven simulations, namely:

the concept of a priority queue of pending events, and

a loop that repeatedly removes the next event from the queue and

executes it.

But note that the framework has no knowledge of the specific

simulation being constructed.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 4

The Software Gurus Bar

Imagine that you are thinking of opening a bar in San Mateo!

You need to decide how large the bar should be, how many seats you

should have, and so on.

If you plan too small, customers will be turned away when there is

insufficient space, and you will lose potential profits.

On the other hand, if you plan too large, most of the seats will be

unused, and you will be paying useless rent on the space and hence

losing profits.

So you need to choose approximately the right number, but how do

you decide?

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The Software Gurus Bar

To create a simulation, you first examine similar operations in

comparable locations and form a model that includes, among other


1) an estimation of the number of customers you can expect to arrive

in any period of time,

2) the length of time they will take to decide on an order, and

3) the length of time they will stay after having been served.

Based on this, you can design a simulation.

The Software Gurus Bar

“Where everybody knows your name!”

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 7

The Software Gurus Bar

To see how we might create a simulation of our Software Gurus Bar,

consider a typical scenario:

A group of customers arrive at the bar.

From our measurements of similar bars, we derive a probability that

indicates how frequently this occurs.

For example, suppose that we assume that groups will consist of

from one to five people, selected uniformly over that range.

In actual simulation, the distribution would seldom be uniform.

For example, groups of size two, three and four might predominate,

with groups of one and five being less frequent.

We will start with uniform distributions and later you will modify


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 8

The Software Gurus Bar

These groups will arrive at time spaced 2 to 5 minutes apart, again

selected uniformly.

Once they arrive, a group will either be seated or, seeing that there

are no seats available, leave.

If seated, they will take from 2 to 10 minutes to order and then will

remain from 30 to 60 minutes in the bar.

We know that every customer will order from three kinds of beer:

§ local beer, import beer, or special beer.

The bar makes a profit of

$2 on each local beer,

$3 on each imported beer and

$4 on each special beer.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 9

Object of Simulation – the Bar

The primary object in the simulation is the bar itself.

It might seem odd to provide “behavior” for this inanimate object, but

we can think of the bar as a useful abstraction for the servers and

managers who work in the bar.

The bar manages two data items:

the number of available seats and

the amount of profit generated.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 10

Object of Simulation – the Bar

The behavior of the bar can be described by the following list:

When a customer group arrives, the size of the group is compared

to the number of available seats.

If insufficient seats are available, the group leaves.

Otherwise, the group is seated and the number of seats is


When a customer orders and is served, the amount of profit is


When a customer group leaves, the seats are released for another

customer group.

A partial description of the SoftwareGurusBar class is given below:


- time:int;

+ ?constructor? Event(t:int);

+ processEvent( );

+ compareTo(o:Object):int;


- currentTime: int;

- eventQueue: MinPQ

+ scheduleEvent(newE: Event);

+ run ( );


- groupSize:int;

+ <<Constructor>>

Event(t:int, gSize:int);

+ processEvent( );

Plus other application Classes...


- groupSize:int;

+ <<Constructor>>

Event(t:int, gSize:int);

+ processEvent( );


- groupSize:int;

+ <<Constructor>>

Event(t:int, gSize:int);

+ processEvent( );

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 11

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 12

class SoftwareGurusBar

# include <iostream.h>

# include <PriorityQueue>

# include <vector>

# include "event.h"

class randomInteger {


unsigned int operator ( ) (unsigned int);

} randomizer;

unsigned int randomInteger::operator ( ) (unsigned int max)


// rand return random integer

// convert to unsigned to make positive

// take remainder to put in range

unsigned int rval = rand( );

return rval % max;


unsigned int randBetween(int low, int high) {

return low + randomizer(high - low);


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 13

class SoftwareGurusBar (cont.)

class SoftwareGurusBar {


// try with 50 chairs, then try with 40, 60, ...

// in order to find out “optimal” profit prospects

SoftwareGurusBar( )

: freeChairs(50), profit(0.0) { }

bool canSeat (unsigned int numberOfPeople); // slide 14

void order(unsigned int beerType); // slide 15

void leave(unsigned int numberOfPeople); // slide 15

unsigned int freeChairs;

double profit;


SoftwareGurusBar theBar;

SimulationFramework theSimulation;

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 14

class SoftwareGurusBar (cont.)

bool SoftwareGurusBar::canSeat (unsigned int numberOfPeople)


// if sufficient room, then seat customers

cout << "Time: " << theSimulation.currentTime;

cout << " Group of " << numberOfPeople << " customers arrives";

if (numberOfPeople < freeChairs) {

cout << " Group is seated" << endl;

freeChairs -= numberOfPeople;

return true;


else {

cout << " No room, group leaves" << endl;

return false;



Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 15

class SoftwareGurusBar (cont.)

void SoftwareGurusBar::order (unsigned int beerType)


// serve beer

cout << "Time: " << theSimulation.currentTime;

cout << " serviced order for " << beerType << endl;

// update profit based on this beerType

// add your code here ...


void SoftwareGurusBar::leave (unsigned int numberOfPeople)


// people leave, free up chairs

cout << "Time: " << theSimulation.currentTime;

cout << " group of size " << numberOfPeople << " leaves" << endl;

freeChairs += numberOfPeople;


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 16

class SoftwareGurusBar (cont.)

void main( ) {

// load priority queue with initial Arrive Events then run simulation

unsigned int t = 0;

// load 4 hours (240 minutes) of Arrive Events

while (t < 240) {

// new group every 2-5 minutes

t += randBetween(2,5);

// group size ranges from 1 to 5

theSimulation.scheduleEvent(new ArriveEvent(t, randBetween(1,5)));


// then run simulation and print profits

theSimulation.run( );

cout << "Total profits " << theBar.profit << endl;


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 17

class ArriveEvent

class ArriveEvent : public Event {

public: ArriveEvent (unsigned int time, unsigned int gs)

: Event(time), groupSize(gs) { }

virtual void processEvent ( );


unsigned int groupSize;


void ArriveEvent::processEvent( )


if (theBar.canSeat(groupSize))

// place an order within 2 & 10 minutes

theSimulation.scheduleEvent (

new OrderEvent(theSimulation.currentTime + randBetween(2,10),



Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 18

class OrderEvent

class OrderEvent : public Event {

public: OrderEvent (unsigned int time, unsigned int gs)

: Event(time), groupSize(gs) { }

virtual void processEvent ( );


unsigned int groupSize;


void orderEvent::processEvent( )


// each member of the group orders a beer (type 1,2,3)

for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++)


int t = theSimulation.currentTime + randBetween(15,35);

// schedule a LeaveEvent for this group of drinkers

// all the group leaves together

// add your code here ...


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 19

class LeaveEvent

class LeaveEvent : public Event {


LeaveEvent (unsigned int time, unsigned int gs)

: Event(time), groupSize(gs) { }

virtual void processEvent ( );


unsigned int groupSize;


void leaveEvent::processEvent ( )




Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 20

The Software Gurus Bar

The method randBetween(low, high) returns a random integer

between the two given endpoints low & high.

The methods canSeat, order, and leave manipulate the profits and

the number of chairs.

The execution of the simulation is controled by the simulation

framework and the inner classes ArriveEvent, OrderEvent, and

LeaveEvent – which are described next.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 21

Frameworks: Reusable Subsystems

A framework is reusable software that implements a generic solution

to a generalized problem.

It provides common facilities applicable to different application


Principle: Applications that do different, but related, things tend to

have quite similar designs

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 22

Frameworks to Promote Reuse

A framework is intrinsically incomplete

Certain classes or methods are used by the framework, but are

missing (slots)

Some functionality is optional

§ Allowance is made for developer to provide it (hooks)

Developers use the services that the framework provides

§ Taken together the services are called the Application Program

Interface (API)

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 23

Object-Oriented Frameworks

In the object oriented paradigm, a framework is composed of a library

of classes.

The API is defined by the set of all public methods of these


Some of the classes will normally be abstract

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 24


A framework is like the skeleton of an application

It provides the structure for a solution, but none of the applicationspecific


Our framework for simulations describes the features common to all

discrete event-driven simulations, namely:

the concept of a priority queue of pending events, and

a loop that repeatedly removes the next event from the queue and

executes it.

But note that the framework has no knowledge of the specific

simulation being constructed.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 25


To create a working application, certain key classes provided by the

framework are used to create subclasses. These subclasses can provide

the application-specific behavior.

In our simulation framework, the key class is Event. Three new types

of events are created, corresponding to groups of drinkers

arriving at the bar,

drinkers ordering for beer, and

drinkers leaving the bar.

Other frameworks you may have already seen are Java’s AWT & Swing.

To create a new application, you use inheritance to subclass from

Frame (or JFrame), adding application specific behavior.

Frameworks can be created for any task that is repeated with a wide

range of variations but that has a core of common functionality.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 26

A Framework for Simulation

Rather than simply code a simulation of this one problem, we will

generalize the problem and first produce a generic framework for

simulations. At the heart of a simulation is the concept of event.

An event will be represented by an instance of class Event. The only

value held by the class will be the time the event is to occur. The

method processEvent will be invoked to “execute” the event when the

appropriate time is reached.

The simulation queue will need to maintain a collection of various types

of events. Each form of event will be represented by different derived

classes of class Event. Not all events will have the same type, although

they will all be derived from class Event.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 27

A Framework for Simulation

We are now ready to define the class SimulationFramework, which

provides the basic structure for simulation activities.

The class SimulationFramework provides three functions.

§ The first is used to insert a new event into the priority queue,

§ the second runs the simulation,

§ and the third returns the simulation time, which is being held in

a private data field.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 28

class SimulationFramework (event.h)

class SimulationFramework {


SimulationFramework ( ) : eventQueue( ), currentTime(0) { }

void scheduleEvent (Event * newEvent)


// insert newEvent into eventQueue (Priority Queue)

// Priority Queue is based on MinHeap using newEvent’s time

eventQueue.insert (newEvent);


void run( );

unsigned int currentTime;


priority_queue <vector<Event *>, eventComparison> eventQueue;


Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 29

class SimulationFramework (event.h)

void simulation::run( )


// execute events until event queue becomes empty

while (! eventQueue.empty( )) {

// copy & remove min-priority element (min time) from eventQueue

Event * nextEvent = eventQueue.peak( );

eventQueue.deleteMin( );

// update simulation’s current time

currentTime = nextEvent->time;

// process nextEvent

nextEvent->processEvent( ); // what do you see here???

// cleanup nextEvent object

delete nextEvent;



Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 30

Priority Queue API

Requirement: Generic items are Comparable.

Records with keys (priorities) that can be compared

public class MinPQ <Key extends Comparable<Key>>

MinPQ( ) create an empty priority queue

MinPQ(Key[ ] a) create a priority queue with given keys

void insert(Key v) insert a key into the priority queue

Key delMin( ) return and remove the element with the smallest key

boolean isEmpty( ) is the priority queue empty?

Key min( ) return the element with the smallest key

int size( ) number of entries in the priority queue

Key must be Comparable

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 31

class Event & class eventComparison (event.h)

class Event {


// constructor requires time of event

Event (unsigned int t) : time(t) { }

// time is a public data field

unsigned int time;

// execute event by invoking this method

virtual void processEvent( ) { }


class eventComparison {


bool operator ( ) (Event * left, Event * right)


return left->time > right->time;



Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 32

What is left for you to do?

The following tasks are left for you to complete this project:

Implement the Priority Queue ADT based on the MinHeap Data Structure

Understand the given code and complete the “tiny” sections of code marked

with (left for you)

Get it to run

Modify the simulation so it uses the weighted discrete random numbergenerated

function described on the next slide.

§ Select reasonable numbers of weights for the type of beer ordered by

the drinkers and for the sizes of the groups of drinkers

§ Compare a run of the resulting program to a run of the given program

(based on uniform distribution)

? Chalenge: Applying good object-oriented design principles, add a fourth

event type corresponding to re-ordering more beer

Entire group remains in bar for another round with a diminishing probability

Make sure this does not infinitely spawn re-order events

Warning: please don’t leave things till last minute!

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 33

Weighted Probability

One alternative to the use of uniform distribution is the idea of a weighted

discrete probability. Suppose that we observe a real bar and note that 15% of

the time they will order local beer, 60% of the time they will order imported

beer, and 25% of the time they will order special beer. This is certainly a far

different distribution from the uniform distribution we used above (33% of

each type of beer). In order to simulate this new behavior, we can add a new

method to our class random.

Add a method named weightedProbability to the class

SimulationFramework. This method will take as argument a vector of

unsigned integer values. For example, to generate the preceding

distribution, you will pass to the weightedProbability method a vector

of three elements containing 15, 60, and 25.

The method first sums the values in the array, resulting in a maximum

value. In this case, the value would be 100. A random number between 1 and

this maximum value is then generated.

The method then decides in which category the number belongs. This can

be discovered by “scanning” through the values. In our example, if the

number is less than 15, the method should return 0; if less than or equal to

75 (15 + 60), return 1; otherwise return 2.

Project #2 Software Gurus Bar Slide 34


Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.

Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name,

and they're always glad you came.

You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows Your name.

You wanna go where people know, people are all the same,

You wanna go where everybody knows your name.

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