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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2019-02-16 10:13

MEng and MSc Degree Examinations 2018–9


CRitical SYstems (CRSY)

Open Assessment 2

Open Individual Assessment

Submission due: Monday of Week 8 Spring Term, 12:00 noon


Answers must not exceed 12 A4 pages; this limit includes any title page, diagrams, program

extracts, etc but references can continue on extra pages. Candidates should answer all


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A key component of an autonomous vehicle is location-awareness. Your role is to consider the

design and certification of a location tracking system. You should assume the location tracking

system has access to a range of sensors from the car including: Global Positioning System,

wireless communication with other vehicles, and LIDAR. The system needs to be able to work in

a range of environments including open roads, urban canyons (i.e. roads between high-rise

buildings, tunnels etc..

1. (40 marks) Produce a hazard analysis for the system.

a) (5 marks) Describe and justify a suitable method that could be used for the hazard

analysis of this system. Note - A general description of the method is expected,

however the justification should be in the context of this specific system

b) (5 marks) Define the components the hazard analysis is to be performed on. Note -

the number of components should be manageable for the rest of the assessment. In

the lectures, there were around ten for the fuel pump example. A similar number (or

fewer) are expected here.

c) (20 marks) Apply the hazard analysis method to each of the components.

d) (10 marks) Interpret the results of the hazard analysis and use it to propose some

Derived Safety Requirements (DSRs) with justifications.

2. (20 marks) For one of the significant hazards identified, produce a failure analysis for the


a) (4 marks) Describe and justify the method used to perform the failure analysis.

b) (4 marks) Apply the failure analysis method. Note - It is expected that the failures are

decomposed at least to the level of the components, however no more than one level

below this is expected.

3. (40 marks) Use the results of the failure analysis to consider possible mitigation strategies.

a) (10 marks) Identify the sensitivity points in the design that would benefit from

changes, e.g. the introduce of fault tolerance strategies. Explain what the nature of

the sensitivity is and why it may be significant. Note a sensitivity point is one where a

failure may have a significant effect on the likelihood of hazards.

b) (20 marks) Describe and justify appropriate architectural approaches (e.g. fault

tolerance) that could be used to enhance the dependability of the system.

c) (10 marks) Update the failure analysis based on the architecture approaches. That

is, the architectural strategies will introduce new components which could fail.

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