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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2019-01-24 10:35

CIS 331 – Spring 2019

HW #3 Duke Dining Application

Scenario: You will be writing a Java application that simulates a customer building a custom

Combo lunch plate in the JMU D-Hall.

Business Domain Knowledge:

Here are the prices that D-Hall charges for the various items on the Combo plate:


Veggie: $1.50

Chicken: $2.50

Beef: $2.00

Turkey: $1.80

A customer can have two side items on their plate. They choose two from this list:

Fries $0.50

Salad $0.70

Soup $1.50

Steamed Rice $0.40

Finally they can choose a drink:

Water: $0.20

Soft Drink: $1.70

Milk: $2.50

Berry Fizz: $1.20

D-Hall has several “Healthy” promotions going on:

If the customer selects the Chicken sandwich for lunch, they get a 20% discount on the

cost of their first side item.

If the customer chooses

o The Veggie sandwich, and

o Either the Soup or Rice for both sides (in any combination), and

o Water as their drink

They will then get a 30% discount on the entire order before taxes are calculated.

Your program should prompt the customer for each of the choices above (Sandwich, first Side,

second Side, and Drink), display a subtotal, display any discounts that apply to their order,

display the taxes, and then the total due at the end (See the example output below).


This is an individual homework assignment.

Your application should adhere to the above requirements, function as requested, and all

calculations should be correct.

Use .printf( ) to round all monetary amounts to 2 decimal places.

Include a comment header at the top of your .java file.

Comment sufficiently but not excessively.

Remember: The customer can select any of the four options for each and every food item.

There are many many different Combo plates that can be built with these!

Due: Wednesday, January 23rd by 11:59 p.m. Worth: 20 Homework Points

Example run and output:

Welcome to Duke Dining!


Build your Combo Plate:

Choose a Sandwich:

1: Veggie $1.50

2: Chicken $2.50

3: Beef $2.00

4: Turkey $1.80


Selection?: 1

Choose your First Side:

1: Fries $.50

2: Salad $.70

3: Soup $1.50

4: Rice $.40


Selection?: 3

Choose your Second Side:

1: Fries $.50

2: Salad $.70

3: Soup $1.50

4: Rice $.40


Selection?: 4

Choose your Drink (Unlimited Refills):

1: Water $.20

2: Soft Drink $1.70

3: Milk $2.50

4: Berry Fizz $1.20


Selection?: 1




Veggie $1.50

Soup $1.50

Rice $0.40

Water $0.20


Subtotal: $3.60

30% Healthy Eating Discount Applied!

Taxes: $0.25


Total Due: $2.77


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