Second Year Project I
Operations Research Assignment -- Solving Sudokus
Academic Year 2018/2019
1 Sudoku 3
2 Data structures and a very simple logic rule 5
3 A generalization 7
4 Enumeration 9
5 Deliverables 11
6 Presentations 13
7 File format of Sudoku instances 15
Chapter 1
You probably have heard of, or even solved, a puzzle commonly known as Sudoku. If not, have a
look at the game on Wikipedia or A Sudoku is simply a game, but it shares
quite a lot of characteristics with scheduling problems as they occur in practice. That the problem
is not trivial can be seen by going to Submitting ‘Sudoku’ as the search term
you can find quite a few relatively recent publications.
So what would be some practical applications of solving a Sudoku? Consider a sports competition
where 9 teams play each other over the course of 9 weekends. Each team plays one home game
and one away game against each opposing team. Additionally, each team plays two matches each
weekend, except for one weekend where the team has a day off.
Now take a solved Sudoku and compare it to the above sports scheduling problem: Let the rows
correspond to the home games for each team, and the columns to the away games. Each entry in
a cell now tells us the weekend of the match, the row number tells us which team is playing the
home game, and the column number which other team is visiting the match as an away game. The
diagonal has equal row and column numbers; this gives us the weekend on which the particular
team is not playing. The 3 × 3 blocks can be interpreted as follows: Assume we can categorize
the teams in groups of three teams: high ranking teams, average ranking teams and low ranking
teams. Then the requirement that a number between 1 and 9 occurs exactly once tells that each
weekend, we want to have exactly one game between teams of any combination of strengths and
home/away games.
Your solution procedures will combine two principles that can be found in many optimization
algorithms. The first is pre-processing: you will implement a collection of logic rules that iteratively
reduce the set of possible solutions. This is indispensable e.g. when solving large integer linear
programming problems. The second is branching: when logic rules allow no further reduction,
one can try all possible values for a specific variable (in our case, the content of one cell in the
matrix). For each value, one gets a so-called branch in the search for a solution. The idea is that
new opportunities for pre-processing arise after fixing one variable to a particular value. However,
it may happen that the chosen value was not feasible in the sense that one cannot find any feasible
solution in that branch. In this case, one has to try another branch. Branching will be discussed
some more later on.
The goal of the project is to implement a Java program with classes with appropriate methods to
EBS2002 –Second Year Project 1 – Operations Research Assignment
solve Sudoku puzzles of as high a difficulty as possible. For simplicity, we will restrict ourselves to
the classical Sudokus of order 3, that is consisting of a 9 × 9 square. As a computer is fast, there
is a straight forward approach: try all combinations. But there might be too many combinations
to do so. For every cell without a hint, there are 9 possibilities, and given e.g. an instance with 60
free cells there will be 960 combinations to be tested!
Therefore we need to apply some logic reasoning, as we do when solving a Sudoku by hand. A
collection of ideas is presented in
In this project, the focus will be on two basic rules explained in the following two sections, but
you are free to choose to implement any additional rules. You are also required to implement a
complete enumeration method which finds a solution, should the rules that you have implemented
fail to solve an instance. These approaches, their implementations and the advisory data structures
will be discussed in the following sections. Implementing the two basic logic rules will already allow
you to solve simple Sudokus.
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Chapter 2
Data structures and a very simple
logic rule
Given an instance, you will have some hints. A hint is a cell which already contains a number.
Create a class cell which captures the state of a cell. In cells without hints, this data structure
will initially contain all numbers from 1 to 9 as candidates for a solution. In cells with a hint, this
data structure will contain the number. Our logic rules will reduce the set of candidates step by
step, until exactly one is left. We refer to a cell as solved if we have reached this status.
The next class that you need is one that combines 81 cells to a Sudoku instance. Obviously, this
class consists of some kind of 9 × 9 matrix of cells, plus member functions to operate on these
cells in order to solve the Sudoku, plus some private data members that support these members
The first logic rule is based on the following simple observation: Every cell belongs to exactly one
row, one column and one block. Consider an unsolved cell. The only candidates for an unsolved
cell are those numbers which are neither contained in a solved cell in this row, nor in a solved
cell in this column, nor in a solved cell in this block. Therefore, all candidates in a cell which are
solutions to cells in the same row, column or block can be removed from the set of candidates. If
one is lucky, one ends up with exactly one remaining candidate, which means that this cell is also
The first logic rule works as follows. Start with all hints and use them to reduce the set of candidates
of all other cells in the same row, column and block. While doing this, memorize whenever a cell is
solved and use it as an additional hint. A good way to implement this is to organize a queue of hints
(using for instance java.util class PriorityQueue or the class from Programming, IntegerQueue),
initially fill it with all hints, process the queue (until it is empty), during which you add any solved
cell as a new hint to the end of the queue. Do this until the queue is empty.
If implemented correctly, this logic rule solves the instance number 1 found on Eleum.
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Chapter 3
A generalization
This first rule can be generalized by taking approaching the problem from the following perspective:
Consider a solution of a Sudoku. For each cell it tells you which number to write in this cell. A
cell is thereby characterized by its row index and its column index. Now, instead of providing the
number to be written for every combination of a row index and column index, you may also think
of a solution in the following way: for every number (between 1 and 9) and every row, the solution
tells you in which column of this row to write this number. A Sudoku is solved if for each number
and each row, the number of column candidates is exactly one. Similarly, for every number and
each block, the solution tells you in which of the nine positions of this block to write the number.
Or, for every number and column, the solutions specifies in which row to put this number.
The key observation here is that the data structure as described before does not make transparent
that for a particular combination of a row and number (or a column and a number, or a block and
a number), there is only a single column (or row, or position) left where this number can go! In
other words, we might reach a state where several cells in the same row contain more than one
candidate, but some of these candidates appear only once in those cells, and therefore have to be
written to this cell in order to find a solution. In this case, they will no longer be candidates for
other cells in the same column, or for other cells in the same block.
This generalization of the first reduction method organizes a systematic search for such situations.
Whenever it detects these, it can solve an additional cell. Newly solved cells can then be used to
perform further reductions using the simple logic rules and this generalization.
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Chapter 4
Once the above logic rules are not sufficient to solve a problem instance, one needs to use a
branching algorithm to enumerate possible solutions. Such a branching algorithm works as follows:
Take any cell for which the list of candidates has a size larger than 1. Take any number n in this
list, delete all elements except n, and try to solve this simplified instance (using all the solved cells
that have already been found at this point). Usually this guess will allow you to again apply the
logic rules as described above to further reduce the problem. If this still does not help you further
your search for a solution, you need to make a new guess in another cell. If you always guess
correctly, this will solve the problem. But it can also happen that you guess wrongly, and the
problem in a branch has no solution. Your algorithm will detect this when the logic rules suddenly
create an empty cell. In this case, the search in this branch should be stopped, the algorithm
should backtrack, and a new branch guessing a different number should be started. As soon as
your enumeration has found a complete solution, it should stop.
The difficulty in implementing such an enumeration using branching lies in backtracking. That is,
one might have to reverse some guesses - and all implications of these guesses - when a branch turns
out to lead to infeasibility. The best way to deal with this difficulty is to enter every branch with
a complete copy of the current situation. If the branch does not solve the problem, your algorithm
will still have the original situation as it was before branching. From this you can make a new copy
and enter another branch. If your implementation is sound, Java will use the Garbage Collection in
order to free up memory slots which were used for branches which have been completely traversed
and will no longer be used, thus making your implementation effective.
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Chapter 5
The following is a list of tasks for this project. For each task, there is a maximum number of points
which can be obtained. You will need at least 55 points in order to get a passing grade for this
part of the skills.
1. (20 points) Construct a collection of classes which stores the necessary data in appropriate
data structures in order to capture all aspects of the Sudoku. Use the data structures as
described in the sections above.
2. (15 points) Implement the simple logic rules. After this, your program should be able to
solve Sudoku number 1.
3. (25 points) Implement the generalization as described in Section 3.
4. (25 points) Implement the enumeration algorithm from Section 4.
5. (15 points) Describe your implementation in a report of maximum 2000 words. You should
shortly introduce the problem (max 500 words) and explain how you implemented the problem:
describe the structure of your data structures and discuss your solution methods and
their usage of the data structures. Close with a short concluding section. Do not add appendices
or your code!
The quality of the program will be evaluated in terms of
1. readability and documentation,
2. organization of data structures and methods, and their interaction, clever usage of the
java.util class library (do not reinvent the wheel!), and a clear distinction between the highlevel
logic of your solution procedure and the methods which are necessary to implement this
3. efficiency in terms of omitting unnecessary computational work.
Your program has to make good use of Java classes and its libraries. In particular the logic rules
should be implemented as methods of appropriate classes. Your algorithms should also keep track of
some performance information, for example how often branching is used, or how often a particular
EBS2002 –Second Year Project 1 – Operations Research Assignment
logic rule helped to reduce the size of a list in a cell. If you implement several rules, count how
often each of the rules helped to reduce the problem. This provides more information about the
speed of your implementation than keeping track of the time; different computers yields different
running times, but deterministic logic rules will always yield the same amount of rule-usage and
branches, making a fair comparison possible. Include this performance information in your report.
Additional training instances can be found at
Submit your source files (.java files) and the report as a PDF file on StudentPortal. Please
compress all your files into a single .zip file! The deadline for your submission is Friday,
January 25th, 2019 at 20:00. Points will be deducted for late submissions! Tutorials will be
organized on Monday, 21.1.2019, and on Wednesday, 23.1.2019. The details can be found on the
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Chapter 6
On January 25th each team will give a 15 minute presentation on either the Game Theory or on
the Operations Research assignment.
If you are scheduled for an OR presentation, please heed the following guidelines:
Use 1 minute to shortly introduce the problem (everyone should know this by now).
Use 5 minutes to explain your general implementation: which data structures and which methods
for solving the Sudoku did you implement?
Use 5 minutes to elaborate on one of your implementations. DO NOT JUST PRESENT THE
CODE as slides containing source code are not helpful to understand what you did! Instead,
describe and/or visualise your implementations (e.g. draw your data structures as lists of lists).
Use 1 minute for concluding remarks (e.g. did you solve everything? do you have ideas for
Then there will be about 3 minutes left for questions and potential swapping between sessions.
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Chapter 7
File format of Sudoku instances
A file with an instance of a Sudoku starts with the number of hints, followed by as many rows as
there are cells with hints. Each row in the file first gives you the row number of the Sudoku (a
number between 0 and 8), then the column number of the Sudoku (a number between 0 and 8),
and finally the hint (a number between 1 and 9). You can find 6 example files on Eleum.
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