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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2018-12-15 10:42

CW3 Clarifications

We have had many questions about CW3 this week. Here are the answers to some common problems:

many of you are making it too difficult and are thinking about it too much! We will update this if there

are more questions.

First point: if you have done any of the things outlined below, and it works ok, then leave it.

Flower size: the user does not choose this. It is set by your program.

AddFlowerbed: this is one single process, which asks the user to input x, y, width, height, and

choose the flowers and pattern (if they want a pattern). You then know the flowerbed size, and

the flower size, so you can calculate the number of rows and columns, number of flowers, and

layout the flowerbed. The flowerbed will be displayed, full of flowers. It never changes.

This means you never need to add single flowers. After a bed is displayed on screen, it can be

removed, but it never needs to change. If a flowerbed is 500x400, and your flowers are 25x25,

your flowerbed will be 20x16, and display 320 flowers. If the flowerbed has no pattern, you can

create an arraylist of 320 flowers and give it to the flowerbed.

The user does not choose the background image for the flowerbed. This path can be coded in

your flowerbed class.

If the user chooses a pattern of three different colours/flowers, they do not have to choose

which ones. Your program can give them any three. (If you have made it so the user can choose,

that is fine).

Remember, you can still get very good marks with no patterns. Or with a simple pattern of

vertical or horizontal stripes, and only two colours. It is much better to submit a simpler

program that works properly!

If you need to make your flowers have a transparent background, you can set

this.setOpaque(false) in the appropriate constructor

If your flowerbeds overlap, it does not matter. You do not need to check if the flowerbeds

overlap each other

Many of you are developing very complex patterns. You do not need to worry about the

complexity of the patterns. A choice of 2, plain and a pattern, is acceptable

? Can i put the information in two different txt files, like one stores the information about flowers

and the other stores the information about flowerbed? It can load the images upon opening the

project just like the one-file's one – Yes!

Should I submit a netbeans project zip + four TXT files (my java class files)+ a word file

containing uml diagrams? Yes

'do I need a such-and-such class?':

You should have a number of classes, each class serving one purpose. Classes often represent

the functions of real-world objects. But you can choose the real-world objects that you wish to


Does your Garden need objects for flowerbeds? What would they do?

Does your Garden need objects for flowers? What would they do?

Does your Garden need any utility classes? To provide what services?

Generally, your main class (and main method) should be as small as possible (very few methods)

but control everything. All messages pass through main. And most methods should be grouped

together in other classes representing the objects of your application.

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