IS2150/TEL2810 Introduction to Security
Programming Project
1. Crypto Techniques
The objective of this exercise is to use Java features to write some security mechanisms
that can be used in applications. You will be using the classes from Java Cryptographic
Extension to implement them.
You will need to consult Java API documentation. You can download and install the
documentation yourself, or you can access them from this URL:
Java books that you can reference
Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2nd Edition, L. Gong, G. Ellision, M. Dageforde
Java Security, Scott Oaks, O’Reilly
For each part of the assignment, skeleton Java code has been provided. These skeletons
will NOT compile. You will need to make modifications on them before they can be
successfully compiled and run.
A) Authentication (15 points)
For the first part of the assignment, you should use the skeleton Java code to implement
double-strength password login using message digest. The following diagram illustrates
the double strength password.
Note that you need to generate 2 rand
om numbers and 2 timestamps. There are three classes defined:
Protection, which provides three functions makeBytes, makeDigest (version 1),
and makeDigest (version 2).
o makeBytes takes in a long integer and a double, then converts them into a
single byte array. makeBytes has already been implemented for you.
o makeDigest (version 1) takes in a byte array, a timestamp, and a random
number, then generates a digest using SHA. This function has already
been implemented for you.
o makeDigest (version 2) takes in a user name, a password, a timestamp, and
a random number, then generates a digest using SHA. You need to
implement this function. You may have to consult MessageDigest API in
the documentation.
ProtectedClient, which implements the client. There are two functions: main and
o main is the starting point of the client program and has already been
implemented for you. Make sure the host variable is set to the correct
server address (it is currently set to
o sendAuthentication is the function that you need to implement. It takes in
user name, password, and an output stream as the function inputs. In this
function, you should implement double-strength password authentication
and send to the server by writing to the variable ‘out’. Consult
DataOutputStream API on how to write different data types to ‘out’.
ProtectedServer, which implements the server. There are three functions: main,
lookupPassword, and authenticate.
o main is the starting point of the server program and has already been
implemented for you. It creates a server process that waits for an
incoming connection. Once a connection is established, authenticate is
called to authenticate the user. If the user successfully authenticate, your
program should print out “Client logged in.”
o lookupPassword, which simply returns the password of the user stored on
the server.
o authenticate is the function which you need to implement to authenticate
the user trying to log in. Consult DataInputStream API on how to read
data from the ‘in’ stream. The function should return either true or false
depending on whether the user is authenticated.
B) Signature (15 points)
In this part of the assignment, you are to implement the ElGamal Signature scheme
described in the textbook in section
There are two classes in this assignment, ElGamalAlice and ElGamalBob, corresponding
to the sender (Alice) and the receiver (Bob). The main functions for both the classes have
been written for you. Your assignment is to write various functions that implement
ElGamal key generation and signature creation algorithms (for Alice), and signature
verification algorithm (for Bob). The functions you have to implement are indicated in
the source files.
C) Public-Key System (15 points)
In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the use of RSA Public-key
system to exchange messages that achieve confidentiality and integrity/authentication as
well as the combination of both. You can assume a simple way of sharing public keys
between the two communicating parties. You can reuse the basic code provided for above
for this assignment.
D) X.509 certificates (15 points)
In this part of the assignment, you will need to demonstrate the use of X.509 certificate to
exchange messages that achieve confidentiality. The client loads the server’s certificate
and proceeds to verify its authenticity and validity. This includes checking the expiration
date and verifying if the certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to
the specified public key. Also, you need to print the content of the certificate you
received. If the certificate received is valid, proceed to exchange confidential messages
between the two parties. You can reuse the code previously provided for part C.
You will need to create an X.509 certificate for the Server, using RSA as the key
generation algorithm. Each team should create a unique certificate with one of
the team member’s name on it. This certificate can be self-signed with your name.
You can use keytool for this purpose. keytool is installed as part of the standard Java
SDK/Runtime library, and is located in its bin subfolder. Refer to the keytool’s
documentation for further instructions.
Finally, answer these questions in the report. What are the limitations of using self-signed
certificates? What are they useful for?
2. Password Cracking
The goal of this component is to implement a password authentication mechanism and a password
cracker to study the vulnerabilities of choosing weak passwords. It consists of two sub-parts.
Part 1: Implementation of password authentication mechanism (10 points)
In the first part, you need to implement a password authentication mechanism. You will create two
programs. The first program registers and adds a new user into the system and stores the user’s
password information in a file. The second program is a user login program which asks for the
username and password from the user and verifies it based on the information stored in the password
The password file in the system can be a text file that has the list of all usernames and the
corresponding passwords. However, instead of storing the passwords in plain texts, the password list
contains the message digests (hash) of the passwords to prevent attacks. You may use MD5 message
digest scheme to create the message digest (hash) of the password.
For example, if Tom and Harry are two existing users and if their passwords are “authentic” and
“prevention”, then the password file will contain:
where “973d98ac221d7e433fd7c417aa41027a” is the MD5 message digest of the password string
“authentic”. Similarly, “7fd9a35dfa69c58a7ef0ecb4d53a1651” is the MD5 message digest of the
password string “prevention”.
Your first program should be able to register a new user by accepting a new username and password
string and add the corresponding entry to the password file shown above.
Your second program should accept a username and password as input and check if the username is
already a registered user. If so, it computes the MD5 message digest of the entered password and
checks if it matches the MD5 digest of the corresponding user password stored in the password file.
The program accepts the user only if the message digests match.
Part 2: password cracker (30 points)
The second part of your project should implement a password cracker that cracks a given user’s
password from the message digest information present in the password file. The password cracker
uses a dictionary of English words to aid the dictionary attack.
For example, to crack the password of user “Tom”, the attacker knows that
“973d98ac221d7e433fd7c417aa41027a” is the message digest of user Tom’s password. To facilitate
the dictionary attack, the attacker uses a dictionary that contains a list of common English words.
For your convenience, a small subset of English words is provided as a file called dictionary.txt and
it is attached with this project description. Your password cracker program can use this dictionary to
aid the dictionary attack.
In general, you can assume that there are two kinds of passwords used by the users.
Type 1: the password string is just exactly one of the words present in the dictionary
Type 2: the password string is a combination of a dictionary word, numerical characters 0-9 and
special characters, {@, #, $, %, &}. You can assume that there are no other special characters and no
upper case letters in the password.
For Type 1 passwords, your program should compute the MD5 message digest of each dictionary
word in the dictionary and check if it matches the MD5 message digest of the user in the password
file. When a match is found, the corresponding English word is displayed as the cracked password.
For Type 2 passwords, your program should first generate a set of possible type 2 passwords for a
given English word. For example, for the word, “authentic”, you can create a number of type 2
passwords such as
You may assume that the number of special characters and numerical characters in any password is
less than 7 but they may be present at any position within the password string. Your program should
create all possible type 2 passwords for each given English word and for each possible type 2
password, your program computes the MD5 digest and checks if it matches the MD5 digest present
in the password file and thereby knows if the guessed password is correct.
In addition to the above mentioned approach, you may implement other additional optimizations in
the password cracking logic to minimize the password cracking time.
Your password cracker program should also display the time taken to crack the given password.
Project Submission: Submit a single ZIP file with your Pitt email ID as its filename via
the CourseWeb system. The package should contain all your source files and a readme
file including the answers to the above questions. You also need to demonstrate your
programs, where you may be asked to explain about different parts of your code.
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