Project 2: Circular Doubly Linked Lists, 100 pts
Due:10/16/2018, at 11:59:59 pm
1. In Programming Assignment 2, you will implement a Circular Doubly Linked List, a List
Iterator and create JUnit tests to verify their proper operation and implementation.
2. For implementing the Circular Doubly Linked List, you will implement the List
interface and additional methods.
3. You will develop a ListIterator to traverse over the Circular Doubly Linked List.
4. You will use existing JUnit tests and also write your own JUnit tests to test your
implementation of a Circular Doubly Linked List and the List Iterator.
As you get started, please pay attention to the following:
● Please read the ENTIRE write-up before getting started.
● For this homework and all homework in CSE 12, you may not change any public
class/method or variable names given in the write-up or starter code.
● No slip days allowed
You will submit the following files for this assignment:
● -- Provided for you as a starter file.
Where to find the starter code (You should all know how to use cp and scp command now
after we post the tutorial on Piazza)
● From ieng6 server at
○ <accountname>*
Part 1 - Understanding and Testing First
In this homework assignment you will be developing a Circular Doubly Linked List as well as an
Iterator for this list. Of course, these data structures are already supported in the Java
Collections Framework (LinkedList and ListIterator). But as we’ve mentioned in class,
implementing data structures is one of the best ways to become a better programmer and to
really understand what’s going on “under the hood”.
1. First Understand what MyLinkedList and MyListIterator will do
In order to write a good tester, you will need a deep understanding of how the classes and
methods you are testing are supposed to work. So before you start writing your tester, you
should read part 2 and part 3 in order to understand what your LinkedList and ListIterator
classes are supposed to do. You may refer to the documentation for LinkedList and
● Download the supplied file This is a starter file the defines a
small number of tests against MyLinkedList. Observe and check how each test is written and
what it tests for.
● Feel free to add more test, as the provided starter test is not comprehensive, and your
program will later be tested against our master test.
● You should make sure to include tests to check that your method throw the correct
exceptions when they are expected to throw them. There are more sophisticated ways to do
this (feel free to investigate and use them), but simple approach is to do the following
approach (from
public void testExceptionMessage() {
try {
new ArrayList<Object>().get(0);
fail("Expected an IndexOutOfBoundsException to be
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException anIooBException) {
is("Index: 0, Size: 0"));
Note: If you cannot get the assertThat to work on the lab machines (or your machine) it’s
sufficient to assume that any IndexOutOfBoundsException is correct, and to simply pass in
that case (i.e. fail if you do NOT enter the catch block, and leave the catch block empty).
● After final submission, we will be running more extensive tests on your code. The
points awarded from these tests will make up your final grade.
● You must not change any method names/ method signatures provided in the starter
Part 2 - Circular Doubly Linked Lists
Empty list (size = 0)
List with size 1 (one node with data 1):
List with size 2 (two node with data 1 and 2):
Once you understand what the behavior of your list and its iterator is supposed to be, your
next task is to implement a Circular Doubly Linked List called MyLinkedList and a
corresponding MyListIterator for your class.
● Download the starter file This MyLinkedList class will only be a subset
of the Java Collection’s Framework LinkedList and you only need to implement the methods
stubbed out in the starter code. In addition to the stubbed out methods which you will be
fully implementing yourself, make sure to also look in the source code for the string
“XXX-CHANGE-XXX”. These indicate method returns that need to be changed to reflect
proper function. The method returns have been included to allow for compilation, however
you should update them to reflect proper implementation. The methods to be implemented
are also listed in the table below. However, the behavior of each method must exactly match
that given in the LinkedList javadoc, unless specified otherwise.
● To make your life easier make sure that your class extends AbstractList, If you are not
sure where @Override tag came from, then you need to read the online documentation on
AbstractList. What happens if you do not override the add() method?
● There are various ways to implement a LinkedList - with only dummy reference, with
both dummy head and dummy tail nodes, with or without dummy nodes. You must use a
single "dummy" node in this homework. Refer to the three diagrams above to get a better
idea of how the list would look like with dummy node. Think about how having dummy node
simplifies add/remove operations in the list.
● The Java's LinkedList allows "null" objects to be inserted to the list. However, your
MyLinkedList will differ from this behavior. You should not allow “null” objects to be
inserted into the list and instead throw a NullPointerException if the user attempts to do
● Your program will be graded using an automatic script. Please try your best to
implement more JUnit tests to push your circular doubly linked list to be perfect even though
we will not collect your, because we sincerely promise that our
automatic script will do our worst!
● Constructors: You should only need to have a single public 0-argument constructor that
creates an empty list and initializes all the necessary variables.
● Method comments: You must provide method/class/inline comments, following the
style guideline posted on Piazza. Some methods have already been provided with these
comments for your reference.
The following are the methods of the inner class Node.
Method Name Method Description
Node (E element) Initializes the node with element
Node( E element, Node prevNode, Node
nextNode )
Initializes the node with element, prevNode
as its predecessor node and nextNode as its
successor node.
public void remove() Removes this node from the list. Links this
node’s predecessor and successor nodes.
public void setPrev( Node p ) Set p as the predecessor node.
public void setNext( Node n ) Set n as the next node
public void setElement( E e ) Set e as the node’s data
public Node getPrev() Return the node’s predecessor
public Node getNext() Return the node’s successor
public E getElement() Return the node’s data
The following are the methods of the MyLinkedList class.
Tip 1: Make sure to implement all the helper methods (like getNth(int index)) first!
Tip 2: Make sure you refer to the table below, comments in the starter code as well as the
javadoc description of the method to understand the correct behavior of the method. The
behavior of your method must exactly match its specification in order to pass the Master Tests.
Method Name Method Description Exceptions
to throw
Node getNth(int
a method that returns the Node at a specified
index, not the content. The input index can be any
integer in interval [Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Integer.MAX_VALUE] due to our Linkedlist’s circular
This method will return dummy node when the
Linkedlist’s is empty.
E.g say you only have the dummy node (Figure 1)
dummyNode <-> (dummyNode) //it point to itself
getNth(0) -> //return dummyNode
getNth(100) -> //return dummyNode
E.g: Say you have a circular doubly linkedlist with 2
elements, node a and node b. (Figure 3)
dummyNode <-> a <-> b <-> (dummyNode)
getNth(0) -> // return node a
getNth(1) -> // return node b
getNth(2) -> //return node a (because its circular)
getNth(3) -> //return node b
getNth(-1) -> //return node b (going backwards)
Note: You might also want a removeNode(Node n) method that allows you to keep from
duplicating code in your Iterator. But you aren't required to implement one unless you want
Method Description Exceptions to throw
add(T data)
add a node at the end into this list
Note: the boolean add method will presumably
always return true; it is a boolean function due to
the method definition in AbstractList
1. throw a
tion if the user
tries to add a null
index, T
add a node into this list by index. The input index
can be any integer in interval [Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Integer.MAX_VALUE] due to our linkedlist’s circular
E.g Say you have a circular doubly linkedlist with 2
nodes, node a and node b. (Figure 2)
dummy <-> a <-> (dummy)
add(0, val1) -> //dum <-> b <-> a <->(dum) , and
node b contains val1
add(2, val2) -> //dum <-> b <-> a <-> c <-> (dum),
and node c contains val2
add(-1, val3) -> //dum <-> b <-> a <-> c <-> d
add(10, val4) -> //dum <-> e <-> b <-> a <-> c <-> d
2. throw a
tion if the user
tries to add a null
T get(int i) Get data within the node at position i. The input
index can be any integer in interval
[Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE] due to our
linkedlist’s circular nature.
If list is empty
T set(int
i,T data)
set the value at index i to data. The input index can
be any integer in interval [Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Integer.MAX_VALUE] due to our linkedlist’s circular
It returns data within the node that was previously at
this index.
1. throw
tion if data is null
2. throw
Exception If list is
Remove the node from position i in this list. The
input index can be any integer in interval
[Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE] due to our
linkedlist’s circular nature.
on If list is empty
It returns the data within the removed node.
void clear() Remove all nodes from the list none
Determine if the list is empty none
int size()
Return the number of nodes being stored
● You'll probably want to use a nested class (that is, a class inside a class) to represent a
node in your linked list. To accomplish this, you can't declare a Node class as public, but you
can include it in the same file (and even in the same class) as MyLinkedList. If it is contained
within MyLinkedList<T>, then it can just use the generic label T because it is within the
class. This nested node class is already present in the starter code.
public class MyLinkedList<T> extends AbstractList<T> {
class Node { // this is called a Nested Class. Only usable within MyLinkedList
T data;
Node next;
Node prev;
// more code here
/* Lots more code will go here */
Part 3 - ListIterator
Once your MyLinkedList class is working, you will need to create a ListIterator which is
returned by the listIterator() method.
The approach to create this class is to use an inner helper class (contained inside the
definition of the MyLinkedList class). This is the approach you should use to create your
ListIterator. I.e. follow what’s already in the starter code. ListIterators are relatively
complex classes.
class MyListIterator implements ListIterator<T> {
// class variables here
public boolean hasNext() {
// your code here
// more methods, etc.
The ListIterator is able to traverse the list by moving a space at a time in either direction
(make certain to write a test to verify). It might be helpful to consider that the iterator has
size+1 positions in the list: just after the sentinel head node (i.e. just before the first node
containing data), between the 0 and 1 index, ..., just before the sentinel tail node (i.e., just
after the last node containing data). After one call to next(), the iterator is logically in the
state shown below
● Your methods should properly throw IllegalStateException, NoSuchElementException,
and NullPointerException exceptions. This means you DO NOT HAVE TO IMPLEMENT throwing
ALL exceptions as the javadoc would indicate. Please refer to the table below.
● You may assume that the methods of the MyLinkedList and Iterator will be tested
separately. Do not use iterator methods to write MyLinkedList methods, and vice versa. I’d
like you to practice writing them.
● You may refer the ListIterator JavaDoc for details, but there are notes below.
Method Name Method Description Exceptions to throw
Constructor that is used to
initialize the iterator.
Return true if there are more elements
other than dummy when going in the
forward direction.
T next()
Return the next element in the list
when going forward, and move the
iterator forward for one node.
Throw NoSuchElementException if
there is no such element
Return true if there are more elements
other than dummy when going in the
reverse direction.
T previous()
Return the next element in the list
when going backward, and move the
iterator backward for one node.
Throw NoSuchElementException if
there is no such element
int nextIndex()
Return the index of the element that
would be returned by a call to next()
Return the list size if at the end of the
Return the index of the element that
would be returned by a call to
Return -1 if at the start of the list
void set(T x)
Change the value in the node returned
by the most recent next/previous with
the new value.
1. Throw a
NullPointerException if x is
2. Throw an
IllegalStateException if
neither next nor previous
were called
3. Throw an
IllegalStateException if add
or remove have been called
since the most recent
void remove()
Remove the last element returned by
the most recent call to either
1. Throw an
IllegalStateException if
neither next nor previous
were called
2. Throw an
IllegalStateException if add
or remove has been called
since the most recent
void add(T x)
Insert the given item into the list
immediately before whatever would
have been returned by a call to next()
The new item is inserted before the
current cursor, so it would be returned
by a call to previous() immediately
The value of nextIndex or
previousIndex both are increased by
Throw an NullPointerException if x
is null.
Programming Hints
● It is useful to have a number of state fields to simplify the writing of the various
methods above. Since the cursor of the ListIterator exists logically between 2 nodes, It is
useful to just keep references to the next Node and the previous Node.It may also be helpful
to keep an int value of the index of the next node.
● If you construct your MyLinkedList to use sentinel (or dummy) nodes as discussed in
class, and you properly throw exceptions for going out of range, you shouldn't have to worry
about checking for null values at the ends of the list since the sentinel nodes are there.
● Since set() and remove() both change based on what direction was last being traversed,
it makes sense to keep a boolean flag to indicate a forward or reverse direction.
Turning in your code
Look through your programs and make sure you've included your
name, ID and login at the top of each of them.
Along with your name and cse12sxx account name at the top of each program you wrote, you
also need the appropriate comments at the top of your file. We are
expecting you to hand in the following files:
Important: Even if your code does not pass all the tests, you will still be able to submit your
homework to receive partial points for the tests that you passed.
How your assignment will be evaluated
● Coding Style
○ Check piazza resource on coding style guidelines
● Correctness
○ Does your code compile?
○ Does it pass all of the provided unit tests (
○ We only provided you with 9 out of 20 tests, and you are going to make sure that you
program run correctly under all possible situations.
Turn in command
To submit your programming assignment:
under your pa2 working directory, run “turnin”, and follow the instructions prompted in console.
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