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您当前位置:首页 >> Java编程Java编程

日期:2018-10-15 10:42


Group th_5

Yue Huang, 487768

Wenqi Huang, 487723

Yiwei, Yang 456335

Rakesh Shrestha 477712

Table of Content

UC8_User_views_StaffList  2

UC16_User_selects_StaffDetails   4

UC19_User_shows_ActivityGrid  6

UC23_User_views_UnitList  7

UC24_User_selects_Unit  8

UC28_User_generates_HeatMap   9

UC37_User_generates_ClashMap  11

UI view 13

Package Diagram  21

Class Diagrams 22

Sequence diagrams  25



Upon application startup, the user shall be able to load an interactive list of

the employed staff.


The user loads the staff-list when the application startup. This list should

display names in the formats ‘Family name, Given name (title)’ and filter the

list based on the category (such as: academic, technical, administrative and

casual). The list should be ordered alphabetically by family name and given

name. The user can type the part of the staff name to filter the list based on

the name that the user search and the list do not be restricted to the case.


Start up the software.


Action Software Reaction

1. The user clicks the

‘staff’ tab to view the

staff list

1. Display the list of all the staffs as a new page and

extract data from the database. The name of the staff,

work category should be loaded in the new page and

more details hide in the ‘more details’ clickable button.

2. The interface should refer to ‘Chart 2’. The dropdown

icon refers to ‘Chart 3’.

3. The data that is extracted from the database in the

list display names as ‘Family name, Given name

(Title)’ (Refer to ‘Chart 1’).

6. Staff’s data are ordered alphabetically by family

name at the beginning (Refer to ‘Chart 1’).

2. The user selects

‘Name’ or ‘Category’ from

‘Sort’ drop-down menu.

1. The list updates the content from the database

based on the selected level.

2. Category: Refresh the current list and the same

category will be listed together.

3. Name: Refresh the list and ordered alphabetically by

family name and given name. (based on the list that

has been sorted by the category, otherwise, no


3. The user selects a

category from the dropdown

list of ‘Category’

(academic/ technical/

administrative/ casual).

1. List collects the data from the database and updates

the current set of filters to include the selected


2. List creates a temporary list based on the current

set of filters

4. The user types the text

(name or part of name) in

the text field of ‘Search’.

1. Refresh the list automatically to include the typed


2. Creates a temporary list based on the current typed


3. If the typed text has no result, the system pops out a

window displaying ‘no result’ message.

4. Ignoring case.

5. The user selects

‘Details’ in the list behind

every name.

It will go to the Staff Detail page


Scenario Notes:

Action 1 is the precondition for all other actions. The other actions can be

selected in any order. The drop-down list of Action 2, Action 3 can be trigger

by clicking the title.

Post Conditions

Content displays based on the filter and list all the staff name.

Required Views: (GUIs)

Staff List View

Toolbar View


The database cannot be accessed; Pop-up windows with the request to close

the application or try again.

The name is too long; Hide a part of the name to ensure the uncluttered


Use Cases utilised




When the users select a name in the list the system will show more details

about the staff member (referred to as the Staff Details view), which should

include: Name; Campus; Phone Number; Room Location; Email Address;

Photo; Consultation hours; Table of units he or she is involved within the

current Semester.


This interface mainly displays staff details and supply further functional button.

Firstly, after clicked employee list, the interface will display stuff details page.

Furthermore, staff details profile has enhanced functions. If users want to get

more details of staff, they can click these buttons.


1. Startup software, through main page access to staff list view.

2. Click more details, access to individual staff profile.


Action Software Reaction

1.The user clicks

more details that


employee’s name.

1. Displays the staff profile, staff personal information

displayed line by line.

2. At the top, showed this person's head portrait, right side of

portrait is “status” with triangle icon. Then displayed Name;

Campus; Phone Number; Room Location; Email Address. At

the bottom, it displays consultation routine and current

charging unit code with actual name (unit name with different

color which means a user can click on it) .

2.Click unit code

that in the profile.

1. Once it is clicked, the page will automatically jump to

timetable page, and the page will specifically display this unit


2. See UC24_User_selects_Unit

3.Click status


1.drop down a status details box.

2. In this box, status of the employee will be displayed in three

independent drop-down boxes.

4.Click activity

weekly icon

See UC19_User_shows_ActivityGrid

Scenario notes:

Action 1 is The main function, Action 2,3&4 is extension functions that based

on the profile.

Post condition:

Staff details based on click more details behind specific staff name.

Further information by clicking icon.

Required Views: (GUIs)

Staff list & details, Unit timetable


1. The staff profile goes blank, because it can not read data from database


2. The clickable button cannot be clicked, linking issue.

Use Cases utilised:






It would enhance the Staff Details view if the staff member’s activity (classes

and consultation times) across a week could be displayed in a colour-coded



There are hiding grid with staff activities detail below one single staff row. The

user can click on an inverted triangle button to display or hide these details.

The grid has a top row with hours of the day, and a column with days of the

week. Different color show different activities for this staff. Red: busy; Blue:

booked by user; White: free time. These three different color information will

be shown on the top of a grid.


Start up the software, access to staff list. Click a single staff name to access

staff detail.


Action Software Reaction

1. There is a Button with

“inverted triangle” icon, named

“more detail” at the end of every

column in the staff list. Click on it.

1. It will display a grid about one single

staff activities detail, below the row that

user clicked on (refer to chart 8).

2. Color represents different activities in

this grid. White means free time. Red

stands for busy. Blue stands for the

appointment or consultation that user

has booked.

2. Click the triangle again 1. The grid will be hidden again.

Scenario notes:

Action 1 display the grid, action 2 hide the grid. These two actions can be

acted repeatedly. User can do action 1 multi times,


Open the staff tab and show the view of the staff list.

Required Views: (GUIs)

Tab Bar view

Staff List & Detail view


1. Display a blank grid

2. Detail in activity grid is not updated.

Use Cases utilised:





The system should be able to generate a list of the units under the control of

the School, ordered alphanumerically.


This page consists the information about the overall units retrieved from the

school database system alphanumerically where each of the unit can be

accessible by the user by clicking on it with the use of filter bar where a user

has to either type the unit code or the unit title.


Startup software, through main page access to Unit Tab on toolbar


Action Software Reaction

1. By clicking the

timetable option on the

tab bar at the top of the

main page.

1. It will jump to a new page. At the same time, System

will generate a list of the units under the control of the

School on the new page, ordered alphanumerically

(This list is the default sort ) . (Refer to ‘Chart 37’)

2.All units can be clicked for checking further

information(unit showed by name and code).(Refer to

‘’Chart 23)

2.Click filter bar, type

actual unit code or name.

1.User can only type exact unit name or code on the

filter bar for searching.

2.Type in name or unit code, page will show the actual

content of unit. (Refer to ‘Chart 24’)

Scenario notes:

Action 1 mainly allows the users through main page access to unit list view


Post condition:

Click and access to the unit timetable main page, display all units list

Required Views: (GUIs)

Units List view


Units sorting cannot display actual unit timetable or blank

Units cannot read unit timetable data from database properly.

Use Cases utilised:




Selecting a unit from this list should bring up a list of classes for that unit,

ordered chronologically.


This page vitally shows the classes of current unit. Once chose unit, the users

can check series of contents of this unit, including class type, time, staff or

tutor name, location and campus. In addition, users can access to relevant

page to get more information of current unit such as charging staff details etc.


Startup software, through unit list access to class timetable


Action Software Reaction

1.The user clicks view

on the unit.

1. A tabular will display in a new page, including details

and routine of this unit (refer to Chart10).

2. The name of the staff in the sixth column is clickable.

2.Click on any staff

name in the sixth

column of tabular.

See UC16_User_selects_StaffDetails

3.Click on the

campus button in the


1. After selecting campus, the page will only display all the

units in this campus, opposite, the courses that in the other

campus will not be displayed.

4. Click on the clash

map button in the


See UC37_User_generates_ClashMap

Scenario notes:

Action 1 mainly allows the users check all units details and provide

functionality for further viewing.

Post condition:

Further details based on clicked to select unit, name or campus.

Click units

Required Views: (GUIs)

Units List view

Staff list & details view

Campus chosen

Unit details


Units sorting chaos

Campus filtering chaos

Time table page and staff page connection error

Use Cases utilised:





It would enhance the application’s utility if it could generate ‘heat maps’ of

activity across the week.


In this case, users can click on heatmap tab in the top toolbar. It generates a

heatmap base on several features. Types: unit classes/ consultation. Campus:

Hobart/ Launceston. Units: unit ID. Software can connect to database and get

the require data when user select to display in the heatmap grid. Under

heatmap tab, there is a grid with a left column (days of a week), top row

(hours of a day), and cells to present the heat of classes. The more people

choose the same hour, the deeper color display in the cell. User can modify

type, campus and unit to show data in heatmap.


Startup the software

User logged in


Action Software Reaction

1. User click the tab

“heat maps”.

1. System will get all the class time and consultation

time from the database.

2. There will be a heatmap display in the view (refer

to chart 10.1).

3. In the grid, there is a heatmap with different color

in cells. Each cell represents an hour. White color

means free time. The deeper the color is in a cell.

The more students enroll classes in this time.

4. The data which get from database will display on

this grid with the color format. The more students

enroll in the same time of classes or consultations,

the deeper the color displays on this grid. These

all depends on data which stores on database.

2. User selects Unit ID

from class selection


1. Software opens connection with database, select

this specific unit ID class time data.

2. Count the number of enrolled students and show

this number as depth of color in a specific hour cell

in the grid.

3. User selects Hobart/

Launceston from

campus selection bar

1. Software gets data with Hobart/ Launceston

attribute from database.

2. Display the heatmap only on Hobart or

Launceston base with the combination of type, unit

ID or consultation.

4. User selects class

time from type

1. Software connects to database and locates to

tables relates to class time.

2. The heatmap starts with a blank grid. And it will

change its performance depends on users’


5. User modify the

color from the color

bar that display the

depth on heat map.

1. The selected color will be updated to controller.

2. Controller will change the color on heatmap when it

finishes modification.

Scenario notes:

Action 1 is a startup action. Action 2, action 3 and action 4 should combination

to act together for displaying require information. User can easy modify action

2, action 3 or action 4 anytime.

Post condition:

Heatmap should be display on the view after user access to heatmap tab. And

information in heatmap should be changed when the user modify selections in


Required Views: (GUIs)




1. The consultation time that user has booked does not show on heat maps.

2. The unit classes cannot display on heat maps.

3. Color modification fail.

Use Cases utilised:




Upon application startup, the user shall be able to load an interactive clash

map between the classes and the consultation time of the unit that has

selected before.


The users load the clash table when the application startup. The map should

display the classes time of the unit and the consultation time of the staff who

teach the unit. On the top right side, the ‘Hobart only’ and ‘Launceston only’

occupied two buttons. The two campuses have two views. There will display

all the classes and consultation time of the unit without the selection of the

campus button. The clash map view uses the different color block to represent

the occurrence of the clash. Bright Green means there is one class or one

consultation. Red means the consultation and class have a clash. White

means no class or no consultation.


The database of listed classes time and consultation time have existed.


Action Software Reaction

1. The user clicks the

‘Clash’ button to view the

clash map (refer to

‘Chart 10’).

1. Display all the classes and consultation time of the

unit that has selected before on a new page.

2. A Toolbar on the top and Map View behind it


3. The interface and the description of the following

color block refer to ‘Chart 14’.

4. The map view is tabular. (refer to ‘Chart 14’).

5. All the tabular map view fill with the color block.

(refer to ‘Chart 14’).

2. The user selects

‘Hobart Only’ or

‘Launceston Only’.

1. Updates the content based on the selected button.

2. Refresh the current map and only display the current

campus clash map.

3. The user clicks the

color block in the clash

map view (refer to ‘Chart

18 & 19’).

1. There will be a pop-up window link to the block to

explain the situation.

2. If it has a clash, the pop-up windows will show the

campus and type (Lecture, Tutorial, Practical,

Workshop) and the staff member who teaches this

class AND the staff name of this consultation, the

contact way (refer to ‘Chart 5’).

3. If the block in the bright green color, it will just show

the campus and type (Lecture, Tutorial, Practical,

Workshop) and the staff member who teaches this

class OR the staff name of this consultation and the

contact way (refer to ‘Chart 16 & 17’).

4. The user clicks anywhere, the pop-up window closes.

Scenario Notes:

Action 1 is the precondition for all other actions. The other actions can be

selected in any order. The pop-up windows of Action 3 can only be trigger by

clicking the block.

Post Conditions

Content displays based on the click of the button and lists the classes and

consultation time.

Required Views: (GUIs)

Clash Map View

Toolbar View


1. The database cannot be accessed; Pop-up windows with the request of

closing the application or try again later.

2. The information of the pop-up window is too large so that the window is too

huge; Designed neatly.

3. The pop-up windows cannot be closed; Window with the request of forcing to

exit the application.

Use Cases utilised



UI view

Package Diagram

Class Diagrams

Views Diagram

Controller diagram

Database diagram

Data source Diagram

Sequence diagrams

- UC8_User_views_StaffList

- UC16_User_selects_StaffDetails

- UC18_User_shows_ActivityGrid

- UC23_User_views_UnitList

- UC24_User_selects_Units

- UC28_User_generates_HeatMap

- UC37_User_generates_ClashMap

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