ITI1121: SUMMER 2018
1) Implement an Interface List that contains all the methods mentioned below. The interface
should use a generic type T that extends Comparable.
Note that the java interface Comparable has a method : int compareTo(T o) that compares this
object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer
as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
2) Implement a SinglyLinkedList class that implements the interface List to store elements of
a generic type:
(i.e., public class SinglyLinkedList <T extends Comparable<T>> implements List<T>).
Just as in the lectures, the class must have a nested static class called Node that stores the
generic value and a reference variable next that points to the next node in the list.
Here are the methods included in the interface:
1) public int size(); returns the size of the list (must be implemented as a recursive method).
2) public T get(int i); returns the element at position i (first position index is 0).
3) public int indexOf(Object item); returns the position of item ( note that it is of type
4) public void add(int i, T item); adds item at position i of the list.
5) public T remove(int i); removes item at position i of the list.
6a) public T min(); returns the item with the minimum value in the list;
6b) public T minR(); returns the item with the minimum value in the list (must be
implemented as a recursive method);
7a) public T max(); returns the item with the maximum value in the list;
7B) public T maxR(); returns the item with the maximum value in the list (must be
implemented as a recursive method);
8) public boolean Empty(): returns true if the list is empty.
9) public void addAthead(T item) : adds an “element at the head of the list
10) public void addAtEnd(T item): adds an element at the end of the list.
11) public void replace(T first, T second): takes two elements as an input, searches for the
first(first) in the list, if it is found it will replace it with second ( without creating an nodes).
12) public List<T> duplicate(T item): A recursive method to duplicate every element in
a linked list, that is equal to a certain value. For example, if the linked list contains 4, 8, 4,
10 the element to duplicate is 4 the new list should contain 4,4,8,4,4, 10.
13) public void reverse(): A recursive method that prints out the data elements of a linked
list in reverse order.
14) public List <T> countGreaterThan(T threshold): A recursive method that returns a list
containing all the elements in the original list that are larger than threshold.
15) public Boolean equals(Object other): A recursive method returns true if other is a
list that has the same elements in the list with the same order.
16) public String toString(): returns a string representation of the elements in the list
separated by a comm..
17) public List<T> inorder(); returns a new list that has all the elements in the list sorted
in an ascending order.
18) public void removeEven(): removes all the elements at even positions from the list (0,2,
4, ..) and keeps only the elements at the odd positions.
Deliverable :
b) Write a test program that creates two linked lists List1 and List2 that store Integers. Call
all the methods you implemented (in the order of your choice) to test your code. After each
call to a method print out the list to see its contents. (10 marks).
Note: all methods must take care of all illegal (e.g., removing an element from an empty
list, inserting at an out of boundary position, etc).
3) Create a class that will include the following static class methods:
a) public static int sumOdd(int[] t): A recursive method that finds the sum of all odd values
stored in an array of int.
b) public static int lastOccureance(int[] t, int n): A recursive linear search method that will
find the last occurrence of an int n in an array of integers t.
c) public static int [] sumArray(int [] t, int value): a method that will take an array t (e.g.,
{5,6,7,8}) and a desired sum value (e.g., 15), then returns a subset of numbers(e.g., {7,8}),
in the array that will result in that sum if such an array exists. If multiple arrays can be
found, any one can be returned.
For example,if t ={1,1,5,4,6) and value = 10, one possible outcome is {1,5,4}, another is
d) Test all the above methods in the main method of your class
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