CSE105-CW3-RESIT: Java programming project.
Due Date: Wednesday 25 July 2018, 8:00pm
Problem Description
Design and code an appointments diary in Java.
You must design and code an appointment diary using Java. This is like a form of
calendar, with events (appointments) that must be stored, viewed, and modified.
The interface will be console menu based, and manages a list of appointments. Each
appointment has a
• date
• time
• location
• title
An example of an appointment is:
Date: 2018/06/12 Time: 14:00 Title: Assignment Revision Location: SD466E
The details of operation are flexible and left to your imagination. The design of the
appointments class is up to you.
It is expected that you will have:
• At least one Java class to control the operation of the appointment diary.
• At least one Java class to hold appointment data as objects.
Menu functions:
• Read a list of appointments from a text file.
• Display, on screen, a list of all appointments ordered by date/time
• Display, on screen, a list of all appointments grouped by location.
• Add an appointment to the list.
• Remove an appointment from the list.
• Alter the location or date of an appointment.
• Save all appointments to a text file. This should be automatic on exit.
Task Requirements
Your program should have the following functionality:
• Read a list of appointments – a menu interface that will load a list of preexisting
appointments from an appropriate file
• Display, on screen, a list of all appointments ordered by date/time
• Display, on screen, a list of all appointments grouped by location
• Add an appointment to the list – a menu interface that will allow the user to
input a title, location, date, and time, and store it as an object
• Remove an appointment from the list - a menu interface that will allow the
user to select an individual appointment and remove it so that it is no longer
• Alter the location or date of an appointment – a menu interface that will
allow the user to select an individual appointment and modify the location
and date/time
• Save all appointments to a text file - This should be automatic on exit, and
does not require a menu interface
Submission Instructions (required to achieve 40%+)
You must submit your work on the CSE105 ICE page before 8:00pm, Wednesday
25th July.
You must submit the following files:
• A word document showing your system design. This should contain the
detailed design of each class (a class diagram), showing attributes and
• One ZIP archive of your Netbeans project folder. Make sure this contains ALL the
resources your application needs to run. If your program does not compile and
run from this file only, you cannot pass. The ZIP file name must start with your
student number. Use the package name CSE105 for java classes.
• A .txt file for each .java file. This should NOT be in a zip or RAR archive. The
content of the text files must be identical to the files in the src directory of the
This assignment is individual work. Plagiarism (e.g. copying materials from other
sources without proper acknowledgement) is a serious academic
offence. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with
the University Code of Practice on Assessment. Individual students may be invited
to explain parts of their code in person, and if they fail to demonstrate an
understanding of the code, no credit will be given for that part of the code.
Marking scheme:
Assessment criteria Percentage
A design document is provided. The
overall design of the classes and
methods within are properly presented.
The design matches the analysis. OO
principles are observed including
encapsulation and appropriate use of
static and object methods. Sufficient
detail is shown to enable
Good coding style, largely conforming to
naming conventions, with clear adequate
Core functions work. 5 functions x 10
marks. 50
Data storage in text file. Data retrieval,
data storage. 10
Total 100%
5 marks may be deducted for each of the following:
• Runtime errors
• The use of continue.
• Identifier naming not conforming to commonly accepted Java programming
• Insufficient comments in the Java code.
• The use of break or continue (except break within switch).
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