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日期:2018-05-26 06:37

Lab Assignment 4 CMPS 182 - Spring 2018 Due: 11:59pm Sunday, June 3, 2018

1. Preliminaries

Under Resources→Lab4 on Piazza, there are some files that are discussed in this document. Two

of the files are create_lab4.sql script and lab4_data_loading.sql. The create_lab4.sql script creates

all tables within the schema lab4. The schema is (almost) the same as the one we used for Lab3.

There is no NewReads table. lab4_data_loading.sql (which will be posted soon) will load data into

those tables, just as a similar file did for Lab3. Alter your search path so that you can work with

the tables without qualifying them with the schema name:


You must log out and log back in for this to take effect. To verify your search path, use:


Note: It is important that you do not change the names of the tables. Otherwise, your application

may not pass our tests, and you will not get any points for this assignment.

2. Instructions to compile and run JDBC code

Three important files under Resources→Lab4 are RunChirpApplication.java,

ChirpApplication.java and postgresql-42.1.4.jar, which contains a JDBC driver. (There’s also a

RunStoresApplication.java file from an old version of this assignment; it won’t be used in this

assignment, but it may help you understand it, as we explain in Section 6.) Place those three files

into your working directory; that directory should be on your Unix PATH, so that you can execute

files in it. Also, follow these instructions for “Setting up JDBC Driver, including CLASSPATH”

Modify RunChirpApplication.java with your own database credentials. Compile the Java code, and

ensure it runs correctly. It will not do anything useful with the database yet, except for logging in

and disconnecting, but it should execute without errors.

If you have changed your password for your database account with the “ALTER ROLE username

WITH PASSWORD <new_password>;” command in the past, and you now use a confidentiality

sensitive password (e.g. the same password as your Blue or Gold UCSC password, or your personal

e-mail password), make sure that you do not include this password in the RunChirpApplication.java

file that you submit to us, as that information will be unencrypted.

You can compile the RunChirpApplication.java program with the following command:

> javac RunChirpApplication.java

To run the compiled file, issue the following command:

> java RunChirpApplication

Note that if you do not modify the username and password to match those of your PostgreSQL

account in the program, the execution will return an authentication error.

If the program uses methods from the ChirpApplication class and both programs are located in the

same folder, any changes that you make to ChirpApplication.java can also be compiled with a javac

command similar to the one above.

Lab Assignment 4 CMPS 182 - Spring 2018 Due: 11:59pm Sunday, June 3, 2018

You may get ClassNotFound exceptions if you attempt to run your programs locally and there is no

JDBC driver on the classpath, or unsuitable driver errors if you already have a different version of

JDBC locally that is incompatible with cmps182-db.lt.ucsc.edu, which is the class DB server. To

avoid such complications, we advise that you use the provided postgresql-42.1.4.jar file, which

contains a compatible JDBC library.

3. Goal

The fourth lab project puts the database you have created to practical use. You will implement part

of an application front-end to the database.

4. Description of methods in the ChirpApplication class

ChirpApplication.java contains a skeleton for the ChirpApplication class, which has methods that

interact with the database using JDBC.

The methods in the ChirpApplication class are the following:

• getUsersByAddress: This method takes as string argument called theAddress. It returns the

list of userID values for ChirpUsers who have that address.

• makeUsersInactive: This method has no parameters. The ChirpUsers table has a Boolean

attribute called active. We’ll say that a user is active if the value of active is TRUE, and

we’ll say that a user is inactive if that attribute is FALSE. There may be some active users

who haven’t made any posts after December 31, 2016. Update the ChirpUsers rows for

these users so that they become inactive. (Don’t update rows of users that were already

inactive.) makeUsersInactive should return the number of users who were made inactive

by your update.

• purgeBadUsers: This method has one integer parameter, censorLimit. It invokes a stored

function purgeBadFunction that you will need to implement and store in the database

according to the description that appears in Section 5. purgeBadFunction should take have

the same parameter, censorLimit. It will take actions to purge all information about certain

users from the database; Section 5 explains which users will be purged, and what purging

means. purgeBadFunction returns an integer value, and the purgeBadUsers method should

return the same integer value.

The method purgeBadUsers must only invoke the stored function purgeBadFunction,

which does all of the assignment work; do not implement purgeBadUsers using a bunch of

SQL statements through JDBC.

Lab Assignment 4 CMPS 182 - Spring 2018 Due: 11:59pm Sunday, June 3, 2018

Each method is annotated with comments in the ChirpApplication.java file with a description

indicating what it is supposed to do (repeating most of the descriptions above). Your task is to

implement methods that match the descriptions. The default constructor is already implemented.

For JDBC use with PostgreSQL, the following links should be helpful. Note in particular, that

you’ll get an error unless the location of the JDBC driver is in your CLASSPATH.

Brief guide to using JDBC with PostgreSQL

Setting up JDBC Driver, including CLASSPATH

Information about queries and updates

Guide for defining stored procedures/functions

5. Stored Function

As Section 4 mentioned, you should write a stored function called purgeBadFunction, that has one

integer parameter, censorLimit. The ChirpPosts table has a Boolean attribute censored indicating

whether or not a particular post has been censored. Some users may have made no more than

censorLimit post that have been censored; these are good users. But some users may have made

more than censorLimit posts that were censored; these are bad users. ChirpBase has decided to

purge all information about bad users from its database, and purgeBadFunction will change

multiple tables to do accomplish the purging.

Here’s what you’ll do in purgeBadFunction to purge a bad user:

• Delete the ChirpUsers tuple for the bad user.

• For any ChirpUsers tuple that has the bad user as spouseID, change spouseID to NULL.

• Delete all the ChirpPosts tuples that were made by the bad user.

• Delete all the ChirpFollowers tuples involving that bad user, whether as userID or


The purgeBadFunction stored function should return the number of bad users you purged, i.e., the

number of ChirpUsers tuples that you deleted.

Write the code to create the stored function, and save it to a text file named

purgeBadFunction.pgsql. To create the stored function purgeBadFunction, issue the psql


\i purgeBadFunction.pgsql

at the server prompt. If the creation goes through successfully, then the server should respond with

the message “CREATE FUNCTION”. You will need to call the stored function within the

purgeBadUsers method through JDBC, as described in the previous section. You should include

the purgeBadFunction.pgsql source file in the zip file of your submission, along with your versions

of the Java source files ChirpApplication.java and RunChirpApplication.java that were described in

Section 4.

As we noted above, a guide for defining stored functions with PostgreSQL can be found here on the

PostgreSQL site. PostgreSQL stored functions have some syntactic differences from the PSM

stored procedures/functions that were described in class and in a Piazza post. For Lab4, you should

write a stored function that has only an IN parameter; that’s legal in both PSM and PostgreSQL.

Lab Assignment 4 CMPS 182 - Spring 2018 Due: 11:59pm Sunday, June 3, 2018

6. Testing

The file RunStoresApplication.java (this is not a typo) contains sample code on how to set up the

database connection and call application methods for a different database and for different

methods. It is provided only for illustrative purposes, to give you an idea of how to invoke the

methods that you want to test in this assignment.

RunChirpApplication.java is the program that you will need to modify in ways that are similar to

the content of the RunStoreApplication.java program, but for this assignment, not for a Storesrelated

assignment. You should write tests to ensure that your methods work as expected. In

particular, you should:

• Write two tests of the getUsersByAddress method, one with theAddress value ‘4 Privet

Drive, Surrey’, and the other with the theAddress value ‘Tottenham Court Road, London’.

Your code should print the userID values returned by getUsersByAddress for each value.

Remember that your method should run correctly for any value of theAddress, not just for

those values.

Inside RunChirpApplication.java, you should print out the outputs you got from

getUsersByAddress with the theAddress argument set to each of these values as follows:

Output of getUsersByAddress when the parameter theAddress is ‘4 Privet Drive,


output here

Output of getUsersByAddress when the parameter theAddress is ‘Tottenham Court

Road, London’:

output here

• Write one test for the makeUsersInactive method. Inside RunChirpApplication.java, you

should print out the result returned by makeInactiveUsers (that is the number of users who

were made inactive) as follows:

Output of makeUsersInactive

output here

• Write one test for the purgeBadUsers method. The test should run with censorLimit value

3. Your code should print the result (number of users that were purged) that was returned

by purgeBadUsers.

Lab Assignment 4 CMPS 182 - Spring 2018 Due: 11:59pm Sunday, June 3, 2018

7. Submitting

1. Remember to add comments to your Java code so that the intent is clear.

2. Place the java programs ChirpApplication.java and RunChirpApplication.java, and the stored

procedure declaration code purgeBadFunction.pgsql in your working directory at


3. Zip the files to a single file with name Lab4_XXXXXXX.zip where XXXXXXX is your 7-

digit student ID, for example, if a student's ID is 1234567, then the file that this student

submits for Lab4 should be named Lab4_1234567.zip. To create the zip file, you can use the

Unix command:

zip Lab4_1234567 ChirpApplication.java RunChirpApplication.java purgeBadFunction.pgsql

4. Lab4 is due on Canvas by 11:59pm on Sunday, June 3, 2018. Late submissions will not be

accepted, and there will be no make-up Lab assignments.

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