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日期:2024-09-27 06:14

BFA507 Accounting and Accountability for Decision Making - Sem 2, 2024

Assessment Task 1b: MYOB Case Study

Due: Week 8 - Friday, 20 September, 2024 at 5.00pm

For assessment purposes you will need to assign your unit coordinator as Administrator to your MYOB account before Friday 13 th September 2024 (see page 7 in the attached workbook).

ILOs Addressed: ILO1, ILO2, & ILO3

Maximum length/format: as per MYOB report specificati ons


This assessment task builds on your developing knowledge of accounti ng processes and your MYOB workshop acti viti es. Part A of Assessment Task 1 was your week 3 online quiz. Part B now consists of the following:

? Part B – recording and reporti ng financial informati on for a small Tasmanian company, NavigoTech Pty Ltd, using MYOB accounti ng soft ware (including MYOB Academy). The detailed informati on that follows forms the comprehensive data set for this assignment. This Part B Case Study must be completed individually.

Most importantly, this assignment will assess all three learning outcomes for this unit: that means you will need to:

1. Apply accounti ng and accountability concepts to accounti ng systems and reporti ng;

2. Criti que complex financial and non-financial reports for potenti al accounti ng issues;

3. Prepare financial statements using contemporary accounti ng theory and practi ce for management decision-making.

Specifically, the assessment task requires you to set up, record and report financial informati on for NavigoTech Pty Ltd using MYOB accounti ng soft ware, and then criti que the financial reports for any potenti al accounti ng issues. Use a separate one-page Word document with preliminary draft dot points of your criti que (categorised under relevant headings as a guide for AT2). You will need to further analyse this data and your preliminary findings from AT1b as part of a comprehensive report to management in your Assessment 2 presentati on.

As part of this assessment task, you will be required to complete the remaining four (4) topics in your MYOB Academy Learning Path – “Getti ng Started with MYOB Business”. It is strongly recommended that you complete these learning modules first, to build your skills in using the MYOB accounti ng soft ware and therefore support your successful completi on of the NavigoTech Pty Ltd Case Study.

Using your new knowledge and experti se in the MYOB soft ware, you will assess the enti ty's accounti ng processes, data accuracy, and identi fy any potenti al areas of improvement. This assessment task will test your ability to manage financial records, analyse data accurately and efficiently, and prepare preliminary informati on to communicate your findings effecti vely to others.

Individually, you are required to:

1. Complete “Getti ng Started with MYOB Business” in MYOB Academy;

2. Set up, record and report the financial informati on for NavigoTech using MYOB accounti ng soft ware;

3. Make a list of potenti al accounti ng issues in a separate document, and once completed,

4. Upload the required documents (see secti on 8) to the Individual Assessment Drop Box in MyLO.

Task 1

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first part of this assignment task is to learn about MYOB in the MYOB Academy Learning Path and most importantly practi ce your skills with the MYOB Workshop Practi ce Set - EcoServe. Your EcoServe Packaging profile is for practi ce purposes only. It is NOT assessed - however, completi on of the MYOB Academy Learning Path is ASSESSED.

The final assessment task data (available in the link below) will require you to START AGAIN with a new trial account in MYOB Business. Please do not att empt to overwrite the practi ce set account. It will cause endless problems.

***Click on the link below to download the assessable assignment for NavigoTech Pty Ltd:

1. BFA507 MYOB AT1b Case Study (Part 1) - NavigoTech (UPDATED)

2. Part 2 - Secti on 7: Transacti on DATA file

Please conti nue to scroll down this page to read other important informati on about AT1b.

How your work will be assessed:

This assessment is worth 30% of the final grade for this unit. The assessment will be graded out of 100 points according to the marking criteria. Please ensure you have followed the instructi ons and have included all the relevant parts. The rubric will show the distributi on of marks and performance expectati ons, and should be read carefully before starti ng the assignment. Some elements may be weighted more highly than others. Carefully review what each criterion is asking you to do, and what is required for each level of the rubric (High Disti ncti on, Disti ncti on, Credit, Pass, or Fail).

The adjusted rubric is linked to the assignment submission page in the assessment tab on the top toolbar of MyLO - Assessment Task 1 (PART B): MYOB Case Study. Scroll to the bott om of the page (right hand side).

How to submit your work:

Submit your completed work electronically, by the due date and ti me, to the dedicated assignment box, under Assessments > Assignments in this unit.

File type required: MYOB reports and WORD documents.

If you require instructi ons on how to submit your assignment, visit the Student Guides link in the Get Help Here folder.

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