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日期:2024-09-27 06:14

Individual Assignment I

for Service Leadership: Promoting a Better World (GCAP3213)

Semester 1, Academic Year 2024/2025

Requirements of Individual Assignment I (20 marks)

Select a leader in reality and analyze his/her characteristics with?evidence.

Discuss whether the?selected leader’s characteristics and actions show his/her service?leadership.

Written Report Guideline

You may use the following points to guide you in preparing the report:

A) Content

? Analyze the characteristics of a selected leader

o Briefly introduce the?leader you have?chosen.

o Identify and describe two or three key characteristics of this leader with?evidence.

o Evaluate the impact of the leader’s characteristics and actions on his/her?followers, organization, or community.

o Discuss whether the selected leader’s characteristics show his/her service?leadership.

? Discuss your own opinions

o Reflect?on?how?the?leadership?qualities?and?styles?of the?selected?leader?have?influenced?your?own?understanding?of?leadership.

B) Format and Submission

????The report?should be?double-spaced, with?font?size?12,?and the Times New?Roman?font type. The maximum allowable length is?6 pages.

? Note: Written report of individual assignment I will be submitted to ispace by 17:00, on Friday, 27 September, 2024.

C) Research Sources and Referencing

????If?research?is?needed, possible?sources?are?newspaper,?journals, magazines, internet,?databases, etc. Proper referencing and in-text citation must be done using?the American Psychological Association (APA),?Seventh Edition style.


D) Other Instructions

? Note that plagiarism is a serious offence. Anyone found to have plagiarized its report will get a zero for the assignment.

????The similarity rate of the report should not exceed 20%. Please do not use?generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to write your report; the AI rate will also be?checked through the Turnitin system.

????The project must be written in English Language only. Reports with many grammatical and typographical errors will affect the overall assessment.

? The assignment must be submitted to iSpace before the deadline in PDF format.

????Late?Work?Policy: A?deduction?of?20% of?the?total?marks?will?be?applied?if?the

assignment is submitted?1 calendar day late, 40%?if?2?calendar days?late,?and?60% if?3 calendar days late. The assignment will not be graded,?and?a zero?mark?will be?awarded if?submitted 4 or more calendar days late.

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