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日期:2024-09-27 12:31

COMM5501 Data Visualisation?and?Communication?- 2024

General Course Information

Course Code : ?COMM5501

Year?: ?2024

Term : ?Term 3

Teaching Period?: ?T3

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

How can data help you tell a story? How can you use data storytelling to then tackle some of the?big challenges we are facing around the world?

Data?visualisation?and?communication?are?critical?skills?in?many?professions. The?creation of?targeted, easily?digestible?visuals?allows?us?to?make?sense?of?complex?information?in?an accessible and easily understandable way. The ability to employ visuals will enhance almost any?presentation to better engage our audience, make our messages more?memorable,?and facilitate?more?effective?decision-making.

In this course, we will give you the tools?to create your own data story addressing a pressing and?current global challenge as identifed by the?UN SDGs. You will learn how to design your?story for?your?chosen?audience, how?to?criticise?misrepresentations?of?data?(especially?the?intentional ones), and drive action to address your chosen challenge.

So, how will you leave the world a better?place?

Course Aims

This?course?aims?to?create?a?strong?foundation?in?data?storytelling?for?students. Students?will?receive?hands-on?experience?in?creating?effective?data?visualisations?with?the?aim?of communicating?complicated?issues?to?diverse?audiences, with?the?intention?to?bring?about impactful change. This process will also involve students giving peer feedback on each other's?work as part of building critical evaluation and refectionskills.

Relationship to Other Courses

The?ideas?introduced?in?this?course?around?developing?the?skill?of?effective?data?storytelling?will form.?a?strong?foundation?for?effective, evidence-based?communication?applicable?to?many disciplines.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes

CLO1 : Produce appropriate high quality data visualisations using a variety of software

packages and techniques

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO2 : Problem Solving

? PLO3 : Business Communication

CLO2 : Critically evaluate and interpret data graphics

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO3 : Business Communication

CLO3 : Apply data storytelling techniques to a range of business and societal problems

? PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

? PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

CLO4 : Communicate data insights effectively to a variety of audiences

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO2 : Problem Solving

? PLO3 : Business Communication

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Produce appropriate high quality data visualisations using a variety of software

packages and techniques

? Weekly Formative tasks

? Data Story Content

? Data Story Project

CLO2 : Critically evaluate and interpret data graphics

? Weekly Formative tasks

CLO3 : Apply data storytelling techniques to a range of business and societal problems

? Data Story Content

? Data Story Project

? Weekly Formative tasks

CLO4 : Communicate data insights effectively to a variety of audiences

? Data Story Content

? Data Story Project

? Weekly Formative tasks

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management?System


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Program learning outcomes

Weekly Formative tasks Assessment

Format: Individual

Short Extension: Yes (1 day)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Weekly, see Moodle for details

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO2 : Problem Solving

? PLO3 : Business Communication

? PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

? PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

Data Story Content Assessment

Format: Individual

Short Extension: Yes (3 days)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Various, see Moodle for details

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO2 : Problem Solving

? PLO3 : Business Communication

? PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

? PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

Data Story Project Assessment

Format: Individual

Short Extension: Yes (7 days)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Week 10: 11

November - 17 November

? PLO1 : Business Knowledge

? PLO3 : Business Communication

? PLO2 : Problem Solving

? PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

? PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

? PLO7 : Leadership Development

Assessment Details

Weekly Formative tasks

Assessment Overview

Tasks designed to give students feedback on their progress

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Produce appropriate high quality?data visualisations using?a variety of?software?packages and techniques

· CLO2 : Critically evaluate and interpret?data?graphics

· CLO3 : Apply data storytelling techniques to a range of business and societal problems

· CLO4 : Communicate data insights effectively to a variety of audiences

Assignment submission Turnitin type This?is?not?a?Turnitin?assignment

Generative AI Permission Level No?Assistance

This assessment is designed for you to complete without?the use of any generative AI. You are?not permitted to use any generative AI tools, software or service to search for or generate


For more information on?Generative AI and permitted?use?please see here.?Data Story Content

Assessment Overview


Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Produce appropriate high quality?data visualisations using?a variety of?software?packages and techniques

· CLO3 : Apply data storytelling techniques to a range of business and societal problems · CLO4 : Communicate data insights effectively to a variety of audiences

Assignment submission Turnitin type This?is?not?a?Turnitin?assignment

Generative AI Permission Level Simple?Editing?Assistance

In completing this assessment, you are permitted to use standard editing and referencing

functions?in?the?software?you?use?to?complete?your?assessment. These?functions?are?described?below. You must not use any functions that generate or paraphrase passages?of text or other?????media, whether based on your own work or not.

If your Convenor has concerns that your submission contains passages of AI-generated text or?media, you may be asked to account for your work. If you are?unable to satisfactorily

demonstrate your understanding of your submission you may be referred to UNSW Conduct &?Integrity Ofce for investigation for academic misconduct and possible penalties.

For more information on Generative AI and permitted use?please?see here.

Use of basic tools such as grammar and spelling checkers are permitted?in the preparation?of your assignment. However, ideas used in your work must?be your own,?and?cannot?come from?generative AI.

Data Story Project

Assessment Overview


Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Produce appropriate high quality?data visualisations using?a variety of?software?packages and techniques

· CLO3 : Apply data storytelling techniques to a range of business and societal problems

· CLO4 : Communicate data insights effectively to a variety of audiences

Generative AI Permission Level Simple?Editing?Assistance

In completing this assessment, you are permitted to use standard editing and referencing functions?in?the?software?you?use?to?complete?your?assessment. These?functions?are?described?below. You must not use any functions that generate or paraphrase passages?of text or other media, whether based on your own work or not.

If your Convenor has concerns that your submission contains passages of AI-generated text or?media, you may be asked to account for your work. If you are?unable to satisfactorily demonstrate your understanding of your submission you may be referred to UNSW Conduct &?Integrity Ofce for investigation for academic misconduct and possible penalties.

For more information on Generative AI and permitted use?please?see here.

Use of basic tools such as grammar and spelling checkers are permitted?in the preparation?of?your assignment. However, ideas used in your work must?be your own,?and?cannot?come from?generative AI.

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