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日期:2024-09-27 12:31

BFA507 Accounting and Accountability for Decision Making - Sem 2, 2024

Assessment Task 2: Oral presentation

Due: Week 10 - Friday, 4th October 2024 at 5.00pm

ILOs Addressed: ILO1, ILO2

Maximum length/format: 5-minute video presentati on including:

Powerpoint slides with script. in WORD and MYOB Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement.


The second assessment task requires you to deliver an oral presentation to the managing director of the company in Assessment Task 1. The presentati on should demonstrate your ability to conduct a financial analysis on your own results, including non-financial and sustainability issues and effecti vely communicate your research findings, provide relevant insights, and propose viable soluti ons to the company's identi fied issues or challenges.

Specifically you are required to provide Myles (the manager) with a comprehensive report on the performance of his business using a narrated powerpoint presentation. You are to include the most relevant financial rati os (see week 8 materials), formulas, calculati ons and your interpretati on of what the financial analysis results mean. You will need to incorporate any other major points you noted in your preliminary draft notes from AT1b, including any potenti al sustainability issues (see rubric).

During the presentation, you should use appropriate language and a professional demeanour to engage the audience and convey your ideas clearly. The content of the presentati on should be well-structured, include engaging visuals, key points, recommendati ons and most importantly MUST be appropriately referenced throughout - including a final slide containing your reference list. You should review your findings and recommendati ons included in your draft preliminary notes in Assessment Task 1 to ensure that your presentation builds upon these insights.

NOTE: You will need to prepare PowerPoint slides to effecti vely communicate with management and in your video ensure that you (the presenter) are visible at all ti mes. See the opti ons noted below for tools to use. You will also need to submit a copy of your PowerPoint slides and a copy of your script. or transcripti on of the video in a separate WORD document. A copy of your MYOB Balance Sheet & Profit or Loss statement is required to verify your rati o calculati ons.

How your work will be assessed:

This assessment is worth 25% of the final grade for this unit. The assessment will be graded out of 100 points according to the marking criteria. Please ensure you have followed the instructi ons and have included all the relevant parts. The rubric shows the distributi on of marks and performance expectati ons, and should be read carefully before starti ng the assignment. Some elements may be weighted more highly than others. Carefully review what each criterion is asking you to do, and what is required for each level of the rubric (High Disti ncti on, Disti ncti on, Credit, Pass, or Fail).

View the rubric by pressing Assessments > Assignments and clicking the assignment box name .

PLEASE NOTE: You are being assessed on your ability to apply your knowledge of financial analysis, criti que the issues, and communicate in a professional manner. You are not being assessed again on the accuracy of your AT1b results. However, if during this process you discover material errors in your previous calculati ons, you should point this out to management.

How to create your Video Presentati on:

There are several ways to present your video Presentati on and different tools available for creati ng engaging oral presentati ons. Here are some opti ons.

Presentati on TOOLS: Choose one of the following presentati on tools for your presentati on (if you have accessto other applications,such as Canva, that enable you to prepare a powerpoint presentation with a clear visual of you presenting the information throughout, feel free to use other programs):

ZOOM - Zoom Basic is free Zoom Accessibility

ZOOM with PowerPoints slides

Open new meeti ng in Zoom Home

Turn on Video and Audio

Share Screen (Use Slide Show view in PowerPoint)

Record to cloud/computer; Zoom will send you email link when video is ready; download & save MP4 file

Powerpoint CAMEO

Allows you to insert your live camera feed directly onto a Powerpoint slide

Open PowerPoint > click INSERT (top toolbar) > then CAMEO

Turn on camera feed using Preview Icon in placeholder (appears on slide with Cameo on)

Apply effects to camera feed, such as formatti ng, transiti ons and styles

Arrange or overlay camera feed like any other picture or object on the slide

How to Use PPT and Design Tips:

There are lots of self-help videos on You-Tube for getti ng started (if you have never used PowerPoint) and most importantly lots of great design ti ps. Remember to only use your PowerPoint to highlight key points. Do not fill slides with text. You are being assessed on your ability to clearly speak to the slide - NOT read it. Also for a 5 minute video, you should only need about 5 or 6 slides.

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