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日期:2024-09-15 06:40

Individual Assignment: Power BI Take Home Assignment


Using Microsoft PowerBI, students are expected?to:

l??work with a given?dataset.

l??explore the given dataset.

l??clean?the?data, rearrange?it, transform.?it?if?required.

l??create multiple visualisations using Microsoft PowerBI to develop interesting insights.

l??document their insights generated form. the visualisations and?report them.

l??critically analyse those insights and recommend related actions or interventions.

The?provided?dataset?represents?sales?data?from?a?supermarket?chain.?It?includes?detailed?transaction?records?including?city,?customer?type,?customer?gender,?product?line,?date,?time,?unit?price, quantity,total?sales, cost?of?goods?sold, and?rating.?Students?are?required?to?analyze this?dataset?and?create meaningful?insights,?aiming to help the?supermarket?chain?improve?its?operations, understand customer behavior, and optimize its product offerings.

This assignment is worth 20% of?your assessment for the?subject. This assignment is due at 16:00 PM on 4 October 2024.

Files to be submit:

1. ??Report File.

2. ??PBI Visualisation File.

The report file must contain the following components:

1. ??Executive ?Summary: It ?is ?a ?clear,?well-structured, ?evidence-based ?summary ?of?your?findings, which come from the created visuals of?the provided sale?data?(max.?150 words).

2. ???Descriptive Analysis of Sale Data with PowerBI.

2.1 Data Transformation: As we have discussed in the lectures, data are not always in the?best shape or quality,?and suitable data transformations can reveal interesting?relationships.?Further,?data?transformation?is?also?vital?for?identifying?data?quality?issues.?Please?report ?any ?data?transformation ?(data?pre-processing) ?you ?conducted?before?visualizing?data?(max. 300 words).

2.2 Sales Trend and ?Seasonality Dashboard: Prepare?a?dashboard?that?analyses?sales?trend?overtime?and?identify?any?seasonal?patterns?or?peak?periods. Please?use?different?types of?visuals to compare, show?relationships, composition, and distributions?between?the variable of?your choice. Your dashboard should convey main insights,?should have a story, and use different types of?visuals. The dashboard report should include?between?5-8?items?(at?least?4?visuals,?and?may?include?tables,?and?tiles).?Don’t?use?the?Key?influencer function or any other automated tools or functions. You need to demonstrate?that you can use PowerBI effectively. You should insert screenshot ofthe dashboard in this?report.?In?addition,?you?need?write?main?insights?by?referring?to?the?provided?dashboard (max.?150 words).

2.3 Customer Demographics ?and Preferences Dashboard: Prepare?a?dashboard?that?represents?the?demographics?of the?customers?and?their?preferences?for?products?and?payment methods. Please use different types of?visuals to compare, show relationships,?composition,?and?distributions?between?the?variable?of your?choice.?Your?dashboard?should?convey?main?insights,?should?have?a?story,?and?use?different?types?of visuals.?The?dashboard?report?should?include?between?5-8?items?(at?least?4?visuals,?and?may?include tables, and tiles). Don’t use the Key influencer function or any other automated?tools or functions. You need to demonstrate that you can use PowerBI effectively. You?should?insert?screenshot?of the?dashboard?in?this?report.?In?addition,?you?need?write?main insights by referring to the provided dashboard (max.?150 words).

2.4 City Performance and Product Profitability Dashboard: Prepare?a?dashboard?that?evaluates?the?performance?of?different?cities?and?profitability?of?various?product?lines.?Please?use?different?types?of?visuals?to?compare,?show?relationships,?composition,?and distributions between the variable of?your choice. Your dashboard should convey main?insights,?should have?a?story,?and use?different types?of?visuals.?The?dashboard report?should include between 5-8 items (at least 4 visuals, and may include tables, and tiles).?Don’t use the Key influencer?function?or any?other?automated?tools?or?functions.?You?need to demonstrate that you can?use PowerBI effectively. You should insert screenshot?of?the dashboard in this report. In addition, you need write main insights by referring to?the provided dashboard (max.?150 words).

3. Discussion of the Results and Conclusion. After?conducting?a?through?visual?analysis?of the?sale?data,please?summarize?key?findings?that?help?executives?understand?the?dynamics?of?the supermarket chain, and make three suggestions to improve/expand business?operations?(max. 300 words).

4. ??References: Please include all the?references (minimum 5 references) that you have citied?in your report.

Submission Guidelines:

This assignment is due at 16:00 PM on 4 October 2024.?For?late?submissions, please?refer to?guidelines outlined on ECP:


You?are?required?to?submit?an?electronic?version?of your?work?through?Blackboard?(see?the?Assessment Link on Blackboard and look?for?the?link?labelled Assignment Submission.?You?will have two opportunities to submit your documents. So, in case you make a mistake on your?first?submission?or wish to revise your?assignment,?you?can re-submit it once.?Please?ensure?that you put your report through Turnitin BEFORE?submitting?it to?Blackboard,?to?make?sure?that your assignment is plagiarism free. By submitting your work in this manner, plagiarism is?checked for you, and you will be able to see if?you have any issues with this in your work. Use Turnitin as many times as you need to fix any similarity issues before the due date (obviously,?given that you are working in a?pre-specified report, we are only concerned about the similarity?of?your?answers).?Also,?by?submitting?the?Assignment?via?Blackboard?you?attest?that?the?Assignment is your own work.

Please compress PBI file, should include all visuals, in a zip file. Submit the Zip file along with?your report on Blackboard assignment and submit your report on Turnitin.

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