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日期:2024-09-15 11:18

Earthquake Location Lab


Earthquakes are vibrations caused by large releases of energy. ?These energy releases can occur as a result of fault movement, volcanic eruptions, and movement of magma as well as large explosions. ?The energy released radiates away from the point of origin, the focus. ?Scientists and the media often talk about the earthquake’s epicenter, the point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus. ?Over a million earthquakes occur each year and most of the seismic waves that originate from them are recorded at observatories worldwide.

What we will do in this lab is learn how one goes about using seismograms to determine where an earthquake happened.


·?Learn how to use a P&S wave time/distance graph to find the distance of a seismic station to the epicenter of an earthquake.

·?Use the data obtained to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter.

Materials Needed:

·?P&S wave time/distance graph

·?Map of the United States

·?Drafting compass (for drawing circles)


1.?Examine the seismograms in the lab and collect the data needed to complete the “Report Form” page.

2.?To calculate the distance of the seismogram station from the epicenter, you need to use the P&S wave time/distance graph.

§?Find the time difference between the P-wave and S-wave arrival time

§?Move up to that time difference on the Y-axis of your travel time graph

§?Use the length of the measurement from zero up to your time on the Y-axis to find that same time difference between the P and S-wave curves.

§?Draw a line down from that point to find the distance of the earthquake from the station.

3.?Repeat step #2 for all stations.

4.?Plot the stations carefully on the map.

5.?Draw a circle on the map centered on the station’s location using the map’s scale and the distance from the epicenter you calculated in step #2.

6.?Repeat step #5 for all stations.

7.?The intersection of all circles is the epicenter of the earthquake. ?Find its name and its latitude and longitude using the internet.

Deliverables (What you are submitting):

·?The “report sheet”

·?The time/distance graph with all your plotted points clearly labeled

·?Map with:

o?Stations located and labeled

o?Circles drawn around each station

o?Epicenter marked and labeled

Resources to help you locate the earthquake:

Locating an Epicenter - https://youtu.be/lC--uXieK9s
Epicenter Location - https://sciencecourseware.org/VirtualEarthquake/

Earthquake 1:

Event Date: 3/16/20

Magnitude: 4.2

Depth: 10kM

Station 1: Denver, CO 39°47’45.62” N, 104°48’08.80” W

P Wave Arrival: 04:19:40

S Wave Arrival: 04:20:42

Station 2: Durham, NC 35°57’51.52” N, 78°51’17.82” W

P Wave Arrival: 04:22:30

S Wave Arrival: 04:25:54

Station 3: Bay Area, CA 37°43’07.95” N, 122°25’41.19” W

P Wave Arrival: 04:22:12

S Wave Arrival: 04:25:20

Station 4: Awesometown, NJ 40°40’56.68” N, 74°15’35.69” W

P Wave Arrival: 04:23:14

S Wave Arrival: 04:27:05

Station 5: Kirkland, WA 47°39’21.27” N, 122°12’00.00” W

P Wave Arrival: 04:22:41

S Wave Arrival: 04:26:09

Earthquake 2:

Event Date: 3/23/20

Magnitude: 6.1

Depth: 32kM

Station 1: Denver, CO 39°47’45.62” N, 104°48’08.80” W

P Wave Arrival: 08:52:25

S Wave Arrival: 08:54:45

Station 2: Durham, NC 35°57’51.52” N, 78°51’17.82” W

P Wave Arrival: 08:55:41

S Wave Arrival: 09:01:36

Station 3: Bay Area, CA 37°43’07.95” N, 122°25’41.19” W

P Wave Arrival: 08:50:49

S Wave Arrival: 08:51:51

Station 4: Awesometown, NJ 40°40’56.68” N, 74°15’35.69” W

P Wave Arrival: 08:56:33

S Wave Arrival: 09:02:04

Station 5: Kirkland, WA 47°39’21.27” N, 122°12’00.00” W

P Wave Arrival: 08:52:48

S Wave Arrival: 08:55:23

Earthquake 3:

Event Date: 3/23/20

Magnitude: 3.5

Depth: 10kM

Station 1: Denver, CO 39°47’45.62” N, 104°48’08.80” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:12:34

S Wave Arrival: 09:15:11

Station 2: Durham, NC 35°57’51.52” N, 78°51’17.82” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:12:08

S Wave Arrival: 09:14:26

Station 3: Bay Area, CA 37°43’07.95” N, 122°25’41.19” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:15:04

S Wave Arrival: 09:19:26

Station 4: Awesometown, NJ 40°40’56.68” N, 74°15’35.69” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:12:05

S Wave Arrival: 09:14:16

Station 5: Kirkland, WA 47°39’21.27” N, 122°12’00.00” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:14:49

S Wave Arrival: 09:18:36

Earthquake 4:

Event Date: 3/23/20

Magnitude: 2.5

Depth: 10kM

Station 1: Denver, CO 39°47’45.62” N, 104°48’08.80” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:20:05

S Wave Arrival: 09:23:50

Station 2: Durham, NC 35°57’51.52” N, 78°51’17.82” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:16:12

S Wave Arrival: 09:16:57

Station 3: Bay Area, CA 37°43’07.95” N, 122°25’41.19” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:22:17

S Wave Arrival: 09:27:49

Station 4: Awesometown, NJ 40°40’56.68” N, 74°15’35.69” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:16:05

S Wave Arrival: 09:16:44

Station 5: Kirkland, WA 47°39’21.27” N, 122°12’00.00” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:22:02

S Wave Arrival: 09:27:22

Earthquake 5:

Event Date: 3/23/20

Magnitude: 7.2

Depth: 122 kM

Station 1: Denver, CO 39°47’45.62” N, 104°48’08.80” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:29:14

S Wave Arrival: 09:34:41

Station 2: Durham, NC 35°57’51.52” N, 78°51’17.82” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:26:24

S Wave Arrival: 09:29:43

Station 3: Bay Area, CA 37°43’07.95” N, 122°25’41.19” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:30:58

S Wave Arrival: 09:37:50

Station 4: Awesometown, NJ 40°40’56.68” N, 74°15’35.69” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:27:08

S Wave Arrival: 09:31:00

Station 5: Kirkland, WA 47°39’21.27” N, 122°12’00.00” W

P Wave Arrival: 09:31:10

S Wave Arrival: 09:38:18

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