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日期:2023-08-09 09:40

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Applied Data Science (MAST30034) 2023

An End-to-End Data Science Project

Due date: Monday 21st of August 09:00 am

Project Weight: 30%

Author: Akira Takihara Wang

Project Overview

This project aims to make a quantitative analysis of the New York City Taxi and Limousine

Service Trip Record Data. The dataset covers trips taken in various types of taxi and for-hire

vehicle services in the New York City area. The data in parquet format is directly downloadable

from here, with corresponding usage guide linked here. You will need to choose a minimum

of 6 months if working with PySpark or 3 months if working with pandas from 2016 or later

(ensure your data includes Zones, not coordinates). We strongly recommend you use PySpark

as practice for your future career.

Students will be required to prepare a self-contained report which must be 6-8 pages including

figures, excluding references, and written using Latex. Please do not submit any other

format written in Word or Google Docs, we are expecting a compiled pdf written in Latex.

There are no exceptions.

Project Expectations

Please refer to the Canvas Subject Overview for expectations and further information.

We understand that the page limit is strict and quite short. This project aims to get students

to be able to concisely summarise information professionally. This is because the results of

Project 1 will be used to allocate which project student groups get for Project 2 (Industry


Lastly, we know that the best way to learn new tools is to use and apply them in a project,

consider this to be “the project”. Please try your best, the tutor team will be here to support

you where possible. Sample solutions will be released at the start of Week 2.

Project Assumptions

• Students are free to choose any software, language, or package that is deemed useful to

complete this project, although it is strongly recommended that Python and PySpark

be used.


• A Latex report template will be provided and students are not allowed to change

the margins or font size. Students who prepare their document templates will be

required to add margin commands to adhere to the requirements. Otherwise, there will

be penalties. We have been very clear here so do not submit any other document

that was not written up in Latex.

• Students must maintain a GitHub repository with an appropriate and documented

README.md file. A template repository has been provided for your benefit under Canvas

→ Modules → Project 1 Links → Templates via GitHub Classrooms.

• Students have the freedom of choice to select their timeline to analyze, the type of Licensed

Taxi you wish to focus on (i.e Yellow vs Green Taxi, Taxi vs For-Hire Vehicles), and the

choice of attributes for their area of study. Once again, make sure the time frame chosen

is 2016 onward.

• Students should use any external datasets which are deemed sufficiently relevant to

support the analysis and attributes of the study.

• The timeline and dataset must be sufficiently “large” and justified to support your research

goal. Students may subsample the data when visualizing or fitting a model

(you must state and justify this in the report or you will be penalised), but,

must use the full distribution when analyzing the distribution, aggregating

attributes, or performing outlier analysis.

Report Format

The report must be between 6-8 pages (including figures, excluding references, written in

Latex), covering at least, but not limited to, the following items:

• First and foremost, there should be no code present in the report. Please see the

sample solutions for examples.

• Identify the taxi datasets, external datasets, attributes, dataset shape, data timeline,

target audience, and relevant research goal. Clear and convincing justification is

required for each point.

• Outline the high-level methodology and preprocessing for visualization and statistical

modelling for the research goal. We will be reading your code for the detailed preprocessing

steps, so make sure you include comments, docstrings, and markdown cells so it is readable

even to a five year old child.

• Preliminary data analysis with interpretation and discussion.

• A modelling section with at least two contrasting models and approaches with

relevant and correct evaluation metrics.

• Make practical and realistic recommendations based on the final results for the identified

audience. Recommendations must be supported by the analysis completed in the report

and should not be generic. For example:


◦ “Taxi drivers can earn more money by taking more trips” is not a good example.

◦ “Taxi drivers should aim to work their shifts at the airport during the day as we saw

in our analysis above. This is due to XYZ and ABC reasons...” is a good example.

• Tables and figures should be referenced where appropriate. Here are some examples:

◦ “From (Figure 3) we can see ...”

◦ “... the Gini Impurity Metric [3] suggests that ...”

◦ “(Table 3) shows the ...”

• Ensure that figures are reasonably placed and readable, as ineligible figures or tables will

be ignored.

◦ If you look at the image in the report and it looks squashed, blurry, or hard to read,

do not add it in. If you cannot read it, we cannot either.

◦ If the font size is too small we will ignore it.

• Less is more, choose the information you present carefully. Irrelevant information will

make the report hard to follow and lead to significant reductions in marks.

• Finally, the report should be proofread several times before submission to minimise

grammatical and spelling errors. You have a plethora of online tools available, as long as

you do not plagiarise we are okay.

The Latex template is available via Overleaf or found under Canvas → Modules → Project 1

Links → Templates. You can download the source code and upload the main.tex to Overleaf or

copy the project under Menu → Actions → Copy Project (located top left corner) on Overleaf.

If you wish to use your Latex template, ensure your margins and document class adhere to our

requirements by adding the following commands:

• \documentclass[11pt]{article}

• \usepackage[top=0.9in, left=0.9in, bottom=0.9in, right=0.9in]{geometry}

GitHub Requirement

The GitHub repository template is available via GitHub Classrooms or found under Canvas

→ Modules → Project 1 Links → Repo Template. You must use GitHub Classrooms and not

your own personal repository.

All repositories will be cloned, executed (run), and referred to during marking, so please ensure

the code is reproducible and readable. For example, if a student uses Python and uses

external libraries, then a requirements.txt for a pip installation should be provided, such

that anyone can run the command, install the packages, and run the code without errors. If

you are unsure about this, search it up and follow a guide or ask your tutor. Repositories that

fail to run will incur a penalty.


Hurdle Requirement

There is a hurdle requirement for you to submit a working GitHub repository and report. We

have provided a template GitHub and Latex report for your benefit. Please ensure you do not

leave this until the last minute to sort out as the submission deadline is strict.


This project is worth 30% of your final grade with the following requirements:

1. If no external dataset is used OR the student has chosen an insufficient dataset size, then

the maximum number of marks is capped at 22.5/30 marks.

◦ For example, if a student achieved 28/30 overall without meeting the requirements,

their mark will be reduced to a maximum of 22.5/30.

◦ If for some very unexpected reason you are unable to parse more than 6 months of

data with PySpark (or 3 months with pandas), you must let us know in advance via

email with your reasoning.

◦ We will provide a JupyterHub server to students with insufficient resources in a

first-in, best-dressed manner.

2. If the chosen external datasets are relevant, justified, and used to complement the research

goal, then full marks are awarded.

◦ Some examples of suitable external datasets may be ongoing sports events, protests,

weather forecasts (such as the impact of snow), vehicle crashes, etc.

◦ There are several sources and some may require web scraping or direct contact with

the owner of the dataset. It is up to students to choose and find one.

Strictly speaking, more marks will be available for students who perform additional analysis,

with the highest marks available for students who perform exceptional analysis by drawing

upon several external resources.

Marking Scheme

This is an approximate marking scheme. Students who just “tick the boxes” will not get

full marks. We have provided this to be transparent on the marking process and expectations.

Introduction (3 marks)

• 2 marks for an appropriate choice of timeline, type of Licensed Taxi, attributes to study,

dataset shape, and target audience, with convincing justification for each of the

choices made above.

◦ As part of this assessment, it is your job to convince us that your choice is correct

and valid, not the other way around.


◦ No marks will be awarded if there is a lack of convincing justification. Please come

up with a good reason even if you do not believe in it as it is critical that you can

convince us that your choices are correct.

◦ If you are using an external dataset, you must also clearly specify the details and

provide a link to the dataset as a reference.

◦ All assumptions about the dataset or business rules must be introduced and stated

in the Introduction.

• 1 mark for detailing the high-level overview of your methodology. Essentially, a “TLDR”

of your contribution. It is on you to be clear and specify all details, not on us to infer it

and connect the dots.

Preprocessing (2.5 marks)

• 2.5 marks for suitably conveying the high-level preprocessing steps in dot points. Remember,

keep it short and concise and only list out the important stuff.

◦ If you are filtering, removing, or joining datasets, you must specify the dataset shape

at each step. This will be verified with your code.

◦ If you are removing records, you must justify and explain it or you will be penalised.

For example, if you are removing all credit card payments because you are analysing

tipping, then cite the business rule from the provided Data Dictionary and TLC


Analysis and Geospatial Visualisation (5.5 marks)

• 5.5 marks in total for analysis of the attribute(s) related to your area of study. You

should carefully consider the story you want to tell and the relevancy of the presented

information. For instance, if your main message is that pickup locations play important

roles in taxi drivers’ overall revenue, then presenting analysis about only tips is irrelevant

and a poor choice. Ensure you justify every step taken for full marks. Your report will

need to include the following aspects:

◦ 1.5 marks for outlier analysis, discussion of the distribution, relevant imputations for

NULL values, and summarised findings of interest for your chosen attribute(s).

◦ 2 marks for describing the important relationship(s) present between attribute(s) of

“interest”. You may consider interaction for this part.

◦ 2 marks for discussion, particularly, if a certain visualization raises an “interesting”

area for further analysis or results in the lack of anything “interesting” for further


◦ Hint: For analysis and discussion, you should try following a “From (Figure X)

we can see ABC, therefore DEF, perhaps because of XYZ” formula. We don’t

need students to explain the obvious, we are interested in reading your analysis and



Statistical Modelling (5 marks)

• 1 mark for clearly specifying and justifying at least two chosen models with your chosen

input and output attribute(s).

◦ List out your assumptions and ensure the attribute(s) you have chosen are suitable.

◦ Be very careful with the attributes i.e continuous vs ordinal vs categorical. Ensure

your model is suitable. We will penalise incorrect usage of features.

◦ If your model or algorithm was covered in a subject listed in the Subject Overview,

you only need to reference and state it. Otherwise, please provide a brief introduction

to your model with appropriate references.

◦ Predictions should use future data (i.e using 2018 to predict 2019) i.e do not use

something like k-fold Cross Validation across 2019 and 2020 on a random shuffle.

• 4 marks for analyzing their area of research by combining the findings from two models.

◦ 2 marks for analysis and/or comparison of models. This can be done through proper

model refinement, feature selection, error analysis, model evaluation, or any suitable


◦ 2 marks for interpretation and discussion of the model for your study goal. If you

conduct predictions, you should discuss their implications here.

◦ Hint: We are not interested in hearing about your model improving accuracy by

a few percent. We want to hear how your model is going to support your target

audience. For example, a taxi driver is not going to care about a Neural Network

that predicts tipping. A taxi driver will however, be interested in a model that tells

them where to go for more money.

Recommendations (4 marks)

• 4 marks for at least two sound recommendations for your target audience with the

supporting evidence from previous sections.

◦ You should try and combine the findings of your analysis and model to give recommendations.

◦ Recommendations should be practical and not generic. If it does not make sense in

real life to implement the recommendation, do not recommend it.

◦ Please do not provide generic recommendations that can be inferred using common

sense. You have done hard work and analysis, make sure to use those findings to

back your recommendations!

Report Writing and Code (10 marks)

• 2 marks for figures and tables with appropriate font size, figure sizes, choice of colour,


• 3 marks for being able to convey the ideas and analysis (i.e through the use of correct

and consistent grammar, spelling, citations, references, and report structure). Please

proofread and use online tools to make sure your report is of high quality.


• 2 marks for quality code that runs without any issues and is maintained in a neat


• 3 marks for excellent and readable code (i.e markdown cells, in-line comments, good

variable names, docstrings for functions, reasonably adheres to PEP8 pylint or flake8).

This will be assessed especially for the preprocessing and modelling steps.

Possible Additions (Maximum of +2 marks, capped at 32/30)

There will also be certain areas of possible additions for outstanding reports:

• Exceptionally well-written reports that make the reader go “damn that’s actually good”.

• Recommendations and/or analyses that are realistic and feasible to deliver and be considered

for production.

• Outstanding visualizations that are consistently great throughout the report.

• High code quality and readability that makes it easy to understand and run with no


Possible Deductions (Maximum of -3 marks, capped at 0/30)

There will also be certain areas of possible deductions depending on the issues found:

• Insufficient quality of report writing (i.e the flow of the report was verbose or confusing,

difficult-to-read sections, etc).

• Incorrect logic or breach of a business rule that has been stated in the Data Dictionaries

and TLC Website.

• Overly verbose paragraphs in report and code.

• Insufficient commenting and detail in code for preprocessing and modelling sections.

• Figure sizes that are far too small.

• Significantly difficult-to-read code.

If you would like feedback on your code or report, please ask your tutor at the end of the

tutorial during question time.

Submission Details

• Report submissions must be made via Turnitin on Canvas in PDF format written using

Latex. We will not be accepting and marking any other format.

• Your final code must be in the GitHub repository and hyperlinked in the report. Any

submission without a GitHub link will fail this component.

• Late submissions will incur a deduction of 10% (3 marks) per 24 hours past the submission

deadline. If you submit late, you must email the head tutor with your reason.


Extension Policy

If you have a valid reason with proof to request an extension, you must email the head tutor

sufficiently before the submission deadline. Requests for extensions are not automated and

will be carefully considered on a case-by-case basis. You must provide sufficient supporting

evidence such as a medical certificate. Additionally, we will consider your git commits from

your repository to illustrate the progress made on the project until the date of your request.

Academic Honesty

You are reminded that all submitted project work and code in this subject is to be

your work. Automated similarity checking algorithms will be applied to compare submissions

against all students, previous works, and known public sources. It is the University policy that

cheating by students in any form is not permitted and that work submitted for assessment

purposes must therefore be the independent work of the student concerned. Failure to comply

may result in an Academic Honesty meeting with the faculty, with further escalation to the

Academic Board depending on the severity.

To mitigate the risks of breaching Academic Integrity, please cite and attribute all references

and code functions where applicable. For your report, you may choose any citation style

listed on The University of Melbourne Recite page so long as you use it consistently.


Getting Started

Okay, so this project spec is quite diabolical and intense. We understand you will be quite

overwhelmed, and that’s fine, the tutor team is here to make sure you get through it and learn

everything you need before you graduate. It’s part of the learning process so you are actually

ready for your future career. So, we’ve written a short guide on how you might get started.

1. Start off by going through the Week 1 Tutorial workshop and looking at the data.

We recommend you also read the FAQs on the TLC Website and download the data


2. Then, carefully read through this spec and highlight or underline the important parts so

you understand the requirements.

3. Then, figure out what kind of story you want to tell. For example, who is going to care

about this analysis? Who do you want to help? Who’s going to be paying you a salary

to do this work? As a graduate of the Data field, it’s really good to pretend to be your

audience so you can analyse the data and help them.

4. For example, if your target audience is a Taxi Driver, then you should consider what life

is like for them. What are my working hours? Where do I live? Which areas should I go

for more potential rides? Do I want to avoid traffic?

5. Once you have figured it out, then you can start considering your timeline. For example,

do I want to consider the impact of COVID? How about only post-COVID? How about

only pre-COVID?

6. Then, you should consider okay, what are the attributes that related to my research area?

What other information should I bring through? For example, should I look at sporting

events, raves and music festivals, national public holidays, weather, and so on. These will

be your external datasets.

7. Now, you can try aggregate your dataset timeline and present them on a geospatial

visualization, compute descriptive statistics, and analyze summary statistics for your

chosen attributes.

8. Then, dive deeper. Do some reaserch, talk to your fellow students, ask questions. Do

some critical thinking and analysis. Always remember, is my target audience going to

care about this analysis? If the answer is no, rethink your area of analysis.

9. Following this, you can build a Statistical Model to statistically explain relationships

between your input and response variables or use a Machine Learning model to classify/predict

an attribute of choice.

10. Afterwards, you might investigate the correlation and feature relevance between your

attributes, refine your model, and highlight key findings backed by your statistical analysis.

11. Finally, you should summarise and give recommendations to your identified clients or



In the event your results are unexpected or lead to unanticipated results, you should aim to

discuss why they occurred and what it entails. This scenario happens quite commonly, so it’s

still in your best interest to make recommendations that support your unexpected results!

Additional Tips

If you’re still unsure of how to start the project, try going through some of the materials and

methods covered in the prerequisite subjects. Depending on the choice of Statistical Model or

Machine Learning Algorithm, you may need to perform some creative feature engineering or

transformation on the dataset.

For example, consider the scenario where your data is linearly separable through the use of a

transformation or kernel trick:

• Consider performing some descriptive analysis before fitting your model to identify issues

with your data such as linear separability, missing values, outliers, etc.

• For supervised learning models, consider the linear separability of your data. When there

is linear separability, some models perform well (i.e SVM), whereas some models (i.e

Logistic Regression) can fail to converge. The kernel trick may be used to induce linear


• You should also correctly standardize/normalize your dataset depending on the model


• Penalised Regression Models such as Ridge (ℓ2) and LASSO (ℓ1) tend to perform poorly

if the feature space is much smaller than the number of instances or if the attributes are

not standardized.

• Consider performing feature engineering to generate more useful features. Do not perform

it excessively though as it may lead to overfitting.

Final Tips

• Start this Project as soon as possible. It is up to you to spend as little or as much time

as possible on this subject. You are here to learn and develop life-long skills.

• You should aim to write your report professionally, assuming that an employer or client

is paying you a salary or daily rate to conduct this analysis.

• Make sure you use a virtual environment or a new clean environment for development.

Students are recommended to either use macOS or Linux for development. Windows

users are recommended to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2).

• If you have too much data in a visualization, you can conduct sub-sampling to help

increase the scope of data you can cover. Remember, you shouldn’t have to describe your

visualization in an overly verbose manner.


• Explain your handling of missing/unreasonable data and why any missing data does not

undermine the validity of your analysis. You should report and justify the approximate

size of data that has been removed.

• When you are trying to make comparisons between figures and tables, make sure your

measurement is of the same scale (i.e do not compare miles to kilometres).

• Always tell the reader what to look for in tables and figures. Be as factual and concise as

possible when reporting your findings with references where appropriate.

• If necessary, define unfamiliar concepts and provide the appropriate background information

with references to aid your work.

• Good luck!


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