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日期:2022-12-08 09:48

Case Study 2: Vessel Prediction from Automatic Identification

System (AIS) Data

CSDS 340: Machine Learning for Big Data (Kevin S. Xu)

Case Western Reserve University

Assigned: Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pre-submission deadline: Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 10:00am

Due: Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 10:00am


This case study considers the problem of tracking multiple moving targets over time. This problem

is present in many application settings, including object tracking from video streams or radar data.

In practice, the multiple target tracking problem requires first identifying objects from “raw” data

such as pixel intensities and computing features from such data.

To simplify the problem to fit into a machine learning context, this case study considers automatic

identification system (AIS)1 data generated by maritime vessels. Each vessel has a maritime mobile service identity (MMSI) number that uniquely identifies each vessel. A vessel’s AIS unit periodically sends a report on its position. The report contains the vessel’s MMSI so that the vessel

can be tracked over time.

In this case study, your job is to track the movements of the different vessels given position reports

without the MMSIs. In other words, you must predict which vessel each report came from given

multiple reports from each vessel over time.

Data Description

Each row of the data corresponds to an observation of a single maritime vessel at a single point in

time. A snippet of the complete (labeled) data is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. A short snippet of the complete (labeled) data.




ID Timestamp Latitude Longitude

Speed Over


Course Over


1 100008 14:00:00 36.90685 -76.089 1 1641

2 100015 14:00:00 36.95 -76.0268 11 2815

3 100016 14:00:00 36.90678 -76.0891 0 2632

4 100019 14:00:00 37.003 -76.2832 148 2460

5 100016 14:00:01 36.90678 -76.0891 0 2632

6 100005 14:00:01 36.90682 -76.0888 1 1740

7 100006 14:00:01 36.90689 -76.0893 0 1440

The column descriptions are as follows:

• Object ID (OBJECT_ID): A unique ID assigned to each observation (position report).

• Vessel ID (VID): Anonymized version of the vessel’s maritime mobile service identity

(MMSI) number, which uniquely identifies each vessel. The VID uniquely identifies a vessel within a single data set but are not consistent across data sets! For example, the VID

of 100001 in two different data sets, which represent two different time periods, may not

refer to the same vessel.

• Timestamp (SEQUENCE_DTTM): Time of reporting in the form of hh:mm:ss in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. The

date information has been removed so that only time information is available.

• Latitude (LAT): Latitude of vessel position in decimal degrees.

• Longitude (LON): Longitude of vessel position in decimal degrees.

• Speed over ground (SPEED_OVER_GROUND): Vessel speed in tenths of a knot (nautical

mile per hour), up to a saturation limit of 1022, which indicates that the speed is 102.2

knots or higher.

• Course over ground (COURSE_OVER_GROUND): Angle of vessel movement2 in tenths

of a degree, with a range between 0 and 3599 (359.9 degrees). The course over ground is

still reported even when the speed over ground is 0 because vessels always have slight

movements due to currents and other factors.

This case study will involve 3 data sets, each consisting of AIS data collected from the same area

at the same time of day, but over 3 different days. Initially, you are provided with data set 1 with

VIDs and data set 2 without VIDs. At the pre-submission deadline, you will have the opportunity

to submit your algorithm for evaluation on data set 2. The VIDs for data set 2 will be released at

this time along with data set 3 without VIDs. The final evaluation will take place on data set 3.

See the Pre-submission (optional) section for additional details on this pre-submission.

Table 2. Timeline of data set releases.

Date Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Set 3

Assigned date (11/23) Released with VIDs Released without


After pre-submission

(12/1) Released with VIDs Released without


After final submission

(12/8) Released with VIDs

Grading: 100 points total

Students should form groups of 2 students, who should both participate in the algorithm development and report writing.

Prediction accuracy: 50 points

You must submit two algorithms: one that predicts the VIDs given the number of vessels   and

one that predicts the VIDs without being given  . Since you are provided with the evaluation data

set without VIDs, you can do model selection either manually, e.g. by hard-coding the desired

value of  , or algorithmically.

2 The course over ground is similar to but not the same as the heading, which denotes the angle at which the vessel is

pointing. The heading is not necessarily the angle at which the vessel is moving due to external factors such as wind.


Your algorithm will be evaluated for accuracy using the adjusted Rand index on the evaluation

data set with VIDs. Since the adjusted Rand index is permutation-invariant, the actual values you

predict for the VIDs are not important as long as each predicted VID denotes a single predicted


The VIDs for the evaluation data set are not available to you, so this case study will require you to

use your judgment to select a model that provides a good balance of accuracy and model complexity (to avoid overfitting). Accuracy on each metric is worth 25 points.

We will only run your algorithm once, so if your algorithm has any random component, e.g. for

random initialization of centroids in K-means clustering, you may want to set the seed for the

random number generator in your classifier to ensure that you are submitting your best algorithm.

Within scikit-learn, you can do this by setting the random_state parameter to a fixed integer seed value.

Your grade for accuracy on each metric will be determined by the accuracy of your algorithm

compared to the rest of the class, i.e. the most accurate algorithm receives 25 points, the next most

accurate algorithm receives 24 points, etc. If two algorithms are extremely close in accuracy, they

may be assigned the same grade. Also, if there is a large gap in accuracy between two groups’

algorithms, there may be also be a gap in the grades (e.g. no group assigned a grade of 23 points

because there is a large gap between the model that received 24 points and the model that received

22 points).

Your algorithm will also be compared to a simple baseline that is not expected to be a competitive

solution. In this case study, the baseline will be K-means clustering fit to the data after standardizing the features to have zero mean and unit variance. For the case of unknown  , the baseline

arbitrarily chooses   = 20, the number of vessels in data set 1. The accuracy of the baseline model

will be considered as 0 points, so the accuracy of your algorithm must exceed that of the baseline

in order to receive a grade for accuracy! See the predictVessel.py file posted on Canvas with

the assignment for code implementing the baseline.

Note: If your code generates an error and does not run correctly, then your grade for accuracy will

be a 0. This may occur due to your code not following the given specification (see Source code

specifications section) or due to faulty assumptions that result in a non-functional algorithm or

output that does not meet the specifications. We will not make any attempts to modify your code

to correct it! You will have the opportunity to pre-submit your code for evaluation about one week

prior to the deadline to try to catch such errors (see Pre-submission (optional) section).

Report: 50 points

Submit a report of not more than 5 pages that includes descriptions of

• Your final choice of algorithm, including the values of important parameters required by

the algorithm. Explain whether your algorithm is supervised or unsupervised and how it

uses training data (if at all). Communicate your approach in enough detail for someone

else to be able to implement and deploy your vessel tracking system. (5 points)

• Any pre-processing you performed and your model selection criteria, e.g. how you choose

the number of vessels for the unknown   setting. Describe how these choices affected your

results. (10 points)

• How you selected and tested your algorithm and what other algorithms you compared

against. Explain why you chose an algorithm and justify your decision! It is certainly OK


to blindly test many algorithms, but you will likely find it a better use of your time to be

selective based on the specifics of this data set and application. (10 points)

• Recommendations on how to evaluate the effectiveness of your algorithm if it were to be

deployed as a multiple target tracking system. What might be a good choice of metric, and

what are the implications on your algorithm? How might you deal with practical issues

such as gaps in data, e.g. no data available from all vessels for 10 minutes? (10 points)

Your report will be evaluated on both technical aspects (35 points, distributed as shown above)

and presentation quality (10 points). Think of your submitted model as a representation of your

“final answer” for a problem, while your report contains your “rough work.” If you tried several

approaches that failed before arriving at a model that you are satisfied with, describe the failed

approaches in your report (including results) and what you learned from the failed approaches to

guide you to your final model.

You may include additional descriptions, figures, tables, etc. in an appendix beyond the 5-page

limit, but content beyond page 5 may not necessarily be considered when grading the report.

Submission details

Although you are expected to work in groups of 2 students, each student is required to submit their

case study individually on Canvas. The contents of the submissions for all group members should

be the same.

For this case study, submit the following to Canvas:

• A file named predictVessel.py containing your source code.

• A Word document or PDF file containing your report.

Do not place contents into a ZIP file or other type of archive!

Source code specifications

Your source code must contain the following function with no modifications to the function


def predictWithK(testFeatures, numVessels, trainFeatures=None,


This function predicts the VIDs for the vessels given the test data features (all columns from Table

1 except for object and vessel ID) and the number of vessels. The function should output an integer

array of predicted VIDs with the  th entry corresponding to the  th row of testFeatures. Since

the evaluation metric, the adjusted Rand index, is permutation-invariant, you may represent the

vessels using any unique set of integers, e.g. 1 to numVessels.

Note that your predictor must output at most numVessels unique VIDs in order to meet the specification!3 If your array of predicted VIDs contains more than numVessels unique VIDs, then

your adjusted Rand index will be set to −∞, and you will receive a 0 accuracy score for this


3 The reason that we specify at most rather than exactly numVessels VIDs is because many clustering algorithms

may return less than   clusters even when the value of   is specified. For example, in K-means clustering, sometimes

a centroid may not end up being the closest to any example after an iteration, which usually results in that centroid

being dropped so that the result has   − 1 clusters.


For the final evaluation, testFeatures will correspond to features from data set 3, while

trainFeatures and trainLabels will correspond to features and labels, respectively, from

data sets 1 and 2 concatenated. Since the same VIDs in data sets 1 and 2 may correspond to different vessels, we will add 200,000 to the VIDs in data set 2 to avoid any overlap in VIDs. It is not

required to use training data (hence why they default to None), but we have included arguments

for them in the function header if you do choose to use them in your algorithm.

def predictWithoutK(testFeatures, trainFeatures=None,


This function predicts the VIDs for the vessels given only the test data features without the number

of vessels. You may use the same algorithm as in predictWithK() or a different algorithm altogether. There are no constraints here on the number of unique VIDs for this function.

If you have any other code in your predictVessel.py file, please place it under the following

if block:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This prevents the code from running when we import the predictWithK() and

predictWithoutK() functions from your predictVessel.py file. For an example, see the

structure in the predictVessel.py file on Canvas with the assignment. We will use the script

evaluatePredictor.py (also posted on Canvas) to evaluate the accuracy of your algorithm.

I have also provided a third file utils.py that contains functions for loading data and plotting

vessel tracks.

Pre-submission (optional)

Groups may optionally participate in a pre-submission that mimics the actual grading process for

classification accuracy. This is purely for informational purposes and will not count towards your

final grade! If your group elects to participate, you should submit their code on Canvas the same

way you would submit your actual submission, being sure to follow the source code specifications!

We will run your algorithm on data set 2 with VIDs and report the accuracy metrics for each group

on a leaderboard visible to all groups. Groups may use this leaderboard to gauge their standing

within the class. The leaderboard will be anonymous (no group or student names), but each group

who submitted their code will be informed of the accuracy of their submission. The VIDs used for

evaluating this pre-submission will be made available to all groups following the evaluation, regardless of whether they participated in the pre-submission.

Note: the data used for evaluating the pre-submission (data set 2) is different from the data used

for the final accuracy evaluation (data set 3). However, the final accuracy evaluation will be conducted using the same process as for the pre-submission, so groups may elect to use this as a “test

run.” In particular, it allows groups to test if their code has any issues that prevent it from working

properly prior to the final evaluation.

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