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日期:2022-10-31 09:11

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Coursework 1

Introduction to Programming (XJCO 1012)

Please follow the instructions on preparing your submission. You are NOT ALLOWED to

import modules for this coursework. Comments and conformance to PEP 8 will be marked.

Standard university penalty of 5% of available marks per day, or part of a day, will apply to

late work. Late submissions are acceptable up to 7 days late. Feedback on late submissions

may not be provided within 3 weeks of submission.

Submission: You must submit your work via Gradescope.

Deadline: 1000 2/11/22.

Weighting: This coursework is worth 30% of the module grade.

1 Introduction

You are required to implement a word search puzzle checker. If you are unfamiliar with word

search puzzles, refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_search and read the section

headed “Strategies”.

2 Preparation

Please follow the following instructions.

 Download the template file cwk1-files.zip from Minerva.

 Unzip cwk1-files.zip and you should have the file wordsearch.py, in which

you should write your code and submit to Gradescope.

 Write your name at the top of the file indicated by @author.

3 Basic Solution (25 marks)

For the basic solution, you need to implement the following functions.

3.1 Implementing valid_puzzle(puzzle: list) -> bool function (4 marks)

This function takes one argument puzzle which is a list of strings. This function returns

Boolean True if the puzzle is valid and Boolean False otherwise. A valid puzzle contains

strings of equal length. For example, given the following three puzzles, puzzle1 is valid

whilst puzzle2 (not all strings are the same length) and puzzle3 (contain item that is not a

string) are invalid. The strings in the puzzle are case insensitive. You may decide to convert

the strings to uppercase.










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3.2 Implementing valid_wordlist(wordlist: list) -> bool function (3 marks)

This function takes one argument wordlist which is a list of strings such as ["SCALAR",

"TRAY", "BLEW", "SEVRUC", "TESTING"]. The function returns Boolean True if

wordlist is valid (a list of strings) and Boolean False otherwise. As in 3.1, the strings are

case insensitive.

3.3 Implementing basic_display(grid: list) -> None function (3 marks)

This function takes one argument grid which is a list of strings/lists. The function prints a

single blank space before and after each item in the string/sublist. Each string/sublist is

printed on the same line as shown in the following examples with grid=puzzle1 (from 3.1)

and grid= [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], ['h', 'l', 'j', 'k', 'l']]. As in 3.1, the characters/strings are case


Figure 1: grid=puzzle1 (from 2.1).

Figure 2: grid= [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], ['h', 'l', 'j', 'k', 'l']].

3.4 Implementing get_positions(puzzle: list, word: str) -> list

function (15 marks)

This function takes two arguments puzzle (assumed to be valid puzzle as in 3.1) and word

(a string). The function returns the indexes of characters of a word in the puzzle. The word

may be found horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and in both forwards and backwards. If a

word is found in the puzzle, return a list on the position (as a tuple) of all characters in the

word, starting from the first character. For example, “TRAY” can be found in puzzle1 at

position (7, 2), (8, 2), (9, 2), (10, 2) as shown in Figure 3 and the function will return [(7, 2),

(8, 2), (9, 2), (10, 2)]. Hint: index starts from 0 instead of 1.

Figure 3: position for “TRAY”.

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If a word is not found in the puzzle, the function prints '{word}' not found. as shown in

Figure 4 for the word “TESTING” that is not found in puzzle1.

Figure 4: The word “TESTING” is not found in puzzle1.

4 Full Solution (13 marks)

4.1 Improve the get_positions(puzzle: list, word: str) -> list function

(5 marks)

Improve this function for scenarios in which a word is found at multiple positions. The

function returns all positions with each position as a separate list. For example, if a word is

found at 2 different positions, the function returns the positions as [[(5, 4), (6, 3), (7, 2)], [(7,

7), (8, 6), (9, 5)]]. What is that word in puzzle1?

4.2 Implementing coloured_display(grid: list, positions: list) ->

None function (5 marks)

This function takes two arguments puzzle (assumed to be valid puzzle as in 3.1) and

positions (returned positions in 3.4 and 4.1). The function will print the characters at

positions with a green background using ANSI escape codes as shown in Figure 5. For

example, to print character B in with green background, use print("\033[42m B

\033[0m "). The code \033[42m is for green background whilst \033[0m at the end is to

reset styles and colours. You can find out more colours at


Figure 5: coloured puzzle

4.3 Implementing wordsearch(puzzle: list, wordlist: list) -> None

function (3 marks)

This function takes two arguments puzzle and wordlist and check if both puzzle and

wordlist are valid with the valid_puzzle() and valid_wordlist() functions. If either

puzzle or wordlist is invalid, the function prints and returns ValueError, invalid

puzzle or wordlist. If both puzzle and wordlist are valid, display the solved puzzle in

colour with the coloured_display() function as shown in Figure 5.

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5 Short Report (7 marks)

Write a short report (max 2 pages, in PDF) on how to (1) automate the generation of valid

puzzles as those in 3.1 and (2) generate a list of all words that can be found in puzzle

generated in (1). You can get higher mark with working code implementations for both in a

separate python file.

6 Marking

Basic solution 25

Full solution 13

Coding style and comments 10

Report 7

Total 55

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