COMP3710, Computer Microarchitecture
Homework 1 (Weight: 20%)
Due date: October 5, 2022 (11:59 pm)
Total Points: 100
Important Instructions: (1) Write down the names and UIDs of each student
in a group (if applicable) on the first page of your submission. (2) Submit the
solution as a single pdf file.
Instructions for Q12: You can fill out the PowerPoint slide deck and convert it
to a pdf document. You can then combine the pdf document with a second pdf
file with responses to all other questions. Alternatively, you can copy and paste
the main structures from the PowerPoint slide deck to your word document.
And then submit a single pdf file. You can also print out the slide, fill the
contents by hand, scan the document, and convert it to pdf.
Submission: Please submit a single Pdf file to the email below:
(2 Points)
Q1. Compilers impact the performance of applications in different ways. For
a program, compiler X results in a dynamic instruction count of 1 billion
instructions, and an execution time of one second. A second compiler Y results
in an execution time of 1.5 seconds, and a dynamic instruction count of 1.2
billion instructions. For a processor with a clock cycle time of one nano
seconds, find the average CPI for each of the two programs.
(8 Points)
Q2. We are interested in adding a register-memory arithmetic instruction to
the MIPS architecture. The new instruction exploits the I-format for load, store,
and branch instructions. The new instruction has the label ACCM and employs
an unused opcode in the ISA (the exact opcode is irrelevant). The semantics of
the ACCM instruction is shown below:
Instruction: ACCM Rt, Const(Rs)
Interpretation: Reg[Rt] = Reg[Rt] + Mem[Reg[Rs] + Const]
MIPS I-Format (shown for convenience)
A. Draw the datapath and control signals for a single-cycle implementation
of the ACCM instruction. Your datapath should show the new
components, control signals, multiplexers, and instruction labels. Your
illustration must show every logic and memory element on the critical
B. Identify the critical path for the ACCM instruction. Write the equation
(like the lecture slides) for the critical path. For example, use tALU and
tMEM for the latency of ALU and memory. List all your assumptions.
(10 Points)
Q3. Consider the following instruction sequence:
A. Suppose the pipelined in-order processor does not implement forwarding
or hazard detection. As a programmer, your task is to insert nops to
ensure correct execution. Insert nops to ensure correct execution.
B. Suppose the processor manufacturer forgot to implement hazard
detection. The processor still implements forwarding. Explain the
consequences of executing the above code on the buggy processor.
C. Now consider the following scenario: the processor does not implement
forwarding. How should we change the hazard detection unit to ensure
correct execution? List the conditions for detecting hazards. Explain the
new input and output signals we need to add to our hazard detection unit.
Note: Use the above instruction sequence as an example to explain why
each input/output signal is required.
D. Suppose there is an irrelevant instruction between i4 and i5. Is the store
instruction exposed to a hazard? How can we resolve the hazard (if any)?
(10 Points)
Q4. Consider an analytics application running on top of the MIPS processor.
A fraction of instructions in this application exposes a specific type of RAW
hazard. We identify the type of RAW hazard by the stage that produces the
result (EX or MEM) and the instruction that consumes the result (1st following
instruction, 2nd instruction that follows, or both). The type of RAW hazard and
the fraction of instructions are shown in the table below. Answer the questions
below with the following assumptions: (1) A register write happens in the first
half of the clock cycle and a register read happens in the second half, (2) CPI of
the processor is one if there are no data hazards.
Assume stores are never followed by loads. All other hazards can be resolved
by other tricks (RF read/write policy).
A. What fraction of the cycles does the pipeline stalls with no forwarding?
B. What fraction of the cycles does the pipelines stalls with full forwarding?
C. What is the speedup with full forwarding versus no forwarding? Note:
Speedup is defined as the ratio of execution times with and without an
D. To avoid the complexity of large-input multiplexers, we need to decide if
it is better to forward only from the EX/MEM pipeline register or the
MEM/WB pipeline register. Which option would you choose to minimize
data stall cycles? (Show your calculation)
(4 points, 2, 2)
Q5. Find the longest chain of dependent instructions in the following code
sequence. If maximizing IPC is the goal, should a microarchitect consider a
stall-on-use in-order pipeline over a stall-on-miss in-order pipeline?
name dst src1 scr2
i1: add r1 r1 r2
i2: add r1 r1 r3
i3: sub r1 r1 r4
i4: load r5 #0 r1
i5: load r7 #0 r8
i6: add r9 r5 r7
(12 Points)
Q6. Assume that a branch has the following sequence of taken (T) and nottaken (N) outcomes: T,T,T,N,N,T,T,T,N,N,T,T,T,N,N
A. What is the prediction accuracy for a 2-bit counter (Smith predictor) for
this sequence assuming an initial state is strongly taken?
B. What is the minimum local history length needed to achieve perfect
branch prediction for this branch outcome sequence?
C. Draw the corresponding PHT and fill in each entry with one of T (predict
taken), N (predict not taken), or X (does not matter).
(6 points)
A. Why does the register read stage must precede the issue stage in an outof-order (OOO) processor (core) that uses an architectural register file
(ARF) plus the reorder buffer to implement register renaming and
hardware speculation?
B. List the reasons for separate dispatch and issue stages in an out-of-order
(OOO) processor core that implements dynamic scheduling?
(6 points)
Q8. Indicate dependences and their types in the following instruction
sequence. For each of the dependence types, explain the hazards that could
result in the following microarchitectures: (1) single-cycle in-order, (2)
pipelined in-order, and (3) pipelined out-of-order. Assumption: No forwarding
and hazard detection has been implemented yet.
(6 points)
Q9. In this question, consider an out-of-order pipeline with an architectural
register file (ARF) and a reorder buffer (ROB). The ROB has 32 entries. The
tail currently points at the eighth entry of the ROB (rob7). The head of the ROB
is stalled for an additional 100 cycles. The state of the ARF, the rename map
table (RMT), and the ROB are shown below. Rename the destination and source
register specifiers in the instruction sequence below. Identify the dependences
in the original and the renamed sequence. Draw the state of the RMT after the
instruction sequence is renamed.
(8 points, 2.5, 2.5)
Q10. Briefly explain how we can add the following features to the CDC 6600
scoreboard. (1) Register renaming. (2) Hardware speculation. Start with the
scoreboard design as we studied in the lectures and briefly explain the steps
required to add the two features.
(8 points, 2, 2, 2)
Q11. The complexity of processor pipelines we have encountered in the
lectures vary. We rank three different pipelines with increasing complexity as
follows: (1) stall-on-miss (simple) (2) stall-on-use (moderately complex) (3)
ARF+ROB (very complex). For each of the following scenarios, pick the
simplest pipeline that would likely deliver the highest IPC. The in-order
pipelines do not use branch prediction. The OOO pipeline uses a simple one-bit
branch predictor.
1. Scenario 1: Frequent RAW hazards, infrequent branches, negligible
WAR/WAW hazards, infrequent memory operations
2. Scenario 2: Infrequent RAW hazards, frequent hard-to-predict
branches, frequent independent memory operations, frequency of
WAR/WAW hazards is unknown
3. Scenario 3: Same as scenario 2, but easy to predict branches, and the
frequency of WAR/WAW hazards is known to be very high
(20 points)
Q12. This question has an associated PowerPoint template slide (see the course
website) that you need to fill three times (for three scenarios) and attach to your
final pdf submission. Consider the following instruction sequence. Suppose we
run this sequence on an ARF+ROB pipeline. Your task is to fill the contents of
the RMT, the issue queue, ROB, the architectural register file, and the multipleclock-cycle diagram (bottom of the slide) at three different points in the
execution of the code sequence. These structures are marked as XXX in the
template slide.
Questions: Provide the contents of all structures marked XXX in the following
cycles: (1) when the instruction i2 is in the register read stage (2) when the
instruction i3 is in the issue stage and (3) when the instruction i4 is in the retire
stage. In which cycle does the branch instruction sets/resets the misprediction
bit in the ROB? Provide an itemized list of all the actions that take place in the
pipeline during that cycle. (You should answer the last question in text, but you
may fill out the PowerPoint template slide one more time for cycle # 13 and
attach it to your pdf submission.)
Assumptions: Assume the processor uses the always-untaken branch prediction
strategy. Also assume that branch i3 is not taken (on resolution). Assume i2
results in a data cache hit. The data cache hit latency is three cycles. Therefore,
the load instruction takes one cycle for address calculation and three cycles for
retrieving the value from the data cache. All other operations take one cycle to
execute. The initial state of the RMT, the architectural register file, and the
head/tail pointers of the ROB is shown on the slide. you should infer "when the
instruction is in the issue stage" as when the instruction enters the issue stage.
Same for the retire stage.
name dst src1 scr2
i1: add r2 r3 r4
i2: load r5 #16 r2
i3: bnez r5 i12
i4: addi r2 r7 #13
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