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日期:2021-01-13 10:33

Lancaster University, Department of Management Science

MSCI530/MSCI537: Data Sourcing, Handling and Programming

Coursework (70% for MSCI530 and 100% for MSCI537)

Deadline: 12/1/2021 10AM Michaelmas Term Maximum Marks: 100

1 Coursework Description

This coursework is composed of three parts, and you are expected to submit six files. You have

been given the flexibility to structure the code in the way that you think is best following the

principles of re-usability, maintainability, information hiding and clarity.

Part 1 (20 Marks)

For this part, you should submit a file containing a working version of your code. The name of

this file should be part1.ipynb (programmed in Python with Jupyter Notebook as an Editor).

You should also submit a document file named part1.docx containing a copy of your code. You

should not import any modules/packages for this part.

Fiz-Buz is a mathematical game, often encouraged by school teachers. In this game the players

take turns to count through numbers (1, 2, 3 etc). If a number either contains a 5, or if it is

divisible by 5 then a player must say “Fiz” instead of that number. If it either contains a 7, or is

divisible by 7, then they must say “Buz” instead of that number. If a number meets both “Fiz”

and “Buz” criteria, then they must say “Fizbuz”.

Task 1: (12 marks) Write a Fiz-Buz simulator that will calculate whether a number should be

represented by itself, “Fiz”, “Buz” or “Fizbuz”. The simulator should perform this calculation for

numbers between 1 and n


, where n is a user input, and the results should be displayed in a n × n

table. This table should contain a heading containing the title of the program and your name (in

the centre), and it should be surrounded by a box made up of ‘-’ and ‘|’ characters. The output of

the program should thus be as shown below for n = 10.

The programs should run without errors and meet the above specification (i.e. by correctly

identifying Fiz and Buz numbers, and formatting the output correctly as required above).

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Task 2: (8 marks) These marks will go to programs that are (i) well commented, and have a

good style (neatly laid out, with sensible identifiers); and (ii) well structured (for example, by

following good programming practices and using functions where appropriate) to show evidence of

well thought out design. Additionally, the quality of the code will be considered (i.e. some marks

will be given for compact efficient algorithms, and compact code).

Part 2 (40 Marks)

For this part, you should submit a file containing a working version of your code. The name

of this file should be part2.py (programmed in Python with Spyder as an Editor). You should

also submit a document file named part2.docx containing your answer to the question below (6

pages maximum) and your code (as an appendix - no page limit). In case you want to import any

packages apart from pandas, matplotlib, numpy, math, random, tkinter, pickle, seaborn and norm

from scipy.stats, you should contact the module leader first.

A newly appointed health minister has heard reports that there are some hospitals in England

where the average length of stay of patients is over 2 weeks, whereas in many others the average

length of stay is under 1 week. This sounds rather odd at face value, but he realises that he does

not understand much about the activity levels of hospitals, and would like to improve his level of

understanding. Suppose that the data file ‘Hospital.csv’ contains the following data for the 303

NHS hospitals in England:

• Hospital – Code identifying hospital

• ALLPatients – Patients admitted in last year

• Males – Male patients admitted in last year

• Females – Female patients admitted in last year

• Emergencies – Emergency patients admitted in last year

• LOS – average length of stay of patients in last year

• Age – average age of patients admitted last year

• LOS PY – average length of stay of patients in previous year

• Age PY – average age of patients admitted previous year

Draw a sample of size 100 from this population and investigate your sample using Python. As at

the lecture, use random state to set your unique starting point for the random number generator.

For this coursework question use the last four digits of your library card PLUS 1, i.e. if your

library card ends ‘4321’ type in ‘4322’, and if your library card ends ‘4329’ type in ‘4330’. Record

these four digits at the top of your answer.

Task 1: (10 marks) In no more than 6 pages describe the main features of your sample as if

to a non-statistical health minister. You should include main features of individual variables and

of the relationships between them. You must include Python numerical and graphical output.

(The clarity and content of your report are both important - grades will be awarded on quality of

technical analysis. Your report should not be a discussion of how you used Python to perform the

calculations. You also need to think carefully about which output is relevant to use in the report).

Task 2: (30 marks) These marks will go to programs that are well structured (including employing

functional and object oriented programming concepts), well commented, intuitive to use (i.e.

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straightforward for me to run your code), generalisable, and flexible (i.e. provide user options

via a graphical user interface). The program should run without errors and produces the same

output used in your report.

Part 3 (40 Marks)

For this part, you should submit a file containing a working version of your code. The name of

this file should be part3.py (programmed in Python with Spyder as an Editor). You should also

submit a document file named part3.docx containing a copy of your code. In case you want to

import any packages apart from pandas, matplotlib, numpy, math, random, tkinter, pickle, seaborn

and norm from scipy.stats, you should contact the module leader first.

Alex owns an auto repair business and has several employees. In this part, you are to write a

program for Alex that stores/deletes/updates data about employees, calculates and displays the

gross pay and more. The tasks below are designed to help you to develop your program in stages.

Task 1: (2 marks) Write a class named Employee that holds the following data about an employee

in attributes: name (e.g. “Ahmed Kheiri”), ID (e.g. “E182737”), department (e.g. “IT”), job title

(e.g. “Programmer”), hourly pay rate and number of hours worked in a week.

Task 2: (2 marks) Law requires that hourly employees be paid “time-and-a-half” their regular

hourly pay rate for work in excess of 40 hours in a week. Therefore, if the employee has worked

over 40 hours in a week, he or she gets paid extra for all the hours over 40. Otherwise, the overtime

calculation should be skipped. To give an example, if a person’s hourly wage is £12 and he or

she works 60 hours in a week, the person’s gross pay should be £840. Implement a method that

calculates and returns an employee’s gross pay, including any overtime wages.

Task 3: (2 marks) Alex’s company has a reputation for providing excellent fringe benefits. One

of their benefits is a retirement plan for each employee. The company contributes 5 percent of each

employee’s gross pay to their retirement plans. Implement a method that calculates and returns

the company’s contribution to an employee’s retirement account for a week.

Task 4: (2 marks) Now, write a class named ProductionWorker that is a subclass of the Employee

class. This class has an attribute ‘shift’ (a boolean data type). The workday is divided into two

shifts: day shift and night shift. The shift attribute will hold a boolean value representing the shift

that the employee works.

Task 5: (2 marks) Now that you have written the classes, write a code that creates objects of the

two classes and prompts the user to enter data for each of the object’s data attributes, and stores

the data in the objects. Implement the str method for a string representation of the objects.

Task 6: (12 marks) Update your program so that it stores Employee and ProductionWorker

objects in a dictionary. Use the ‘ID’ as the key. The program should present a menu that lets the

user perform the following actions:

• Look up an employee in the dictionary. Suppose each employee has a unique ID, we could

look up and retrieve an employee’s name, department, etc, by entering that employee’s ID

• Search for records, for example, enter a department and display a list of all the employees

and production workers matching that department

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• Add a new employee to the dictionary (i.e. the new object will be added to the dictionary’s

existing contents)

• Change an existing employee’s name, department, . . . etc. This will allow us to keep the

records up to date

• Delete an employee from the dictionary

• Display all the objects in the dictionary in a suitable table format

• Quit the program

When the program ends, it should pickle the dictionary and save it to a file. Each time the

program starts, it should try to load the pickled dictionary from the file. If the file does not exist,

the program should start with an empty dictionary.

Task 7: (2 marks) Write a function that stores the data about employees and production workers

in a text file named “employee.txt”. The file should contain a record for each employee and

production worker from the created dictionary. Each record will be a collection of the following

fields: ID, name, department, job title, gross pay and shift (i.e. day or night - only applied to

production workers).

Task 8: (12 marks) Design a suitable graphical user interface, and produce suitable plots (e.g.

pie chart showing the distribution of departments).

Task 9: (4 marks) These marks will go to programs that are well structured (using functional

programming concepts and follow good programming practices), well commented and intuitive to

use (i.e. straightforward for me to run your code).

2 Coursework Submission

The coursework deadline is 10:00AM, Tuesday 12th January, 2021. In accordance with University

regulations, work submitted up to three days after the deadline will be classed as late submission

(10 marks will be deducted), and after three days as a non-submission. However, if an extension

is given then the rule applies from the date of the extension. The place to submit your files:

• https://modules.lancaster.ac.uk/mod/assign/view.php?id=1435010 for MSCI530

• https://modules.lancaster.ac.uk/mod/assign/view.php?id=1436880 for MSCI537

3 Plagiarism

You must write your own code. Copying code from other students, previous students or any other

source is plagiarism. According to university rules, instances of plagiarism will be treated very

seriously. Penalties are in line with the institutional framework of the University. We will analyse

the coursework using plagiarism detection software. Your coursework will be checked against that

of the rest of the class, and against that of previous students. In the days following submission, and

at a prearranged time, selected students will be asked to spend a few minutes on Teams where you

will demonstrate your program to me. I will use this opportunity to ask you to provide information

on your program and explain parts of your code.

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