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日期:2020-11-11 11:32

Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 1


Introduction to Programming 2020-21


Issue Date: Monday 9th November 2021

Submission Date: Friday 13th November 2021 (17:00)

1. Overview

a) Summary:

This assignment is worth 13% of the total marks for COMP101.

You must submit an attempt at this assignment else a fail grade for the module

will be awarded. Plagiarism and collusion guidelines apply throughout.

b) Guidance:

Assessment is based on solving the problem specification in terms of design,

clarity, accuracy and appropriate use of code, testing and documentation.

See below for assignment advice:

 No validation is needed – assume user inputs correct data

 No iteration statements are needed

 No modularisation is needed

 No design document is needed for this assignment

c) Submission (two files to be submitted):

a) Submit one .py file with filename in format of:

familyName_givenName-CA03.py e.g. Smith_John-CA03.py

Within the code, the first lines should be comment lines as follows:

#familyName_givenName University id filename Month and Year of coding, filename.py

#Brief description of the problem solved

#Smith_John 20141234 November 2021 CA-03.py

#Description here (keep it clear but brief)

b) Submit one .pdf file containing a test table e.g. Smith_John-CA03.pdf

Use the test table template for your evidence of testing

c) Submit your documents electronically via the department submission server:


Earlier submission is possible, but any submission after the deadline attracts the

standard lateness penalties, see:


Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 2

COMP101 2020-21 Assignment-03

2. Assessment Information

Assignment Number 03 (of 07)

Weighting 13%

Assignment Circulated See front page

Deadline See front page

Submission Mode e-submission

Learning outcome assessed 1, 2, 4, 7

Purpose of assessment Using sequence and nested selection

constructs to control I/O of strings and

numbers in successful calculations for a

given problem, using import as required.

Marking criteria Total marks over seven questions as a


Submission necessary in order Yes

to satisfy module requirements? Assignments are not marked


Late Submission Penalty Standard UoL Policy.

Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 3

3. Problem Specification:

a) Calculate the age of a cat in human years. Only use the equivalence table

below – no alternatives please

Life stage Age of cat Human equivalent


birth to 7 months

Overlap is okay

Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 4

4. Requirements

a) Present the user with a main menu of three options and a prompt:

Pet Age Menu


A. Cat Age

B. Dog Age

X. Exit

Please Enter an Option (A, B or X):


 Option-A (only) has to work and only for life stages Prime and

Mature (shaded in the equivalence table)

 Option-B should produce an output message - inform the user it

is under development

 Option-X should produce an output message that the program

will end

 No validation is required – assume ALL input is valid, so it is

okay if the program crashes with ‘wrong’ input

There is a template on Canvas if you

wish to use it


Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 5

b) For option-A:

 Prompt the user to enter an integer (no float) of the age for a Prime

or Mature life stage cat only (you do not need to consider other

life stages here).

 Inform the user which life-stage their cat is at and what their age

is in human years.

 The program can exit after this output – there is no requirement

to return to the Main Menu.

c) For option-B:

 Inform the user that this option is under development. No

further processing is required.

 You can assist the user – put an input() statement as the last

statement in this section, informing them to press <return> key

to leave option-B

 The program can exit after this output – there is no requirement

to return to the Main Menu.

d) For option-X:

 Inform the user the program will end – see note above about

input() statement.

 The program should exit after this output.

Comp101 2020-21 Assignment-03: Page 6

Mark scheme

Analysis and Design 20%

Implementation 50%

Testing 15%

Effective algorithm giving efficient selection 15%

The mark scheme looks for:

i) A sequence, selection approach to solving the problem, with effective use of


An accurate solution that preferably employs efficient use of nested selection

and/or compound Boolean statements.

This will score higher than a solution that over-uses such statements

ii) Variables that make the code clear and readable, thus aiding maintenance and


iii) Appropriate use of output that benefits the user

iv) In-line comments used effectively

v) Appropriate testing to determine accuracy and/or problems

Do not change the problem specification. Assessment is based only on the data

given in the equivalence table.

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