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日期:2020-10-22 10:46

CISC 360 Assignment 2

Reminder: All work submitted must be your own.

Some questions ask you to fill in comments in a2.hs.

Late policy: Assignments submitted up to 24 hours late (that is, by 11:59 pm the following

day) will be accepted with a 15% penalty.

0 IMPORTANT: Your file must compile

Your file must load (:load in GHCi) successfully, or we will automatically subtract 30% from your


If you are halfway through a problem and run out of time, comment out the code that is

causing :load to fail by surrounding it with {- . . . -}, and write a comment describing what you

were trying to do. We can often give (partial) marks for evidence of progress towards a solution,

but we need the file to load and compile.

1 Add your student ID

The file a2.hs will not compile until you add your student ID number by writing it after the =:

-- Your student ID:

student_id :: Integer

student_id =

You do not need to write your name. When we download your submission, onQ includes your

name in the filename.

a2, Jana Dunfield, CISC 360, Fall 2020 1 2020/10/11

§1 Add your student ID

2 Justification

Text processing systems, such as word processors and TeX (which I used for this document), usually

allow text to be “justified” or “fully justified” so that the left and right margins line up neatly. Doing

this “professionally” requires wrapping words, adding hyphens, and spacing words out evenly in a

line. A simpler version of the problem is for monospaced text (where every character has the same

width as every other character) with no word wrapping and no additional space within a line. For

example, this sentence could be wrapped to a width of 9 as shown below.

For examp

le, this


could be

wrapped t

o a width

of 9 as s

hown belo


The function justify takes an integer w (the line width) and a string, and returns a string with

newline characters ’\n’ inserted every w characters. Also, the last character in the string returned

should be a newline.


justify width s:

Format s with ‘width’ characters per line,

ending in a newline.

Assume width >= 1.


justify :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]

justify width s = justify_aux 0 width s

We have written justify for you, but the real work is done by justify aux, which we have not

written. justify aux is similar to justify but takes an extra first argument, the “current column”

(with the first column being column zero).

The idea is that, to produce the string "abc\ndef\n", we start by calling justify aux with 0 as

the first argument (because we are “at column zero”). justify aux should return "a" followed by

the result of justify aux with 1 as its first argument. When the current column equals the width,

add a newline character and call justify aux with 0 as the first argument (we have “moved to the

next line”, so we return to column 0).

{- justify_aux column width s:

Format s with ‘width’ characters per line,

ending in a newline.

Maintain current position in ‘column’.

a2, Jana Dunfield, CISC 360, Fall 2020 2 2020/10/11

§2 Justification

Assume column >= 0, width >= 1.


justify_aux :: Int -> Int -> [Char] -> [Char]

justify_aux column width s = undefined

If you’d like to solve the problem in a different way, that’s fine—you may delete justify aux,

or change its type, and change the definition of justify. But if you do that, write a comment

explaining what you’re doing. You may not change the type declaration of justify.

Generally, the read-eval-print loop displays newlines as \n, which isn’t very readable:

*A2> justify 3 "abcdef"


To see the output of justify in a more readable form, use putStr:

*A2> putStr (justify 3 "abcdef")



However, you should also test justify without putStr. If you had a bug that adds extra spaces

to each line, they wouldn’t show up in the output of putStr (justify. . . , but would show up

when you call justify without putStr:

*A2> justify 3 "abcdef" -- buggy output:

"abc \ndef \n"

*A2> putStr (justify 3 "abcdef") -- bug not evident:



3 ‘rewrite’

Haskell has a built-in function ord, with the following type:

ord :: Char -> Int

When applied to a Char, the ord function returns the ASCII code corresponding to that Char.

For example, ord ’A’ returns 65.

Your task is to implement a function named rewrite. Given a String, rewrite returns a copy

of that String with all “important” Chars duplicated.

However, your employer keeps changing their definition of what counts as “important”, so the

first argument to the function rewrite is actually a function that tells you whether a given character

is important.

For example, if the function passed to rewrite is

divisible_by_5 ch = (mod (ord ch) 5 == 0)

then every character that is evenly divisible by 5 is “important” and should be duplicated.

Some examples:

a2, Jana Dunfield, CISC 360, Fall 2020 3 2020/10/11

§3 ‘rewrite’

rewrite divisible_by_5 "" should evaluate to ""

rewrite divisible_by_5 "Queen’s" should evaluate to "Queenn’ss"

rewrite divisible_by_5 "Cataraqui" should evaluate to "Cataraquii"

rewrite divisible_by_5 "Combinatory Logic" should evaluate to "Combiinnatory Logiic"

4 Comparing lists

4a. Fill in the definition of listCompare, which takes two (Haskell) lists of Integers, and should

return a list of Bools such that:

• if the kth element of the first list is equal to the kth element of the second list, the kth element

of the result should be True (because the elements are the same);

• if the kth element of the first list is not equal to the kth element of the second list, the kth

element of the result should be False (because the elements are different);

• if the first and second lists are of different lengths, the result should be “padded” with False,

so that the result list is as long as the longer input.


listCompare [1, 2, 4] [3, 2, 0] should be [False, True, False]

^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^

1 /= 3 2 == 2 4 /= 0

listCompare [1, 2, 1, 1] [1, 2] should be [True, True, False, False]

^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^

length 4 length 2 1 == 1 2 == 2 2nd list 2nd list

has no 3rd has no 4th

element element

(resulting list is length 4)

4b. In the comment “Q4b”, briefly explain why listCompare cannot be implemented by

listCompare :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Bool]

listCompare = zipWith (==)


The function listCompare only works with integer lists. Fill in the definition of polyCompare,

which takes two arguments:

1. a comparison function eq, of type a -> a -> Bool, which takes two a’s and returns True if

they are the same, and False if they are different;

2. a list whose elements have type a;

3. another list whose elements have type a.

a2, Jana Dunfield, CISC 360, Fall 2020 4 2020/10/11

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