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您当前位置:首页 >> Python编程Python编程

日期:2020-10-18 06:36

Programming Assignment #3

Matrix Multiplication in Python

40 points

Due Date/Time:

The program is due on Monday, October 19th at 11:59 pm on edoras. The name of your program must be


The Program:

For this assignment, you will multiply two matrices and print the result. If A is an m x n matrix, and B is

an n x p matrix, then the product matrix C, which is A x B, is defined to be the m x p matrix whose entry in

the ith row and the jth column is the sum of the products of corresponding entries of the ith row of A and the


th column of B. A standard algorithm is:

for(int i=0; i < m; i++)

for(int j=0; j < p; j++) {

C[i][j] = 0;

for(int k=0; k < n; k++)

C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];



will take the following form. The first three lines of the file contain the values m, n, and p, each on a line

by themselves. Following are two matrices, A followed by B with no blank lines, of the dimensions

specified, one row per line. Each row entry is separated by a space. Example: Given the following two

matrices A and B:

A = |1 2| B = |3|


The datafile will then have this format:

sys library:

For this assignment, the only library you may is sys. (Python has a built-in array module, which you may

not use. Instead, the matrices will be lists which are very similar to arrays.) Immediately following the

header comment section at the top of your program, add the line:

import sys


As usual, your program will first print a title line, consisting of the assignment number, your class account,

and your name, all on one line. Then your program will print the two matrices to be multiplied, and finally

print the resulting matrix (pretty formatting is appreciated, but not necessary). Each of the three matrices

should be labeled. Example:

Program #3, csscxxxx, Student Name

Matrix A contents:

Matrix B contents:

7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14

Matrix A * B is:

29 32 35 38

65 72 79 86

101 112 123 134

The datafile read for this example is:

Additional Requirements:

• You may use brackets [ ] in your code.

• The matrices A and B must be declared as empty lists: A = [] and B = []

• No error checking of input data file content is required for this assignment. You may assume that any

datafile used for testing will contain only integer values in the format specified in the assignment.

• Your source code file will be run on edoras, using the command:

python3 p3.py datafileName

• Your p3.py program file must contain exactly four functions, whose prototypes are:

− main()

− read_matrices(A,B) which returns matrix C

− mult_matrices(A,B,C)

− print_matrix(arr)

p3.py outline

# Header comment section (typical assignment info)

import sys

# This function begins execution of program.

# Verify data input filename provided on command line: len(sys.argv)

# If error, output message for user: Usage: p3.py dataFileName'

# and quit, using sys.exit()


# Declare A, B, call read_matrices to initialize A, B, and store

# return value as C


# Print A and B contents


# Call mult_matrices


# Print result contents


def main():

# This function reads m, n, and p from the datafile.

# Then matrices A and B are filled from the datafile.

# Matrix C is then allocated size m x p.

# The values for m, n, and p are local values filled in by this function

# PARAMETERS in order are:

# list matrix A

# list matrix B

# RETURN matrix C


def read_matrices(A,B):

# This function prints a matrix. Rows and columns should be preserved.

# PARAMETERS in order are:

# list The matrix to print


def print_matrix(matrix):

# The two matrices A and B are multiplied, and matrix C contains the

# result.

# PARAMETERS in order are:

# list Matrix A

# list Matrix B

# list Matrix C (all zeros at this point)


def mult_matrices(A,B,C):

# Begin program

if __name__ == '__main__':


Python scripting language basics

Python Tutorial


Invoking the Interpreter

Login to edoras, then type:


Since this is an interpreted (not compiled) language, you can start entering commands. In interactive

mode, the prompt is “>>>”. For practice, type:

>>> pi = 3.14

>>> print("pi is", pi)

pi is 3.14

>>> pi = "good"

>>> print("pi is", pi)

pi is good

>>> quit()


print(""), print(), print('') output blank line

print(x,end=" ") output x followed by space

print(x,y,z) output x y z


Indentation indicates the body portion of control structures (if-else, loops, functions). Note the use of the


for item in list:


for row in 2Dlist:

for column in row:



for i in range(n) loop i is 0,1,2,…,n-1

for j in range(3,8) loop j is 3,4,5,6,7


len(myList) # get number of elements in list

myList[0] # first element in list

len(myList[0]) # get number of elements in first row of matrix

myList = [] # empty list

myList = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] # list of four elements

mylist = [ [1,2,3], # initialize a 3x3 matrix


[7,8,9] ]

myList = [ [0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(4)] # initialize to zero a 3x4 matrix


While there are many file mechanisms, we will illustrate one. To read the entire file, one line at a time:

with open("myInputFile.dat") as f:

for item in f:


Once we have a line, use split() to extract elements. Suppose our line is Big red balloon, then the

above code would print:

Big red balloon

But using split(), we can get individual values, and even assign them to variables:

first, second, third = item.split()




This output is:




Reading one integer per line, use next(f).split() to get the list, then cast and extract the first (and only)


iVal = [int(x) for x in next(f).split()][0] # read line

Reading a certain number of lines of integers into a preexisting list:

for i in range(iVal):

myList.append([int(x) for x in next(f).split()])

sys Library: Command line arguments and exit()

The sys library contains functions needed for accessing command line arguments. Suppose we invoke the

interpreter with:

[cssc0000 sandbox]$ python3 somePythonProg.py myInputFile.dat

Assume our program contains the following statements.

print('Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.')

print('Argument List:', str(sys.argv))

Then the output from these statements is:

Number of arguments: 2 arguments.

Argument List: ['somePythonProg.py', 'myInputFile.dat']

We can use sys library’s exit() function to terminate our program.



Define functions before calling them. Use indentation and colons. Provide return (if desired).

def aFunc(parm1, parm2):

# Do stuff

return ' ' # may need to prevent outputting done

def anotherFunc():

# Create something

return theThingCreated

def yetAnotherFunc(parm1):

# Do something with parm1

Call functions this way:


storeIt = anotherFunc()


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