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日期:2020-03-09 09:17

Statistical Methods for Big Data (MATH97136)

Coursework Assignment


This is the coursework assignment associated with the Big Data in Statistics module, M5MS15. The

hand-out date for these instructions is 25th February 2020. A report response is to be submitted by

1800hrs on 1st April 2020. An electronic copy of the report (in Word, PDF or iPython notebook

format) should be submitted via the module’s Blackboard page.


The dataset is a modified version of the VAST 20161 Mini-Challenge 1 data. Some information taken

from the VAST 2016 website is repeated here, to ensure that these instructions are self-contained.

At the end of 2015, a [fictitious] growing organisation, GAStech, moved into a new, state-of-the-art,

three-story building near to their previous location. The new office is built to the highest energy

efficiency standard, but as with any new building, there are still several heating, ventilation, and air

conditioning (HVAC) issues to work out. The building is divided into several HVAC zones. Each zone is

instrumented with sensors that report building temperatures, heating and cooling system status

values, and concentration levels of various chemicals such as Carbon Dioxide (abbreviated CO2) and

Hazium (abbreviated Haz), a recently discovered and possibly dangerous chemical. CEO Sten

Sanjorge Jr. has read about Hazium and requested that these sensors be included. However, they are

very new and very expensive, so GAStech can afford only a small number of sensors.

With their move into the new building, GAStech also introduced new security procedures, which

staff members are not necessarily adopting consistently. Staff members are required to wear

proximity (prox) cards while in the building. The building is instrumented with passive prox card

readers that cover individual building zones. The prox card zones do not generally correspond with

the HVAC zones. When a prox card passes into a new zone, it is detected and recorded. As part of

the deal to entice GAStech to move into this new building, the builders included a free robotic mail

delivery system. This robot, nicknamed Rosie, travels the halls periodically, moving between floors in

a specially designed chute. Rosie is equipped with a mobile prox sensor, which identifies the prox

cards in the areas she travels through.

The building is partitioned into different zones, across three floors, as depicted in the three figures


1 http://vacommunity.org/VAST+Challenge+2016

There are four datasets provided, covering May 31 to June 13, 2016. The data are as follows:

• Fixed proximity sensor data reading employees’ prox cards (prox-fixed.csv);

• Mobile proximity sensor data (from Rosie) reading employees’ prox cards (prox-mobile.csv);

• Environmental conditions of the building (bldg-measurements.csv) – see Annex A for further


• Hazium concentration within the building (f1z8-haz.csv), containing the Hazium

concentration on floor 1, zone 8.

Acquiring the data

These instructions assume that you have successfully completed Exercise 1 of Week 1. If you have not

done so then please complete this exercise before proceeding with the coursework.

Please log on to bazooka. A unique dataset is to be generated for each student, using the following


$ cd ~/bd-sp-2017

$ cd coursework

$ chmod +x *.py

$ ./process_data.py /tmp/coursework/prox-fixed.csv \


$ ./process_data.py /tmp/coursework/prox-mobile.csv \


$ ./process_data.py /tmp/coursework/bldg-measurements.csv \


$ ./process_data.py /tmp/coursework/f2z2-haz.csv \


$ cd ../data

$ ls -la

Note that USERNAME will need to be replaced with your actual username.

You should see four new files in the data directory corresponding to the four data files (proxfixed.csv,

prox-mobile.csv, bldg-measurements.csv, f2z2-haz.csv). Please run the following

commands and record the output of each command at the top of your coursework report


$ md5sum prox-fixed.csv

$ md5sum prox-mobile.csv

$ md5sum bldg-measurements.csv

$ md5sum f2z2-haz.csv

Create a folder in HDFS called coursework. You should now upload these four data files to your

coursework folder on HDFS.

Map Reduce

For questions 1-4 below, write a Map Reduce program to compute the required answer. Your

response to each of these questions should consist of three components: (1) your answer to the

question; (2) the Shell command used to execute the Map Reduce program; (3) Python code

developed and used to compute the answer. The code will be checked for execution quality, so

please ensure that the code is self-contained and executable. (Marks will be deducted for code that

does not execute using the commands provided via component (2).)

1. Using both prox-fixed and prox-mobile datasets, produce a diagram that displays the number of

staff members present in the building on each day (i.e. number of unique prox-ids on each day)?

NB: The x-axis may be marked with day number (i.e. 0, 1, 2, …) from the beginning of the

dataset. [8 marks]

2. Using the prox-fixed dataset, what is the (floor, zone) of the most visited location in the

building? [5 marks]

3. Using both datasets, what is the prox-ID of the most active staff member (i.e. the staff member

with the greatest number of prox card readings) on 2nd June 2016? [5 marks]

4. Using the bldg-measurements dataset, produce a time series plot of the average hourly “Total

Electric Demand Power”. (This should be a single plot, with the x-axis denoting hour of day, with

a range of 0hrs-23hrs.) What does this plot indicate about power usage throughout the day? [5



With the exception of question 8, for the following questions, write a sequence of Spark commands

(that are executed in the Spark REPL) to compute the required answer. For each question, the full

sequence of Scala commands should be pasted into your submission, together with the computed

answer, and any other information requested. The code will be checked for execution quality, so

please ensure that the code is self-contained and executable. (Marks will be deducted for code that

does not execute using the sequence of commands provided in your coursework submission.)

5. Parse the prox-fixed.csv data fie into an RDD[ProxReading], where ProxReading is defined as:

case class ProxReading(timeStamp: org.joda.time.DateTime, id: String, floorNum:

String, zone: String). In this class, timestamp corresponds to a joda DateTime object2

, id

corresponds to prox-id, floorNum corresponds to the floor number, zone corresponds to the

zone id. [2 marks]

6. Using the prox-fixed dataset, what is the (floor, zone) of the most visited location in the building

across the complete dataset? [3 marks]

7. Using both datasets, what is the prox-ID of the most active staff member (i.e. the staff member

with the greatest number of prox card readings) on 7th June 2016? [3 marks]

8. Provide a concise summary of your experiences writing Map Reduce programmes and Spark

commands for questions 6 and 7. Comment on the differences between the two computational

platforms. [2 marks]

9. Construct an appropriate RDD from the bldg-measurements.csv data, containing the

“Date/Time” column (number 1) and “F_2_Z_1 VAV REHEAT Damper Position” column (number

193). What is the date and time of the first occurrence of the F_2_Z_1 VAV REHEAT Damper

Position being fully open, i.e. the earliest date and time of variable “F_2_Z_1 VAV REHEAT

Damper Position” being set to its maximum value of 1.0? [3 marks]

10. A rogue employee is believed to be increasing the Hazium concentration in the building by

modifying the Reheat Damper position (“F_2_Z_1 VAV REHEAT Damper Position”). By using the

Spark package MLlib3 or other Spark command sequence, demonstrate a statistical association

between the Hazium concentration (from f2z2-haz.csv) and the “F_2_Z_1 VAV REHEAT Damper

Position” variable. Provide a concise summary of your statistical findings, using diagrams where


[10 marks]

11. By using the (fixed) proximity location data, determine the employee IDs for those that entered

the Server Room (the HVAC control location) prior to the sudden increase in Hazium

concentration at the end of the dataset (i.e. employees in the Server Room on 10th June 2016).

[3 marks]


12. Write a question, that could appear in next year’s coursework paper, which tests a student’s

understanding of the opportunities and problems with using Big Data technology. [10 marks]

13. Identify, download, and perform a statistical analysis of any suitable data that is available on the

internet, and write a one-page summary of your findings. Your analysis should use Hadoop,

Spark, or both tools. Please note that the data need not be “big” – the question is intended to

assess your approach to the analysis, and how you utilise Big Data technology in performing a

statistical analysis. [20 marks]

14. Please read the following research paper (also available via the module reading list):


a. Write a short (less than one side of A4) synopsis of the paper, extracting the key statistical

contributions of the paper. [15 marks]

b. Discuss how the key points raised in the paper could be relevant (if at all) to the statistical

analysis performed in question 13, linking to other research if and where appropriate. [25


2 http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/apidocs/org/joda/time/DateTime.html 3 https://spark.apache.org/docs/1.2.1/mllib-guide.html

Annex A – Building measurement information

Field Units Description




Power used by the bathroom exhaust fan



Mass Flow Rate

[kg/s] Total flow rate of air returning to the HVAC system from all

zones it serves




[C] Mixed temperature of air returning to the HVAC system from

all zones it serves

F_# VAV Availability


Night Cycle Control Status

On/off status of the HVAC system during periods when the

system is normally scheduled off. The night cycle manager

cycles the HVAC system to maintain night and weekend set

point temperatures.



Power [W] Power used by the HVAC system cooling coil




[W] Power used by the HVAC system heating coil



Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]

Total flow rate of air delivered by the HVAC system fan to the

zones it serves



Temperature [C] Temperature of the air exiting the HVAC system fan





Power used by the HVAC system fan

F_#_VAV_SYS Outdoor Air



Percentage of total air delivered by the HVAC system that is

from the outside

F_#_VAV_SYS Outdoor Air


Flow Rate

[kg/s] Flow rate of outside air entering the HVAC system

COOL Schedule Value

The supply air temperature set point. Air exiting the HVAC

system fan is maintained at this temperature during cooling


DELI-FAN Power [W] Power used by the deli exhaust fan

Drybulb Temperature [C] Drybulb temperature of the outside air

Wind Direction [deg] Direction of wind outside of the building

Wind Speed


Speed of wind outside of the building

HEAT Schedule Value

The supply air temperature set point. Air exiting the HVAC

system fan is maintained at this temperature during heating


Pump Power [W] Power used by the hot water system pump

Water Heater Setpoint Water heater set point temperature

Water Heater Gas Rate


Rate at which the water heater burns natural gas

Water Heater Tank



Temperature of the water inside the hot water heater

Loop Temp Schedule

Temperature set point of the hot water loop. This is the

temperature at which hot water is delivered to hot water

appliances and fixtures.

Supply Side Inlet Mass

Flow Rate [kg/s] Flow rate of water entering the hot water heater

Supply Side Inlet


[C] Temperature of the water entering the hot water heater

Supply Side Outlet


[C] Temperature of the water exiting the hot water heater




Power used by the zone air supply box reheat coil




[ppm] Concentration of C02 measured at the zone's return air grille



Flow Rate

[kg/s] Flow rate of the air entering the zone from its air supply box



[C] Temperature of the air entering the zone from its air supply





Position of the zone's air supply box damper. 1 corresponds

to fully open, 0 corresponds to fully closed

F_#_Z_#: Equipment


[W] Power used by the electric equipment in the zone

F_#_Z_#: Lights Power [W] Power used by the lights in the zone

F_#_Z_#: Mechanical

Ventilation Mass Flow Rate

[kg/s] Ventilation rate of the zone exhaust fan

F_#_Z_#: Thermostat


[C] Temperature of the air inside the zone

F_#_Z_#: Thermostat



[C] Cooling set point schedule for the zone

F_#_Z_#: Thermostat


Setpoint [C] Heating set point schedule for the zone

Total Electric Demand


[W] Total power used by the building

HVAC Electric Demand


[W] Total power used by the building's HVAC system including

coils, fans and pumps.

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