Midterm Project
Due: 11:55pm, Monday, December 10th, 2019.
• Read these instructions and follow them precisely. Failure to follow these instructions
could seriously affect your grade.
• Independence: All students must work independently.
• Submission: Submit your answer document via Canvas.
• Answer Document: Your answer document MUST be in the form of a single pdf file that
contains all of your answers including code printouts and graphs. Do not submit your answer
document in any format other than pdf. Any answer document that does not comprise a single
pdf file complete with all answers will receive a grade of zero.
• Cover Sheet: Your answer document must include a cover sheet that states the course name,
the homework number, the date, and your name.
• Legibility and Logical Presentation: Answer documents that are not easily legible, or not
logically presented, or have a non-professional appearance will not be graded.
• Source Code Requirement: Your submission should also contain a separate set of source
code files for all of your solutions. I may run your source code to ensure that it provides the
results that you claim.
• Permissible Computer Languages: You can use any matrix-oriented computer programming
language (Python, R or Matlab). Do not use any spreadsheets: problems solved with
spreadsheets will receive no credit).
• Late Submission Policy: If answer documents and source code files are not submitted by the
due date and time, they will incur an immediate penalty of 20%. Any late submissions must
be sent by email to the Teaching Assistant, with a copy to the Professor and they will receive
an extra penalty of 10% per extra late day. Only in extreme circumstances will exceptions
will be made to this late submission policy. Such extreme circumstances must be proved by
verifiable documentation. Technical, network, or computer problems are not considered extreme
circumstances. Therefore, you are advised to submit the homework assignment well before the
due date and time.
The supplied data.zip file contains 30 space-delimited text files that contain price and volume
data for 30 companies. Each row of each file contains date, opening price, closing price, high price,
low price, volume, and adjusted closing price (last column)..
Question 1
Write a program called processdata to:
1. Read all daily price files;
2. Create a price matrix P by aligning the data’s dates and placing the adjusted closing prices
side-by-side in columns;
3. From the P matrix, create a matrix of simple (not logarithmic) daily returns R;
4. Compute the vector of average daily returns mu for the companies using the mean function (do
not use loops);
5. Compute the covariance matrix Q from the return matrix using the cov function; and
6. Save the return vector mu and covariance matrix Q in the native format for your programming
language in a file called inputs.ext, where ext is the appropriate extension for a binary file in
your language. (For example, if you use MATLAB, store the data in .mat format in a file called
inputs.mat, if you use R, store the data in .Rdata format in a file called inputs.rData)..
Question 2
Write a function called port that uses standard quadratic programming libraries that will:
• Take the set of input parameters mu (mean vector µ), Q (covariance matrix Q), and tau (risk
tolerance τ ) and return the vector h that maximizes the following utility function U defined by
subject to the constraints
0 ≤ hi ≤ 0.1 for all i, and
where n is the number of securities in the portfolio.
Question 3
Write a program called frontier that will:
1. Load in your programming environment the data stored in the inputs.ext ;
2. Create a sequence TAU containing numbers from zero to 0.5 in steps of 0.001;
3. Run through a loop for each value of your TAU sequence to
• Find the optimum portfolio with the given mu, Q, and tau selected from TAU;
• Compute the optimum portfolio’s expected return and standard deviation of return;
• Store the portfolio return and standard deviation.
4. After completing the loop, plot the efficient frontier.
The supplied Midtermdata.zip file contains an R data file data.rda and a tab-delimited text file
data.tsv containing the Dow-Jones Industrial Index and the closing prices for the 30 companies in
that index for 250 trading days.
Question 4
Write a program to:
1. read in this Dow-Jones data,
2. convert the matrix of daily prices to daily simple returns (not logarithmic returns),
3. annualize the returns by multiplying them by 252 (the typical number of trading days in a year),
4. move the index column out of the matrix and into a separate vector’
5. compute a covariance matrix Qts based on the time-series of returns, and
6. print out the first five rows and five columns of the covariance matrix.
Clearly describe all steps in your program with comments. List your program in your answer document.
No points will be awarded unless the steps associated with each part of the question are clearly
distinguished. Also submit the source code file.
Question 5
Write a program utilizing the Dow-Jones data that:
1. uses a loop to regress each company’s returns onto the index return,
2. prints a table of intercepts, slopes (βi), and idiosyncratic standard deviations σRi
deviation o the residuals) for all companies i = 1, ..., 30,
3. computes and prints the variance of the index’s return,
4. computes the single-index approximation to the covariance matrix Qsi using your computed σ2M,βi and σRi for all i, and
5. prints the first five rows and columns of this covariance matrix. Remember that the diagonal
entries of Ω are σ2Ri, not σRi.
Clearly describe all steps in your program with comments. List your program in your answer
document. No points will be awarded unless the steps associated with each part of the question are
clearly distinguished. Also submit the source code file.
Question 6
With your function port from the Question 2:
1. Use the set of input parameters mu (mean vector µ), Qts (covariance matrix Q computed with
a time series approximation), and tau (risk tolerance τ ) to compute the efficient frontier corresponding
to the maximization of utility function U defined by
subject to the constraints
0 ≤ hi ≤ 0.1 for all i,
where n is the number of securities in the portfolio. Be sure to include all constraints; both
equality and inequality constraints.
2. Repeat the computation of the efficient frontier but now use the approximate covariance matrix
Qsi computed from the single index model instead of the time-series model Qts.
3. Plot the efficient frontier using the time-series approximation to Qts in blue, and superimpose
the efficient frontier computed with the single index covariance model Qsi in red. Do you think
the results are similar enough that the single-index covariance model is valid?
Clearly describe all steps in your program with comments. List your program in your answer
document. No points will be awarded unless the steps associated with each part of the question
are clearly distinguished. Also submit the source code file.
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