ECE241 PROJECT 1: Sorting and Searching
Due: October 24, 2019, 11PM on gradescope
In today’s Internet-dominated world we take for granted the ability of computers to search through
vast quantities of data to find information that is of interest to us. The ability of search engines to
find data quickly is the result of many programmers’ and algorithm designers’ efforts over a number
of years. In Project 1, you will have the opportunity to learn the basics to become a successful
future programmer by implementing algorithms for the Million Song Dataset, which will both sort
and search through a database of information related to songs. In this specific project you will use
a subset of the Million Song Dataset the This data. This dataset is an example of the mass
quantities of data that are evaluated by computers many of times a day.
In this assignment, you will read in a subset of the Million Song Dataset from an Excel file. It
contains information for approximately 10,000 songs which contains several fields such as title,
artist, song duration, track ID. You will then perform search and sort operations on the data to
demonstrate the performance of different sorting and searching algorithms.
Task Overview
In this project, you will perform the following specific tasks.
1. Manage your data in Python classes and objects. For example, you should manage songs
in the Song object and song library in SongLibrary.
a. In the Song class, you should have variables for the different attributes of the songs
(title, artist, song duration, track ID).
b. In the SongLibrary class, you should have basic information about the library which
usually contains an array for all the Song objects, an integer that indicates how
many songs the library contains and a Boolean variable that shows whether the
library is sorted or not. In order to make it efficient to search the songs, we also
need a binary search tree (BST) for the song library based on the song title.
2. Read in the database of songs using the loadLibrary method in SongLibrary class. The
method takes the input data file name and loads the songs in the file to the library. Make
sure the order of the songs is the same as the one in the input file.
3. Implement a linear search algorithm to search the songs based on either song title or artist.
Return the number of the songs found in the song array that satisfies your search. The
search function should have two parameters, one for your query and one for the attribute
(string as ‘title’ or ‘artist’).
4. Implement a QuickSort algorithm to sort the song database based on the song title. The
sorted songs should be stored in the same song array. Make sure you change the status
of the Boolean variable that shows whether the library is sorted or not.
5. Implement a function to build a balanced BST of the songs based on the song title. Record
the time spent on building the BST. Ideally the height of a balanced BST for 10,000 songs
is 14. In this task, you need to build a tree with height AT MOST 24.
6. Implement a search function for song title on the BST.
7. Perform a linear search in the sorted database for the 100 songs. You can use a random
number generator to arbitrarily select 100 song titles. Record the average time spent on
the linear search.
8. Perform a search of the same 100 songs in the BST. Record the average time spent.
9. In order to perform a search on BST, we need to spend additional time to build the BST. If
we have many songs to search, it is worthwhile to spend the additional time. Using the
information calculated above (Task 5, 7, 8), determine how many linear searches � would
be necessary before the overall run time of the linear searches would be more than the
combined total of building a BST (only performed once) and � searches in the BST.
Hints and suggestions
Successfully completing the project and achieving a good grade requires completing the project as
described above and clearly commenting the code. As always, it makes sense to start the project
early. Unless you are an amazing programmer, you probably won’t be able to finish in one day.
Build your project code step by step. For example, verify that you have successfully read in the
database before attempting a linear search. Then, make sure the linear search works before writing
and testing code for QuickSort, BST, etc. Additional hints are as follows:
1. Make sure that there are NO print statements in the code you are attempting to time. The
use of these statements will negatively affect recorded time values and lead to incorrect
results. Your submitted QuickSort, linear search, and search on BST methods should not
include these statements.
2. For each line of the song database (“0,Qing Yi Shi,Leon Lai,203.38893,5237536”), you can
split it based on the ‘,’.
3. Use the random module to identify the 100 random titles for searching. You can use the
random numbers to locate specific song indices in the song database array. Note that you
must save these song titles in an additional array so you can perform the same search.
4. For a balanced BST, you can implement the AVL tree. Another solution you can try is to
randomize the song title to insert. Theoretically, you can get a better balanced tree, but you
need to test the random seed to make sure the tree height is less than 24. (You can
consider to implement an additional function to compute the tree height.)
5. The QuickSort, BST, and linear search methods can follow in a similar format from the
What to submit:
For Task 1-6, you should submit your code to Gradescope for auto-grading. Remember to comment
your code properly.
For Task 5, 7-10, put your recorded running time of building BST, the average time for linear search
and search on BST into a Document (.doc or .pdf). Explain how you compute the number of
searches � for task 10 in the document.
Reminder: The course honesty policy requires you to write all code yourself, except for the code
that we give to you. Your submitted code will be compared with all other submitted code for the
course to identify similarities. Note that our checking program is not confused by modified variable
or method names.
• Code works on Gradescope (70%)
• Assignment results (search number �) (20%)
• Program structure and comments (10%)
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