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日期:2019-07-12 07:46

CSCI 1100 — Computer Science 1 Homework 4

Loops and Lists


This homework is worth 100 points total toward your overall homework grade. It is due Friday,

July 12, 2019 at 11:59:59 pm. As usual, there will be a mix of autograded points, instructor test

case points, and TA graded points. There are two parts in the homework, each to be submitted

separately. All parts should be submitted by the deadline or your program will be considered late.

See the handout for Homework 3 for a discussion on grading and on what is considered excessive

collaboration. These rules will be in force for the rest of the semester.

You will need the utilities and data files we provide in hw04_files.zip, so be sure to download

this file from the Course Materials section of Submitty and unzip it into your directory for HW

4. Module hw4_util.py is written to help you read information from the files. You do not need to

know how functions provided in hw4_util.py are implemented (but feel free to examine the code,

if you are interested), you can simply use them.

Final note, you will need to use loops in this assignment. We will leave the choice of the loop type

up to you. Please feel free to use while loops or for loops depending on the task and your personal


Part 1: Is this Crazy Password Valid? (40 pts)

A good password (in this strange system) should have the following properties:

Rule 1: The password should be between 4 and 25 characters inclusive, starting with a letter.

Rule 2. The password should not be contained in a list (selected by the user) that contains

passwords commonly used by many people thus making these passwords easy to guess. Comparisons

with passwords from the list of common passwords should be case insensitive. For example, if the

password entered by the user is P@sSw0rD and there is a common password p@ssw0rd in the list,

Rule 2 is not satisfied.

Rule 3. The password should have at least one of the following characters @ $ and no %.

Rule 4: The password should have at least one upper and one lower case character, or it should

contain at least one of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

If it contains upper and lower case characters, we don’t care about numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. If it contains

1, 2, 3 or 4, we don’t care about upper or lower case characters.

Rule 5: Each upper case character (if there is any) must be immediately followed by at least one

underscore symbol (_).

Rule 6: Each numerical digit, if there is any, must be less than 5. (So, pa$$35 is not valid because

of 5.) Note that in Rule 4 you checked the existence of at least one number in the 1-4 range, now

you want to check that all numbers are in this range.

Write a program that validates a password entered by the user against this set of rules. The

program should first determine the number of available lists with common passwords (as described

below), prompt the user to enter a correct number to select the list, and then ask for a password.

If the password is a valid one (satisfying all the above rules), print a corresponding message to the

user. If the password is not valid but satisfies Rule 1, suggest a valid password by taking the first

3 and the last 3 characters and appending 42 between them (note the password constructed this

way may not be valid with respect to the above rules, but randomness is always good for security).

Otherwise, report the password as not valid.

In order to check the password against Rule 2, you will first need to determine how many lists

with common passwords are available to you. Use function get_number_of_password_lists()

provided in hw4_util module. Make sure you have your code for this part of the assignment, the

hw4_util.py file, and two data files, password_list_top_25.txt and password_list_top_100.txt,

all residing in the same directory. If everything is set up correctly, the following code:

import hw4_util

lists_count = hw4_util.get_number_of_password_lists()


should print 2, indicating that you have 2 lists (numbered 0 and 1) with common passwords

available to you. You can obtain any of these lists by using get_password_list() function from

the hw4_util module and specifying the list number, as in the following example (we slice the list

to only show the first 5 items for brevity):

import hw4_util

passwords = hw4_util.get_password_list(0)


which outputs ['123456', 'Password', '12345678', 'qwerty', '12345'].

Note that when you submit your code on Submitty we will be using lists of common passwords

which are different from the ones we provide to you, and we will be using more than two lists. Your

code should not hardcode the number of lists available or the contents of the lists. Instead, use

functions get_number_of_password_lists() and get_password_list() from hw4_util.

Hint: A very good way to solve this problem is to use booleans to store whether each rule is

satisfied or not. Start slowly, write and test each part separately. Rules 1, 3, and 4 do not require

looping at all. For Rule 2, you will need to loop through all items in the list of common passwords.

For Rule 5, the simplest solution involves looping through the string once. The same is true for

Rule 6. To construct the suggested password, you only need one line of code by using slicing.

There are some really useful string functions you can use: str.islower(), str.isupper() and of

course str.count() and str.find(). Try help(str) to learn more about them.

Here is an example solution that involves using booleans to store the result and building on them:

is_long_enough = len(word) <= 25 and len(word) >= 4

is_lowercase = word.islower()

if is_long_enough and is_lowercase:

print ("It is long enough and lower case")

Four examples of the program run (how it will look when you run it using Wing IDE 101) are provided

in files hw4_part1_output_01.txt, hw4_part1_output_02.txt, hw4_part1_output_03.txt,

and hw4_part1_output_04.txt. For all these examples, it is assumed that both lists of common

passwords that we provide are available.

Test your code well and when you are sure that it works, please submit it on Submitty as a file

named hw4 part1.py for Part 1 of the homework. You must use this filename, or your submission

will not work on Submitty. You do not have to submit any of the files we have provided.

Part 2: ZIP Code Look up and Distance Calculation (60 pts)

As part of the Open Data Policy, the U.S. Government released a large number of datasets. Among

these is a dataset that provides geographic coordinates for U.S. 5 digit ZIP Codes which we will be

using for this assignment. For each ZIP Code, this dataset lists geographic coordinates (latitude

and longitude), city, state, and county. Our goal is to use available data to develop a new data

product that would allow users not only to query and search the existing data source but also to

access additional functionality such as computing the distance between two locations.

Write a program that would allow users to lookup locations by ZIP Code, lookup ZIP Codes by city

and state, and determine the distance between two locations designated by their ZIP Codes. The

program interacts with the user by printing a prompt and allowing them to enter commands until

they enter 'end' at which point the program prints Done and finishes. If an invalid command is

entered, the program prints Invalid command, ignoring and is ready to take the next command.

All commands are case insensitive (i.e., can be typed using any case or a mixture of lower and

upper case).

The following commands should be recognized:

1. loc allows the user to enter a ZIP Code, then looks up city, state, county, and geographic

coordinates that correspond to the ZIP Code and prints this data. If the ZIP Code is invalid or

not found in the dataset, the program prints an error message instead. Look at the following

sample output:

Command (loc, zip, dist, end) => loc


Enter a ZIP Code to lookup => 12180


ZIP Code 12180 is in Troy, NY, Rensselaer county,

coordinates: (042?40?25.32"N,073?36?31.65"W)

Note that coordinates are enclosed in parentheses and are separated by a comma; each coordinate

is printed in integer degrees (three digits), followed by the ?

symbol, integer minutes

(two digits), followed by the ' character, integer and fractional seconds (two integer and two

decimal digits), followed by the " character, and a cardinal direction letter (N, S, W, or E)

with no spaces anywhere in the coordinate representation.

2. zip allows the user to enter city and state, then looks up the ZIP Code or codes (some cities

have more than one) which correspond to this location and prints them; if city and/or state

are invalid or not found in the dataset, it prints an error message instead.

Command (loc, zip, dist, end) => zip


Enter a city name to lookup => troY


Enter the state name to lookup => ny


The following ZIP Code(s) found for Troy, NY: 12179, 12180, 12181, 12182, 12183

3. dist allows the user to enter two ZIP Codes and computes the geodesic distance between the

location coordinates; if any of the ZIP Codes entered is invalid or not found in the dataset,

it prints a corresponding error message instead.

Command (?loc?, ?zip?, ?dist?, ?end?) => dist


Enter the first ZIP Code => 19465


Enter the second ZIP Code => 12180


The distance between 19465 and 12180 is 201.88 miles

4. end stops fetching new commands from the user and ends the program.

Utility module hw4_util will give you some help. It provides a function read_zip_all() that

returns a list each element of which is, in turn, a list that contains data about one ZIP Code. Try

the following:

import hw4_util

zip_codes = hw4_util.read_zip_all()



and it should output:

[00501, 40.922326, -72.637078, Holtsville, NY, Suffolk?]

[12180, 42.673701, -73.608792, Troy, NY, Rensselaer?]

Note that the data on a particular ZIP Code has the following fields: ZIP Code (string), latitude

(float degrees), longitude (float degrees), city (string), state (string), and county (string).

Implementation Details

When grading your code, we will be importing it as a module and then verifying that it works

correctly by calling two functions with specific names and comparing the return values with expected

data. You will need to define these two functions by strictly following specifications outlined below:

1. zip_by_location(zip_codes, location) which finds the ZIP Code for a given location.


zip_codes a list of ZIP Codes data in the format, returned by read_zip_all();

location a two-element tuple where the first element is the city name and the second element

is the state abbreviation, e.g., ('trOy', 'nY'). Both elements are string values. City names

and state abbreviations can be typed using any case or a mixture of lower and upper case.

Return value:

A list which contains the ZIP Code or codes for the specified location. Each ZIP Code is a

string value. If the location is invalid, an empty list is returned.

E.g., ['12179', '12180', '12181', '12182', '12183'].

2. location_by_zip(zip_codes, code) which finds location information corresponding to the

specified ZIP Code.


zip_codes a list of ZIP Codes and associated data in the format, returned by read_zip_all();

code ZIP Code as a string value, e.g. '12180'.

Return value:

A five-element tuple (latitude, longitude, city, state, county). Latitude and longitude

are in fractional degrees (floating point values). All other elements are string values. If

the ZIP Code is invalid, an empty tuple is returned.

E.g., (42.673701, -73.608792, 'Troy', 'NY', 'Rensselaer').

It is required that you implement functions according to specifications given above. Remember,

if your functions do not follow these requirements (e.g., you named them something else, or they

expect an argument or return a value which are different from what is described above), our attempt

to call your function might fail, and you will lose points.

You are also expected to define other functions, as necessary. You need to determine which functions

to define and to design their specifications yourself, following the example we gave above for the

two required functions. Do not forget to include function specifications as a docstring immediately

below the function’s definition in your code. Avoid copying and pasting repeated pieces of code.

Those should be factored out as functions. You may lose points for excessive duplication of code.

Make sure that when your code is imported as a module, it does not print anything and does not

attempt to ask the user to input any values. The main body of your program should be behind a

corresponding if statement, so that the main code is executed only when your Python file is run

directly and is not executed when your module is imported somewhere else.

Hints and Suggestions

Formatting your output is a big part of this program. Here are a few hints.

1. The ?

symbol can be generated using another escape character similar to \n or \". To generate

the, use \xb0. Just like the newline or a double quote, this is a single character.

2. You may find tuple() function useful if you need to convert a list to a tuple,

e.g., tuple(["RPI", "Private", 7962]).

3. If you want to print leading 0s before an integer, use the {:0Nd} where N is the total number of

character positions you want the integer to occupy. So, a format of :07d will use 7 character

positions to print your integer, padding the front of the integer with 0s. I.e.,


will give


4. You will need to manage the latitude and longitude to convert among representations. In

particular, you need to convert the fractional degrees in the ZIP Code list to degrees, minutes,

and seconds. There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute. When you convert,

all of your latitudes and longitudes should be positive. Instead, use east (E) and west (W)

designators of longitude; and north (N) and south (S) designators for latitude. Negative

longitudes are west, positive are east. Negative latitudes are south, positives are north. In

both cases, a latitude or longitude of 0 (the equator or the prime meridian, respectively) do

not have a designator.

5. The distance between two points on the surface of Earth uses a simplified haversine formula

for arc length on a sphere. You should implement Eq. ?? which assumes the Earth to be

spherical. This formula gives the shortest surface distance d “as-the-crow-flies”, ignoring

Earth’s relief.


Where R = 3959.191 miles is the radius of the Earth and all angle measurements are in

radians (the ZIP Code data gives latitude and longitude in degrees). 360 degrees is equivalent

to 2π radians.

An example of the program run (how it will look when you run it using Wing IDE 101) is provided

in file hw4_part2_output_01.txt (can be found inside the hw04_files.zip file).

We will test your code with the values from the example file as well as a range of other values,

including invalid commands and invalid ZIP Codes. Test your code well and when you are sure that

it works, please submit it as a file named hw4 part2.py to Submitty for Part 2 of the homework.

Be sure to use the correct filename or Submitty will not be able to grade your submission. You do

not have to submit any of the files we have provided.

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