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日期:2019-05-06 11:11

COMP20008 Project 2

V1.0: 16th April 2019

Due Date

The assignment is worth 20 marks, worth (20% of subject grade) and is due 11:59pm 8th

May 2019. Submission is via the LMS. Please ensure you get a submission receipt via email.

If you don’t receive a receipt via email, this means your submission has not been received and

hence cannot be marked. Late penalty structure is described at the end of this document.


The objectives of this assignment are

To practice a further selection of techniques discussed in lectures and workshops, including

clustering, correlations and predictions.

To practice using a widely used Python library for data processing - pandas and a widely

used library for prediction and clustering scikit-learn.

To gain experience using library functions which are unfamiliar and which require consultation

of additional documentation from resources on the Web.


In this project you will further practice your Python wrangling skills with the same publicly

available dataset used in Project 1. The dataset is the food nutrient database from Food

Standards Australia and New Zealand1

in the file food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv. It contains

a detailed breakdown of nutrient values for a wide range of food items. Each nutrient value

is presented on a per 100 gram edible portion basis. It was used to support the 2011-13

Australian Health Survey. Table 1 shows a high level summary description of each feature.

There is one data file provided on the project page on the LMS:

food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv: Nutrient information for about 5.7k foods.

Key libraries to use are Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy, seaborn and sklearn. You

will need to write Python 3 code (Jupyter notebook) and work with the topics discussed in

workshops weeks (6-8). If you are using other packages, you must provide an explanation in

your code about why it is necessary.



Field Name Description

Food ID 8 digit alpha numeric food identification code, based on FSANZ standard

Survey ID 8 digit food identification code that was specific to Australian Health Survey

Survey flag can be ignored

Food Name Name of the food

nutrient name (units) Describes the full nutrient name of each of the nutrients

e.g. ’Protein’ and includes the units the nutrient is presented in

e.g. ’(g)’ for grams. A value is then provided for each food and nutrient.

Table 1: Summary of Features for food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv

Importing required Python Libraries and loading the data

Please begin your Jupyter notebook by listing all the Python libraries you will be using. Also

load the dataset (.csv) in a dataframe object.

#import ....

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

food = pd.read_csv("food_nutrient_2011_13_AHS.csv", header=0,low_memory=False)

There are also some helpful functions like VAT (visualization of clustering tendency) and

MI (mutual information) that you can use and integrate into your code. These are provided

in the example Jupyter notebook file, and they were covered in workshops for weeks 6 and 7.

1 Feature standardisation(1 mark)

In order for a number of types of analysis techniques to be effective, it is important for features

to be scaled or standardised.

a) Create a new data frame that contains only the continuous features from food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv.

I.e. the features starting from Energy, with dietary fibre (kJ) and ranging to Total trans fatty

acids (mg). (53 features in total). This data frame is the input for part b).

b) Apply the sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler() function to standardise each feature separately,

to have 0 mean and unit variance. Store the transformed features in foodscaled.


c) Print the number of rows and columns, as well as the minimum, maximum, mean and

standard deviation (computed taking into account all values) of foodscaled, using the following



Q1.c: foodscaled matrix details

Number of rows: #

Number of columns: #

Min: #

Max: #

Mean: #

Standard Deviation: #


where each # is the appropriate value rounded to 1 decimal place.

Hint: Useful functions include Standard Scaler

2 Principal components analysis (2 marks)

It is difficult to visualise the data in foodscaled, due to the large number of features. One

strategy to deal with this is to apply principal components analysis.

a) Create a feature EnergyLevel which has value ”1” if (unstandardized) Energy, with dietary

fibre (kJ) is greater than 1000 kJ and ”0” otherwise.

b) Apply principal components analysis to your data in foodscaled to compute the first two

principal components. Store the result in foodreduced.

c) Produce a scatter plot of the data in foodreduced. A food should have red color if it has

‘High’ energy (EnergyLevel of ”1”) and blue if it has ‘Low’ energy (EnergyLevel of ”0”). There

should be an accompanying legend mapping colours to EnergyLevel.

d) Comment on your scatter plot in c). What does it show? How can it be interpreted? What

are the advantages and disadvantages of using PCA for visualising this food dataset?

Hint: Useful functions are sklearn PCA

3 Clustering visualisation (3 marks)

a) Similar to what you did in Project 1, create a new feature Food category, which contains

the first two digits of the feature Survey ID.

b) From foodscaled, select only foods from categories 13, 20 and 24. Store these foods in



c) Use the VAT() function, discussed in Workshop Week 6, to compute the ordered dissimilarity

matrix for the foodscaledsample matrix.

d) Plot the heatmap for the ordered dissimilarity matrix from c). For your plot, select a

colormap that is effective in revealing the cluster structure.

e) How many clusters are apparent in your heatmap? Is this expected (why/why not)? Why

does use of different colormaps produce visualisations of varying usefulness? Explain what

properties an optimal colormap should have for this task.

Hint: Useful items include Seaborn heatmap, Colormap reference.

4 K-means and sum of squared errors (1.5 marks)

Recall question 5 from the Week 6 workshop. This question will take you through a practical

example of computing sum of squared errors (SSE), which is a quality measure that can be

used for evaluating a clustering produced by k-means.

a) Using the dataset foodscaled, produce a plot of the SSE value of the k-means clustering

of the dataset (y-axis), versus k value (x axis). k should range across 2, 3, 4, . . . , 25. This

requires generation of 24 different k-means clusterings. When generating each clustering, use

random state=100 and default values for all other parameters of the KMeans function, except

n clusters, which will need to be varied.

b) Comment on the shape and trend of your plot from a). Where is the elbow? Is this

expected (why/why not)?

Hint: Useful functions are the VAT code provided in the example Jupyter notebook and

sklearn.cluster.KMeans and scipy.spatial.distance.cdist.

5 Correlation and Mutual Information(4 marks)

a) Visualise correlation matrix: Plot a Pearson correlation matrix for the first 10 nutrients

(shown below) in the food data frame. The calculated 10*10 symmetric matrix should

contain the correlation between every pair of attributes. For example, a value in row i and

column j should contain the Pearson correlation rij between two features i and j. Plot a

heatmap for your computed correlation matrix, including feature names on each axis of the


’Energy, with dietary fibre (kJ)’,

’Energy, without dietary fibre (kJ)’,

’Moisture (g)’,

’Protein (g)’,

’Total fat (g)’,

’Available carbohydrates, with sugar alcohols (g)’,


’Available carbohydrates, without sugar alcohol (g)’,

’Starch (g)’,

’Total sugars (g)’,

’Added sugars (g)’

b) Analysing the effect of binning

- For the pair of features in the food dataframe: ’Protein (g)’ and ’Energy, with dietary

fibre (kJ)’: Calculate a series of Mutual Information (MI) values, according to increasing

numbers of equal-width bins. Use [2, 10, 20, 30, 40, ... , 200] numbers of bins and

calculate 21 MI values, one for each number of bins.

- Create a plot, where the x axis is number of bins and the y axis is the MI of the feature


- Explain the trend in your plot.

c) Comparison of Pearson correlation and Mutual Information:

- Considering the full set of 53 continuous features from the food data frame, find the

top-10 feature-pairs by Pearson correlation strength (highest to lowest)

- Considering the full set of 53 continuous features from the food data frame, find the

top-10 feature-pairs by Mutual Information, using 20 equal-width bins

- Print out the top-10 feature-pairs for Pearson correlation (highest to lowest) and by MI

(highest to lowest). Comment on the similarities and differences between the two lists.

Hint: Useful functions are pandas.DataFrame.corr and the provided mutual information function

in the example Jupyter notebook. Note that executing the code to answer this question

may be more computationally demanding, and so you may wish to use a smaller dataset

during initial development and debugging.

6 Prediction models: decision trees (2.5 marks)

This question explores predicting the Food category label, using the values of the various nutrients.

I.e. Food category is the class label.

a) Randomly split the foodscaled data into 80% training and 20% testing. You should output

two matrices: X train and X test, and two vectors/columns: y train and y test.

X train contains features of training instances (i.e. 80%) and y train contains labels for

the training instances.

X test contains features of test instances (i.e. 20%) and y test contains labels for test



The output of this question should print the shape (number of rows and columns) of X train,

X test, y train and y test in the following format:


Q6.a: Train Test Split Results

X_train matrix: #

y_train labels: #

X_test matrix: #

y_test labels: #


where # are the calculated shape values.

b) Using the same training and testing data, you will next analyse the effect of varying the

max depth parameter for the decision tree. Produce a plot showing accuracy (y-axis) versus

max depth (x-axis), where max depth varies in the range 1, 2, 3, . . . , 40. Each data point in

the plot corresponds to the accuracy of a decision tree that is trained using the 80% training

data and evaluated using the 20% test data, to predict the Food category.

c) Comment on the shape of the plot in Part c). Suggest reasons for the shape of the plot

and any local peaks.

Hint: Useful functions are sklearn.model selection.train test split and sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier

7 Prediction models: K-NN (2 marks)

a) Create an instance of the KNeighborsClassifier and set k (number of neighbors) to 1.

Train/fit the model using X train and y train. Evaluate the model by calculating its accuracy

when applied to both the train and the test set (i.e. X train and X test).

Then print out the following:


Q7a: Food category prediction using k-NN (k=1)

Train accuracy: # %

Test accuracy: # %


Where # is the calculated k-NN classifier accuracy rounded to 1 decimal place.

b) Repeat the steps of a), this time using k = 3. The output will be as follows


Q7.b: Food category prediction using k-NN (k=3)

Train accuracy: # %

Test accuracy: # %



c) Comment on the differences and similarities between your output for parts a) and b).

Where they are different, suggest reasons why.

d) In parts b) and c), the reported accuracy may be over-optimistic, due to the way standardisation

was applied in Question 1. Explain why this is the case and how this issue could

be addressed.

Hint: Useful functions are sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier

8 Feature generation (4 marks - harder)

In order to achieve higher prediction accuracy for k-NN, one can investigate the use of feature

generation and selection. Again, Food category is the class label to be predicted.

Feature generation involves the creation of additional features, additional to the ones

already present in foodscaled. Two methods are

Interaction term pairs. Given a pair of features f1 and f2 in foodscaled, create a new

feature fpair = f1 × f2 or by fpair =



. All possible pairs can be considered.

Clustering labels: Apply k-means clustering to the data in foodscaled and then use the

resulting cluster labels as the values for a new feature fclusterlabel. At test time, a label

for a testing instance can be created by assigning it to its nearest cluster.

Given a set of N features (the original features plus generated features), feature selection

involves selecting a smaller set of n features (n < N). Here one computes the mutual information

between each feature and the class label (on the training data), sorts the features

from highest to lowest mutual information value, and then retains the top n features from

this ranking, to use for classification with k-NN.

Your task in this question is to evaluate whether the above methods for feature generation

and selection, can deliver a boost in prediction accuracy compared to using k-NN just on the

original features in foodscaled. You should:

Implement the above two methods for feature generation. You may need to experiment

with different parameter values, including k and different numbers of generated features.

Implement feature selection using mutual information. Again you may need to experiment

with different parameter values, such as how many features to select.

Your output for this question should include i) your implemented code that generates

accuracies or plots, ii) a discussion (2-3 paragraphs) of whether feature selection+generation

can deliver an accuracy boost, based on your evidence from i).

Note that you should use a training and testing data split, to evaluate accuracies. Feature

generation for training data should not require any knowledge of the testing data. The feature

selection step (on the training data) should not require any knowledge of the testing data.

Hint: This is a more open ended question. It must be clear from your answer that you

have successfully implemented the proposed strategy, experimented with different parameter

settings, and have a clear, evidenced-based explanation of the extent to which it succeeded.


Marking scheme

Correctness (20 marks): For each of the questions, a mark will be allocated for level of

correctness (does it provide the right answer, is the logic right), according to the number

in parentheses next to each question. Note that your code should work for any data input

formatted in the same way as food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv:. E.g. If a random sample

of 1000 records was taken from food nutrient 2011 13 AHS.csv:, your code should provide a

correct answer if this was instead used as the input.

Correctness will also take into account the readability and labelling provided for any plots

and figures (plots should include title of the plot, labels/scale on axes, names of axes, and

legends for colours symbols where appropriate).

Coding style: A global deduction of 1 mark may be made if any of the following aspects are


Formatting of code (e.g. use of indentation and overall readability for a human)

Code modularity and flexibility. Use of functions or loops where appropriate, to avoid

highly redundant or excessively verbose definitions of code.

Use of Python library functions (you should avoid reinventing logic if a library function

can be used instead)

Code commenting and clarity of logic. You should provide comments about the logic of

your code for each question, so that it can be easily understood by the marker.


The following are some useful resources, for refreshing your knowledge of Python, and for

learning about functionality of pandas.

Python tutorial

Python beginner reference

pandas 10min tutorial

Official pandas documentation

Official mathplotlib tutorials

Python pandas Tutorial by Tutorialspoint

pandas: A Complete Introduction by Learn Data Sci

pandas quick reference sheet

Python Data Analytics by Fabio Nelli (available via University of Melbourne sign on)


Submission Instructions

Via the LMS, submit a Jupyter notebook (A template Jupyter notebook ”example-notebookproject2.ipynb”

is provided in the folder with the datasets) containing your Python 3 code.


Extensions and Late Submission Penalties: If requesting an extension due to illness, please

submit a medical certificate to the lecturer. If there are any other exceptional circumstances,

please contact the lecturer with plenty of notice. Late submissions without an approved

extension will attract the following penalties

0 < hourslate <= 24 (2 marks deduction)

24 < hourslate <= 48 (4 marks deduction)

48 < hourslate <= 72: (6 marks deduction)

72 < hourslate <= 96: (8 marks deduction)

96 < hourslate <= 120: (10 marks deduction)

120 < hourslate <= 144: (12 marks deduction)

144 < hourslate: (20 marks deduction)

where hourslate is the elapsed time in hours (or fractions of hours).

This project is expected to require 20-25 hours work.

Academic Honesty

You are expected to follow the academic honesty guidelines on the University website


Further Information

A project discussion forum has also been created on the subject LMS. Please use this in the

first instance if you have questions, since it will allow discussion and responses to be seen by

everyone. There will also be a list of frequently asked questions on the project page.


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