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日期:2018-12-05 11:10

EECS 12 Assignment 5, Fall 2018 Due: 5pm, Dec 7, Friday


In this final assignment, you are required to use all the knowledge you’ve acquired over this

quarter to construct a brick-breaker game shown below:

Before the game starts, your program must read from a text file and use the words to decide

the length, color and position of each brick based on each word’s string size.

When the game starts, the ball sits in the middle of the paddle. At the bottom of the screen the

player needs to enter the number of lives, and the program shows the message, the current

score, and a start button. When the START button is clicked, the ball will shoot upward with

random speed and direction. The START button should then be hidden until the user loses a

life, and then it should show up again. The life input should be replaced by a simple message

when the game is over.


The ball moves at constant speed unless it hits something. When the ball hits any brick,

paddle, or top/side wall, the direction of the ball bounces reversely either horizontally or

vertically. For example, if the ball moves to the right and downward and it hits left side of the

brick, the ball bounces to the left but still downward. If the ball moves up and leftward, and it

hits the top wall, the ball should bounce back to be downward but still leftward.

When the ball hits a brick, its score will be increased based on the word size in the brick. If

the moving paddle is unable to catch the ball and it goes down to the bottom, one life will be

lost. The ball and the paddle will be again placed in the middle of the screen as in the

beginning. If the user uses up all lives, the program shows a QUIT button to allow the user to

stop the program.


YOu are given three files: hw5_main.py, an unfinished hw5_lib.py, and document.txt. You

need to complete what’s missing in hw5_lib.py to make the game program, hw5_main.py,

work. Three classes are defined in the library, as specified below.

1. Paddle: A class for the pad rectangle with several methods to respond to the key by

moving it, to return its upper center point, and to place the rectangle back to the

horizontal center of the window. The paddle will bounce the ball by reversing the

direction of the ball horizontally and vertically.

1.1. Member of the class:

1.1.1. rectangle Initial location: space_from_bottom pixels from the window

bottom, centering horizontally Size: paddle_width pixels in width, paddle_height pixels in

height Fill color: light green Outline color: white

1.2. Method of the class:

1.2.1. moveByKey(self, key, win_width, offset): the paddle rectangle

moves for offset pixel based on your keyboard left/right key press. It

cannot move out of the left edge of the window if a user presses left key

and also not out of the right edge if right key is pressed.

1.2.2. getSurfaceCenter(self): it returns a Point representing the upper

center point of the paddle rectangle for the ball to move back.

1.2.3. resetToCenter(self, window): the paddle rectangle should move back

to horizontal center of the window

2. Brick: A class contains a rectangle which is a single brick with various colors and

lengths, and also contains a word extracted from a text file of which the length decides

the length and the color of a brick, respectively. All the brick rectangles are generated

in the beginning and one of them disappears when the ball hit any of its four edges.


2.1. Member of the class:

2.1.1. rectangle Initial location: x, y , two pixel input parameters Size: width, height , two pixel input parameters Color: color, a string input parameter

2.1.2. text: a string parameter

2.2. Method of the class:

2.2.1. getScore(self): a score calculated by each lowercase alphabet character,

e.g. if a word “bad” then its score is 1 + 0 + 3 = 4 (hint: use ASCII code

distance from that of “a”)

3. Ball: A class contains the yellow ball

3.1. Member of the class:

3.1.1. circle Initial center location: radius pixels up of the paddle surface center

point given the radius and the paddle input parameters Color: yellow

3.1.2. direction: a list with 2 numbers which are the pixels to move in x

direction in the first place and the pixels to move in y direction in the


3.2. Methods of the class:

3.2.1. moveIt(self): move the ball circle using the direction two-item list

exactly once.

3.2.2. resetToPaddle(self, paddle): Given the paddle parameter, move the

ball circle back to the initial center location as in requirement

3.2.3. setRandomDirectionSpeed(self, min_speed = 0.85, max_speed =

3.0): Given the min_speed and max_speed parameters, randomly

generate the member direction as a two-item list where the first item in

either the range of min_speed and max_speed for rightward initial

movement or the range of the negative -min_speed and -max_speed for

leftward initial movement, and the second item in the range of negative

-min_speed and -max_speed for upward initial movement. If the

min_speed and max_speed is not given, use the default value 0.85 and 3.0,


3.2.4. getDirectionSpeed(self): This method returns the member direction


3.2.5. setDirectionSpeed(self, d): This method replaces the member

direction list with the input new list d.

3.2.6. reverseX(self): It changes the ball’s horizontal moving direction by

reversing the number sign of the first item of the direction list to reverse

the ball from rightward to leftward or vice versa.


3.2.7. reverseY(self): It changes the ball’s vertical moving direction by

reversing the number sign of the second item of the direction list to reverse

the ball from upward to downward or vice versa.

3.2.8. checkHitWindow(self, window): It checks whether the ball circle goes

outside the upper and side window walls. It returns True if part of the ball

is outside or False otherwise the whole ball is still inside the window.

3.2.9. checkHit(self, rectangle): As the following diagram, this method of

the ball first checks whether the ball circle center point resides in the green

area which is either half of the width of the given blue rectangle plus its

circle radius (w/2 + r) away or half of the height of the given rectangle

plus the circle radius (h/2 + r) away. If so, this method returns False to

indicate the ball circle will not hit the rectangle. After the first test, it

next checks whether the ball falls in the yellow area which means either

the horizontal absolute distance between the ball circle center point and

the rectangle center point is not more than half of the width of the

rectangle (< w/2), or the vertical absolute distance between the ball center

point and the rectangle center point is no more than the half of the

height of the rectangle (< h/2). If either of the two conditions hold, return

True. Last but not the least, it decides whether the ball touches the corner

point at the white sector area instead of red area by comparing the square

distance between ball center point and the corner point of the rectangle

with the square radius of the ball (r ** 2).

The following functions also must be implemented.

4. setupMessageScoreAndLifeInput: function to generate several graphic widgets, the

message text, score number text, life label text, and life entry input.

4.1. Input parameter:


4.1.1. window: The window created in hw5_main.py

4.1.2. offset_from_center_x: The horizontal offset of a graphic text/entry from

the center of the window.

4.1.3. offset_from_bottom: The vertical offset of a graphic text/entry from the

bottom of the window.

4.2. Action:

4.2.1. Create the white Text of score label, “SCORE: ”, which is

offset_from_center_x pixels to the right of the center of the window

and offset_from_bottom pixels up of the bottom of the window.

4.2.2. Create the white Text of score number “0” which is two times of the

offset_from_center_x pixels to the right of the center of the window

and offset_from_bottom pixels up of the bottom of the window.

4.2.3. Create the white Text of life label, “LIFE: ”, which is two times of the

offset_from_center_x pixels to the left of the center of the window and

offset_from_bottom pixels up of the bottom of the window.

4.2.4. Create the white Entry input of life for user to enter the number of lives in

total which locates at offset_from_center_x pixels to the left of the

center of the window and offset_from_bottom pixels up of the bottom

of the window.

4.2.5. Create the red empty Text for the message display which is at the center of

the window and two times of the offset_from_bottom pixels up of the

bottom of the window.

4.2.6. Returns the message text, score number text, life label text, and life entry

input in order.

5. getLinesOfWords function:

5.1. Input parameter:

5.1.1. filename: the name of the file to read

5.2. Action:

5.2.1. Open the file and read it line by line.

5.2.2. For each line, clean it by first replacing all the non-alphabet and the

non-number characters with space characters. After splitting the words out

by space, generate a list of long words of which the length is at least 2

characters and at most 8 characters.

5.2.3. Output the two dimensional list containing lines of valid words

6. makeLifeStatic function:

6.1. Input parameter:

6.1.1. window: The window created in hw5_main.py

6.1.2. life_input: the life entry input created in requirement 4.2.4

6.2. Action:

6.2.1. Hide the life entry input and then create and display the life number text in

the same place occupied by the liffe entry input.


7. updateScore function:

7.1. Input parameter:

7.1.1. score_offset: a number which is the score offset to be added into the


7.1.2. score_num_text: the string text of score number created in requirement


7.2. Action:

7.2.1. Update the score number by extracting it from the graphic

score_num_text, adding it with the score_offset, and putting it back to

the text.

Part 1. First you complete getSurfaceCenter(self) in requirement 1.2.2 to return the

center point of the upper edge of the paddle rectangle. Then you fulfill the function

setupMessageScoreAndLifeInput in requirment 4. With only the variable PART1 at the top

of hw5_main.py set as True, and others as False, you should see the following game window

when running it.


Part 2. Implement the function getLinesOfWords as in requirement 5 and turn only the

variable PART2 to be True. In addition to the game main window, you should see the result of

the 2D lists printed on your shell IDLE terminal window like the following graph.

Part 3. With the completed function makeLifeStatic, when you set only the PART3 as True,

you should see the full start game window as following graph.

After entering the life number in the entry box and pressing the START button, it should turn

the input into the read-only text, clean the message text, and hide the START button at the

same time as the following two graphs shown.


Part 4. In this part, you should implement the method moveByKey of the Paddle class in

requirement 1.2.1. In consequence, you allow the paddle to be controllable by left or right key.

It should be similar to the following graph.

Part 5. You should write the methods moveIt, setRandomDirectionSpeed,

getDirectionSpeed, setDirectionSpeed, reverseX, reverseY in the Ball class

(requirement 3.2). Set only the PART5 to True, and the ball should be launched and it will goes

out of the window.


Further complete checkHit, checkHitWindow in the Ball class, the ball should be bounced

back when hitting either the window or any brick with the PART5 being True. It’s normal

when the ball touches and stays at the bottom of the window and the paddle stays at where it

is without moving back to the initial position as the following graph before you finish writing

the two methods, resetToCenter in the Paddle class and resetToPaddle in the Ball class.

With the two methods implemented and PART5 still being True, you should be able to see the

paddle and the ball reset back to the initial place but the score is always 0 even though the ball

has hit several bricks.


Part 6. The final part asks you to complete the method getScore of the Brick class and the

function updateScore, and at last you should be able to play the game with the score

calculated under all PART1~5 variables to be FALSE. The following graph shows an example

of the game over window with the score added and the QUIT button is revealed.


Grading Criteria (100 points):

● Program can run without error and comments on the top of the program include your

name, ID (5 pts).

● Part 1 (10 pts)

● Part 2 (20 pts)

● Part 3 (10 pts)

● Part 4 (5 pts)

● Part 5 (40 pts)

● Part 6 (10 pts)


Submit your homework before 5pm, Dec 7 (Friday) to the canvas website. Submit only the

Python source file with filename “hw5_lib.py”.

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