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日期:2018-12-04 10:18

CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 1 Project 4

CSCI 204 – Introductionto Computer Science II

Project 4 – Search and Sorting

Assigned Monday, November 26th, 2018

Due Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

1 Objective

The purpose of this assignment is to practice search, sorting, reading and writing files, user interaction,

and graphical user interface (GUI).

2 Introduction

Reading classic literature can enrich one’s life! In this project, you will develop a system that helps users

to search and update a database of classic literature. You are given an HTML file named

“classicliterature.html” which contains a list of mostly 19th century novels plus a few other entries. This is

a modified list from https://www.thoughtco.com/19th-century-novels-reading-list-737909. The list is

organized by the author’s names. For each author, a collection of his or her representative works is listed.

Your task is to read this list, build two search trees, one using the author’s name and the other using the

title of the book as search keys, create a user interface that allows the user to search the records either by

book’s title or by author’s name. The system should also allow the user to add more authors and titles to

the system. When a user decides to leave the system, your program should store the updated list in two

formats, the HTML format, and the Python’s pickle format so the system is ready for next use.

3 Technical Details

A project of this type can be implemented in many different ways. In this section, we describe some

technical details and specific requirements.

3.1 Rawdata and its representation in the program

The data used by the program is stored as a complete HTML file. Your program needs to read the file and

parse the file into proper records that can be put into a search tree node. An HTML file is a plain text file

that contains formatting commands (tags) in addition to the contents. When reading an HTML file, a

web browser such as FireFox formats the output according to the tags in the HTML file and displays the

content on the screen. An HTML file contains two main sections, a header section and a body section.

Your program can skip the header section (the part that precedes <body> tag) and take the information

directly from the body section. Here is a sample raw HTML file with a head and body section and two

entries in the body section in the same format as you’d see in our input file “classicliterature.html”.

Note that the head section contains a title and some comments. Your program should save the header

section when reading the data. Your program should also save anything starting from the closing body

segment indicated by the tag </body> (trailer). Both parts will be used when saving results to files

when the program finishes.

CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 2 Project 4

Inside the body section, contents are listed by author’s last name. Each author’s name is enclosed in a pair

of paragraph tags (<p> and </p>). The family name and the given name are separated by a comma. Each

title that belongs to that author is listed in an unordered list between <ul> and </ul>. The number of

titles listed for each author is not known ahead of the time. But you may assume at least one entry is

included in the unordered list. Your program should create and store the relevant information for each

author in a Python class with last name, first name, and a list of titles as the data members. Let’s call this

class Node. The program should first store this collection of nodes in a Python list. Then the program can

build two search trees from this collection of nodes.

3.2 Buildingthesearchtrees

Once you have a collection (a Python list) of nodes, you should build two search trees, one using last

name of the author as the search key, the other using the book title as the search key. Searching the namebased

tree should return a list of titles the author published, while searching the title based tree should

return the author’s full name and the complete list of titles this author published. You are given an

implementation of binary search tree. You should first use this binary search tree class to implement the

project to get a sense how things should work, though you are not required to do so. The project asks you

to implement an AVLTree class and use the AVLTree to replace the binary search tree (BST).

In particular, you are asked to create the AVLTree class as an inherited class from the BST class. The

AVLTree should reuse the functionality provided by BST class as much as possible, for instance, use

self._root, self._size, self.__len__(), self.__contains__() and other

possible methods and data members of the parent class. Refer to the Moodle notes for a complete

implementation of the BST class and a partially implemented AVLTree class.

3.3 Operationsthatshouldbesupportedbyyourprogram

After building the search trees, your program should support the following operations.



<title>List of classic novels</title>


<p>The following list is a copy from

<a href =



with some additions.</p>




<p>Alcott, Louisa May</p>


<li>Little Women </li>


<p>Austen, Jane </p>


<li>Emma </li>

<li>Mansfield Park</li>

<li>Persuasion </li>

<li>Pride and Prejudice </li>




CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 3 Project 4

1. Search by author’s name: A user can type in an author’s last name and first name to search for

associated publications. If the name is found in the database, your program should print a

complete list of publications that associated with this author. If the name is not found, your

program should display a message indicating so. The search should be case insensitive (i.e., upper

case and lower case should generate the same result.)

2. Search by the title of publication: A user can type in a title, the system should return the author’s

full name and a list of other publications by this author. If the title is not found in your database,

the program should display a message indicating so.

3. Add an author and books: A user can request the addition of an author that is not in the database.

When doing so, the user needs to provide a full name of the author and a list of book titles

associated with this author. You may assume that the author names and the titles of publications

are unique that wouldn’t cause problems in search tree.

4. Remove an author from the database: A user can request the removal of an author by supplying

the author’s last name. If an author is removed, the entire publication record is removed (i.e.,

other publications from the publication search tree should all be removed.)

These operations should be managed through a menu-driven program which is demonstrated in the given

program menu-demo.py. Your program should provide a menu of operations and the user can pick

which operation she wants to perform. Once the operation is completed, the menu should be displayed on

the screen so that next operation can be chosen. (See the transcript of a sample run for an example.) For

some extra credits, you can implement a graphical user interface (GUI).

3.4 Storetheresultsbacktofiles

One of the menu operations should be “Exit.” Upon executing this option, the program terminates. Before

terminating the program, the data needs to be stored back to two files. One is a text file in HTML format.

The result should look very similar to the original input file with possible additions and removals of the

entries. The other is in Python’s pickle format.

Writing the data back to a text file in HTML format should be a familiar task. You have done similar

writing to text files in previous work in this course. What you need to do is to go through either the search

tree or the Python list where you kept the data and generate the body segment of the HTML file by adding

tags to each of the element. You need to add the paragraph tags to each author and the unordered list tags

for each of the publication of a particular author.

3.4.1 StoretheresultsinPythonpickle format

Writing the result back to an HTML file helps the user to read the information using a web browser.

However if you start your program again, you’d have to rebuild the search trees or any other data

structures you might have created for your program. Python allows programmers to store the data that a

program created in a structured manner and reuse the data next time as needed without having to recreate

them. Assume you have created a binary search tree filled in with data. If you store the data in Python

pickle format, your program will be able to simply read this data back into a binary search tree next time

you need to use it. The following is a segment of an example of using Python pickle to create a file and to

read a file back after having created it. The complete program is a part of the files you are given for the

project. The program is named testpickle.py.

CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 4 Project 4

To use methods in the pickle package, one needs to import the package. The pickle package uses a

dump() method to store the information into a disk file in binary format (note the file is open for writing

in ‘wb’ which means writing in binary.) If you have multiple pieces of data need to be stored, call the

dump() method multiple times in a chosen order. Use load() method to read back from a pickle file,

in the same order as the data were written. In the following example, b is written before c when saving the

file. So b should be read back before c when loading.

To make full use of a pickle file, your program should check to see if a data pickle file exists (you can

choose a default file name, or you can ask the user to enter a file name). If the pickle file exists, use the

pickle file as your data. If the specified file doesn’t exist, create the data (e.g., the search trees) from the

source file (the HTML file for the book records).

4 TheFilesYouAreGiven

You are given a set of files to help you start the project. These files are given at the Linux directory at


You need to copy the entire directory as there is a sub-directory within that directory. You can use the


cp -r ~csci204/2018-fall/student/project/p4/ .

Don’t forget the last dot ‘.’ which indicates you copy everything recursively to your current directory.

In that directory, you should see the following files.

avltree_student.py, bst.py, bstiter.py, gui/, classicliterature.html,

menu_demo.py, read_html.py, testavl.py, testbst.py, test.html,

testpickle.py, transcript

import pickle

# assume a Book class has been defined

b = Book( 'hello', 'author 1' )

c = Book( 'world', 'author 2' )

print( 'before pickle ' )

print( b )

print( c )

## To create a pickle file, uncomment the following three lines.

#f = open( 'data.pickle', 'wb' )

#pickle.dump( b, f )

#pickle.dump( c, f )

## The following three lines are used after the pickle file has been

## created.

f = open( 'data.pickle', 'rb' )

b = pickle.load( f )

c = pickle.load( f )

print( 'after pickle ' )

print( b )

print( c )


CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 5 Project 4

A complete implementation of binary search tree class is given in bst.py. The

avltree_student.py contains a partial implementation of an AVL tree class. Note that while you

can consult, copy, and paste code segment from this file, you are asked to implement the AVL tree

class as an inherited class from binary search tree. The required implementation is different from the

file given. You should consult your lecture notes, lab work, the textbook and the code example on the

course website for the syntax needed to implement an inherited class. The two test files (testbst.py

and testavl.py) allow you to test various classes as needed. The program testpickle.py shows

how to create and use Python pickle files.

The classicliterature.html is a list of literature works and their authors, to be used as the input for your

program. The directory gui contains an example and necessary package for you to create GUI in the

second phase. Study the example gui.py in that directory to learn how a GUI can be written.

In addition, the file read_html.py is a program that you can use directly in your project to read an

HTML file for a given format and store the information in a list. This segment of code is extracted

directly from the solution set. Giving you this piece of code allows you to concentrate on the core task of

creating the AVL tree for search. Try to run the program (make sure both test.hml and

classicliterature.html are in the same directory)

python read_html.py

The program menu_demo.py demonstrates how to write and use a menu-driven program.

5 ImplementtheProject

It will be a good strategy to implement the project in steps, though you could jump into the final

implementation. Only the final implementation will be graded. You should first complete the tasks of

reading the HTML file, building two search trees using the given BST class, providing a text-based menu

driven user interface that allows search, insertion, and deletion of records, and writing the result to a text

file in HTML format.

When the above part works, you can them complete the AVLTree class (given partially). Specifically,

you need to design and implement the AVLTree class as an inherited class from BST and implement the

remove() method that is missing from the partial implementation. You then replace the BST in the first

phase with the completed AVLTree class. In addition, you need to complete the writing of data to files in

Python’s pickle format.

You are also asked to implement a graphical user interface (GUI). Please study and run the example

gui.py in the directory gui. In that example, the GUI is created and used twice. We suggest you use it

in a similar pattern. When displaying the user choice menu, use one GUI; when allowing the user to enter

author and book information using another GUI. In short, you may create and use as many as GUI as

necessary, but only one at a time.

6 TestYourProgramand DemonstrateIt Works

Test each segment of your program as you develop it. Don’t wait until all code has been written before

doing any testing. You are asked to create a separate testdb.py program that demonstrates the

programs you write for this project works well. In particular, the test program should show all

CSCI 204 Introduction to Computer Science II

Fall 2018 6 Project 4

functionality required by the project description, searching by author’s name, searching by a title, adding

an author and her collection, removing an author (thus removing all related publications).

Since the list of books in the input file classicliterature.html is relatively long (133 titles at this point), it

may be better to create a small subset of these titles for testing purpose (e.g., pick a few authors and their

books and call the test data test.html). Test your program using the test.html as the input until everything

is working properly. Then you can test your program using the original data. It is possible that the large

test data may reveal some problems you didn’t see with the smaller test set, but the strategy should better

help you find many initial problems.

Create a readme.txt file that record the test runs for each of the two phases. Make sure you put your

name and the assignment information in this file.

7 Submission

Submit one zip file containing all necessary files so that we can run the test directly from your folder after

unzipping the files.

8 GradingCriteria

When grading, we will look for the quality of the program from various aspects. Here are the grading


1. Functionality: 60%

User-friendly and well-formatted input and output via GUI (10%)

Correctness of computation (25%)

Program satisfies the problem specifications (25%)

2. Organization and style: 30%

a. Program follows object-oriented design approach, contains well designed classes and

uses inheritance of AVL tree from BST tree (10%)

b. Variables and functions have descriptive names following Python convention (5%),

program contains sufficient amount of docstrings explaining the functionality of its major

parts and comments explaining specific actions that blocks of code are performing, each

code file has comments on the top including programmer’s (your) name, date and file

description (5%)

c. Code is structured, clean, organized and efficient. Each python code file that doesn’t

include the “main” function contains description of only one class (10%). To earn full

grade in this category, avoid leaving commented-out legacy code in your submission.

3. Extraordinary elements, creativity and innovation: 10%

This includes anything beyond the provided specification that makes your program stand out.

4. Extra credits: up to 10% will be given as an extra credit work if you implement a working GUI

based on the example given.

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