Inf2A Assignment 2
A Natural Language Query System
in Python/NLTK
Shay Cohen1
Issued 9 November 2018
The deadline for this assignment is 4 pm, Friday 30 November. Please read
through the whole of this handout before you start.
In this assignment, you will use Python(Python2) and NLTK to construct a system
that reads simple facts and then answers questions about them. You can think of it as
a simple form of both machine reading and question answering. In the real world, such
systems read large amounts of text (e.g. Wikipedia or news sites), populate database
with facts learned from that text, and use the database to answer general knowledge
questions about the world.2 We won’t require you to build a system that works at that
scale! But this assignment should give you a basic idea about how such a system works.
Your completed system will enable dialogues such as the following:
$$ John is a duck.
1Mostly based on a previous assignment by John Longley, with contributions from Nikolay Bogoychev,
Adam Lopez, Toms Bergmanis, and others.
$$ Mary is a duck.
$$ John is purple.
$$ Mary flies.
$$ John likes Mary.
$$ Who is a duck?
John Mary
$$ Who likes a duck who flies?
$$ Which purple ducks fly?
Sentences submitted by the user are either statements or questions. Statements have
a very simple form, but the system uses them to learn what words are in the language
and what parts of speech they have. (For example, from the statements above, the
system learns that duck is a noun, fly is an intransitive verb and so on.) Questions can
have a much more complex form, but can only use words and names that the system
has already learned from the statements it has seen.
In Part A, you will develop the machinery for processing statements. This will include
a simple data structure for storing the words encountered (a lexicon), and another for
storing the content of the statements (a fact base). You will also write some code to
extract a verb stem from its 3rd person singular form (e.g. flies → fly).
Parts B to D develop the machinery for questions. Part B is concerned with part-ofspeech
tagging of questions, allowing for ambiguity and also taking account of singular
and plural forms for nouns and verbs. In Part C you are given a context free grammar
for the question language, along with a parser, courtesy of NLTK. Your task is to write
some Python code that does agreement checking on the resulting parse trees, in order
to recognize that e.g. Which ducks flies? is ungrammatical. Agreement checking is
used in the system to eliminate certain impossible parse trees. In Part D, you will
give a semantics for questions, in the form of a Python function that translates them
into lambda expressions. These lambda expressions are then processed by NLTK to
transform them into logical formulae; the answer to the question is then computed by a
back-end model checker which is provided for you.
Finally, in Part E, you are invited to supply a short comment on ways in which the
resulting system might be improved.
You will need to download the four template files,,, from
This contains portions of code that are already provided for you, and headers for the
pieces of code you have to write. As you proceed, you should check that you understand
what the provided code is doing, and what the various NLTK functions are achieving.
By the end, you will then have understood all the ideas that have gone into the creation
of this system.
Some general points of advice:
Everything you need to know about Python and NLTK to write your code is
covered by the worksheets from earlier lab sessions. Some of the provided pieces
of code may feature Python constructs you have not seen before, but you should
have little difficulty in understanding them. If you have any questions on the
Python/NLTK aspects of this assignment, please ask a demonstrator for help
during one of the lab sessions.
The templates for Parts B,C,D each start with one or more statements that import
the material from previous parts (e.g. from statements import *). This means
that functions defined in one file may be referred to in later files by their plain
name. (All your source files should of course be kept in the same directory.)
You are responsible for testing your own code thoroughly before you submit it.
Even for experienced programmers, it is rare for any program to work perfectly first
time without testing. We have found in the past that students frequently drop
marks because of inadequate testing. You are recommended to start a Jupyter
Notebook for testing, but remember to auto-reload modules.
Even if you work mainly on your own machine, you should do a final check that
your code works on the DICE machines before you submit it. It is also possible
that some parts of the code may not work with different versions of NLTK.
Part C may be the most difficult part of the assignment. However, even without
completing Part C, it is possible to proceed to Part D and obtain a dialogue system
that works in simple cases. To do this, simply replace the function check_node
from Part C by a dummy implementation that always returns True.
Part A: Processing statements [25 marks]
In this part you will construct some machinery for processing statements. This will
involve some simple Python programming to create the necessary data structures, and
also the use of regular expression matching facilities in order to build in a little knowledge
of English verb forms.
Complete the template file as follows:
1. Create a class Lexicon for storing new word stems as we encounter them. The
class should provide a method add(stem,cat) for adding a word stem with a given
part-of-speech category, and method getAll(cat) which returns all known word
stems of a given category. For instance:
lx = Lexicon()
lx.getAll("P") # returns ["John","Mary"]
Your implementation should allow the same word to be stored with more than one
POS category (e.g. fly might be both a transitive verb and a noun). It should also
allow the same (stem,cat) pair to be added more than once, although getAll
should return a list without repetitions (the order of words is not important).
In use, the parameter cat will always be one of five strings denoting part-of-speech
categories for word stems:
"P" proper names (John, Mary)
"N" common nouns (duck, student)
"A" adjectives (purple, old)
"I" intransitive verbs (fly, swim)
"T" transitive verbs (like, hit)
(It is intentional that the tagset used here is simpler than that used in Part B
onwards. It is also intentional that only open-class words are stored in the lexicon.)
2. Create a class FactBase for storing the semantic content of statements. These
are represented via unary facts such as duck(John), and binary facts such as
love(John,Mary). You should provide methods
addUnary(pred,e1) addBinary(pred,e1,e2)
queryUnary(pred,e1) queryBinary(pred,e1,e2)
for adding new facts and for querying whether some fact is among those stored.
For instance:
fb = FactBase()
fb.queryUnary("duck","John") # returns True
fb.queryBinary("love","Mary","John") # returns False
(In actual use, the predicate symbols will be strings such as "N_duck" and "T_love",
tagged to differentiate predicates arising from different parts of speech, but your
implementation should work for arbitrary predicate strings.)
3. We now consider the problem of extracting a verb stem from its 3rd person singular
present tense form, henceforth called its 3s form. (E.g. flies → fly).
Going in the other direction, below are a selection of rules for deriving the 3s form
from the verb stem. These rules have been carefully formulated so that no two
verb stems will ever yield the same 3s form, meaning that the process is reversible.3
For our purposes, a vowel is one of the letters a,e,i,o,u.
If the stem ends in anything except s,x,y,z,ch,sh or a vowel, simply add s
(eats, tells, shows).
If the stem ends in y preceded by a vowel, simply add s (pays, buys).
If the stem ends in y preceded by a non-vowel and contains at least three
letters, change the y to ies (flies, tries, unifies).
If the stem is of the form Xie where X is a single letter other than a vowel,
simply add s (dies, lies, ties — note that this doesn’t account for unties).
If the stem ends in o,x,ch,sh,ss or zz, add es (goes, boxes, attaches, washes,
dresses, fizzes).
If the stem ends in se or ze but not in sse or zze, add s (loses, dazes, lapses,
3Actually, I haven’t been able to think of any clear example in English of two different verb stems
with the same 3s form. If you find one, let me know!
If the stem is have, its 3s form is has.
If the stem ends in e not preceded by i,o,s,x,z,ch,sh, just add s (likes, hates,
Your task is to turn these rules around so as to retrieve the verb stem from the 3s
form. Write a function verb_stem(s) that does this, using the re.match function
for regular expression matching, along with the built-in string processing facilities
of Python. If the string s cannot be generated by the above rules, verb_stem(s)
should return the empty string.
verb_stem("flies") # returns "fly"
verb_stem("flys") # returns ""
4. These rules correctly account for the 3s forms of most common English verbs,
although you may be able to think of exceptions. Such rules, however, do not
use part of speech information of a given word. For example, according the rules
above verb_stem("cats") would return cat. Your task is to extend the function
verb_stem(s) to validate that the word accepted as input is indeed used as a
verb. To that end you need to use nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_words() as the
gold standard of English.
In the Brown corpus, the verb stem and the 3s form are tagged as VB and VBZ,
respectively. Given a possible 3s form as input, if it has never been tagged at VBZ,
and its hypothesised stem has never been tagged as VB, verb_stem(s) should
return the empty string. However, if you’ve seen either the stem form or 3s with
the correct tag, return the hypothesised stem. You don’t have to check verbs have,
are, or do.
To conclude this part, read through the provided code for add_proper_name and
process_statement and check that you understand what it is doing. You will now
be able to test your code by processing some simple statements (presented as lists
of words) and checking that your lexicon and fact base are updated appropriately.
Part B: POS tagging [20 marks]
We next develop some machinery for identifying all possible parts of speech for a given
word with respect to a given lexicon, distinguishing between singular and plural forms.
The tags we shall use are as follows:
The first eight of these are derived from the five POS categories above, distinguishing
singular and plural forms for nouns and stems and 3s forms for verbs. (E.g. cat Np, cats
Ns and like Tp, likes Ts.) The remaining tags are for particular grammatical function
words (plus a question mark) as specified by the given list tagged_function_words.
Complete the template file as follows.
1. The main new phenomenon we need to account for here is plural formation of
nouns. We shall not attempt anything like a comprehensive treatment of English
plurals, but will content ourselves with the following selection of rules:
For some words the plural form is the same as the singular (e.g. sheep or
buffalo). We call these irregular plural forms unchanging_plurals.
If the noun stem ends in man, the plural is obtained by replacing this with
men (e.g. woman → women).
Otherwise, the rules for 3s formation from Part A are applied (e.g. dogs,
countries, ashes).
First, write a function unchanging_plurals which extracts a list of nouns that
are unchanging plurals from a corpus provided in sentences.txt. Each line of
sentences.txt contains one sentence. Each word is followed by a delimiter | and
its POS tag from Penn treebank tagset4
... reporters|NNS are|VBP so|RB busy|JJ ...
Note that for this task the only relevant tags are NN and NNS. You should identify
an “unchanging plural” by checking whether a noun appears to be the same both
when it is tagged as NN and as NNS.
Now write a function noun_stem(s) which returns the singular form of any plural
obtained via these rules. If s cannot be generated as a plural by the rules,
noun_stem(s) should return "".
2. Now write a function tag_word(lx,wd) which returns a list of all possible taggings
for a given word with respect to a given lexicon. For example, for a suitably trained
lexicon lx, the behaviour should be:
4Penn treebank tagset:
tag_word(lx,"John") # returns ["P"]
tag_word(lx,"orange") # returns ["Ns","A"]
tag_word(lx,"fish") # returns ["Ns","Np","Ip","Tp"]
tag_word(lx,"a") # returns ["AR"]
tag_word(lx,"zxghqw") # returns []
Your function should use not only the lexicon, but also your functions verb_stem,
noun_stem and the provided list tagged_function_words.
Note that your code for Part B should not depend on idiosyncratic features of your
own Part A implementation, but only on features specified by the instructions for Part A
above. In other words, your code for Part B must work correctly in conjunction with
anyone else’s (correct) implementation of Part A, not just your own.
Finally, look at the provided code for tag_words, a recursive method that provides
all possible taggings for a given list of words. Experiment with this function. Note that
in the worst case, the number of taggings may be exponential in the number of words.
Can you find some examples?
Part C: Syntax and agreement checking [25 marks]
The provided context free grammar grammar (in specifies the language
of questions. The terminals of this grammar (enclosed in double quotes) are precisely
the POS tags used in Part B. The grammar contains a little redundancy in that e.g. it
has both a non-terminal A and a terminal "A" for adjectives — this is necessary because
NLTK does not allow the right hand side of productions to mix terminals and nonterminals.
Note that we have opted to use the colloquial Who rather than the more
formal Whom in questions such as Who does John like?
A parser for this grammar is provided by NLTK. The given function all_parses
returns all possible parse trees for all possible POS taggings of a given word list. A
given parse tree tr can also be displayed graphically using tr.draw() .
Take some time to familiarize yourself with this grammar and experiment with
all_parses. Notice that multiple parse trees can arise both from POS ambiguity and
from structural ambiguity — you may enjoy devising examples.
Your task now is to implement singular/plural agreement checking for the resulting
parse trees, verifying that verbs agree in number with their subjects. We consider only
a single ‘number’ attribute with the two values s,p; we use x,y as attribute variables.
Formally, the relevant constraints are captured by the following parameterized version
of our grammar rules:
S -> WHO QP[y] QM | WHICH Nom[y] QP[y] QM
QP[x] -> VP[x] | DO[y] NP[y] T[p]
VP[x] -> I[x] | T[x] NP | BE[x] A | BE[x] NP[x] | VP[x] AND VP[x]
NP[s] -> P | AR Nom[s]
NP[p] -> Nom[p]
Nom[x] -> AN[x] | AN[x] Rel[x]
AN[x] -> N[x] | A AN[x]
Rel[x] -> WHO VP[x] | NP[y] T[y]
N[s] -> "Ns" etc.
(In the second rule, we exploit the fact that the stem of a transitive verb coincides with
its plural form.)
Complete the template file as follows.
1. Write a function N_phrase_num which returns the number attribute (either ’s’
or ’p’) for any syntax tree of category N, AN, Nom or NP according to the above
rules, assuming the tree satisfies the agreement rules. This can be determined
by looking at the number attribute of the head noun of the phrase, where proper
names are treated as singular. You should write a recursive function that extracts
this information from the given syntax tree; two clauses of the definition are provided
for you. Note that syntax trees have the NLTK type Tree, and the following
operations are available for a tree tr:
tr.label() the label on the root node of tr
tr[i] the subtree with index i (starting at 0)
len(tr) the number of subtrees
2. Write a similar recursive function V_phrase_num which returns the number attribute
of a syntax tree of category T, I, BE, DO, VP, Rel or QP according to the
above rules, assuming the tree satisfies the agreement rules. In many cases, this
can be obtained as the number attribute of the phrase’s head verb; in other cases,
you may need to think what to do.
In some cases, the number attribute of a phrase is undetermined by its contents:
for instance, the phrase does John like (of category QP) could be either singular
or plural, since it can combine with either Which duck or Which ducks. In such
cases, your function should return the result "".
Again, two clauses in the definition are provided for you.
3. Now write a function check_node(tr) which checks whether the agreement constraints
imposed by our parameterized grammar hold for the top-level rule application
in the tree tr. For instance, if the root node is an S which expands to
WHICH Nom QP QM, we just need to check that the number attributes of the Nom
and QP constituents match; this clause is done for you. (Note that the provided
function top_level_rule obtains the relevant (non-parameterized) production in
the form of a string.)
Your function check_node only needs to work for trees of category S, QP, VP,
NP, Nom, AN, Rel; it need not work for the preterminals N, I, T etc. Notice
that you only need to check constraints arising from the right hand sides of the
parameterized rules in question — constraints involving the left hand side do not
need to be checked, since for a rule such as AN[x] -> N[x], the fact that both
sides have the same number attribute should follow automatically from the way
N_phrase_num is computed.
Once again, two clauses are provided.
The provided function check_all_nodes now applies check_nodes recursively to
check that all nodes in the tree are correct according to our agreement rules. These rules
can now be used to resolve ambiguities in certain cases: the function all_valid_parses
filters out any trees that do not satisfy the agreement constraints.
Note that our parsing and agreement checking have both treated the sentence purely
as a list of POS tokens rather than actual words. As a preparation for Part D, the
provided function restore_words reinstates the word stems into the tree, also prefixing
them with tags N_, I_, . . . as appropriate. You should experiment briefly with this
function in order to understand what it is doing.
Part D: Semantics of the query language [25 marks]
To complete the system, you will need to write a function which converts the trees
returned by restore_words in suitable lambda-expressions (in the form of strings).
These expressions are then passed to NLTK’s built-in logic parser and simplifier to
obtain logical formulae. Finally, a model checker is provided for checking which entities
(i.e. which proper names) satisfy the logical formula relative to the fact base, and this
provides the answer to the query.
More specifically, your code should translate a complete question into a lambdaexpression
of type < e, t >, which will then be β-reduced down to one of the form
"(\\x.P)", where P is a formula with free variable x. For example:
Who is a duck?
(\x. N_duck(x))
Which orange duck likes a frog?
(\x. ((A_orange(x) & N_duck(x)) &
(exists y. (N_frog(y) & T_like(x,y))))
Who does John like?
(\x. (exists y.((y=John) & T_like(y,x))))
One point may seem a little surprising: the semantics will make no use at all of the
singular/plural distinction. For instance, the questions Who is an orange duck and
Which ducks are orange will have the same meaning: in either case, we are asking for
the complete list of orange ducks. Likewise, Which ducks like a frog and Which ducks
like frogs are both interpreted as asking for the list of ducks each of whom likes at
least one frog. You might be able to think of cases where this policy seems unnatural,
but in general it works reasonably and avoids some nasty complications.
The template file includes the model checker and dialogue session
code. Your task is to complete the definition of the recursive function sem to provide a
compositional translation from trees (as returned by restore_words) to lambda expressions.
A few sample clauses are provided for you. The clauses that will require the most
thought are those involving transitive verbs. Generous use of brackets is recommended!
Phrases of category P should translate to expressions of type e (entities); and phrases
of category T to expressions of type < e, < e, t >> (binary predicates) All other phrases
should translate to expressions of type < e, t > (unary predicates).
You can test your semantic function by using NLTK to parse and simplify the resulting
expressions, as illustrated by the comments in the template file. Once Parts A–D
are all completed, you can check that they all fit together by entering a fresh Python
session and typing
from semantics import *
Or just run
This will launch a dialogue session into which you can type statements and questions
at will. Statements and questions end with ”.” and ”?” respectively. Build up your
own scenarios and ask complex queries about them, testing whether various kinds of
ambiguity are correctly detected and resolved where appropriate.
Part E: Limitations of the system [5 marks]
From your experience of playing with the completed system, you may discover features
that you may feel could be confusing or misleading for users. In a plain text file
improvements.txt, write a short paragraph explaining at least one way in which one
might wish to improve the current system without introducing any major new extensions
to the language it covers. Also explain whether you think such an improvement would
be easy or difficult to implement, given the material you have learned in the course.
Justify your answer.
Greater credit will be given for points that are not simply superficial features of the
implementation, but engage with the ideas covered by the course.
Submission instructions
To submit your work from the DICE machines, use the commands
submit inf2a cw2 improvements.txt
Do not submit any other files you write.
An important note: your solution should be implemented so that it runs relatively
fast, even with the processing of sentences.txt. If it runs in an unreasonable amount
of time, you should revise it even if it works correctly. A “reasonable” amount of time
has to take into account that the markers run your code manually, and as such, wait
until it completes. They have to do it for many students
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