Assignment 3: due 8am on Mon, Oct 29, 2018
Summary of Instructions
Note Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly
Assignment Weight 6% of your course grade
Due Date and time 8am on Monday, Oct 29, 2018
As outlined in the syllabus, late submissions will not be accepted.
Any files with syntax errors will automatically be excluded from grading. Be sure to test
your code before you submit it
For all functions, both in Part 1 and 2, make sure you’ve written good docstrings that
include type contract, function description and the preconditions if any.
This is an individual assignment. Please review the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity policy presented in the first
class, i.e. read in detail pages 15 ? 18 of course outline (ITI1120-course-outline-syllabus-Fall2018.pdf). You can
find that file on Brightspace under Course Info. While at it, also review Course Policies on pages 13 and 14.
NEW: From this assignment onwards you must follow the following procedure if you use any code that you did not
write yourself i.e. that you copied from somewhere (be it from internet, or a friend ...). It is not enough that you put
such references inside of the comments of your program. If you use somebody else’s code, you must create a file called
references.txt and in that file provide a list of all the reference of the material that you used. In such a case you may
have points deducted. The number of points deducted will depend on the level of help the reference provided (from 0
to 100%). But with proper referencing there is no danger of finding yourself in a plagiarizing position.
The goal of this assignment is to learn and practice the concepts covered thus far: function design, lists and loops.
You can make multiple submissions, but only the last submission before the deadline will be graded. For this assignment,
you do not need to submit a3_xxxxxx.txt as proof that you tested your function. By now we trust that you learnt and
understand the need and importance for testing your functions and code in general.
You can make multiple submissions, but only the last submission before the deadline will be graded. What needs to
be submitted is explained next.
The assignment has two parts. Each part explains what needs to be submitted. Put all those required documents into
a folder called a3_xxxxxx where you changed xxxxxx to your student number, zip that folder and submit it as explained
in Lab 1. In particular, the folder should have the following files:
In part 1 you will implement 3 small programs. In part 2, you will implement a card game. Put all the below four
required documents into a folder called that folder and submit it as explained in lab 1. (In particular,
the folder (and thus your submission) should have the following files:
Part 1:,,
Part 2:
Both of your programs must run without syntax errors. In particular, when grading your assignment, TAs will first
open your file, say with IDLE and press Run Module. If pressing Run Module causes any syntax
error, the grade for Part 2 becomes zero. The same applies to Part 1.
Furthermore, for each of the functions (in Part 1 and Part 2), I have provided one or more tests to test your functions
with. To obtain a partial mark your function may not necessarily give the correct answer on these tests. But if your
function gives any kind of python error when run on the tests provided below, that question will be marked with zero
points. Test/example runs for each function in part 2 are given inside of its docstrings in the provided starter file
To determine your grade, your functions will be tested both with examples provided in Part 1 and
and with some other examples. Thus you too should test your functions with more example than what I provided in Part
1 and
Keywords: break and continue are not allowed.
Global variables are not allowed. If you do not know what that means, for now, interpret this to mean that inside
of your functions you can only use variables that are created in that function. For example, this is not allowed, since
variable x is not a parameter of function a_times(a) nor is it a variable created in function a_times(a). It is a global
variable created outside of all functions.
def a_times(a):
return result
x=float(input("Give me a number: "))
1 Part 1 20 points
For this part of the assignment, you are required to write three short programs. For this part you need to submit 3 files:,, and
1.1 Question 1: (5 points)
Implement a Python function called count_pos that takes a list of numbers as an input parameter and returns the number
of elements of that list that are positive (i.e. > 0). Then, in the main, your program should ask the user to input the
list, then it should call count_pos function with that list, and print the result. In this question you may assume that the
user will follow your instructions and enter a sequence of numbers separated by spaces. You can use str method .strip
and .split to handle the user input. Here is a way to ask a user for a list:
raw_input = input("Please input a list of numbers separated by space: ").strip().split() But now raw_input
is a list of strings that look like numbers so you need to create a new list that is a list of equivalent numbers.
Three examples of program runs:
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 2 3.5 -1 -100
There are 2 positive numbers in your list.
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 1 0 22 0 1
There are 3 positive numbers in your list.
Please input a list of numbers separated by space:
There are 0 positive numbers in your list.
Function call example:
>>> count_pos( [1, 0, 22.2, 0, 1.0, -10.5] )
1.2 Question 2: (5 points)
Implement a Python function called two_length_run that takes a list of numbers as input parameter and returns True
if the given list has at least one run (of length at least two), and False otherwise. Make sure the function is efficient (i.e.
it stops as soon as the answer is known). Then, in the main, your program should ask the user to input the list, then it
should call two_length_run function, and print the result. You can obtain a list of numbers from the user as explained
in Question 1.
Four examples of program runs:
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 1 4 3 3 4
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 1 2 3 3 3 4.5 6 5
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 1.0 2 3.7 4 3 2
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 7.7
Function call example:
>>> two_length_run( [2.7, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 3.0, 1.0] )
1.3 Question 3: (10 points)
As mentioned, a run is a sequence of consecutive repeated values. Implement a Python function called longest_run
that takes a list of numbers and returns the length of the longest run. For example in the sequence:
2, 7, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 10, 12, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 20, 1 the longest run has length 4. Then, in the main, your
program should ask the user to input the list, then it should call longest_run function, and print the result. You can
obtain a list of numbers from the user as explained in Question 1.
Five examples of program runs:
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 1 1 2 3.0 3 3 3 3 6 5
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 6 6 7 1 1 1 1 4.5 1
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 6 2.4 4 8 6
Please input a list of numbers separated by space: 3
Please input a list of numbers separated by space:
Function call example:
longest_run([6, 6, 7, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1, 4.5, 1])
2 Part 2: Single Player Rummy Game with Dice and strange deck
(80 points)
To clarify Part 2 specifications, I have provided sample tests for each required function inside of its docstrings in Furthermore, you can find example run of the whole game below and its associated video at
the link below. The behaviour implied by the sample tests/runs and the video should be considered as required specifications
in addition to what is explained in this document. Finally, you can also find one extra example run of the
beginninng of the game that the end of the assgnment.
Here is the link to the video:
A card in a standard deck has a suit (in particular, one of four suits: r, ?, q, ?) and a rank (one of 13 ranks: A, 2, 3, ...,
10, J, Q, K). Taking every pair of a suit and a rank gives rise to a standard deck of (4x13=) 52 cards. Imagine you have
access to only an old fashion terminal that cannot display fancy characters like: r, ?, q, ? but yet you would like to make
a card game. You would first need to decide how to represent a card. One way to do that would be to represent a card by
a 3 digit integer where the first digit (1 to 4) represents a suit and the two last digits (1 to 13) represent ranks. Let’s call
such a deck, a strange deck.
For part 2 of the assignment, you will need to make a (heavily) modified version of Rummy card game with this
strange deck. In Rummy, the main goal is to build melds which consists of sets, two, three or four of a kind of the same
rank; or progression, three or more cards in a sequence of consecutive ranks, of the same suit. So the set r10, q10, ?10
forms three of a kind. And the set/sequence 7q, 8q, 9q, 10q, 11q forms a progression. In our strange deck, 210, 110, 310
would form three of a kind (since the first digit is a suit, so the ranks are 10, 10, 10) and the set 309, 307, 311, 308, 310 is
a progression (since they all have a suit 3 and 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 is sequence of consecutive integers). Note that 201, 302,
303 is not a progression. Although 01, 02, 03 is a sequence of consecutive integers, the three cards do not have the same
suit (some have suit 2 and some 3) so this is not a progression.
So the game that you will develop needs to go as follows: (The goal of the player is to get rid of all of her cards in as
few rounds of the game as possible)
Step 0: The strange deck is created and shuffled. (In order to test your game more
quickly you can reduce the numer of ranks to less than 13 and more than 3). In your
implementation the created deck needs to be a list of integers
representing a strange deck. Top of the deck is considered the last card in the list.
Step 1: The player is dealt 7 cards from the top of the strange deck.
Step 2: The following steps are repeated until the player runs out of
the cards:
Step 3: The player rolls a dice
If the player gets a 1:
The player can discard any one card she likes. After that, the current round
is over and the game goes back to Step 2.
If instead the player gets num=2,3,4,5 or 6:
The player if first delt, from the top of the deck,
num or len(deck) cards, whichever is smaller.
The player then keeps on discarding melds from her hand
until she has no more melds. You program has to check
that the set of cards that the player chooses indeed forms a
valid meld before discarding them from the player's hand.
Once she decides she is out of melds, the round is over
and the game goes back to Step 2.
(Note that once the deck is empty and the player has no more melds,
no melds can ever be created again. Thus the player has to wait for 1 on the
dice. In order to avoid that unpleasantry your game should roll 1
i.e. set num to 1, in each round that starts with empty deck.)
Finally, once the player is out of cards, the total number of rounds
is reported.
As usual, whenever you ask the player for some input you should make sure they give you the required kind of input.
You may assume that the player will follow instructions and give you a correct type of date but not the correct values.
For example, if you are asking for an integer between 3 and 99, you may assume that the player will give you an integer
but not that she will give you an integer in the correct range. Thus you should keep on repeating the question until you
get a valid answer. Similarly if you ask the player for a meld, you may assume that the player will give you a set of 3
digit integers, but you will need to test if these cards are indeed in the players hand and that they form a meld.
As in the previous assignment, I provided you with the starter code in the file called, Start by
replacing xxxxxx in the file name with your student number. Then open the file. Your solution (code) for this part must
go into that file in the clearly indicated spaces only. You are not allowed to delete or comment-out or change any parts
of the provided code except for the keywords pass.
In, there are many functions with code missing. You must complete and use all of those functions.
Your function should behave as explained in the function description and the example runs. All rea given in the
docstrings. You also need to complete the main.
2.1 Testing Part 2
Here is what pressing Run on your program (Part 2) should give:
(Scroll down for 2nd example run)
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed86e0, Oct 3 2017, 00:32:08)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
RESTART: /Users/vida/Dropbox/courses/python-iti1120-2018/assignments/assignment3/
Welcome to Single Player Rummy with Dice and strange deck.
The standard deck has 52 cards: 13 ranks times 4 suits.
Would you like to change the number of cards by changing the number of ranks? ljasd
You are playing with a deck of 52 cards
Here is your starting hand printed in two ways:
104 306 309 313 401 402 408
401 402 104 306 408 309 313
Welcome to round 1.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 2
"Since your rolled, 2 the following 2 or 45 (if the deck has less than
2 cards) will be added to your hand from the top of the deck."
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
104 304 306 307 309 313 401 402 408
401 402 104 304 306 307 408 309 313
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/vida/Dropbox/courses/python-iti1120-2018/assignments/assignment3/", line 369, in <module>
File "/Users/vida/Dropbox/courses/python-iti1120-2018/assignments/assignment3/", line 304, in rolled_nonone_round
answer=input("Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? ")
RESTART: /Users/vida/Dropbox/courses/python-iti1120-2018/assignments/assignment3/
Welcome to Single Player Rummy with Dice and strange deck.
The standard deck has 52 cards: 13 ranks times 4 suits.
Would you like to change the number of cards by changing the number of ranks? yes
Enter a number between 3 and 99, for the number of ranks: 3
You are playing with a deck of 12 cards
Here is your starting hand printed in two ways:
101 103 201 202 301 303 403
101 201 301 202 103 303 403
Welcome to round 1.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 2
Since your rolled, 2 the following 2 or 5 (if the deck has less than n 2 cards will be added to your hand from the top of the deck.
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
101 103 201 202 203 301 303 402 403
101 201 301 202 402 103 203 303 403
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? lajsd
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? lajsd
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? 12 13
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 201 202
Invalid sequence. Discardable sequence needs to have at least 3 cards.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? 201 202 204
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 201 202 204
204 not in your hand. Invalid input
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? 201 202 203
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 201 202 203
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
101 103 301 303 402 403
101 301 402 103 303 403
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? 101
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 101
Invalid input. Discardable set needs to have at least 2 cards.
Invalid sequence. Discardable sequence needs to have at least 3 cards.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 104
104 not in your hand. Invalid input
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 101 301
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
103 303 402 403
402 103 303 403
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? no
Round 1 completed.
Welcome to round 2.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 1
Discard any card of your choosing.
Which card would you like to discard? 404
No such card in your hand. Try again.
Which card would you like to discard? 402
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
103 303 403
103 303 403
Round 2 completed.
Welcome to round 3.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 3
Since your rolled, 3 the following 3 or 3 (if the deck has less than n 3 cards will be added to your hand from the top of the deck.
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
102 103 302 303 401 403
401 102 302 103 303 403
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 103 303 403
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
102 302 401
401 102 302
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 102 302
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? no
Round 3 completed.
Welcome to round 4.
The game is in empty deck phase.
Discard any card of your choosing.
Which card would you like to discard? 403
No such card in your hand. Try again.
Which card would you like to discard? 401
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
Round 4 completed.
Congratulations, you completed the game in 4 rounds.
Another example run. This time the whole game is not played.
Welcome to Single Player Rummy with Dice and strange deck.
The standard deck has 52 cards: 13 ranks times 4 suits.
Would you like to change the number of cards by changing the number of ranks? yes
Enter a number between 3 and 99, for the number of ranks: 5
You are playing with a deck of 20 cards
Here is your starting hand printed in two ways:
105 201 202 203 304 402 405
201 202 402 203 304 105 405
Welcome to round 1.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 4
Since your rolled, 4 the following 4 or 13 (if the deck has less than 4 cards) will be added to your hand from the top of the deck.
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
102 103 105 201 202 203 301 304 305 402 405
201 301 102 202 402 103 203 304 105 305 405
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 203 304 305
Invalid sequence. Cards are not of same suit.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 301 304 305
Invalid sequence. While the cards are of the same suit the ranks are not consecutive integers.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 201 301 102 202 402 103 203 304 105 305 405
Invalid sequence. Cards are not of same suit.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 201 202 203
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
102 103 105 301 304 305 402 405
301 102 402 103 304 105 305 405
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 105 305 405
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
102 103 301 304 402
301 102 402 103 304
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? ye
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 102 402
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
103 301 304
301 103 304
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? yes
Which 3+ sequence or 2+ of a kind would you like to discard? Type in cards separated by space: 301 103 304
Invalid sequence. Cards are not of same suit.
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind? no
Round 1 completed.
Welcome to round 2.
Please roll the dice.
You rolled the dice and it shows: 3
Since your rolled, 3 the following 3 or 9 (if the deck has less than 3 cards) will be added to your hand from the top of the deck.
Here is your new hand printed in two ways:
101 103 301 303 304 404
101 301 103 303 304 404
Yes or no, do you have a sequences of three or more cards of the same suit or two or more of a kind?
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