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日期:2018-10-14 10:00

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Assignment 2, Part A: The Best, Then and Now

(21%, due 11:59pm Sunday, October 21st)


This is the first part of a two-part assignment. This part is worth 21% of your final grade for

IFB104. Part B will be worth a further 4%. Part B is intended as a last-minute extension to

the assignment, thereby testing the maintainability of your solution to Part A and your ability

to work under time pressure. The instructions for completing Part B will not be released until

Week 12. Whether or not you complete Part B you will submit only one solution, and receive

only one mark, for the whole 25% assignment.


People are always interested in lists of “the best” things in a wide range of categories. One of

the features that makes such lists interesting is the way the entries change over time. Here

you will develop a software application that allows its users to browse a number of online

“top ten” lists, including the ability to compare old and new versions. Your application will

have a Graphical User Interface that allows its user to preview the lists they are interested in.

They will then be able to export a more detailed version of any chosen list, which can be examined

in a standard web browser.

This “capstone” assignment is designed to incorporate all of the concepts taught in IFB104.

To complete it you will need to: (a) use Tkinter to create an interactive Graphical User Interface;

(b) download web documents using a Python script and use pattern matching to extract

specific elements from them; and (c) generate an HTML document integrating the extracted

elements, presented in an attractive, easy-to-read format.


Your aim in this assignment is to develop an interactive “app” which allows its users to preview

and export top-ten lists downloaded from the web. There must be at least three distinct

lists available, and both old and current versions of the lists must be made available. Most

importantly, the online web documents from which you collect your lists must be ones that

are updated on a regular basis, either daily or weekly, so that the old and new lists are different.

For the purposes of this assignment you have a free choice of which lists your application

will display, provided they always contain at least ten items, are updated frequently, and include

the name of each item listed and at least one distinctive “attribute” for each item. Your

application must offer access to (at least) three entirely different lists. The lists could be:

music charts,

movie or television ratings,

stock market listings,

online gaming player rankings,

book ratings,

crowd-sourced popularity lists,

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

customer ratings of products or services,

web site statistics,


However, whatever lists you choose, you must confirm that the online web documents are

updated frequently. For each item in each list the source web site must contain the item’s

name and some other distinguishing “attribute” of the item listed. Attributes could be:

an image or photo,

some additional property of the item other than its name, such as the author of a book

or the lead actor in a movie,

a detailed textual description of the item,

some kind of numeric score, ideally one which justifies or explains the item’s appearance

in the list, such as a number of user votes or downloads,


Appendix A below lists many web sites which may be suitable for this assignment, but you

are encouraged to find your own of personal interest.

Note: An obvious source for such lists is sport. However, you cannot always rely on sporting

lists being updated “out of season”. Therefore, if you choose to use a sports-based list, you

must confirm that the sport is being played during the period in which this assignment will be

developed and assessed, i.e., mid-September to mid-November 2018!

Using the data in the online top-ten lists you are required to build an IT system with the following

general architecture.

Your application will be a Python program with a Graphical User Interface. Under the user’s

control, it allows the contents of several top-ten lists to be previewed in the GUI. One collec-

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

tion of lists is static and is stored in an “archive”, i.e., a folder of previously-downloaded

HTML/XML documents. The other source of lists is the “live” Internet. Your application

must offer both a previously-downloaded and a “current” list of three different kinds. Having

previewed the lists in the GUI, the user can then choose to export them to an HTML file.

This file will contain a more detailed version of the list than the one previewed in the GUI

and can be studied by the user in any standard web browser at their leisure.

This is a large project, so its design allows it to be completed in distinct stages. You should

aim to complete it incrementally, rather than trying to solve the whole problem at once. A

suggested development sequence is:

1. Develop code that allows the static, archived top-ten lists to be previewed in the GUI.

2. Extend your solution so that it allows the corresponding “live”, online top-ten lists to

be previewed.

3. Extend your solution further so that any of the lists previewed, archived or live, can be

exported as HTML documents.

If you can’t complete the whole assignment submit whatever parts you can get working. You

will get partial marks for incomplete solutions (see the marking guide below).

Illustrative example

To demonstrate the idea, below is our own solution, which uses data extracted from three different

web sites, one which lists the US TV shows most discussed in social media, one which

lists the UK’s most popular music albums, and one which lists movies currently being illegally

downloaded online. All three of these lists are updated online at least weekly, so our program

is designed to continue working even after the lists have changed.

The screenshot below shows our example solution’s GUI when it first starts. We’ve called it

“Simply the Best” after the Tina Turner song, but you should choose your own name and GUI


The GUI has a logo which identifies it, six radio buttons allowing the user to select lists of

interest, and two push buttons allowing the user to preview or export the list selected. You

do not need to copy this example and are encouraged to design your own GUI with equivalent

functionality. For instance, menus could be used to allow the selection rather than radio

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

buttons. Our “Simply the Best” logo contains text which names the application, but if you

choose an image with no text you must also add a textual label containing your application’s


Previewing old lists

For each of the three types of list, our app allows the user to preview an old, previouslydownloaded

copy of the list or the current one online. Working with unchanging web documents

is obviously easiest, so we recommend you start your solution with this requirement.

For each of our three lists we downloaded copies of the corresponding web pages (one on

September 3rd and the other two on September 9th) and stored them in a folder to serve as

our “archive” of old lists. The user can preview any of these lists by selecting the corresponding

radio button and pressing the “Preview” button. For instance, pressing the button

while the “previous most-discussed television” list is selected causes the following window to

be displayed, showing the US Nielsen Survey ranking of TV shows most-discussed in social

media on September 9th:

Our app pops up a new window to display this data, but again you are free to design your

own GUI. A single window could be used for all functions instead. (The fact that some

items are duplicated above is not an error. The original web site makes clear that different

episodes of the same TV series were being discussed in social media at the same time.)

Of course, we can select a different old list for previewing via the GUI, as follows.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Pressing the “Preview” button in this case causes the following list to be displayed, based on

a web document previously downloaded from the “TorrentFreak” web site.

Similarly for the third type of list we offer, the UK’s music album chart.

Our main GUI window and each of the three “preview” windows contains an evocative image.

These GIF images are all stored in local files, in the same folder as our Python application.

Previewing current lists

As well as previewing old lists, the user can also preview the latest online data. For instance,

having seen which movies were being pirated a while ago, the user can choose to see which

movies are being pirated right now.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

In this case our application downloads a “live” copy of the TorrentFreak web page from

online and uses it to display the latest version of the list. The following list was produced

when we ran our application on September 15th, 2018.

Notice that the list has been updated significantly since we downloaded the earlier version,

with the order of the entries having changed and some new entries appearing in the top ten.

Similarly, when we viewed the current versions of the other two lists we offer on September

15th we found that both had changed since we downloaded our “archived” copies.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Exporting old and current lists

The list previews provided in the GUI are very simple, consisting of just an image, the list’s

name, and an ordered list of the items’ names. To give the user further information about

lists of interest, our app also allows lists to be exported as HTML documents that can be

viewed in a web browser. The exported lists contain additional information, including the

list’s publication date, the file or web site from which the data was obtained, and some additional

distinguishing attribute for each item in the list.

For instance, if the user exports the archived list of most-discussed TV shows, our app creates

an HTML file which looks like the following when opened in a web browser.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

When viewed in this form we are told the name of the previously-downloaded HTML file

from which our Python program extracts the information. We also learn the publication date

for the list. Note that this date is extracted from the source web document; it is not the date

the list was downloaded.

Most importantly, the exported list contains an extra attribute for each list item. In this case

the attribute chosen is the number of social interactions that led to the item being included on

the list. Also notice that a different image is used to identify the list. So that the generated

HTML file can be viewed on any computer, the image(s) contained in the exported document

must all be links to online images, not local files.

Of course, current lists can also be exported. When the current music chart list was exported

(on September 15th, 2018) our program created the following web document.

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Semester 2, 2018

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

All the details, including the publication date up the top, were extracted from the online web

document, which is identified down the bottom. In this case the extra “attribute” is the album’s

cover art, which was linked to our document using appropriate HTML “img” tags.

Similarly for the most-pirated movies. Part of the “current” list on September 15th is shown

below. Here the additional attribute added is the movies’ IMDb ratings.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

You are not required to follow the details of our demonstration GUI or exported documents.

You are strongly encouraged to use your own skills and initiative to design your own solution,

provided it has all the functionality shown above.

Extracting the HTML elements

To produce the lists for previewing and exporting, our application used regular expressions to

extract elements from the relevant web documents, whether they were stored in the static archive

or downloaded when the program is run.

To do so, we first downloaded copies of the web pages and then studied them to identify text

patterns that would allow us to find the specific parts we wanted. For instance, we found by

inspecting the HTML code from the UK music album charts that the album’s names always

appeared in a hyperlink of the following form.

<a href="/search/albums/rest_of_the_URL/">album_name</a>

This knowledge was enough to allow us to create a regular expression which returned all the

text patterns of this form, and thereby extract the album names using Python’s findall

function. The URLs of the cover art images were extracted similarly.

Sometimes it’s easier to use other Python features as well as, or instead of, regular expressions.

For instance, we found the US Nielsen Survey web page hard to use for this assignment

because the web site contains multiple lists embedded in the same HTML document. In

this case we used Python’s string find method to discover the starting point of the “social

media” list we wanted, and then used string indexing to extract just the part of the HTML

code containing the list we needed. Cutting the document down in this way made it easier to

use findall to extract the relevant elements.

Sometimes it’s also necessary to download more than one web page to get all the data we

want. The TorrentFreak “pirated movies” list was an example of this. The web site cited

above as the source of this data is actually an RSS Feed which has links to multiple copies of

the list. To display the “current” list it was therefore necessary in this case to first extract the

URL of the latest such list and use that information to separately download the web page containing

the list of interest.

In all cases, care was also taken to ensure that no HTML/XML tags or other HTML entities

appeared in the extracted text when displayed in either the GUI or the exported HTML documents.

In some cases it was necessary to delete or replace such mark-ups in the text after it

was extracted from the original web document. The lists seen by the user must not contain

any extraneous tags or unusual characters that would interfere with the list’s appearance.

Exporting the HTML document

A small part of the HTML code generated by our Python program is shown below, in this

case for the current most-discussed TV shows. Although not intended for human consumption,

the generated HTML code is nonetheless laid out neatly, and with comments indicating

the purpose of each part.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018


Another important aspect of the system is that it must be resilient to user error. This depends,

of course, on your choice of GUI widgets and how they interact. Whatever the design of

your GUI, you must ensure that the user cannot cause it to “crash”.

For instance, in our demonstration solution the user can press the buttons in any order they

like. It is not necessary to preview a list before exporting it. However, if this was the case

then the “Export” button should be disabled until the relevant list is previewed, or some sort

of clear error message should be displayed if the user pushes the buttons in the wrong order.

Where the data comes from

A significant challenge for this assignment is that web servers deliver different HTML/XML

documents to different web browsers, news readers and other software clients. This means

the web document you see in a browser may be different from the web page downloaded by

your Python application. For this reason, to create your “old” lists you should download the

web documents using our web_doc_downloader program, or a similar application. This

will ensure that the “old” and “current” pages have the same format, thus making your pattern

matching task easier.

For instance, the music chart site we used appears as follows when we view it in a web


IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Notice that all the elements we needed for our application appear in the document, including

the publication date, the names of the albums and (links to) the album covers. The challenge

is extracting just these elements from the HTML source code.

Most importantly, however, this is not how your Python program “sees” this document. It

will receive it as a single, very long character string. For instance, the source code for the

above page is actually as shown overleaf when downloaded by a Python script. It is this form

of the data that your Python program must work with. From it you will need to use some

kind of pattern matching to find the textual elements needed to construct the lists to display in

your GUI and your exported document. Most importantly, you must do so in a general way

that will still work when the contents of each source web page is updated.

Obviously working with such complex code is challenging. You should begin with your static,

“archived” documents to get some practice at pattern matching before trying the dynamically

changeable web documents downloaded from online.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Specific requirements and marking guide

To complete this task you are required to produce an application in Python 3 similar to that

above, using the provided the_best.py template file as your starting point. In addition

you must provide a folder containing (at least) three previously-downloaded web documents

to serve as your archive of old lists and all the GIF images needed to support your GUI. (All

of the images in the exported HTML file must be online images and must not be included in

your submission.)

Your complete solution must support at least the following features.

An intuitive Graphical User Interface (4%). Your application must provide an attractive,

easy-to-use GUI. You have a free choice of which Tkinter widgets to do the

job, as long as they are effective and clear for the user. This interface must have the

following features:

o An image which acts as a “logo” to identify your application. Note that, in

general, Python Tkinter implementations only support GIF images. The image

file should be included in the same folder as your Python application.

o Your GUI must name your application in both the Tkinter window’s title and

as a large heading in the displayed interface. The name may appear as part of

the logo (as it does in our demonstration solution), but if the logo does not

contain any text you must separately add a textual label to the GUI to give

your application a name.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

o A widget or widgets that allow the user to select three different top-ten lists, in

both old and current forms. It must be possible to easily distinguish the archived

“old” lists from the current “live” ones.

o A widget or widgets that allows the user to choose to preview or export any of

the six (or more) lists on offer. Note that this capability could be combined

with the one above, depending on which kind of GUI widgets you choose to


Previewing old “archived” top-ten lists in the GUI (4%). Your GUI must be capable

of displaying (at least) three distinct archived top-ten lists. For each list you must


o a heading in the GUI (not just the window title) identifying the list,

o an image/logo that characterises the list, and

o a numbered list with (at least) the top-ten items extracted from the archived

web document.

The list items must be extracted from HTML/XML files previously downloaded from

online and stored in your “archive” folder. The documents must be stored in exactly

the form they were downloaded from the web server; they cannot be edited or modified

in any way. Pattern matching must be used to extract the relevant elements from

the documents so that the code would still work if the archived documents were replaced

with others in the same format. To keep the size of the archive folder manageable

only single HTML/XML source files can be stored. No image files may be

stored in the archive.

Previewing “live” online top-ten lists in the GUI (4%). Your GUI must be capable

of displaying (at least) three distinct “live” top-ten lists, as currently available online

at the time the program is run. For each list you must show

o a heading in the GUI (not just the window title) identifying the list,

o an image/logo that characterises the list, and

o a numbered list with (at least) the top-ten items extracted from the online web


The list data must be extracted from HTML/XML files downloaded from online when

the program is run. Pattern matching must be used to extract the relevant elements

from the documents so that the code still works even after the online documents are

updated. The chosen source web sites must be ones that are updated on a regular basis,

at least daily or weekly.

Exporting HTML documents containing (old or current) top-ten lists (5%).

Your program must be able to generate an HTML document containing any top-ten

list selected by the user, from both the “archived” lists and the online ones. The data

exported must be written as an HTML document in the same local folder as your Python

program and must be easy to identify through an appropriate choice of file name.

Each generated file must contain HTML markups that make its contents easily readable

in any standard web browser, and it must be self-contained (i.e., not reliant on any

other local files). When viewed in a browser, the generated document must be neat

and well-presented and must contain (at least) the following features:

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

o A heading identifying the list.

o The name of the local HTML file or the URL address of the online web page

from which the top-ten data was extracted. This must be sufficient to allow

the original source documents to be found easily (so that the markers can

compare the original web pages with your displayed lists).

o The publication date for the list, extracted from the source document (not just

the date when the file was downloaded because they may not be the same).

o An image characterising the list, downloaded from online when the generated

HTML document is viewed (i.e., not from a local file on the host computer).

o A numbered list of (at least) the top-ten items. For each item (at least) the following

data must be displayed:

§ The item’s position in the top ten.

§ The item’s name.

§ Some other distinguishing attribute of the item. The attribute may be

textual or may be an image.

All of this data must be extracted via pattern matching from web documents

downloaded from online. Most importantly, each of these sets of items must

all belong together, e.g., you can’t have the name of one item paired with an

attribute of another. Each of the elements must be extracted from the original

document separately.

When viewed in a browser the exported document must be neatly laid out and appear

well-presented regardless of the browser window’s dimensions. The textual parts extracted

from the original documents must not contain any visible HTML/XML tags or

entities or any other spurious characters. The images must all be links to images

found online, not in local files, should be of a size compatible with the rest of the

document, and their aspect ratio should be preserved (i.e., they should not be stretched

in one direction).

Good Python and HTML code quality and presentation (4%). Both your Python

program code and the generated HTML code must be presented in a professional

manner. See the coding guidelines in the IFB104 Code Presentation Guide (on

Blackboard under Assessment) for suggestions on how to achieve this for Python. In

particular, each significant Python or HTML code segment must be clearly commented

to say what it does, e.g., “Extract the link to the photo”, “Show the item’s number”,


Extra feature (4%). Part B of this assignment will require you to make a ‘last-minute

extension’ to your solution. The instructions for Part B will not be released until just

before the final deadline for Assignment 2.

You can add other features if you wish, as long as you meet these basic requirements. You

must complete the task using only basic Python 3 features and the modules already imported

into the provided template. You may not use any Python modules that need to be downloaded

and installed separately, such as “Beautiful Soup” or “Pillow”. Only modules

that are part of a standard Python 3 installation may be used.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

However, your solution is not required to follow precisely our example shown above. Instead

you are strongly encouraged to be creative in your choices of web sites to access, the design

of your Graphical User Interface, and the design of your generated HTML document.

Support tools

To get started on this task you need to download various web pages of your choice and work

out how to extract the necessary elements for displaying data in the GUI and generating the

HTML output file. You also need to allow for the fact that the contents of the web documents

from which you get your data will change regularly, so you cannot hardwire the locations

of the elements into your program. Instead you must use Python’s string find method

and/or regular expression findall function to extract the necessary elements, no matter

where they appear in the HTML/XML source code.

To help you develop your solution, we have included two small Python programs with these


1. web_doc_downloader is a Python program containing a function called download

that downloads and saves the source code of a web document as a Unicode file,

as well as returning the document’s contents to the caller as a character string. A

copy of this function also appears in the provided program template. You can use it

both to save copies of your chosen web documents for storage in your archive, as well

as to download “live” web documents in your Python application at run time. Although

recommended, you are not required to use this function in your solution, if you

prefer to write your own “downloading” code to do the job.

2. regex_tester is an interactive program introduced in the lectures and workshops

which makes it easy to experiment with different regular expressions on small text

segments. You can use this together with downloaded text from the web to help perfect

your regular expressions. (There are also many online tools that do the same job

you could use instead.)

Internet ethics: Responsible scraping

The process of automatically extracting data from web documents is sometimes called

“scraping”. However, in order to protect their intellectual property, and their computational

resources, owners of some web sites may not want their data exploited in this way. They will

therefore deny access to their web documents by anything other than recognised web browsers

such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Typically in this situation the web server will return

a short “access denied” document to your Python script instead of the expected web document

(Appendix B).

In this situation it’s possible to trick the web server into delivering you the desired document

by having your Python script impersonate a standard web browser. To do this you need to

change the “user agent” identity enclosed in the request sent to the web server. Instructions

for doing so can be found online. We leave it to your own conscience whether or not you

wish to do this, but note that this assignment can be completed successfully without resorting

to such subterfuge.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Security warning and plagiarism notice

This is an individual assessment item. All files submitted will be subjected to software plagiarism

analysis using the MoSS system (http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/). Serious

violations of the university’s policies regarding plagiarism will be forwarded to the Science

and Engineering Faculty’s Academic Misconduct Committee for formal prosecution.

As per QUT rules, you are not permitted to copy or share solutions to individual assessment

items. In serious plagiarism cases SEF’s Academic Misconduct Committee prosecutes both

the copier and the original author equally. It is your responsibility to keep your solution secure.

In particular, you must not make your solution visible online via cloud-based code

development platforms such as GitHub. Note that free accounts for such platforms are

usually public. If you wish to use such a resource, do so only if you have a private repository

that cannot be seen by anyone else. For instance, students can apply for a free private repository

in GitHub to keep their work secure (https://education.github.com/pack). However, we

recommend that the best way to avoid being prosecuted for plagiarism is to keep your work

well away from the Internet!


You should develop your solution by completing and submitting the provided Python template

file the_best.py. Submit this in a “zip” archive containing all the files needed to

support your application as follows:

1. Your the_best.py solution. Make sure you have completed the “statement” at the

beginning of the Python file to confirm that this is your own individual work by inserting

your name and student number in the places indicated. Submissions without

a completed statement will be assumed not to be your own work.

2. Several small GIF files needed to support your GUI interface, but no other image


3. A folder containing the previously-downloaded web documents used for your static

“archive” of old lists. Again, this folder may contain HTML/XML source code files

only. It must not contain any image files. All images needed for your exported

HTML document must be sourced from online when it is viewed in a web browser.

Once you have completed your solution and have zipped up these items submit them to

Blackboard as a single file. Submit your solution compressed as a “zip” archive. Do not

use other compression formats such as “rar” or “7z”.

Apart from working correctly your Python and HTML code must be well-presented and easy

to understand, thanks to (sparse) commenting that explains the purpose of significant elements

and helpful choices of variable and function names. Professional presentation of

your code will be taken into account when marking this assignment.

If you are unable to solve the whole problem, submit whatever parts you can get working.

You will receive partial marks for incomplete solutions.

How to submit your solution

A link is available on Blackboard under Assessment for uploading your solution before the

deadline (11:59pm Sunday, October 21st). Note that you can submit as many drafts of your

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

solution as you like. You are strongly encouraged to submit draft solutions before the deadline

as insurance against computer and network failures. If you are unsure whether or not

you have successfully uploaded your file, upload it again!

Students who encounter problems uploading their files to Blackboard should contact the IT

Helpdesk (ithelpdesk@qut.edu.au; 3138 4000) for assistance and advice. Teaching staff will

not answer email queries on the weekend the assignment is due, so ensure that you have successfully

uploaded at least one solution by close-of-business on Friday, October 19th.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Appendix A: Some web sites that may prove helpful

For this assignment you need to find three (or more) regularly-updated online lists, containing

at least ten items at all times. This appendix suggests some web sites which may be suitable

for this assignment, but we don’t guarantee that they all are. In particular, we have not

checked them all to see if

the lists change at least weekly, preferably daily, and

they can be successfully downloaded by a Python program.

You should check both of these things before deciding to use any of the web sites below or

any others you find yourself.

The following sites appear to be updated frequently, so may be suitable for this assignment.

? Top 100 stocks, https://www.barchart.com/stocks/top-100-stocks, plus several other

promising pages at the same site.

Surprisingly bullish stocks (ranked by standard deviations),


Rotten Tomatoes has lots of lists that look useful, such as top box office,

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/browse/in-theaters, most popular TV,

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/browse/tv-list-2 and top DVD and streaming,


Another top ten box office movies list,


The most-played tracks on Soundcloud, https://soundcloud.com/charts/top, which can

also be listed by genres.

Spotify charts Australia, https://spotifycharts.com/regional/au/daily/latest, plus other

countries and dates.

Various Apple RSS feeds, including songs, albums, movies, tv, and apps can be found

at https://www.apple.com/rss/. For instance, iTunes store top songs,


iTunes top albums


, iTunes top paid apps,


tions/xml, etc.

The following pages contain the same Apple data, but in a more human-readable format,

e.g., iTunes song charts, http://www.apple.com/au/itunes/charts/songs/, iTunes

album charts, https://www.apple.com/au/itunes/charts/albums/, iTunes TV charts,

https://www.apple.com/au/itunes/charts/tv-shows/, iTunes book charts,

https://www.apple.com/au/itunes/charts/paid-books/, and so on for free/paid apps,

movies, music videos.

Google trends has many sites such as Google Australia daily search trends,

https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily?geo=AU, plus the same data

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

as an RSS feed, https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily/rss?geo=AU,

and Google real-time search trends,


Google Play lists such as top-selling free apps,

https://play.google.com/store/apps/category/GAME/collection/topselling_free, top

selling apps, https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/topselling_paid, and top

grossing apps,


A large number of sales charts in UK and Irish “home entertainment” (games, music,

video, etc.), https://www.chart-track.co.uk/index.jsp, although most seem to need a


Another list of daily box office receipts, https://www.boxofficemojo.com/daily/chart/.

Lists of the week’s top-ten pirated movies,

https://torrentfreak.com/category/dvdrip/feed/, as used in our demonstration solution.

Players’ rankings for Steam, http://steamcharts.com/top, seemingly updated continuously?

Ultimate Guitar’s top songs ranked by clicks in the last 24 hours,

https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/top/tabs, which presumably updates frequently, but

this has not been confirmed.

US Nielsen rankings for television, music, video games, social interactions,

https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/top10s.html, as used in our demonstration solution.

(Update rates vary and all lists are embedded in one web document.)

New Zealand music charts, singles, https://www.nztop40.co.nz/chart/singles, and albums,

https://www.nztop40.co.nz/chart/albums, updated weekly.

Several UK music charts, as used in our demonstration solution,

http://www.officialcharts.com/charts/, updated weekly, e.g., singles,

http://www.officialcharts.com/charts/singles-chart-update/, vinyl albums,

http://www.officialcharts.com/charts/vinyl-albums-chart/, etc.

Australian TV ratings, https://decidertv.com/ratings/, apparently updated daily.

US TV Guide’s trending TV shows, https://www.tvguide.com/trending-tonight/.

American Top 40 music list, https://www.at40.com/charts/top-40-238/latest/, updated


Here are some other sites that may be suitable, but it’s not always clear how often they are

updated, so you need to check this. It’s not enough to take the publisher’s word. Just because

a site says “updated daily” doesn’t mean it will change daily!

Top ten baby names, https://www.babynameguide.com/toptenDaily.asp, updated daily

but how often does it change?

Rotten Tomatoes top 100 movies, including “today’s” top rated movies,


IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Statistics for Twitter, http://twittercounter.com/pages/100, radio station followers,

https://twittercounter.com/pages/100/radio-station, TV show followers,

https://twittercounter.com/pages/100/tv-show, artist followers,

https://twittercounter.com/pages/100/artist, and many more.

Video game sales, with lots of lists but probably not updated often,

http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Video_Game_Sales_Wiki, plus many others, e.g.,


MYX music chart top ten, https://myx.abs-cbn.com/charts/myx-daily-top-10-pinoy/.

Australian music charts, https://australian-charts.com/.

Chess rankings, https://2700chess.com/, but may not be updated often.

Lots of lists of uploaded images, links to videos, etc., https://funnyjunk.com, but very

complicated web page, and probably too difficult to use for this assignment.

GuildWars statistics, https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na/achievements, apparently

updated daily?

World of Wargraphs player statistics, https://www.worldofwargraphs.com/pvpstats/best-players.

Video Game Charts, http://www.vgchartz.com/, but very complex document structure.

UK Top 40 singles chart, http://www.officialcharts.com/charts/uk-top-40-singleschart/.

BBC Top 40 singles chart, http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chart/singles, and album

chart, http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chart/albums.

Country music Top 40 chart, http://www.ct40.com/, but very little info for each song.

Vodafone Big Top 40 music chart, https://www.bigtop40.com/.

Movie Times Top 10 movies, http://www.the-movie-times.com/thrsdir/TopTen.cgi

(very complex page).

What seems to be a list of trending YouTube videos,


Official World Golf Ranking, http://www.owgr.com/ranking (although we generally

suggest avoiding sports rankings, because they may be out of season, this one seems

to change a lot).

YouTube channels, most subscribed, https://www.statsheep.com/p/Top-Subscribers,

and most watched, https://www.statsheep.com/p/Top-Video-Views (plus several other

categories, but it’s not clear how often they’re updated).

Character rankings for Street Fighter 5, https://www.eventhubs.com/tiers/sf5/, and

Super Smash Bros 4, https://www.eventhubs.com/tiers/ssb4/, and similarly for lots

and lots of other games.

Australian top character rankings for Super Smash Bros,

https://qldsmash.com/Elo/SSBU, and also some other games.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Publisher’s Weekly Top 10 books,

http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/nielsen/top100.html, Top 10 science-fiction

books, https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/nielsen/xscifi.html, plus dozens of other


Most popular Anime series, http://myanimelist.net/topanime.php?type=bypopularity

(claims to update twice daily), plus top Anime TV series,

https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php?type=tv and top currently airing Anime,

https://myanimelist.net/topanime.php?type=airing, and several other such lists.

Aria albums chart, http://www.ariacharts.com.au/charts/albums-chart, singles chart,

https://www.ariacharts.com.au/charts/singles-chart, music DVDs,

https://www.ariacharts.com.au/charts/music-dvds-chart, plus many more music categories.

IMDb movie box office receipts, https://www.imdb.com/chart/boxoffice, plus simpler

mobile version, https://m.imdb.com/chart/boxoffice/.

The Ranker site has hundreds of crowd-sourced popularity lists, but it’s not clear how

often each is updated, e.g., fantasy books, https://www.ranker.com/list/best-fantasybook-series/ranker-books,

best animated TV series,


plus thousands of lists on virtually any topic!

Billboard Top 100 lists, https://www.billboard.com/charts, probably updated weekly,

e.g., the Hot 100, https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100.

Ranker’s RSS feed of its most popular lists,


Card deck ratings for an online game, http://hearthpwn.com/decks?sort-=rating&sort-

=rating, updated regularly, but very complicated page structure.

World’s worst spammers, https://www.spamhaus.org/statistics/spammers/, updated

daily, but does it change often?

List of trending books, https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/trending, but no indication

of update frequency.

League of Legends statistics, https://www.leaguespy.net/league-oflegends/champions,

possibly updated weekly?

Battlefield 4 statistics, http://bf4stats.com/leaderboards/pc_player_score.

Games rankings for Dota 2, https://www.gosugamers.net/dota2/rankings, CounterStrike,

http://www.gosugamers.net/counterstrike/rankings, etc.

Various music charts, https://www.beatport.com/genre/trance/7, but site has a very

complex structure.

IMDb top-rated movies, https://www.imdb.com/chart/top, plus many other lists, e.g.,

most popular comedy titles, https://www.imdb.com/search/title?genres=comedy, toprated

TV shows, https://www.imdb.com/chart/toptv, most popular movies,

http://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter, most popular celebrities,

https://m.imdb.com/chart/starmeter, but may not change often?

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

The following sites look promising at first, but may not update frequently. If you want to use

one of these lists you must first confirm that it changes frequently enough.

A huge number of lists, https://www.statista.com/, but most are probably not updated


A huge number of lists, http://www.listchallenges.com, but complex pages and unclear

update frequency.

Lots of lists, https://www.therichest.com, but complex pages and unclear update frequency.

Wonderslist has a huge number of lists, e.g., https://www.wonderslist.com/10-

cartoon-characters-with-psychological-disorders/, but they don’t look like they are

updated regularly.

IFB104 Building IT Systems

Semester 2, 2018

Appendix B: Web sites that block access to Python scripts

As noted above, some web servers will block access to web documents by Python programs

in the belief that they may be malware or in order to protect the owner’s computing resources

and data assets. In this situation they usually return a short HTML document containing an

“access denied” message instead of the document requested. This can be very confusing because

you can usually view the document without any problems using a standard web browser

even though your Python program is delivered something entirely different.

If you suspect that your Python program isn’t being allowed to access your chosen web page,

use the web_doc_downloader program to check whether or not Python programs are being

sent an access denied message. When viewed in a web browser, such messages typically

look something like the following example. In this case blog www.wayofcats.com has

used anti-malware application Cloudflare to block access to the blog’s contents by our Python


In this situation you are encouraged to choose another source of data. Although it’s possible

to trick some web sites into delivering blocked pages to a Python script by changing the “user

agent” signature sent to the server in the request we don’t recommend doing so, partly because

this solution is not reliable and partly because it could be considered unethical to deliberately

override the website owner’s wishes.

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