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日期:2018-08-01 04:11

49274: Advanced Robotics Spring 2018

Assignment 1 - Part 2: Particle Filter Localisation

Total Marks: 8 marks

University of Technology Sydney (CAS) Due date: week 4 (16 Aug. 2018)


Almost all of the probabilistic Localisation algorithms are based on the Bayes filter. In

Tutorial 1-1 we solved the localisation problem in a 1-dimensional (discrete) environment

using the discrete Bayes filter. In reality we need to localise our robot in a 2D or 3D

continuous space. Unfortunately in these cases we are not able to implement the exact

Bayes filter (e.g., due to the non-linearity of our measurement functions). Therefore we have

to approximate the Bayes filter.

Table 1: Properties of localisation algorithms

State Space Belief Final Solution

Histogram Filter discrete multi-modal approximate

Extended Kalman Filter continuous uni-modal approximate

Particle Filter discrete? multi-modal approximate

In Table 1 we have listed a number of popular localisation algorithms. For example in

Histogram filter we discretize the space; i.e., we approximate the continuous space by a set

of discrete “cells” (similar to what you did in Tutorial 1-1). In Extended Kalman filter

(EKF) we linearise the non-linear models; i.e., we approximate the non-linear models with

linear models.

In Particle filter localisation (also known as Monte Carlo Localization, or MCL) we use

random samples (also called particles) to represent our belief about the robot pose (i.e.,

position and orientation). Each particle is a potential robot pose (a guess); e.g., in 2D

environments, each particle has three fields: x, y (position) and θ (orientation).

In this assignment you implement 2D MCL, the most successful localization algorithm!

Particle Filter

Each particle has three fields (x, y and θ) and a weight (a positive number between 0 and

1). Weight of each particle describes how consistent that particle is with the data obtained


Assignment 1: week 4 2

from robot sensors and our map. You should normalise the weights (i.e., sum of the weights

must be equal to 1) at the end of each time step.

As it was mentioned earlier, our particles describe our belief. Therefore at each step we

update our previous belief using the new control input and observation. Similar to the

discrete Bayes filter we do this in two steps:

1. Prediction: predict the new belief only using the new control input.

2. Update: use the predicted belief and the new observation to obtain the final belief.

In the prediction step we update the position of each particle based on the given control input.

In the update step we update the weight of each particle based on the new observation (and

our map).

For this assignment a template code is given to implement a particle filter. You will need to

replace the missing sections of the code.


• It is good to first understand what the code is actually doing before implementing

anything. Also try to work step by step and test before moving forward.

Compiling and Running in ROS


Download zip package, extract the file into

/home/vmuser/catkin ws/src/

then execute the following command sequence:

• cd ∼/catkin ws

• catkin make

• source devel/setup.bash

Assignment 1: week 4 3

How to run?

The package can be readily run using the launch file.

• source devel/setup.bash

• chmod +x src/pf localization/src/scripts/map frame.py

• roslaunch pf localization pf localization.launch

Note: You can also run the package step-by-step by using the following command sequence.

The commands need to be run in different terminal windows.

- roscore

- rosrun map server map server config/map.yaml

- rosrun stage ros stageros config/map.world

- rosrun rviz rviz and load pf conf.rviz file

- rosrun pf localization pf localization

- rosrun teleop twist keyboard teleop twist keyboard.py

Data Structure in Brief

Here we introduce the definition of the important variables in the pf localization package.

All the following definition is also available in include/pf localization.h header file. Even

though you are not supposed to change it, you can use it as a manual if you forget about

the definition of the function or the variables.


• Particles

– n particles : number of particles, in our set-up, the number is set to be 1000

– particles : a vector(array) of Particle and each Particle contains 4 attributes:

x, y, o(orientation) and weight

– dist noise and ori noise denote the standard deviation value σd and σθ when

you add noise to particles’ motion model. These two values are set as 0.01 and

π/60 and will be used in function motion

• Robot Pose

Assignment 1: week 4 4

– prev pos and current pos are used to compute the odometry of the robot

robot odom . You don’t have to do with these 3 variables

– esti pos is the estimated robot pose given the particles using weighted average.

The value is computed in function calc estimate

– step count is to count the step numbers, you need it to set the frequency of

re-sampling using the given function resampling;

• Laser Scan

– scan data is the vector contains 5 beams of laser scan data


PFLocalization::init particles()

Firstly you need to initialise the particle locations and weights. Use the structure Particle

and add these to the particle array particles . You should uniformly distribute your

particles position in accordance to the map. Initial weights should be equal, and they should

add up to 1.


• Use the PFLocalization::uniform sampling(...) function for generating uniform

random numbers between two values.

• x and y should be in metres, and θ in radians.

PFLocalization::motion(. . . )

Now you need to write the motion model and update the position of each particle (x, y and

θ). We assume the robot is using a bicycle model and can only move forward and turn in its

own coordinate frame. In the equation below, d is the distance traveled, ∆θ is the change

in orientation, wd is the distance noise and wθ is orientation noise. We assume the noise

variables are distributed according to a Gaussian (normal) distribution with zero mean, and

variance σ



and σ



, respectively.

xt+1 = xt + (d + wd) cos(θt) (1)

yt+1 = yt + (d + wd) sin(θt)

θt+1 = θt + (∆θ + wθ)


Assignment 1: week 4 5

• Generate different noise samples for each particle, and then compute the new position

for each particle using the given control input (i.e., d and ∆θ), generated noise samples

and the previous position of that particle.

• Use PFLocalization::gaussian sampling(...) function to sample from a Gaussian


• When adding motion to current particles, the orientation needs to be in the range of

[0, 2π]. Please use fmod to wrap the angle within the correct range.

PFLocalization::sense(. . . )

To calculate the measurement probability, we want to know how likely is a measurement to

have occurred given that we know some evidence about the measurement. In the particle

case, for each particle we wish to calculates its likelihood compared to the actual sensor

reading. The steps below show how this can be done:

• Since our sensor is a laser scanner, there will be multiple laser beams with distance

(range) measurements at different bearings. Limiting our laser down to more tolerable

beam numbers should be done first.

• For each particle we ray cast virtual laser beams to the map to simulate the actual

beams. It is important to consider both the particles location and the orientation.

• The virtual beam range are then compared against the real beam range to give us

the beams likelihood, i.e., how consistent our prediction (based on the location of that

particle) is with the read measurement.

• Finally, by multiplying together all the likelihoods of the beams we can obtain the

overall likelihood for one particle.

It is important to understand that the laser sensor itself has noise associated with it. We

assume the observation noise is also Gaussian. Then the measurement likelihood for each

particle and the i

th laser beam can be computed according to:





exp{−(ˆzi − zi)




} (2)

where zi

is the real measurement, ˆzi

is the predicted measurement based on the location of

that particle and our map, and σ



is the variance of our measurement noise.

The method for ray tracing beams and calculating range error (ˆzi − zi) is given to you.

Now you need to complete the implementation of PFLocalization::sense(...) function

to return the measurement probability.


• The measurement probability is the product of all the individual likelihoods.

Assignment 1: week 4 6

• σz is the standard deviation, you may play around with this value but a recommended

value would be around 0.5.

• Optional: The Gaussian function can also be simplified.


In process function, you need to add another code block to update the belief using Bayes

rule. This can be done by updating each particle’s weight according to:

for each particle: new weight = measurement probability × old weight

normaliser constant (3)


• Remember the normaliser value makes the sum of all new weights equal to 1

PFLocalization::calc estimate()

In addition to our belief, in many applications we also need to estimate the robot position.

There are many ways to calculate an estimate from our belief. We will leave this part up to

you. Write your code in PFLocalization::calc estimate()


• You can try weighted average of particles, the particle with largest weight, or the

weighted average of particles with large weights.

Remark: The robot orientation θ, unlike its x and y coordinates, is a circular quantity.

Think of the average of 0 and 2π, it is (0 + 2π)/2 = π! which is clearly wrong. In order to

calculate the correct average, we need to map the angles on a unit circle, i.e. transforming

from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. Given the angles θ1, θ2, ..., θn, the average

is given by


Congratulations, you are almost finished. Now you can comment in the resampling function


Once we have obtained the new probability distribution of particles, we want to be able to

keep the particles which have high probability apposed the lower ones. However we shouldn’t

remove all the low weighted particles completely since they may still have a chance of having

Assignment 1: week 4 7

higher probability in the future. So a good resampling function should base itself on the

probability of particle surviving being proportional to the particles weight. The re-sampling

algorithm will need to randomly draw n particles new particles from the particle set, with

replacement, in proportion to their weight.

There are many techniques for resampling available. Fortunately, one has been provided for

you. For more information on this technique see http://www.mrpt.org/Resampling Schemes.

Re-sampling too often can often lead to undesired convergence of particles before enough

measurements have been made. A simple but naive way to resample is to run resampling

every n update steps.


Now that your program is up and running, it will be good to show if each step is working

as it should. For this you can use the line cin.get(). This will pause your code at any

given point and only start once the ENTER key is pressed. This will be important during

marking so make sure you know how to turn on and off parts of your code.

To get full marks, you need to show that the algorithm can run robustly on ROS. To do so

try fiddling with noise parameters, particle sizes and beam numbers. Remember you will be

limited to how quickly the computer can process your algorithm, so try not to go overboard.

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