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Information Technologies
Semester 1 - Main, 2018
INFO1110/COMP9001 Introduction to Programming
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Question 1 (20 marks): /20
1.a: ( /2)
Mark the following statements true or false:
(a) python includes a compiler
(b) a programming function can accept no input and produce an output
(c) the code f(x+1, y) = 1 will return the correct value of x and y in order to
produce the value 1
(d) There are only three data types in Python3: string, int and float
1.b: ( /2)
Mark the following statements true or false:
(a) when running a python program from the command line, the arguments include
the command python
(b) if x is assigned to an object, and y is assigned to x, then there are two copies of
the object in memory
(c) only a number can be used to represent an error
(d) an array is a contiguous region of memory for the same data type
1.c: ( /1)
What will the following code produce as output?
1 print("1 + 2 + 3" + str(1 + 2 + 3) + str(1) + str(2) + str(3) )
1.d: ( /1)
What does the execution of the operation f > 47 achieve?
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1.e: ( /2)
Describe a unary operator.
1.f: ( /2)
What are the values of a and t after the following lines have been executed?
1 a=4
2 t = a+1
3 a -= a // 3
1.g: ( /2)
Given the statement x = some string, where variable some string is a string type, what are
two essential operations performed with Python3 operation float(x)?
1.h: ( /2)
What are the values of b and t after the following lines have been executed?
1 b = -3
2 t = -(+(b))
3 b += b / 3
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1.i: ( /3)
Given an input from the user, Write down all the combinations of output this code will make.
1 x = input()
2 if x == "A":
3 print("A")
4 if x != "A":
5 print("B")
7 if x != "A":
8 print("C")
9 if x != "C":
10 print("D")
12 print("END")
1.j: ( /4)
The following is the XOR truth table
00 0
01 1
10 1
11 0
Write a function to return the correct value based on inputs a and b
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Question 2 (15 marks): /15
The following code are the contents of the file
1 if 7 != sys.arg then
2 finish()
4 if int(sys.argv[0]) << int(sys.argv[5]) then
6 if (int(sys.argv1 - int(sys.argv3) > max(-1, sys.argv1) then
7 print("Unable to confirm") # quit
9 elseif float(sys.argv6 * int(sys.argv4)) > sys.argv1 then
10 print("We can make this happen") # process this data
11 comp1 = [ sys.argv6, sys.argv4 ]
12 comp2 = [ sys.argv1, sys.argv3 ]
13 if len(comp1[0]) > len(comp2[0]) then
14 diff = len(comp1[0]) - len(comp2[0])
15 for j in range(len(comp2) - len(comp1)) do
16 foreach in range(diff) do
17 print=(i + "th best is: " + str(comp2))
18 output result
A command was entered via the shell in the same directory as the file. The output is shown below:
$ python
File "", line 1
if 7 != sys.arg then
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
9 marks - Part 1 - Describe all syntax errors of the entire program based on Python3 programming
language compiler (not only what is shown above).
6 marks - Part 2 - Describe three significant logic errors without knowing what the program is
supposed to do, or how it is supposed to work. Explain why these are logic errors and how they
cannot be confused with the programmers intention.
For both parts, you may use annotations on the code, or references to line numbers of the code to
help describe errors. Giving only the line number, or annotating an region of code does not form a
Provide your answers on the next page clearly marking which are syntax and which are logic errors.
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Question 3 (20 marks): /20
3.a: ( /10)
There is a game involving three balls. When each ball has been sunk, the game ends.
Write two functions, game() and sink().
Function sink() has two outputs: 1) print information to standard out and; 2) return an integer. It
accepts two input values, the name of the ball, and an initial position of the ball x. Each time the ball
changes position, a message will be printed to console. For example, when name is ”Ball 1” and x is
Ball 1 is 3
Function game() returns nothing. It accepts three input values, the names of each ball. It will
produce three random numbers for each of the balls initial position in the range [100,
100]. The
function will run the sink function for each ball and will ends when all balls 1, 2 and 3 have been
sunk (see math notation below).
import random
random.randint(a, b) method of random.Random instance
Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.
game(name1, name2, name3) = sink(name1, r1) ^ sink(name2, r2) ^ sink(name3, r3)
sink(name, x) =
1, if x = 10
sink(name, x + 1), if x < 10
sink(name, x
1), otherwise
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3.b: ( /10)
Write a program that would calculate the sum of all integer numbers of a file and print the sum to
standard output. The input to the program is a file provided as the first argument to the program.
Within the file, there is expected to be one number per line with no spaces. However, there may be
numbers which have a e instead of a 3. Only integer values contribute to the sum and lines that are
not integers are discarded. If there are no values in the file, then zero is the sum.
Example of running the program:
$ python numbers_file
If there is no file name provided your program will behave as follows:
$ python
No argument
If the file does not exist your program will behave as follows:
$ python file.txt
Cannot open file
numbers file:
$ python numbers_file
numbers file:
$ python numbers_file
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Question 4 (15 marks): /15
4.a: ( /7)
Write a function prototype and a function body to perform the following:
The function returns the index of the last value in a list that satisfies the criteria:
3x + 4y>z
where vi is the ith value in the list. The input to the function is a list of integers, and three integer
values x, y, and z. -1 is returned if 1) If no such value exists, or 2) the input list is empty, or 3) the
types of x, y, z or any of the values vi are not integer types.
Restrictions: In your function you may only use while loops, if statements, function len(),
keywords elif, else, return, break, continue, def, None and any arithmetic or boolean
comparison operators. Do not use a for loop, marks will be deducted. You cannot use slices, cannot
use the in keyword.
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4.b: ( /8)
Write the function get png().
get png() returns a list of strings that contain the suffix ".png" where it is case insensitive. The
function accepts a list of strings as input. If there are no results, an empty list is returned. If the input
is not a list type, an empty list is returned. Hint: use isinstance(obj, class)
The suffix match is not case-sensitive. Examples of valid suffix: ".png", ".PNG", ".pNg",
".Png", ".PnG", ···
Restrictions: In your function you may only use while loops, if statements, function len(),
keywords elif, else, return, break, continue, def, None and any arithmetic or boolean
comparison operators. str comparator == and str method lower(). Do not use a for loop,
marks will be deducted. You cannot use slices, cannot use str comparator other than ==, cannot use
string methods other than len () and lower(), cannot use the in keyword.
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Question 5 (20 marks): /20
You are tasked to complete the methods of the following class ShoeRepair.
A shoe repair shop serves customers who bring one or two shoes to be repaired. Each customer has
an identifier that is assumed unique. They give their right and/or left shoe to the shop along with their
The shop records the customers status in a dictionary for each shoe. The possible status values can be
”repair”, ”restore”, or ”ready”.
The shoes in the shop are stored in two queues: the work queue and the completed queue. The work
queue represents shoes that are waiting to be, or are currently being repaired. The completed queue
are the shoes that have been repaired and are awaiting collection.
If one shoe has exactly one issue, it is a repair job and takes 1 unit of time. If a shoe has at least two
issues, it is a restore job and takes n units of time, where n is the number of issues with the shoe.
When a shoe is repaired or restored two events take place: 1) they are moved from the work queue to
the completed queue and; 2) the customer status of the shoe is updated.
Shoes with zero issues are immediately moved to the completed queue. A customer can collect their
shoe(s) if they are all ready.
A shoe object has multiple issues recorded as True or False values
class Shoe:
'''A datatype describing a single Shoe and it's issues as boolean values.'''
def __init__(self, heel, under_sole, inner_sole, eyelets, recolour,
self.issues = {
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class ShoeRepair:
''' Define the datatype of a Shoe repair shop. '''
def __init__(self):
self.status = {}
self.work_queue = []
self.completed_queue = []
def count_issues(self, shoe):
# implement this
def is_restore(self, shoe):
# implement this
def add_shoes(self, identifier, shoe_right, shoe_left):
if 0 == count_issues(shoe_right):
self.status[identifier + "_right"] = "ready"
elif shoe_right != None:
job_type = "repair"
if is_restore(shoe_right):
job_type = "restore"
self.status[identifier+"_right"] = job_type
if 0 == count_issues(shoe_left):
self.status[identifier + "_left"] = "ready"
elif shoe_left != None:
job_type = "repair"
if is_restore(shoe_left):
job_type = "restore"
self.status[identifier+"_left"] = job_type
def repair_shoe(self, identifier, shoe):
# implement this
def restore_shoe(self, identifier, shoe):
# implement this
def collect_shoes(self, identifier_list):
# implement this
4 marks Part 1 - Implement the method count issues(self, shoe)
”’Returns an integer representing the number of boolean values that are True in the given shoe
objects issues data structure. If None is given, -1 is returned”’
2 marks Part 2 - Implement the method is restore(self, shoe)
”’Returns a boolean value. True is returned if the shoe object is a ”restore” job, False otherwise.”’
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4 marks Part 3 - Implement the method repair shoe(self, identifier, shoe)
”’repair a single shoe. On success removes the shoe from the work queue and adds the shoe to the
completed queue. Updates the status based on the identifier that includes ” left” or ” right” to signify
which shoe it is. If there is no shoe in the status, nothing is done.”’
4 marks Part 4 - Implement the method restore shoe(self, identifier, shoe)
”’restore a single shoe. removes the shoe from the work queue and adds the shoe to the completed
queue. Updates the status based on the identifier. If there is no shoe in the status, nothing is done.”’
6 marks Part 5 - Implement the method collect shoes(self, identifier list)
”’Checks the status of each identifier in the identifier list and if they are all ”ready”, then all shoe(s)
belonging to that identifier list are removed from the completed queue and returned as a list of Shoe
objects. Otherwise, if at least one shoe from this identifier list that is NOT ready, then None is
Restrictions: You cannot change the way the data is being stored by method add shoes(). You
are permitted to add any helper methods/functions you require to solve any of the above. There are
no Python language restrictions.
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Question 6 (10 marks): /10
A new numbers data type is defined. This has three different iterators that can be chosen at runtime.
You are only allowed to see two of the four classes.
class Numbers:
''' Collection of our number sequence '''
def __init__(self, nums):
self.nums = nums
self.iterator_type = 0
def set_iterator(self, iterator_type):
if iterator_type < 0 or iterator_type > 2:
self.iterator_type = iterator_type
def __iter__(self):
assert self.iterator_type >= 0 and self.iterator_type <= 2
if 0 == self.iterator_type:
return LogicalIterator(self.nums)
if 1 == self.iterator_type:
return GreedyIterator(self.nums)
return FairIterator(self.nums)
class LogicalIterator:
''' gets the next number that is next in the sequence '''
def __init__(self, nums):
self.nums = nums
self.cursor = 0
def __next__(self):
if self.cursor >= len(self.nums):
raise StopIteration("end")
value = self.nums[self.cursor]
self.cursor += 1
return value
class GreedyIterator:
''' gets the next smallest number in the sequence '''
class FairIterator:
''' gets the next number that is not the same as the previous one returned
You are tasked to produce test cases for each of the three iterator classes LogicalIterator,
GreedyIterator and FairIterator based on document string description provided by the
There should be at least 4 good test cases for each of the iterators. The actual output of a sequence
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remains unknown. Be sure to clearly indicate the input and expected output.
How the sequence is visited using a for loop.
nums = Numbers([5, 8, 4, 1])
for i in nums:
One test case:
Input Iteration Expected
”5, 8, 4, 1” 1 5
”5, 8, 4, 1” 2 8
”5, 8, 4, 1” 3 4
”5, 8, 4, 1” 4 1
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The End. Make sure you answered every question.
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Extra working
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Extra working
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Extra working
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Notes and reminders
Common types: int, float, bool, str
Common escape characters: \n \t \' \" \\
List terms: [ ]
Type information: type(), dir() isinstance()
Parsing methods: int(), float(), str()
Collection classes: list, dict, set, tuple
Collection methods and functions: append, insert, remove, pop, index, reverse, copy
def – Keyword for defining a function
yield – Returns a value from a generator object
import – Imports a module for your program
raise – Raises an exception
break, continue, return, assert
Common Modules
sys – module, provides access to command line arguments.
os.path – module, provides access to checking file paths.
iterable collection operations:
sorted() – sort the iterable collection
reversed() – reversed the iterable collection
list(iterable) – returns a copy of list whose items are the same and in the same order as
iterable items
len – returns the length of the iterable collection
next – returns the next item in the iterator, otherwise raises StopIteration
iter – returns an iterator using the object passed
Control Flow Syntax:
• try: . . . except [. . . as . . . ]: . . . [ finally: . . . ]
• for . . . in . . . : . . . [else: . . . ]
• while . . . : . . . [else: . . . ]
• if . . . : . . . [elif . . . : . . . ] [else: . . . ]
Common Exceptions: Exception, EOFError, ZeroDivisionError, SyntaxError,
AssertionError, KeyError, FileNotFoundError, IndexError, NameError.
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Arithmetic Operators: + - * / // **
Logical Operators: not and or == != >= <= < >
Bitwise Operators: & | ˆ << >>
Assignment Operators: = += *= -= /=
Useful functions, methods and constructors:
Input/Output functions:
input() – Allows for reading from standard input
open(filepath, mode) – Opens a file for reading, writing or append.
File access mode 'r' – Read mode 'w' – Writing mode 'a' – Append mode
File methods:
close() – Closes the file
read(n) – Reads n characters from the file
readline() – Reads all input up until a new line
readlines() – Reads all lines from the file
flush() – Writes data stored in the buffer to the file immediately
write() – Writes data to a file
print() – Write the string representation of the object(s) to standard out
String methods (str):
== – Check if this string is equal to the other string
s[i] – Gets a character from s at index i
split – Splits a string based on a delimiter, returns a list of strings
lower – Returns a string in lowercase
upper – Returns a string in uppercase
strip – Returns a string after characters matching a pattern are eliminated from the start and
end of the string.
format – Returns a formatted version of the string. Using substitution from mapping.
Substitutions are identified by braces { and }
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