1. Introduction
This assignment provides you the opportunity to apply concepts taught throughout the course
to extend the functionality of a basic tower defence game.
The assignment will focus on the concept of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and objectoriented
programming. You will be required to extend the functionality of the base game to
achieve marks.
Students are encouraged to review some tower defence games, to better understand how this
type of game is played and for inspiration on advanced features.
Because this assignment deals with multiple files, while not required, you may wish to
investigate a more sophisticated IDE. One option is PyCharm, which is free for students.
1.1. Game Play
A video overview of the assignment can be found here:
2. Overview
2.1. Getting Started
The archive contains all the necessary files to start this assignment. A
significant amount of support code has been supplied to make it possible to begin with a
simple application that is almost working.
The main assignment file is , which contains an incomplete implementation of
, the top-level GUI application class. The other files are support code which must
not be edited. Initially, you do not need to understand much of this code, but as you progress
through the tasks, you will need to understand more of this code . You should add code to
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and modify to implement the necessary functionality.
You are permitted to create additional files to simplify the separation of tasks (i.e. task1.py,
task2.py, etc.), although this is not required. If you do this, must be the entry point to
your application. One way to achieve this is to move to a separate file, such as
. Regardless of how you structure your files, the code must all be able to be
demonstrated by running .
3. Assignment Tasks
3.1. Task Overview
This assignment is broken down into three main tasks:
1. The first task involves adding lines of code to clearly marked sections within the main
assignment file
2. The second task involves extending the design to add more interesting functionality to the
3. And the third task involves adding sophisticated functionality to further improve the
gameplay experience
For post-graduate students only, there is an extra task that involves doing independent
In general, as the tasks progress, they are less clearly prescribed and increase in difficulty.
3.2. Task Breakdown
CSSE1001 students will be marked out of 20 & CSSE7030 students will be marked out of 26
based on the following breakdown. Tasks may be attempted in any order, but it is
recommended to follow this breakdown, top-down, completing as much as possible of each
task before moving on to the next.
Sub–Task Marks
Task 1
Basic Features
9 marks
App Class 1 marks
Tower Placement 3 marks
StatusBar Class 2 marks
a3.py TowerGameApp
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File Menu & Dialogs 1 marks
Play Controls 2 marks
Task 2
Intermediate Features
7 marks
Buy & Sell Towers 1 mark
Custom Tower & Enemy 2 marks
Shop 3 marks
High Scores 1 marks
Task 3
Advanced Features
4 marks
Advanced Tower 1.25 marks
Advanced Enemy 1.25 marks
Upgrade Tower 1.5 marks
Post-Graduate Task
Independent Research
6 marks
Selection of Library or Technique 2 marks
Application of Library or Technique 2 marks
Integration into Existing Game 2 marks
3.3. Mark Breakdown
For each task, marks will scaled according to the following breakdown.
Description Marks
Code Quality
Code is readable. Appropriate and meaningful identifier names have
been used. Simple and clear code structure. Repeated code has
been avoided.
Code has been simplified where appropriate and is not overly
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Documented clearly and concisely, without excessive or extraneous
Components are functional, without major bugs or unhandled
Assessed through user testing/playing, not automated testing.
4. Task 1 – Basic GUI
There are a significant number of comments in intended to help you complete this task.
4.1. App Class
Write a function that launches the GUI. Call this function inside an
Modify so that the title of the window is set to something appropriate (i.e.
4.2. Tower Placement
Basic GUI Example
main TowerGameApp main
if __name__ == ...
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4.2. Tower Placement
Allow the user to place a tower by clicking a grid cell with the mouse. While their mouse is
being moved over the , show a preview of the tower and its range in the current cell
as well as the new path the enemies would take if a tower were placed there. When the mouse
leaves the , hide the preview.
If placing a tower in the current grid cell would make it impossible for the enemies to move
through the grid, or there is already a tower there, the preview should indicate that this would
not be a legal placement by showing an X shape instead of the tower.
Note: For this task, you do not need to ensure that the user can afford the tower.
See , , ,
4.3. StatusBar Class
Define a class named , which inherits from . This class is used to display
information to the user about their status in the game. The 's widgets must:
1. be updated whenever necessary (i.e. after an enemy dies, etc. - see
2. be laid out approximately according to Basic GUI Example
3. contain the following widgets:
Wave (first row; centre) A label to display the current wave
Score (second row; centre) A label to display the player's score
Gold (third row; left) A label to display the amount of coins the player has in their
wallet, with an image of gold coins to the right
Lives Remaining (third row; left) A label to display the number of lives the user has
remaining, with an image of a heart to the right
Note: For convenience, you should have a setter method for each of the relevant widgets. i.e.
, etc.
The class should be added to the application in a frame to the right of the
. Other widgets will be added to this frame in subsequent tasks.
4.4. File Menu & Dialogs
Implement a menu bar, with a menu. The File menu should have the following entries:
: Restarts the game
: Exits the application
When the user attempts to exit the application, either by the file menu or otherwise, they
GameView.draw_preview GameView.draw_path GameView.draw_towers TowerGame.place
StatusBar tk.Frame
Task 1.3 (Status
Bar): Update ...
New Game
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should first be prompted with a dialog to confirm that they indeed want to quit the application.
Further, when the game is over, the user should be shown a dialog informing them of the
outcome (either win or loss).
Note: On Mac OS X, the file menu should appear in the global menu bar (top of the screen).
4.5. Play Controls
Add a frame to the right of the , below the . Then, add a button to the
frame to send another wave of enemies against the player. Lastly, add a second button to the
frame to pause/resume the current wave. Both buttons should be disabled when the game is
over and (re)enabled when a new game is started.
5. Task 2 – Intermediate Features
5.1. Buy & Sell Towers
Further to 4.2. Tower Placement, if the player cannot afford the currently selected tower, do not
allow them to place it. Otherwise, after placing a tower successfully, deduct the value of the
tower from the player's wallet.
Add a feature that allows the player to sell a tower by right clicking on it. The tower should be
removed from the grid and 80% of its value should be put back into the player's wallet.
5.2. Custom Tower & Enemy
Implement a subclass of that is immune to & damage.
Next, implement a subclass of that deals damage (for use against your
custom enemy).
5.3. Shop
GameView StatusBar
AbstractEnemy projectile explosive
AbstractTower energy
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The shop allows the user to select other types of towers to use against the enemies.
As shown above, the shop must:
be displayed to the right of the , below the & above the play controls
display each of the available towers, along with their name & coin cost. The coin cost
should be displayed in red if the user is unable to afford the tower (this should be updated
whenever the user gains or spends coins)
have at least three towers available (i.e. , , & your custom tower
from 5.2. Custom Tower & Enemy)
This task involves implementing the GUI class required to display an individual
tower in the shop.
The class must inherit from and have at least the following methods:
__init__: Must have at least the following parameters:
master: The parent widget
tower: The tower to display (an instance of )
click_command: A callback function to be called when the tower is clicked
GameView StatusBar
SimpleTower MissileTower
ShopTowerView tk.Frame
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*args & **kwargs: Positional & keyword arguments to be passed to the
set_available(available: bool): Updates the widget to show whether the tower is available
(white text) or not (red text)
The following code snippets will be useful in completing this task (can also be found in
Creating the Shop (used in )
Drawing a Tower (used in )
5.4. High Scores
Add an item to the file menu called HighScores. When clicked, this should display a new
window which displays the names and scores of the top ten scoring players. When the user
runs out of lives, they should be prompted for their name if their score is enough to get in the
high scores list.
Note: The class will be useful for managing high scores.
6. Task 3 – Advanced Features
6.1. Advanced Tower
Create a more sophisticated tower and add it to the shop. This tower must make the game
substantially more interesting by offering functionality that differs from the provided towers.
Possible options for a new tower could be a flame throwing tower, boost tower, slow tower, ...
A key determination in marking this advanced feature is that the new tower requires non-trivial
algorithmic logic to implement its functionality.
6.2. Advanced Enemy
Create a more sophisticated enemy and add it to the game. This enemy must make the game
substantially more interesting by offering functionality that differs from the provided enemies.
Possible options for a new enemy could be one that shoots at towers, dealing damage to
them, or an enemy that spawns new enemies, ...
A key determination in marking this advanced feature is that the new enemy requires nontrivial
algorithmic logic to implement its functionality.
6.3. Upgrade Tower
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Allow players to upgrade a tower. If a player left-clicks on a tower in the grid allow them to
select an upgrade option for the tower. This will activate a set of checkbox options in a control
underneath the play controls. Each option will have an associated cost. Selecting an option will
deduct the cost from the player's wallet and add that feature to the tower.
7. CSSE7030 Task – Independent Research
7.1. Advanced Feature
Research a library or design technique that has not been covered in CSSE7030. Use this to
implement a significant new feature in the game. For example: you could add sound effects to
the game; you could create multiple levels of game play, with additional challenge on each
level; You could use a design pattern to facilitate new functionality within the game (e.g.
towers aging and losing effectiveness).
8. Assignment Submission
Note: There will not be a practical interview for the third assignment.
Your assignment must be submitted via the assignment three submission link on Blackboard.
You must submit a zip file, , containing and all the files required to run your
application (including images). You may omit the support code — if you do so, the most recent
version will be used.
Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted. Do not wait until the last minute to
submit your assignment, as the time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are
allowed, so ensure that you have submitted an almost complete version of the assignment
well before the submission deadline of 6pm. Your latest, on time, submission will be marked.
Ensure that you submit the correct version of your assignment. In the event of exceptional
circumstances, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of
how to apply for an extension.
Requests for extensions must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the submission
deadline. The expectation is that with less than 48 hours before an assignment is due it should
be substantially completed and submittable. Applications for extension, and any supporting
documentation (e.g. medical certificate), must be submitted via my.UQ. You must retain the
original documentation for a minimum period of six months to provide as verification should
you be requested to do so.
Change Log
Version 1.1.1 - May 18
Clarified 5.1. Buy & Sell Towers
a3.zip a3.py
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Moved to
Version 1.1.0 - May 17
It is recommended that you immediately update your support code. However, if you began
working on the assignment in version 1.0.0, you may submit it with version 1.0.0 of the support
Assignment Sheet
Fixed typographical errors
Restructured 5.3. Shop & added helpful snippets
Extended 5.1. Buy & Sell Towers to cover paying for towers
Support Files
Added missing docstrings to
Added attribute to & its subclasses
Implemented & added
Restructured & subclasses to accept most configurables as default parameters to
Merged into
Refactored to accept as parameter to support arbitrary unit queries
(i.e. collision detection, multiple targets, etc.)
Fixed bugs:
did not reset path or clear enemies
Preview flickered while game was playing
Placing tower over enemies crashed game; now enemies are moved to an adjacent
cell, preferring their previous cell
Enemies oscillated around centre of path-corner cell if they couldn't reach centre (i.e.
their speed was not a divisor of )
Combined into & simplified
Abstracted view logic for enemies & obstacles to
Refactored 's dependency on to default parameters
Removed method in favour of
Moved type hint definitions to
Converted to function and moved to
SimpleTower._get_target AbstractTower
name Unit
PulseTower Pulse
AbstractTower.attack .step
Unit.step GameData
tower/range_view.py advanced_view.py
GameView Tower/RangeView
AbstractEnemy.get_real_position AbstractEnemy.position
View.calculate_bounds utilities.py
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