In this part of the project, you will design and implement a Python program to play a
complete game of Watch Your Back!. Before you read this specification, please make sure
you have carefully read the “Rules of the Game” document.
The aims for Project Part B are for you and your project partner to leverage the gameplaying
techniques discussed in lectures and tutorials, to develop your own strategies for
playing the game, and to conduct your own research into more advanced game-playing
algorithms, all for the purpose of creating the best Watch Your Back! player the world has
ever seen.
Your task is as follows:
1. Create and submit a collection of Python 3.6 programs, including one program that
defines a class called Player. Your Player class (your player) must be capable of
playing a complete game of Watch Your Back!. To do this, it must define the
methods described in the following ‘Required methods’ section. We provide a
‘driver’ program ( including a main function which coordinates a game
of Watch Your Back! between two such Player classes.
2. Describe your program (including the strategies you have developed, the
techniques you have implemented, and any other creative aspects of your solution)
in a text file comments.txt (case-sensitive) (details below).
Required methods
Your Player class must define at least the following three methods:
1. Set up your player: def __init__(self, colour): …
This method is called by the referee once at the beginning of the game to initialise
your player. You should use this opportunity to set up your own internal
representation of the board, and any other state you would like to maintain for the
duration of the game.
The input parameter colour is a string representing the piece colour your program
will control for this game. It can take one of only two values: the string 'white' (if
you are the White player for this game) or the string 'black' (if you are the Black
player for this game).
2. Decide your next action: def action(self, turns): …
This method is called by the referee to request an action by your player.
The input parameter turns is an integer representing the number of turns that have
taken place since the start of the current game phase. For example, if White player
has already made 11 moves in the moving phase, and Black player has made 10
moves (and the referee is asking for its 11th move), then the value of turns would
be 21.
Based on the current state of the board, your player should select its next action
and return it. Your player should represent this action based on the instructions
below, in the ‘Representing actions’ section.
3. Receive the opponent’s action: def update(self, action): …
This method is called by the referee to inform your player about the opponent’s
most recent move, so that you can maintain your internal board configuration.
The input parameter action is a representation of the opponent’s recent action
based on the instructions below, in the ‘Representing actions’ section.
This method should not return anything.
Note: update() is only called to notify your player about the opponent’s actions.
Your player will not be notified about its own actions.
Representing actions
Depending on the current game phase, the actions either player may take on their turn
may involve placing a piece on a square, moving a piece from one square to another
square, or forfeiting their turn. For the purposes of the update() and action()
methods, we represent each of these actions as follows:
• To represent the action of placing a piece on square (x,y), use a tuple (x,y).
• To represent the action of moving a piece from square (a,b) to square (c,d), use
a nested tuple ((a,b),(c,d)).
• To represent a forfeited turn, use the value None.
Describing your program
In addition to implementing a Player class, you must write and submit a text file called
comments.txt (case-sensitive) describing your game playing program:
• Briefly describe the structure of your solution in terms of the major modules and
classes you have created and used.
• Describe the approach taken by your game playing program for deciding on which
actions to take, in terms of
o your search strategy,
o your evaluation function, and
o any creative techniques that you have applied, for example, machine
learning, search strategy optimisations, specialised data structures, other
optimisations, or any search algorithms not discussed in the lectures.
• If you have applied machine learning, you should discuss the learning techniques
methodology you followed for training the agent, and the intuition behind using that
specific technique.
• Include any other creative aspects of your solution, and any additional comments
you want to be considered by the markers.
In addition, while working on your project, you may have built extra files to assist with your
project. For example, you may have created alternative Player classes, a modified
referee, additional programs to test your player or its strategy, programs to create training
data for machine learning, or programs for any other purpose not directly related to
implementing your Player class. All of these files are worth including when you submit
your work, and should also be described in your comments.txt file.
Finally, if you have implemented multiple Player classes, please tell us very clearly
the location of the Player class you would like us to test and mark by including a
note near the top of your comments.txt file. Specifically, please tell us which Python file
or module this class is contained within. This will ensure that we can test the correct player
while marking your project.
Playing the game
Using the referee
The program (the referee) is the ‘driver’ program. It will allow you to actually
play a game between two Player classes. It has the following structure:
1. Get the player class locations and other options from the command-line arguments
2. Load a new empty board, and initialise a White player and a Black player
3. Set the ‘current player’ to the White player, and the ‘opponent’ to the Black player
4. While the game has not ended:
a. Ask the current player for their next action
b. Apply this action to the board, if it is legal (otherwise, end the game with an
error message)
c. Update the opponent player with the current player’s action
d. Swap the current player and the opponent, and repeat this loop
5. Display the result of the game
To play a game using the referee, you must invoke it as follows:
python white_module black_module
where python is the name of a Python 3.6 interpreter, white_module is the full name of
the module containing the Player class playing as the White player for this game, and
black_module is the full name of the module containing the Player class playing as Black
player for this game.
The referee offers some additional flags. These can be viewed by running:
python –h
Performance constraints
The following constraints will be strictly enforced on your program during testing. This is to
prevent your programs from gaining an unfair advantage by using a large amount of
memory and/or computation time.
• A time limit of 60 seconds per player
• A memory limit of 100MB per player
Please note that these limits apply to each player for an entire game—they do not apply
on a per-turn basis.
Any attempt to circumvent these constraints will not be allowed. For example, your
program must be single threaded, and must run in isolation (without attempting to connect
to any other programs, for example, via the internet, to access additional resources). If you
are not sure as to whether some other technique will be allowed, please seek clarification
Allowed tools
Your Player class implementation may make use of any tools from within the Python
Standard Library (without attempting to circumvent the performance constraints). In
addition, you may use the library of classes available on the AIMA textbook website
(provided you make appropriate acknowledgements that you have used this library).
Furthermore, for this part of the project, your program may also use the non-standard
Python libraries NumPy and SciPy. Beyond these tools, your Player class should not
require any additional tools or libraries to be available in order to play a game.
However, while you are developing your player you may use any third-party tools or
libraries you want. For example, you can use libraries to help you conduct machine
learning (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc.). As long as your Player class does not require
these tools to be available when it plays a game, you can use them freely. If you use any
third-party tools, these should be acknowledged in your comments.txt file.
Part B will be marked out of 22 points, and contribute 22% to your final mark for the
subject. Of the 22 points:
• 4 points will be for the quality of your code: its structure (including good use of
modules, classes, and functions), readability (including good use of code
comments, and meaningful variable names), and documentation (including helpful
docstrings for modules, classes, and important functions and methods).
• 4 points will be for the reliability and correctness of your program. When playing a
game, your Player class should not encounter any runtime errors, it should not
return any illegal actions, and it should not violate the space or time constraints.
• 7 points will be based on the performance of your Player class against a set of
other ‘benchmark’ Player classes. These benchmark players will range in difficulty
from a player who just takes random (legal) actions, to a player using search
techniques discussed in lectures with multiple game-specific optimisations and
• 7 points will be for the ‘creativity’ of your solution. This is a measure of how far
beyond the basic techniques discussed in lectures you have taken your
implementation (to be discussed further in lectures). Note that your comments.txt
file will be an important part of how we assess this component of the project, so
please use it as an opportunity to highlight any creative aspects of your submission.
Please note that even if you don't have a program that works correctly by the time of the
deadline, you should submit anyway. You may be awarded some points for a reasonable
attempt at the project.
Please note that questions and answers pertaining to the project will be available on the
LMS and will be considered as part of the specification for the project.
After submission, we will run a tournament between the players of all groups to find out
which player is the very best, and the top three groups will receive some awards. Your
player’s result in the tournament will not affect your project mark.
Submission instructions
The submission deadline for Project Part B is 4.00pm Friday 11th May 2018.
One submission is required from each group. That is, one group member is responsible for
submitting all of the necessary files that make up your group's solution.
You must submit a single compressed archive file (e.g. a .zip or .tar.gz file) containing
all files making up your submission via the ‘Project Part B Submission’ item in the
‘Assessments’ section of the LMS. This compressed file should contain all Python files
required to run your player, your comments.txt file, and any additional files not directly
related to implementing your Player class.
You can submit as many times as you like before the deadline. The most recent
submission will be marked.
Late submission
Late submissions will incur a penalty of two marks per working day (or part thereof).
If you cannot submit on time, you will be asked to provide a medical
certificate. We will then assess whether an extension is appropriate. Requests for
extensions on medical grounds received after the deadline may be declined.
Note that computer systems are often heavily loaded near project deadlines, and
unexpected network or system downtime can occur. You should plan ahead to avoid
leaving things to the last minute, when unexpected problems may occur. Generally, system
downtime or failure will not be considered as grounds for an extension.
Late submission will be through the same section of the LMS. All late submissions must be
accompanied by an email to let us know that you have made a late submission, and which
submission you want us to mark.
Academic integrity
There should be one submission per group. You are encouraged to discuss ideas with
your fellow students, but your program should be entirely the work of your group. It is not
acceptable to share code between groups, nor to use the code of someone else. You
should not show your code to another group, nor ask another group to look at their code. If
your program is found to be suspiciously similar to someone else's or a third
party's software, or if your submission is found to be the work of a third party, you
may be subject to investigation and, if necessary, formal disciplinary action.
Project plan
In addition to the tasks described above, as part of your project, you and your partner must
create and submit a brief ‘project plan’ describing how you and your partner plan on
working together to complete this part of the project. Specifically, you should include:
• A breakdown of how you plan on sharing the workload of this project between you
and your partner.
• A summary of where and how regularly you plan on communicating about the
project with your partner (e.g. weekly meetings after tutorials, video chat, email).
• A list of upcoming deadlines for work in other subjects between now and the end of
You must submit this document to the ‘Project Plan Submission’ item in the ‘Assignments’
section on the LMS by 4.00pm, Wednesday 18th April 2018.
Teamwork reflection
Each group member will have an opportunity to individually comment on their experience
after the final submission of Project Part B. If you would like to make any comments on
your experience as part of your group in relation to the relative contribution of each group
member, you may individually submit these comments. Note that this reflection should be
completed individually, and is optional (you may choose not to submit a reflection).
If you want to complete a teamwork reflection, submit your comments to the ‘Teamwork
reflection submission (optional)’ item in the ‘Assignments’ section of the LMS before
11.59pm, Sunday 20th May 2018 (the end of week 11).
Teamwork issues
In the unfortunate event that issues arise between you and your partner (such as a
breakdown in communication, a dispute about responsibilities or individual contributions to
the project, or other such issues), and you are unable to resolve these issues yourselves
first, then please contact both Sarah ( and Matt
( via email at the earliest opportunity. Note that it's in
your best interest that any teamwork issues are identified as early as possible, so that we
have a chance to mitigate the effect that it has on your project’s results.
In addition, while completing the project, it is a good idea to keep minutes, brief meeting
notes, or chat logs recording topics discussed at each meeting, and other such documents
related to your work. In the event of a teamwork-related issue, such documents (along with
the project plan and teamwork reflections) will help us to reach a fair resolution.
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