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日期:2018-04-25 02:27


The second assignment is in the same Olympic sports domain as the first assignment. In the second

assignment you will be processing the results data from a set of Olympic events. In this assignment

you can assume that the data is valid, you just need to process it to determine the results for events.


You will need to implement several classes for this program. There are two files for the assignment.

One is entities.py that contains the class definitions for the data entities in the program. The

classes that need to be defined in this file are:

• Athlete – data for one athlete competing at the games.

• Country – data for one country and it’s delegation at the games.

• Event – data for one event at the games.

• Result – data that is one athlete’s result in one event.

• ManagedDictionary – a wrapper class that provides an application specific interface to a

dictionary of items. This is used to create collections that hold all of the athletes, countries

and events in the application. These collection objects are defined globally and are to be

used by your application and will be queried by the automated marking script.

The interfaces for these classes are provided in entities.py and you need to provide the

implementations for these classes. Comments are provided to explain what the methods in these

classes need to do. Do not change the provided interfaces, as they will be used by the automated

marking script. You may add other attributes and methods to these classes as needed for your


There is a function load_data in entities.py that you need to implement to load the data from

files. This function needs to load the data into the all_athletes, all_events and all_countries

ManagedDictionary objects. The logic for loading data may be lengthy, so you may want to create

functions that load a single file and which are called by load_data. As is indicated in the description

of the data, implementation of this function can be delayed until after getting other basic

functionality working.

The other file is processing.py that contains the class definitions for the logical processing of

the application. The classes that need to be defined in this file are:

• ProcessResults – superclass that defines the logic processing interface.

• AthleteResults – provides details of one athlete’s results for all of the events in which they


• EventResults – provides details of the results of all athletes who competed in one event.

• CountryResults – provides a summary of the results of all athletes who competed for one


• DeterminePlaces – determines the place ranking of all athletes who competed in one event.

The ProcessResults superclass is provided in the processing.py file. The ProcessResults class

has two abstract methods. The process method is to be overridden in the subclasses to perform the

type of processing of results that are specific to that subclass. It also keeps track of how many times

any results processing object executes the process method. The get_results method is to be

overridden in the subclasses to return a list of the processed results generated by the process

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018

method. The get_results methods in the subclasses is to raise a ValueError if it is called before the

process method has been called.

You will need to define and implement the other four classes. They should all inherit from

ProcessResults and override its abstract methods. Each of the subclasses that inherit from

ProcessResults are to implement a static method called usage_ratio. This method is to return the

ratio of how often the specific subclass was used to process results in comparison to all of the other

subclasses of ProcessResults. An example is provided of doing this for AthleteResults.

AthleteResults is to obtain the results, for one athlete, in all of the events in which they competed.

The required processing is to sort these results into best to worst order, based on the place the

athlete obtained in each event. If more than one event has the same place, then these should be

ordered by the event name, in ascending alphabetical order. The __init__ method needs to take a

single parameter which is the Athlete object on whom the processing is to occur. The get_results

method is to return a list of Result objects that are ordered according to the logic implemented in

the process method. A partial implementation of the AthleteResults class is provided to help clarify

the details of what needs to be done in the subclasses.

EventResults is to obtain the results of all athletes who competed in the one event. The required

processing is to sort these results into best to worst order, based on the places the athletes

obtained. If there is a tie and multiple athletes have the same place, then these should be ordered

by the athlete’s full name, in ascending alphabetical order. The __init__ method needs to take a

single parameter which is the Event object on which the processing is to occur. The get_results

method is to return a list of Athlete objects that are ordered according to the logic implemented in

the process method.

CountryResults is to obtain a summary of the results of one country’s delegation. The required

processing is to determine how many gold, silver and bronze medals were won by athletes who

competed for the country. It should also be possible to find out how many athletes competed for

the country. The __init__ method needs to take a single parameter which is the Country object on

which the processing is to occur. The get_results method is to return a list where the first list item

is the number of gold medals won by the country, the second is the number of silver medals won,

the third is the number of bronze medals won, and the fourth is the number of athletes who

competed for the country. The CountryResults class also needs to have methods: get_num_gold,

get_num_silver, get_num_bronze and get_num_athletes which return their specific values as ints.

DeterminePlaces is to process the results of all athletes who competed in the one event to

determine their final places. The required processing is to sort the athlete results into best to worst

order, based on the time or score obtained by the athlete. The Event class has an is_timed method

that indicates whether the event results are determined by a time value (in seconds) or a score.

Timed events are won by the lowest time. Scored events are won by the highest score. Once the

results are ordered, the place obtained by each athlete needs to be set in the correct Result object,

catering for potential ties in a place. If there is a tie, the place following the tie skips by the number

of tied athletes. For example, if there are four athletes, and two tied for second place, there would

be athletes who obtained first, second, second and fourth place. The __init__ method needs to take

a single parameter which is the Event object on which the processing is to occur. The get_results

method is to return a list of Athlete objects that are ordered according to the logic implemented in

the process method. If there is a tie and multiple athletes have the same place, then these should

be ordered by the athlete’s full name, in ascending alphabetical order.

You will need to create one or more functions that implement the main driving logic of your

application. You will need to call these in the main block of code, where the demo functions are

currently called.

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018

Class Diagram

The following diagram provides an overview of the entity and logical processing classes in this design

and their relationships. The diagram does not include the ManagedDictionary class.


The data is stored in five comma-separated values (CSV) files. The athletes.csv file contains data

about all the athletes. This file contains four columns:

Data Data Type

Athlete Identifier Integer

Athlete’s First Name String

Athlete’s Surname String

Country Code String

The countries.csv file contains the name and code for each country.

Data Data Type

Country Code String

Country Name String

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018

The events.csv file contains names of the sporting events.

Data Data Type

Event Name String

The timed_event_results.csv file contains data about the results from the sporting events where the

results are based on the time taken to complete the event.

Data Data Type

Athlete Identifier Integer

Event Name String

Time Result Floating Point

The scored_event_results.csv file contains data about the results from the sporting events where

the results are based on the score obtained from the judging of the event.

Data Data Type

Athlete Identifier Integer

Event Name String

Score Floating Point

For the purposes of this assignment the results data files will not contain any results that are DNS,

DNF or PEN. Similarly, you can assume that all athletes who compete in an event will obtain a result.

You will need to consider the dependencies between the objects in the design to correctly load the

data from these five files. When creating an athlete object it needs to know the country for which

the athlete is competing. This means you must load the country_codes.csv file before loading the

athletes.csv file. But, countries need to know the athletes who belong to their delegation, so you

need to add the athlete(s) to their country as you create them. An event also needs to know the

athletes who compete in the event. The results files can only be loaded once you have loaded the

athletes.csv and events.csv files.

Note: To get started on the assignment you can implement your entity and logical processing classes

and test these with objects created in the program. (See the demo functions provided in

processing.py, which provides an example of doing this.) You can get some the program logic

working correctly without loading any data. Once part of your program is working you can then deal

with loading the data.

User Interaction

You may implement a user interface that allows someone to query the program for results. You may

find this convenient for visualising what is happening in your program. This user interface will not

be assessed or contribute to your marks for the assignment. Your assignment will be marked based

on correct functionality, as determined by the automated tests, and by the quality of your



The focus of this assignment is on demonstrating your ability to implement a simple object-oriented

program using objects, classes and inheritance. It is possible to pass the assignment if you only

implement some of the specified functionality. You should design and implement your program in

stages, so that after the first stage you will always have a working previous partial implementation.

In thinking about the stages to implement the program, consider that some features are easier to

implement than others. Focus on getting the easier features working first. You may find

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018

implementing and testing the entity classes easier than the logical processing classes. The logical

processing classes are based on the assumption that DeterminePlaces has already processed its


Dealing with athletes who tie for an event and athletes who have the same place result for different

events is an additional complication to the processing. It is recommended that you get the basic

processing working, assuming that these complications will not occur. Once the basic processing

works you can then deal with the details of ties and athletes who have the same place in different



You must submit your assignment electronically through Blackboard. You need to submit both your

entities.py and processing.py files (use these names – all lower case). You may submit your

assignment multiple times before the deadline – only the last submission will be marked.

Late submission of the assignment will not be accepted. Do not wait until the last minute to submit

your assignment, as the time to upload it may make it late. In the event of exceptional personal or

medical circumstances that prevent you from handing in the assignment on time, you may submit

a request for an extension. See the course profile for details of how to apply for an extension:

Requests for extensions must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the submission deadline. The

expectation is that with less than 48 hours before an assignment is due it should be substantially

completed and submittable. Applications for extension, and any supporting documentation (e.g.

medical certificate), must be submitted via my.UQ. You must retain the original documentation for

a minimum period of six months to provide as verification should you be requested to do so.

Assessment and Marking Criteria

This assignment assesses course learning objectives:

1. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,

2. apply basic object-oriented concepts such as classes, instances and methods,

3. read and analyse code written by others,

4. analyse a problem and design an algorithmic solution to the problem,

5. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program,

6. apply techniques for testing and debugging

Criteria Mark

Programming Constructs

• Program is well structured and readable

• Identifier names are meaningful and informative

• Algorithmic logic is appropriate and uses appropriate constructs

• Methods are well-designed, simple cohesive blocks of logic

• Object usage demonstrates understanding of differences between classes

and instances

• Class implementation demonstrates understanding of encapsulation andinheritance

Sub-Total 6

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018


• Athlete implemented correctly

• Event implemented correctly

• Result implemented correctly

• Country implemented correctly

• AthleteResults implemented correctly

• CountryResults implemented correctly

• EventResults implemented correctly

• DeterminePlaces implemented correctly


• All modules, classes, methods and functions have informative docstring


• Comments are clear and concise, without excessive or extraneous text

• Significant blocks of program logic are clearly explained by comments

Your mark will be limited to a maximum possible value if your program does not execute or crashes

when executing. Your assignment will be limited to a maximum mark of:

• 4, if the program contains syntax or semantic errors that prevent it from executing;

• 5, if the program if none of the required functionality is implemented.

• 5, if the program crashes when executing using programmatically defined objects;

• 6, if the program crashes when executing using the provided data files;

• 7, if the program crashes when executing using other test data files;

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequately tested your program to ensure that it is

working correctly. You are provided with sample data files. These do not cover all possible test cases.

Your submitted assignment will be tested with different data files that will contain other

combinations of data that your program should manage. You should create your own data files to

test all features of your implementation.

In addition to providing a working solution to the assignment problem, the assessment will involve

discussing your code submission with a tutor. This discussion will take place in week 9, in the

practical session to which you have signed up. You must attend that session in order to obtain marks

for the assignment.

In preparation for your discussion with a tutor you may wish to consider:

• any parts of the assignment that you found particularly difficult, and how you overcame

them to arrive at a solution; or, if you did not overcome the difficulty, what you would like

to ask the tutor about the problem;

• whether you considered any alternative ways of implementing a given function;

• where you have known errors in your code, their cause and possible solutions (if known).

It is also important that you can explain to the tutor the details of, and rationale for, your


Marks will be awarded based on a combination of the correctness of your code and on your

understanding of the code that you have written. A technically correct solution will not achieve a

pass mark unless you can demonstrate that you understand its operation.

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2018

A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems in the Python interpreter

please comment out the code causing the issue and we will mark the working code. Python 3.6.4

will be used to test your program. If your program works correctly with an earlier version of Python

but does not work correctly with Python 3.6.4, you will lose at least all of the marks for the

functionality criteria.

Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism. Submitted assignments will be

electronically checked for potential plagiarism.

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