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日期:2024-09-30 08:23


ITMF7.120 Mechatronics in IT

Weighting:10% of final grade

Marks:10 Marks

Learning Outcome:Design and develop a model of a basic mechatronics system

Issue:Week 2

Due Date:29 September 2024 China Time 8:00 PM

The School of Computing has a policy of no late assignments.  However, an assignment handed in up to 24 hours late will be marked.  A deduction of 20% of the total marks available will be made.  Any assignments received more than 24 hours late will not be marked but can be used as evidence of completing terms.


Students are to attempt all tasks. All work submitted must be original and entirely your own work, except where you use ideas, quotations, tables, diagrams, code, or any other material from other writers. In such cases you must acknowledge the source using the APA referencing style. A maximum of 30% of your entire assignment may be cited/quoted material.

Unless you have prior approval from your lecturer, no part of the work submitted may be used as part of any assessed work for any other academic course. All work submitted must be zipped, all work must be of high standards.  

Assignments need to be uploaded on this paper's EIT Online website using the appropriate upload link.

About the tasks and observations


Each of the tasks require you to conduct investigations and write software in various subject areas. Upon carrying out the investigations you may also be required to put some tasks into action where the task may be installing and configuring software components.

For these various tasks you are expected to document the process you followed.

For example, if a task requires you to obtain specific sensor data, you then document the steps/process taken to determine how this was achieved. Should anything happen during this process that does not follow an existing set of instructions or something else happens that requires you to make a note, this is what we call an observation.

Therefore, for each of your tasks you will need to:

Document the activities and observations for each of the Parts.


When you record the activities, make sure you include information such as:

? Date of the activity.

? Configurations and/or settings applied.

? In the case of program code – include the code with comments embedded in the code.

When you record the observation, document them using the following:

? Date of the observation.

? Expected behaviour – What was supposed to happen during the task/process?

? Observed behaviour - What actually happened and what did you do to accommodate the observed behaviour.

Surveillance Robot

EIT Facilities are wanting to install a Surveillance Robot for their top secret office site. The site houses some of the most advanced teaching technologies ever used, unfortunately there have been a few break-in attempts in the evening and employing a full-time security guard would be costly.

EIT has approached your company to develop a proof-of-concept Surveillance Robot. The layout of the office space is shown in the image below. The file/folder is called “officev3” and can be accessed from the assessment tab on Moodle. The start position for your robot is indicated in the image below.


Students should submit their project as zipped file; the zipped file should have the following:

1.Zipped completed project folder with all resources and files used to recreate your project.

2.Video recording of your robot surveillance of the Office building. An office world file will be provided.

3.Readme.txt file providing instructions on how to use your program.

4.Make use of resources from https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations

5.Word document detailing issues, resolutions, and Observations.

6.Project workspace name, project name and node names must all start with your surname_firstname initial (e.g. for a workspace name lengyel_i_ws, for a project name lengyel_i_project and for a node lengyel_i_node)

Part 1– Create a project workspace and package    Total Marks: 10

Create a workspace and a Python package for your project you may need to create additional folders within your project. Things to include in your package.xml and setup.py include file details are:

Package Name



License type

Changes in the Pubsub folder

Submit the Word file with assessment in which you must write how you conducted your assessment. Write this file step by step and also attach/copy-paste the important screenshots of the assessments.

How to Submit your assessment?

1.Please follow the guide to submit the assessment properly.

2.Each assignment will be released on Zoodle at assignment time.

3.Please submit your assignment to me via Zoodle.

4.Assignments should be submitted before the deadline with the file name format:

Step 1: First, create a new folder on any drive with name and ID.

(e.g. Xiaoming Huang 0456781). (Make sure you write the correct ID in the name of the folder)

Step 2: Copy your working folder into this main folder

Step 3: Upload your folder to Zoodle. Do not submit your assessment more than once. And upload the latest and complete version of your assessment.

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