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日期:2024-08-15 10:06

Deep Learning For Business

Assessment 1 Guidelines

Deep Learning for Business Essay


BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 2

Task Description:

The use of deep learning methods and increasingly being adopted across various sectors of the

economy, and as a result, business and society are likely to undergo significant changes.

In a 2000-word essay, explore how business and society are likely to respond to these changes and

what adaptations they may need to make to thrive in this new environment.

Consider both the potential benefits and challenges of deep learning and the ethical considerations

that must be considered.

In your essay, provide specific examples of how deep learning is currently being used in various

industries and speculate on how these applications may evolve in the future.

A1 Marking rubric

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 3

Depth and breadth of research = 80 pts

Required components = 10 pts

Report professionalism, structure and quality = 10 pts

Total = 100 pts

Recommended Report Structure

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 4

1. Title and Introduction

Create a short title that highlights the key point(s) in your essay.

Provide a brief overview of deep learning and its significance in various sectors.

Introduce the purpose and scope of the essay.

2. Business Response to Deep Learning

Explain how businesses are embracing deep learning and its potential impact on


Provide specific examples of how deep learning is currently being used in different


Recommended Report Structure (cont  d)

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 5

3. Adaptations Required by Businesses

Discuss the adaptations businesses may need to make to implement deep learning


Include suggestions on upskilling the workforce and ensuring data security and privacy.

4. Society's Response to Deep Learning

Explore how society is likely to respond to the widespread adoption of deep learning.

Address concerns related to job displacement and access to technology.

5. Ethical Considerations

Discuss the ethical considerations that must be considered when using deep learning.

Provide recommendations on how businesses and society can address biases and

ensure responsible AI deployment.

Recommended Report Structure (cont  d)

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 6

6. Current Applications and Future Speculations

Highlight current use cases of deep learning in various industries.

Speculate on how these applications might evolve in the future.

Support your speculations with emerging trends and technologies in the AI field.

7. Conclusion

Summarise the key points discussed in the essay.

Emphasise the transformative impact of deep learning on business and society.

Provide a forward-looking statement on the future of deep learning and its implications.


BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 7

Research Thoroughly: Start by conducting in-depth research on deep learning, its

applications, benefits, and challenges. Use various credible sources, including academic

papers, industry reports, and news articles.

Incorporate Real-World Examples: Support your arguments with concrete examples of

how deep learning is used in different industries. Use case studies to illustrate its

potential impact on businesses and society.

Balance Pros and Cons: Present a balanced perspective on deep learning by discussing

its potential benefits and challenges. Acknowledge any limitations or ethical concerns

associated with the technology.


BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 8

Structure the Essay Logically: Ensure your essay follows a coherent structure, with each

section logically flowing into the next. Use subheadings to improve readability and


Use Clear and Concise Language: Write clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon and

technical language unless necessary. Aim for clarity and readability.

Cite Sources Properly: Give credit to the authors of your sources by citing them properly

(APA 7th).

Revise and Edit: Before submitting the final essay, thoroughly revise and edit your work

for clarity, coherence, and grammar errors.

Submission Checklist

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Title page including title of the essay, student name and student number, and assignment

word count.

Table of Contents page.

The page number is included as a footer on each page.

Report style format (with subheadings, e.g.,   1.0 Introduction  ) is used.

1.5 spacing, with 2.5cm margins.

Consistent font throughout, including headings.

The essay is within 2,000-word limit (references and appendices are not included in the

word count).

Submission Checklist

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 10

APA 7th referencing is followed consistently across all references (in-text and in the

reference list).

The essay has been proofread and checked for spelling, and grammatical errors.

Understand the marking rubric.

The essay is submitted on time.

Similarity check (via Turnitin) has been reviewed.

The essay is written in English.

Final notes

BSAN3212 - Deep Learning for Business 11

This assignment may require a fair bit of time and effort.

The good news is that spending time on the research now will save you time with your

final assignment (A3  C Deep Learning Project Proposal).


See you next week!


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