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日期:2020-11-28 11:13

Assessment Summary

Title: Project Proposal: Designing a Responsive Web App

(Project 1)

Graded out of: 50 Weight: 30% Group:☐ Individual:☒

Due date: Week 5 11:59 pm on Sunday 29

th of November 2020

Submission: Online:☒ Hardcopy:☐

Instructions: • Students submit using the submission tool located under the week 5 section of Moodle.

• NOTE: students will submit the (design of the project)project proposal in Project 1

assessment and will implement the proposed project in Project 2 assessment. Students

must NOT change their project theme in project 2 after the submission of Project 1

assessment, thus it is mandatory that you read and understand both project 1 and project

2 requirements before you start working on your project 1.

Relevant Content Weeks & ULOs

☒Week 1 ☒Week 2 ☒Week 3 ☒Week 4 ☒Week 5 ☐Week 6

☐Week 7 ☐Week 8 ☐Week 9 ☐Week 10 ☐Week 11 ☐Week 12


Apply knowledge of responsive web analysis

and design skills to create responsive


Apply knowledge of app development

frameworks such as Vue and application

software to create a responsive web app


Develop a portfolio that demonstrates

evidence of emerging skills in web apps

technologies for professional practice.

Summary: In this assessment (Project 1), you will create:

• A proposal for a responsive web project using HTML

• A proof of concept for a responsive web project using HTML and CSS.

In project 2, you will build your final project based on the proposal you are creating in this

assessment (Project 1). To get a clear picture of Project 1 and Project 2 you should read both

assessments’ instructions now (available on Moodle).

The project you propose should demonstrate your understanding of the coding concepts and

skills developed throughout this trimester in a responsive context. The proposed project may

involve implementing algorithms and coding to create a realistic system. You are free to design

and think of imaginative behaviours and actions for the responsiveness in your plan that satisfies

the requirements below in a creative manner.

The project 2 should demonstrate the use of multiple components, composition, reusability,

transitions, rendering, scalling up and animations in a larger system of both autonomous and

interactive web-based application.

The theme of the project is up to the student’s interest. For example, you can create an

educational app/game, health-related app/game, sports app/game, entertainment app/game

etc. Once you decide your project theme, you must get the approval from your lecturer. It is

important to discuss your project theme with your lecturer to check the feasibility of

implementing your proposed project using Vue.js framework within the available time frame.

Required files: Submit a zip file named as ‘SIT120xxxxxxA1-Project1.zip’ (Replace xxxxxx with your student ID).

IT should contain the following folders as shown in the image below.

1. A folder for the project proposal which includes HTML file (In addition, you may require

images and fonts).

2. A folder for the proof of concept which includes HTML and CSS files (In addition, you may

require images and fonts).

Please read the full assignment details as below.

Detailed Summary:

1. Project Proposal

You will create a proposal web document (in HTML file) of no more than 2000 words to describe

and explain the following information clearly and concisely:

• Project summary of the intended product.

• Project purpose, which should include:

o Target audience - identifying the intended users of your responsive web

application/game and why it would appeal to them.

o Creativity - Reasoning of how your project demonstrates creativity in its design and

will provide something new, unexpected or entertaining for the viewer/user.

• Intended behaviour, which should include:

o User stories – Create at least FIVE user stories for your proposed responsive web


o UI/UX design – Create UI/UX design which satisfies the user stories you have

mentioned. Furthermore, add technical details on how these components are going

to behave according to user story requirement.

o Explanation of at least THREE complex components in depth – Provide information

on how your web application will behave when its ready. This may include an

explanation of which of the required “Coding Concepts” will be used for each


• Asset list – Provide a table of the components for each page/screen you will be creating in

your final assessment (Project 2). You should include a description for each asset, including

how they will be used in Project 2(e.g. quantity of each, static or moving, either responsive

or interactive or passive).

• Implementation plan summary, which should include:

o Summary of how the web system will function as a cohesive whole. This should be

supported by diagrams, charts, risk analysis etc that may help explain your system

as easily as possible. For example, you can provide a flowchart with sufficient


o Implementation plan - Provide information on how are you going to complete the

proposed project within the allocated time. For example, you can provide a Gantt

chart with sufficient information about your planning.

2. Proof-of-Concept

Choose one component to be used in your project and demonstrate some aspects of the intended

behaviour by creating a proof-of-concept of the functionality using HTML and CSS. Your code must

include comments which explain the code.

Your HTML and CSS should be carefully designed so that you can reuse the code for other

components (e.g. the use of CSS classes and ids). This will demonstrate your understanding of the

transferability of coding concepts between User stories, UX/UI plans (blueprints/flowcharts), written

code (HTML/CSS) and eventual Vue Blueprints integration for Project 2.


You must submit the zip file to the SIT120 Project 1 submission link available on Moodle under week

5 section, and your submission must include:

1. Project Proposal document as an HTML file(CSS is optional for this part)

2. Proof of concept as an HTML file(HTML and CSS as separate file)

Marking rubric:

To achieve a particular grade, you must meet all criteria for that grade, as per the table below. Each higher grade requires all features of the

previous grade as well.





Project summary

Either absent or missing

significant required


Summary provides general

idea of the intended


Summary provides clear idea

of the intended product.

Summary provides clear and

concise idea of the intended


Summary provides clear and

concise idea of the intended

product using evidences such as

images, charts, diagrams etc.

Project purpose

Either absent or missing

information on target

audience or creativity.

Provides basic

identification of target

audience and creativity.

May be lacking some detail

or a mismatch between

product design and


Identifies target audience and

creativity. May be lacking

some detail but clear evidence

of purpose informing design.

Identifies clear and detailed

target audience and creativity.

Strong evidence of purpose

informing design.

Identifies clear and detailed

target audience and thorough

justification of creativity.

Purpose is highly intertwined

with project design.

Intended behaviour – explanation May be absent or missing

critical information.

Component behaviour is

explained for at least 3

components but may be

somewhat ambiguous or

have some conflicts with



Component behaviour is

explained clearly for at least 3

complex components. May

have some minor conflicts

with algorithm


Component behaviour is

explained clearly between 3

complex and varied

components. No notable

conflicts with algorithm


Interesting component

behaviour is thoroughly

explained between 3 complex

and varied components.

Design is insightful with no

notable conflicts with

algorithm UI/UX/flowcharts.

Intended behaviour – User stories

and UI/UX design

Either absent or missing

critical information.

Provided but may have

some minor omissions or

errors. May be some issues

that would affect


Provided with minimal

omissions or errors. Plans

would generally provide good

functionality and are

communicated well.

Provided with minimal

omissions or errors. Plans

would provide effective

functionality and are

communicated well.

Provided with no notable

omissions or errors. Plans

would provide effective

functionality and are

communicated very


Asset list

Either absent or missing

significant required


Provided lists of assets

without details.

Provided lists of assets with

partial details.

Provided lists of assets with

sufficient asset list.

Provided lists of assets with

highly detailed asset list.

Implementation summary

Either absent or may be

lacking evidence of planning

for components as part of a

larger system.

System summary present

with some planning for

integrating components as

part of a larger system.

May appear somewhat

disjointed and lacking


System summary present with

clear planning for integrating

components as part of a larger

system. Demonstrates simple

connections or interactions

between components.

System summary present with

thorough planning for

integrating components as

part of a larger system.

Demonstrates interesting and

dynamic connections or

interactions between


System summary present with

thorough planning for

integrating components as

part of a larger system.

Demonstrates complex,

interesting and dynamic

connections or interactions

between components that

provide a whole greater than

the sum of its parts.

Communication and presentation

May have numerous and

significant spelling,

grammatical or formatting


Some spelling, grammatical

or formatting errors

throughout. Additional

proof-reading is required.

Some minor spelling,

grammatical or formatting

errors throughout. Some

additional proof-reading is


Very few minor spelling,

grammatical or formatting

errors throughout.

Presentation is professional

and polished.

No notable spelling,

grammatical or formatting

errors. Presentation is

thoroughly professional and


PROOF-OF-CONCEPT (10 points)

Coding concepts May be missing or with

major omissions or errors.

May not clearly

demonstrate any of the

listed components in your

proposal document.

Simple proof-of-concept

functionality provided for

at least 2 codingconcepts

planned as part of the

proposal document. May

have minor errors or not

be fully representative.

Representative proof-ofconcept


for at least 2 coding concepts

planned as part ofthe

proposal document.

Detailed representative proofof-concept


provided for at least 3 coding

concepts planned as part of

the proposal document.

Detailed and highly

representative proof-ofconcept

functionality provided

for at least 4 coding concepts

planned as part of the

proposal document.

Communication & structure Commenting may be

absent. Code may be very

inefficient in structure or

have numerous repetitious,

unfinished or broken


Commenting is present in

although may be simplistic

or used inconsistently.

Code is generally

structured appropriately

but may have some

unfinished elements or

messy formatting.

Commenting is present

throughout and provides

acceptable readability of the

code for someone unfamiliar

with the project. Code is

structured and formatted


Commenting is present and

thorough through and is highly

readable for a user unfamiliar

with the project. Code is

structured well with neat

formatting and clear


Commenting is present,

thorough and sophisticated

throughout without

overwhelming the project.The

code is very easily readablefor

a user unfamiliar with the

project. Code is structured

well with neat formatting and


OTHER FACTORS (5 points)

Creativity & Purpose Does not demonstrate any

type of creativity or any new

idea in the project. May not

be fit for identified target


Demonstrates some

elements of creativity,

although some may not be

fully realised or fit for


Demonstrates creativity in

some aspects of the project

and expands on the new idea.

Design is appropriate for the

target audience.


creativity in most aspects of

the project and clearly

expands upon the new idea

by taking it in a more

creative direction.

Design is effective for the

target audience.

Demonstrates exceptional

creativity in most aspects of

the project and expertly

expands upon the new idea

by taking it in a highly

creative direction as a new

product.Design is deeply

integrated with the target

audience and purpose.


(max: 50 points, converted to 30%)

<25.0 points 25.0 to 29.9 points 30 to 34.9 points 35 to 39.5 points 40 to 50 points

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