Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title: ITC3320 Data Warehousing Technologies
Course Number (CRN): 40376
Term and Year: Spring 2025
Start and End Dates: January 6th, 2025 to April 26th, 2025
Credit Hours: 3.0
Course Format: Online
Location: Online
Meeting Days/Times: Appointment by email
Course Prerequisites
ITC2300 Database Management Systems.
Course Description
Offers students an opportunity to learn how organizations construct and maintain data warehouses built from operational databases. Topics include a comparison of data warehouse architectures, how to build a data warehouse, and how to structure databases for efficient data analysis.
Course Materials
• Database Systems- Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses, Edition 2nd, Nenad Jukić, Susan Vrbsky, Svetlozar Nestorov,bhishek Sharma, ISBN 978-1-943153-68-8 (available at Notheastern University Bookstore)
• Data warehousing Fundamentals (Materials and Notes are provided)
• Other important Data warehousing contents, trends, Driving force for DW, the role of Metadate will be discussed and text will be provided
A Windows 10 virtual environment with all components (MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench) installed will be provided. Students utilize MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench to develop their projects and SQL queries.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO2: Design and test range of information management systems drawing on theories, tools and methods in the field, leading to improved data processing and security.
SAIL Baseline Mapping
Enter 5 for Central, 4 for Significant, 3 for Moderate, 2 for Minimal, 1 for Potential, or 0 for None |
Enter 1 for Passive Engagement, 2 for Active Engagement, or 3 for Generative Engagement |
Social Consciousness & Commitment |
Global Mindset |
Intellectual Agility |
Personal & Professional Effectiveness |
Well- Being |
Level of Engagement |
4 |
4 |
2 |
Refer to SAIL for Web at
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion the course students will have had the opportunity to
• Identify the need for Data Warehousing and the components of its Building Block
• Inspect the relationship between Database and Data warehousing
• Implement NoSQL database and Relational Database
• Demonstrate Planning and project Management and Identify Business requirement
• Construct knowledge of Architecture and Infrastructure of Data Warehouse
• Practice Dimensional Modeling: Data Lage, Snowflake
• Inspect the difference and implementation of Big Data and Data Lake
• Quantify Characteristics of Dimensions and Facts and the Analysis of different schemas
• Design Star Schema and Multi-dimensional cubes.
• Demonstrate skills in moving transactions to warehouses (ETL concepts and tools)
• Evaluate and critique choices made for using different types of Business decision models in responding to a data -oreinted probl em or opportunity and demonstrate decision making skills.
• Demonstrate the use of Statistical Analysis and the tools for data mining.
• Design and implement a small data warehouse
• Workload
o One (1) academic credit requires 50 minutes a week of classroom or faculty instruction and about two hours of out of class student work for a 15-week course; 100 minutes a week of classroom or direct faculty instruction and about 3.5 hours of out of class student work for a 7.5-week course.
o For a three-credit course, students should expect 2.5 hours a week of classroom or faculty instruction and a minimum of 5 hours of out of class student work for a 15-week course; 5 hours of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 10 hours of out of class student work for a 7.5-week course.
o APA citations
Policy on late work
• Each assignment is due at 11:59 pm EST of the date indicated.
• Late assignments will be penalized by 25% for every day they are late. Discussion posts received after their deadline will receive no credit.
• No make-up work (homework, discussion board posts, quizzes, etc) will be permitted.
• Extra credit assignments are not available.
Course Methodology
Each week, you will be expected to:
• Review the week's learning objectives.
• Complete all assigned readings.
• Complete all lecture materials for the week.
• Participate in the Discussion Board.
• Complete and submit all assignments and tests by the due dates.
Participation/Discussion Board [ALL STUDENTS – ALL COURSE DELIVERY MODES]
• At least one Primary response is due by 11:59 pm EST on the Wednesday of each week. This allows ample time to other students to respond and have a discussion during the remainder of the week. Primary response will earn 50% of the available points.
• At least two secondary responses are due by 11:59 pm EST on the Saturday of each week. Your first two secondary response will each earn 25% of the available points.
• Please note that the board will be graded several times during the week. There may be an initial grade posted based only on your initial post. As you make more posts your grade will be adjusted accordingly. Your response must be of substance.
• Please Note: responses such as Yes, NO, I agree, I disagree, or my response is affirmative, or my response is the same as Joe or Sara is not acceptable and earns no points.
To facilitate interaction, students are expected to review the online postings on a regular basis even after they have posted their own minimum required postings. Please treat your classmates and the instructors with the utmost respect. Inappropriate posts will be removed immediately. The instructor reserves the right to penalize students for repeated violations of the participation policy (and/or Academic Integrity Policy) within a course. In the discussion board and in class, high quality contributions advance the class discussions and do not simply summarize the material that was assigned. Quality contributions consider not only the instructor’s questions but also yourclassmates’ contributions. Please be mindful that the Discussion Board is a space for academic exchanges. As a result, students are accountable for using proper and exacting punctuation, spelling, and grammar. In addition, you may be required to reference all outside sources in correct citation format. It is crucial that all participants maintain a high regard for proper decorum in the Discussion Board.
Evaluation Standards
Include Rubrics or statement about the rubrics that will be used to grade assignments, discussion boards, and activities in the course.
94-100% A |
87-89.9% B+ |
77-79.9% C+ |
67-69.99 D+ |
60% or below F |
84-86.9% B |
74-76.9% C |
64-66. 99 D |
90-93.9% A- |
80-83.9% B- |
70-73.9% C- |
60-63. 99 D- |
Grade Breakdown:
Title Description Grade (Pts or %)
1 |
Discussions |
Weekly discussion thread as described above in the Participation/ Discussion Board section of the syllabus |
15% |
2 |
Quizzes |
This will be based on assigned reading |
15% |
3 |
Homework |
The assignments are based on your readings and learning to implement in the design and construction of tasks. |
40% |
4 |
Mid-term Exam |
Based on Assigned reading |
15% |
6 |
Final Exam |
Based on Assigned reading material covered after midterm |
15% |
Total |
100% |
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